;;; $8000..8686: Common to all enemy banks ;;;
;;; $8687..C70F: Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $8687: Initialisation AI - enemy $EC7F (Mother Brain body) ;;;
    ;;; $8705: Initialisation AI - enemy $EC3F (Mother Brain brain) ;;;
    ;;; $873E: Main AI / hurt AI - enemy $EC7F (Mother Brain body) ;;;
    ;;; $8763: Unpause hook - Mother Brain body ;;;
    ;;; $8785: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8786: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $8787: Power bomb reaction - enemy $EC3F/$EC7F (Mother Brain) ;;;
    ;;; $878B: Main AI / hurt AI - enemy $EC3F (Mother Brain brain) ;;;
    ;;; $87A2: Mother Brain brain function - set up brain and neck to be drawn ;;;
    ;;; $87C9: Enemy graphics drawn hook - Mother Brain - draw brain and neck ;;;
    ;;; $87D0: Mother Brain brain function - set up brain to be drawn ;;;
    ;;; $87DD: Enemy graphics drawn hook - Mother Brain - draw brain ;;;
    ;;; $87E1: Mother Brain body function - first phase ;;;
    ;;; $881D..8F8E: Mother Brain - fake death ;;;
        ;;; $881D: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - initial pause ;;;
        ;;; $8829: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - lock Samus and set scroll region ;;;
        ;;; $884D: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - queue Mother Brain music ;;;
        ;;; $886C: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - unlock Samus ;;;
        ;;; $8884: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - begin screen flashing and lower acid ;;;
        ;;; $88B2: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - transition Mother Brain palette to grey ;;;
        ;;; $88D3: Mother Brain body function - fake death - descent - collapse tubes ;;;
        ;;; $88DD: Handle fake death explosions ;;;
        ;;; $8949..8AE4: Mother brain body subfunctions ;;;
            ;;; $8949: Mother brain body subfunction - wait until there are less than 4 enemy projectiles alive and spawn tubes falling enemy 0 ;;;
            ;;; $896E: Mother brain body subfunction - clear bottom-left tube ;;;
            ;;; $8983: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn top-right tube falling enemy projectile ;;;
            ;;; $89A0: Mother brain body subfunction - clear ceiling block column 9 ;;;
            ;;; $89B5: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn top-left tube falling enemy projectile ;;;
            ;;; $89D2: Mother brain body subfunction - clear ceiling block column 6 ;;;
            ;;; $89E7: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn tubes falling enemy 1 ;;;
            ;;; $89FA: Mother brain body subfunction - clear bottom-right tube ;;;
            ;;; $8A0F: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn tubes falling enemy 2 ;;;
            ;;; $8A22: Mother brain body subfunction - clear bottom-middle-left tube ;;;
            ;;; $8A37: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn top-middle-left tube falling enemy projectile ;;;
            ;;; $8A54: Mother brain body subfunction - clear ceiling tube column 7 ;;;
            ;;; $8A69: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn top-middle-right tube falling enemy projectile ;;;
            ;;; $8A86: Mother brain body subfunction - clear ceiling tube column 8 ;;;
            ;;; $8A9B: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn tubes falling enemy 3 ;;;
            ;;; $8AAE: Mother brain body subfunction - clear bottom-middle-right tube ;;;
            ;;; $8AC3: Mother brain body subfunction - spawn tubes falling enemy 4 ;;;
            ;;; $8AD6: Mother brain body subfunction - clear bottom-middle tubes ;;;
        ;;; $8AE5: Mother Brain tubes falling enemy population entries ;;;
        ;;; $8B35..8C86: Mother Brain tubes falling ;;;
            ;;; $8B35: Initialisation AI - enemy $ECFF (Mother Brain tubes falling) ;;;
            ;;; $8B85: Main AI - enemy $ECFF (Mother Brain tubes falling) ;;;
            ;;; $8B88: Mother Brain tubes falling function - non-main tube ;;;
            ;;; $8B9D: Handle falling tube smoke ;;;
            ;;; $8BA6: Explode Mother Brain tube ;;;
            ;;; $8BCB: Mother Brain tubes falling function - main tube - waiting to fall ;;;
            ;;; $8BD6: Mother Brain tubes falling function - main tube - falling ;;;
            ;;; $8C36: Spawn falling tube smoke ;;;
            ;;; $8C69: Instruction list - Mother Brain tubes falling 0 ;;;
            ;;; $8C6F: Instruction list - Mother Brain tubes falling 1 ;;;
            ;;; $8C75: Instruction list - Mother Brain tubes falling 2 ;;;
            ;;; $8C7B: Instruction list - Mother Brain tubes falling 3 ;;;
            ;;; $8C81: Instruction list - Mother Brain tubes falling 4 ;;;
        ;;; $8C87: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows 2/3 ;;;
        ;;; $8C9E: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows 4/5 ;;;
        ;;; $8CB5: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows 6/7 ;;;
        ;;; $8CCC: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows 8/9 ;;;
        ;;; $8CE3: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows Ah/Bh ;;;
        ;;; $8CFA: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - draw room background on BG1 - rows Ch/Dh ;;;
        ;;; $8D11: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - set up Mother Brain phase 2 graphics ;;;
        ;;; $8D49: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - set up Mother Brain phase 2 brain ;;;
        ;;; $8D79: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - pause for suspense ;;;
        ;;; $8D8B: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - prepare Mother Brain for rising ;;;
        ;;; $8DB4: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - load Mother Brain's legs tiles ;;;
        ;;; $8DC3: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - continue pausing for suspense ;;;
        ;;; $8DEC: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - start music and earthquake ;;;
        ;;; $8E4D: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - raise Mother Brain ;;;
        ;;; $8E95: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - wait until Mother Brain has finished uncrouching ;;;
        ;;; $8EAA: Mother Brain body function - fake death - ascent - transition Mother Brain from grey and lower her head ;;;
        ;;; $8EF5: Mother Brain body function - second phase - stretching - shake head menacingly ;;;
        ;;; $8F14: Mother Brain body function - second phase - stretching - bring head back up ;;;
        ;;; $8F33: Mother Brain body function - second phase - stretching - finish stretching ;;;
        ;;; $8F46: Spawn dust clouds for Mother Brain's ascent ;;;
    ;;; $8F8F: Mother Brain fight sprite tile transfer entries ;;;
    ;;; $903F: Set up Mother Brain's neck for fake death ascent ;;;
    ;;; $9072: Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower ;;;
    ;;; $9084: RTS. Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower - movement index = 0: nothing ;;;
    ;;; $9085: Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower - movement index = 2: bob down ;;;
    ;;; $90A2: Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower - movement index = 4: bob up ;;;
    ;;; $90CF: Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower - movement index = 6: lower ;;;
    ;;; $90EC: Handle Mother Brain's neck - lower - movement index = 8: raise ;;;
    ;;; $9109: Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper ;;;
    ;;; $911B: RTS. Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper - movement index = 0: nothing ;;;
    ;;; $911C: Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper - movement index = 2: bob down ;;;
    ;;; $9151: Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper - movement index = 4: bob up ;;;
    ;;; $9176: Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper - movement index = 6: lower ;;;
    ;;; $9193: Handle Mother Brain's neck - upper - movement index = 8: raise ;;;
    ;;; $91B8: Handle Mother Brain's neck ;;;
    ;;; $92AF: Y = Mother Brain brain spritemap pointer ;;;
    ;;; $9303: Draw Mother Brain's neck ;;;
    ;;; $9357: Draw Mother Brain brain ;;;
    ;;; $93BB: Shaking offsets ;;;
    ;;; $93CB: Draw Mother Brain neck segment ;;;
    ;;; $93EE: Add spritemap to OAM ;;;
    ;;; $9466: Calculate Mother Brain rainbow beam HDMA tables ;;;
    ;;; $9472: Palette - enemy $EC3F/$EC7F/$ECFF (Mother Brain) ;;;
    ;;; $9492: Mother Brain palettes ;;;
    ;;; $9552: Move Mother Brain body down by [A], scroll it left by [X] ;;;
    ;;; $9579: Move Mother Brain body down by [A] ;;;
    ;;; $9599: Mother Brain footstep effect ;;;
    ;;; $95B6..972F: Instructions - Mother Brain body ;;;
        ;;; $95B6: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 10px, scroll it left by 4px ;;;
        ;;; $95C0: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 16px, scroll it left by 4px ;;;
        ;;; $95CA: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 12px, scroll it right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $95D4: Unused. Instruction - scroll Mother Brain body right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $95DE: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 12px, scroll it left by 4px ;;;
        ;;; $95E8: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 16px, scroll it right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $95F2: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 10px, scroll it right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $95FC: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 2px and right by 1px ;;;
        ;;; $960C: Instruction - move Mother Brain body right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $961C: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 1px ;;;
        ;;; $9622: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 1px and right by 3px, do footstep effect ;;;
        ;;; $9638: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 2px and right by 15px ;;;
        ;;; $9648: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 4px and right by 6px ;;;
        ;;; $9658: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 4px and left by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $9668: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 2px and left by 1px, do footstep effect ;;;
        ;;; $967E: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 2px and left by 1px, do footstep effect ;;;
        ;;; $9694: Instruction - move Mother Brain body left by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $96A4: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 1px ;;;
        ;;; $96AA: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 1px and left by 3px ;;;
        ;;; $96BA: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 2px and left by 15px, do footstep effect ;;;
        ;;; $96D0: Instruction - move Mother Brain body up by 4px and left by 6px ;;;
        ;;; $96E0: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 4px and right by 2px ;;;
        ;;; $96F0: Instruction - move Mother Brain body down by 2px and right by 1px ;;;
        ;;; $9700: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = standing ;;;
        ;;; $9708: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = walking ;;;
        ;;; $9710: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = crouched ;;;
        ;;; $9718: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = crouching transition ;;;
        ;;; $9720: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = death beam mode ;;;
        ;;; $9728: Instruction - Mother Brain's pose = leaning down ;;;
    ;;; $9730..9AC7: Instruction lists - Mother Brain body ;;;
        ;;; $9730: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking forwards - really fast ;;;
        ;;; $976A: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking forwards - fast ;;;
        ;;; $97A4: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking forwards - medium ;;;
        ;;; $97DE: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking forwards - slow ;;;
        ;;; $9818: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking forwards - really slow ;;;
        ;;; $9852: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking backwards - slow ;;;
        ;;; $988C: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking backwards - really fast ;;;
        ;;; $98C6: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking backwards - fast ;;;
        ;;; $9900: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking backwards - medium ;;;
        ;;; $993A: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - walking backwards - really slow ;;;
        ;;; $9974: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - crouch and then stand up ;;;
        ;;; $99AA: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - standing up after crouching - slow ;;;
        ;;; $99C6: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - standing up after crouching - fast ;;;
        ;;; $99E2: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - standing up after leaning down ;;;
        ;;; $99F2: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - leaning down ;;;
        ;;; $9A02: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - crouched ;;;
        ;;; $9A0A: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - crouch - slow ;;;
        ;;; $9A26: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - crouch - fast ;;;
        ;;; $9A42: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - death beam mode ;;;
    ;;; $9AC8..9B0E: Instructions - Mother Brain body - death beam mode ;;;
        ;;; $9AC8: Instruction - spawn enemy projectile $E509 to offset ([[Y]], [[Y] + 2]) with parameter [[Y] + 4] ;;;
        ;;; $9AEF: Instruction - spawn death beam enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9B05: Instruction - increment Mother Brain death beam attack phase ;;;
    ;;; $9B0F: Instruction - go to [[X]] ;;;
    ;;; $9B14..9F9F: Instruction lists and instructions - Mother Brain brain ;;;
        ;;; $9B14: Instruction - enable Mother Brain neck movement and go to [[X]] ;;;
        ;;; $9B20: Instruction - disable Mother Brain neck movement ;;;
        ;;; $9B28: Instruction - queue sound [[X]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $9B32: Instruction - queue sound [[X]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $9B3C: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain's drool enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9B6D: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain's purple breath - big enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9B77: Instruction - Mother Brain brain main shake timer = 50 ;;;
        ;;; $9B7F: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - stretching - phase 2 ;;;
        ;;; $9BB3: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - stretching - phase 3 ;;;
        ;;; $9BE7: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - hyper beam recoil ;;;
        ;;; $9C13: Instruction list - Mother Brain body - initial (dummy) ;;;
        ;;; $9C19: Unused. Instruction list - Mother Brain brain ;;;
        ;;; $9C21: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - initial ;;;
        ;;; $9C29: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - decapitated ;;;
        ;;; $9C39: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - dying drool ;;;
        ;;; $9C65: Instruction - go to $9C5F or occasionally $9C47 ;;;
        ;;; $9C77: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - firing rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $9C7F: Unused. Instruction list - Mother Brain brain ;;;
        ;;; $9C87: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - neutral - phase 2 ;;;
        ;;; $9CAD: Instruction - likely go to $9C9F ;;;
        ;;; $9CB9: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - neutral - phase 3 ;;;
        ;;; $9D0D: Instruction - likely go to $9CD1 ;;;
        ;;; $9D21: Instruction - go to $9CD1 ;;;
        ;;; $9D25: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - corpse ;;;
        ;;; $9D3D: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - four blue rings - phase 2 ;;;
        ;;; $9D7F: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - two blue rings - phase 2 ;;;
        ;;; $9DB1: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $9DBB: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking Samus - four blue rings - phase 3 ;;;
        ;;; $9DC1: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - four blue rings - phase 3 ;;;
        ;;; $9DF7: Instruction - queue Shitroid attack sound effect ;;;
        ;;; $9E29: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain blue ring enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9E37: Instruction - aim Mother Brain blue rings at Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $9E5B: Instruction - aim Mother Brain blue rings at Samus ;;;
        ;;; $9E77: Aim Mother Brain blue rings ;;;
        ;;; $9EA3: Instruction - increment Mother Brain Shitroid attack counter ;;;
        ;;; $9EB5: Instruction - Mother Brain Shitroid attack counter = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $9EBD: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain bomb enemy projectile with parameter [[X]] ;;;
        ;;; $9ECC: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - bomb - phase 2 ;;;
        ;;; $9F00: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - bomb - phase 3 ;;;
        ;;; $9F34: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - attacking - laser ;;;
        ;;; $9F46: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain laser enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9F6C: Instruction list - Mother Brain brain - charging rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $9F84: Instruction - spawn Mother Brain's rainbow beam charging enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $9F8E: Instruction - set up effects for Mother Brain charging rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $9FA0: Extended spritemap entries - Mother Brain body ;;;
    ;;; $A4AC: Hitboxes - Mother Brain body ;;;
    ;;; $A586: Mother Brain spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $AEE1..B3B5: Mother Brain death sequence ;;;
        ;;; $AEE1: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - move to back of room ;;;
        ;;; $AF12: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - idle whilst exploding ;;;
        ;;; $AF21: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - stumble to middle of room and drool ;;;
        ;;; $AF54: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - disable brain effects ;;;
        ;;; $AF9D: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - set up body fade out ;;;
        ;;; $AFB6: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - fade out body ;;;
        ;;; $B013: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - final few explosions ;;;
        ;;; $B022: Generate smoky explosions around Mother Brain body ;;;
        ;;; $B031: Generate mixed explosions around Mother Brain body ;;;
        ;;; $B03E: Generate explosions around Mother Brain body ;;;
        ;;; $B115: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - realise decapitation ;;;
        ;;; $B12D: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - brain falls to ground ;;;
        ;;; $B15E: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - load corpse tiles ;;;
        ;;; $B173: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - set up fade to grey ;;;
        ;;; $B189: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - fade to grey ;;;
        ;;; $B1B8: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - corpse tips over ;;;
        ;;; $B1D5: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - corpse rots away ;;;
        ;;; $B211: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - 20 frame delay ;;;
        ;;; $B223: Corpse rotting rot entry finished hook - Mother Brain ;;;
        ;;; $B258: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - load escape timer tiles ;;;
        ;;; $B26D: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - start escape sequence ;;;
        ;;; $B2D1: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - spawn time bomb set Japanese text ;;;
        ;;; $B2E3: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - type out Zebes escape text ;;;
        ;;; $B2F9: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - escape door is exploding, start escape timer ;;;
        ;;; $B32A: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - blow up escape door ;;;
        ;;; $B33C: Mother Brain body function - third phase - death sequence - keep earthquake going ;;;
        ;;; $B346: Generate escape door explosion ;;;
        ;;; $B3A3: Explode Mother Brain escape door ;;;
    ;;; $B3B6..B604: Mother Brain contact reactions ;;;
        ;;; $B3B6: Mother Brain / Samus collision detection ;;;
        ;;; $B427: Mother Brain hitbox definitions ;;;
        ;;; $B455: Mother Brain part / Samus collision detection ;;;
        ;;; $B503: Enemy shot - enemy $EC7F (Mother Brain body) ;;;
        ;;; $B507: Enemy shot - enemy $EC3F (Mother Brain brain) ;;;
        ;;; $B562: Mother Brain second/third phase shot reaction ;;;
        ;;; $B58E: Determine Mother Brain shot reaction type ;;;
        ;;; $B5A9: Mother Brain third phase beam shot reaction ;;;
        ;;; $B5C5: RTL. Enemy touch - enemy $EC7F (Mother Brain body) ;;;
        ;;; $B5C6: Enemy touch - enemy $EC3F (Mother Brain brain) ;;;
        ;;; $B5E1: Hurt Samus ;;;
    ;;; $B605..B780: Mother Brain - main second phase ;;;
        ;;; $B605: Mother Brain body function - second phase - thinking ;;;
        ;;; $B64B: Mother Brain body function - second phase - try attack ;;;
        ;;; $B65A: Try Mother Brain phase 2 attack - try attack ;;;
        ;;; $B6E2: Decide Mother Brain phase 2 attack strategy ;;;
        ;;; $B764: Try Mother Brain phase 2 attack - cooldown ;;;
        ;;; $B773: Try Mother Brain phase 2 attack - end attack ;;;
    ;;; $B781..B80D: Mother Brain - firing bomb ;;;
        ;;; $B781: Mother Brain body function - firing bomb - decide on walking ;;;
        ;;; $B7AC: Mother Brain body function - firing bomb - walking backwards ;;;
        ;;; $B7B7: Mother Brain firing bomb - decide on crouching ;;;
        ;;; $B7C6: Mother Brain body function - firing bomb - crouch ;;;
        ;;; $B7CB: Mother Brain firing bomb - fire bomb ;;;
        ;;; $B7E8: Mother Brain body function - firing bomb - fired bomb ;;;
        ;;; $B7F8: Mother Brain body function - firing bomb - stand up ;;;
        ;;; $B7FD: Mother Brain firing bomb - finish firing bomb ;;;
    ;;; $B80E..B87C: Mother Brain - firing laser ;;;
        ;;; $B80E: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing laser - position head quickly ;;;
        ;;; $B839: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing laser - position head slowly and fire ;;;
        ;;; $B863: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing laser - finish attack ;;;
    ;;; $B87D..B8EA: Mother Brain - firing death beam ;;;
        ;;; $B87D: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing death beam ;;;
        ;;; $B88F: Mother Brain second phase - firing death beam - back up ;;;
        ;;; $B8B2: Mother Brain second phase - firing death beam - wait for any active bombs ;;;
        ;;; $B8C8: RTS ;;;
        ;;; $B8C9: Mother Brain second phase - firing death beam - finish ;;;
    ;;; $B8EB..BCCD: Mother Brain - firing rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $B8EB: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - extend neck ;;;
        ;;; $B91A: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - start charging rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $B92B: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - retract neck ;;;
        ;;; $B93F: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - wait for beam to charge ;;;
        ;;; $B951: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - extend neck down ;;;
        ;;; $B975: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - start firing rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $B9E5: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - move Samus towards wall ;;;
        ;;; $BA00: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - 1 frame delay ;;;
        ;;; $BA27: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - start draining Samus ;;;
        ;;; $BA3C: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - draining Samus ;;;
        ;;; $BA5E: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - finish firing rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BAC4: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - let Samus fall ;;;
        ;;; $BAD1: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - wait for Samus to hit ground ;;;
        ;;; $BADD: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - lower head ;;;
        ;;; $BB06: Mother Brain body function - second phase - firing rainbow beam - decide next action ;;;
        ;;; $BB2E: Play Mother Brain rainbow beam sound effect ;;;
        ;;; $BB48: Make Mother Brain walk backwards really slow towards X position [A] and retract head ;;;
        ;;; $BB51: Retract Mother Brain's head ;;;
        ;;; $BB6E: Aim Mother Brain rainbow beam and increase width ;;;
        ;;; $BB82: Aim Mother Brain rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BBB0: Calculate Mother Brain rainbow beam HDMA tables ;;;
        ;;; $BBB5: Move Samus towards wall due to rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BBCF: Move Samus towards middle of wall ;;;
        ;;; $BBE1: Move Samus for falling after rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BBFD: Move Samus vertically towards ceiling/floor ;;;
        ;;; $BC3F: Move Samus horizontally towards wall ;;;
        ;;; $BC76: Handle Mother Brain rainbow beam explosions ;;;
        ;;; $BCC6: Mother Brain body rainbow beam palette animation index = 0 ;;;
    ;;; $BCCE: Write Mother Brain default palette ;;;
    ;;; $BCF6: Write Mother Brain second phase death palette ;;;
    ;;; $BCFD: Handle Mother Brain body rainbow beam palette ;;;
    ;;; $BD1D: Write Mother Brain palette ;;;
    ;;; $BD45..C1CE: Mother Brain - end of second phase cutscene ;;;
        ;;; $BD45: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - get Samus to low health ;;;
        ;;; $BD98: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - stand up ;;;
        ;;; $BDA9: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - admire job well done ;;;
        ;;; $BDC1: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - charge final rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BDD2: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - charge final rainbow beam / load Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $BDED: Mother Brain body function - second phase - finish Samus off - fire final rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BE1B: Spawn Shitroid in cutscene ;;;
        ;;; $BE38: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - taken aback by Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $BE5D: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - regain balance ;;;
        ;;; $BE96: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - firing rainbow beam ;;;
        ;;; $BF0E: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - rainbow beam has run out ;;;
        ;;; $BF41: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - move to back of room ;;;
        ;;; $BF56: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - go into low power mode ;;;
        ;;; $BF7D: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - prepare transition to grey ;;;
        ;;; $BF95: Mother Brain body function - drained by Shitroid - transition to grey ;;;
        ;;; $BFD0: Mother Brain painful walking function - walk forwards  ;;;
        ;;; $BFE8: Mother Brain painful walking function - walking forwards ;;;
        ;;; $C004: Mother Brain painful walking function - walk backwards ;;;
        ;;; $C01C: Mother Brain painful walking function - walking backwards ;;;
        ;;; $C038: Set Mother Brain painful walking function timer ;;;
        ;;; $C059: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - inanimate grey ;;;
        ;;; $C066: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - show signs of life ;;;
        ;;; $C082: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - prepare transition from grey ;;;
        ;;; $C08F: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - transition from grey ;;;
        ;;; $C0BA: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - wake up ;;;
        ;;; $C0E4: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - wake-up stretch ;;;
        ;;; $C0FB: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - walk up to Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $C11E: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - prepare neck for Shitroid murder ;;;
        ;;; $C147: Mother Brain body function - second phase - revive self - finish preparing for Shitroid murder ;;;
        ;;; $C15C: Mother Brain body function - second phase - murder Shitroid - attack Shitroid ;;;
        ;;; $C182: Mother Brain body function - second phase - murder Shitroid - Shitroid attack cooldown ;;;
        ;;; $C18E: Mother Brain body function - second phase - prepare for final Shitroid attack ;;;
        ;;; $C19A: Mother Brain body function - second phase - execute final Shitroid attack ;;;
        ;;; $C1A7: Maybe make Mother Brain stand up or lean down ;;;
    ;;; $C1CF..C3EE: Mother Brain - third phase ;;;
        ;;; $C1CF: Mother Brain body function - third phase - recover from cutscene - make some distance ;;;
        ;;; $C1F0: Mother Brain body function - third phase - recover from cutscene - set up for fighting ;;;
        ;;; $C209: Mother Brain body function - third phase - fighting - main ;;;
        ;;; $C24E: Mother Brain body function - third phase - fighting - attack cooldown ;;;
        ;;; $C25A: Mother Brain third phase walking handler ;;;
        ;;; $C26A: Mother Brain walking function - try to inch forward ;;;
        ;;; $C2B3: Mother Brain walking function - retreat quickly ;;;
        ;;; $C2D2: Mother Brain walking function - retreat slowly ;;;
        ;;; $C2E5: Unused. Mother Brain walking function - crouch ;;;
        ;;; $C2F9: Unused. Mother Brain walking function - crouching ;;;
        ;;; $C30B: Unused. Mother Brain walking function - stand up ;;;
        ;;; $C313: Set Mother Brain walking function to try to inch forward ;;;
        ;;; $C327: Mother Brain third phase neck handler ;;;
        ;;; $C330: Mother Brain neck function - normal ;;;
        ;;; $C354: Mother Brain neck function - set up recoil recovery ;;;
        ;;; $C37B: Mother Brain neck function - recoil recovery ;;;
        ;;; $C395: Mother Brain neck function - set up hyper beam recoil ;;;
        ;;; $C3CD: Mother Brain neck function - hyper beam recoil ;;;
    ;;; $C3EF: Move enemy according to enemy velocity ;;;
    ;;; $C42D: Set Mother Brain body instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $C43A: Set Mother Brain brain unused instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $C447: Set Mother Brain brain instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $C453: Set enemy instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $C460: A = sin([$12] * pi / 80h) * ±[A] ;;;
    ;;; $C465: A = cos([$12] * pi / 80h) * ±[A] ;;;
    ;;; $C46C: A = sin([A] * pi / 80h) * ±[Y] ;;;
    ;;; $C48E: Unused. Enemy X position += [A] / 100h ;;;
    ;;; $C4A9: Enemy Y position += [A] / 100h ;;;
    ;;; $C4C4: Decrement ammo due to rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $C546: Handle playing gaining/losing incremental health sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $C560: Damage Samus due to Shitroid ;;;
    ;;; $C57D: Damage Samus due to rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $C59F: Heal Samus due to Shitroid ;;;
    ;;; $C5BE: Process sprite tiles transfers ;;;
    ;;; $C601: Make Mother Brain walk forwards ;;;
    ;;; $C62A: Unused. Make Mother Brain walk backwards ;;;
    ;;; $C647: Make Mother Brain walk backwards ;;;
    ;;; $C670: Make Mother Brain stand up ;;;
    ;;; $C68E: Make Mother Brain crouch ;;;
    ;;; $C6A3: Make Mother Brain lean down ;;;
    ;;; $C6B8: Handle Mother Brain walking ;;;
;;; $C710..CFD3: Shitroid in cutscene ;;;
    ;;; $C710: Initialisation AI - enemy $ECBF (Shitroid in cutscene) ;;;
    ;;; $C779: Main AI - enemy $ECBF (Shitroid in cutscene) ;;;
    ;;; $C79C: Handle Shitroid flashing ;;;
    ;;; $C7B7: Handle playing Shitroid cry ;;;
    ;;; $C7CC: Shitroid function - dash onto screen ;;;
    ;;; $C7EC: Shitroid function - curve towards Mother Brain brain ;;;
    ;;; $C811: Shitroid function - get right up in Mother Brain's face ;;;
    ;;; $C851: Shitroid function - latch onto Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $C879: Shitroid function - set Mother Brain to stumble back ;;;
    ;;; $C889: Shitroid function - activate rainbow beam and Mother Brain body ;;;
    ;;; $C8E2: Shitroid function - wait for Mother Brain to turn to corpse ;;;
    ;;; $C915: Shitroid function - stop draining ;;;
    ;;; $C94B: Shitroid function - let go and spawn dust clouds ;;;
    ;;; $C959: Shitroid function - move up to ceiling ;;;
    ;;; $C98C: Spawn three dust clouds on Mother Brain brain ;;;
    ;;; $C9AA: Spawn dust cloud at Mother Brain brain position offset by ([A], [$14]) ;;;
    ;;; $C9C3: Shitroid function - move to Samus ;;;
    ;;; $CA24: Shitroid movement table - ceiling -> Samus ;;;
    ;;; $CA66: Shitroid function - latch onto Samus ;;;
    ;;; $CA7A: Shitroid function - heal Samus up to full health ;;;
    ;;; $CABD: Shitroid function - idle until run out of health ;;;
    ;;; $CB13: Shitroid function - release Samus ;;;
    ;;; $CB2D: Shitroid function - stare down Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $CB56: Shitroid function - fly off-screen ;;;
    ;;; $CB7B: Shitroid function - move to final charge start position ;;;
    ;;; $CBB3: Shitroid function - initiate final charge ;;;
    ;;; $CBD8: Shitroid function - final charge ;;;
    ;;; $CC3E: Shitroid function - Shitroid takes fatal blow ;;;
    ;;; $CC60: Shitroid function - play Samus theme ;;;
    ;;; $CC7F: Shitroid function - prepare Samus for hyper beam acquisition ;;;
    ;;; $CC99: Shitroid function - death sequence ;;;
    ;;; $CCC0: Shitroid function - unload Shitroid tiles ;;;
    ;;; $CCDE: Shitroid function - let Samus rainbow some more ;;;
    ;;; $CCF0: Shitroid function - finish cutscene ;;;
    ;;; $CD27: Handle Samus rainbow palette animation ;;;
    ;;; $CD30: Samus rainbow palette function - activate rainbow when enemy is low enough ;;;
    ;;; $CD4B: Samus rainbow palette function - gradually slow animation down ;;;
    ;;; $CD69: Fade Shitroid to black ;;;
    ;;; $CDB1: Handle Shitroid death explosions ;;;
    ;;; $CE24: Handle enemy blinking ;;;
    ;;; $CE40: Accelerate Shitroid downwards ;;;
    ;;; $CE69: Handle Shitroid health-based palette ;;;
    ;;; $CEDB: Shake Shitroid ;;;
    ;;; $CF03: Enemy touch - enemy $ECBF (Shitroid in cutscene) ;;;
    ;;; $CF31: Update Shitroid speed and angle ;;;
    ;;; $CFA2: Instruction list - Shitroid - initial ;;;
    ;;; $CFB4: Instruction - go to $CFA2 ;;;
    ;;; $CFB8: Instruction list - Shitroid - draining Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $CFCA: Instruction - go to $CFB8 ;;;
    ;;; $CFCE: Instruction list - Shitroid - took fatal blow ;;;
;;; $CFD4..D307: Mother Brain palette handling ;;;
    ;;; $CFD4: Process Mother Brain invincibility palette ;;;
    ;;; $CFFD: Begin screen flashing ;;;
    ;;; $D00C: End screen flashing ;;;
    ;;; $D01C: Handle room palette ;;;
    ;;; $D025: Write room palette ;;;
    ;;; $D046: Room palette instruction list - first phase ended ;;;
    ;;; $D082: Room palettes - first phase ended ;;;
    ;;; $D142: Unused. Set invalid room palette instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $D151: Unused. Set invalid room palette instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $D160: Unused. Handle Mother Brain's palette ;;;
    ;;; $D192: Handle room palette instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $D1E4: Handle Mother Brain's palette ;;;
    ;;; $D1F8: Set up Mother Brain brain normal palette ;;;
    ;;; $D1FF: Set up Mother Brain brain palette for charging her laser ;;;
    ;;; $D206: Handle Mother Brain brain palette ;;;
    ;;; $D2E4: Write [A] colours from [DB]:[Y] to colour index [X] ;;;
    ;;; $D2F6: Write [A] colours from [DB]:[Y] to target colour index [X] ;;;
;;; $D308..EEBE: Dead monsters / corpse handling ;;;
    ;;; $D308..D7B5: Torizo corpse ;;;
        ;;; $D308: Initialisation AI - enemy $ED3F (torizo corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D368: Main AI - enemy $ED3F (torizo corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D39A: Enemy graphics drawn hook - torizo corpse ;;;
        ;;; $D3AD: Torizo corpse function - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $D3C8: Torizo corpse function - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $D3E6: Torizo corpse function - rotting ;;;
        ;;; $D42A: Power bomb reaction - enemy $ED3F (torizo corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D433: Enemy touch / enemy shot - enemy $ED3F (torizo corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D443: Torizo corpse / Samus collision detection ;;;
        ;;; $D4CF: Process torizo corpse corpse rotting VRAM transfers ;;;
        ;;; $D5BD: Corpse rotting rot entry finished hook - torizo corpse ;;;
        ;;; $D5EA: Copy line of sand heap tile data ;;;
        ;;; $D6BC: Palette - enemy $ED3F (torizo corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D6DC: Instruction list - torizo corpse ;;;
        ;;; $D6E2: Torizo corpse spritemaps ;;;
        ;;; $D77C: Torizo corpse hitbox definition ;;;
    ;;; $D7B6..DB11: Dead monsters AI ;;;
        ;;; $D7B6: Initialisation AI - enemy $ED7F/$EDBF (sidehopper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D7C4: Sidehopper corpse initialisation - enemy parameter 1 = 0 (initially alive) ;;;
        ;;; $D825: Sidehopper corpse initialisation - enemy parameter 1 = 2 (initially dead) ;;;
        ;;; $D849: Initialisation AI - enemy $EDFF (zoomer corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D876: Initialisation AI - enemy $EE3F (ripper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D89F: Initialisation AI - enemy $EE7F (skree corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D8CC: Power bomb reaction - enemy $ED7F (sidehopper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $D8DB: Main AI / hurt AI - enemy $ED7F/$EDBF/$EDFF/$EE3F/$EE7F (dead monsters) ;;;
        ;;; $D8E2: Sidehopper corpse function - alive - waiting for activation ;;;
        ;;; $D8F1: Sidehopper corpse function - hopping ;;;
        ;;; $D910: Sidehopper corpse function - start idling ;;;
        ;;; $D91D: Sidehopper corpse function - idling ;;;
        ;;; $D961: Sidehopper corpse movement ;;;
        ;;; $D9C7: Sidehopper corpse horizontal movement ;;;
        ;;; $DA08: Sidehopper corpse function - being drained ;;;
        ;;; $DA63: RTS ;;;
        ;;; $DA64: Sidehopper corpse function - dead - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $DA69: Zoomer corpse function - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $DA6E: Skree corpse function - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $DA73: Ripper corpse function - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $DA76: Dead monsters shared AI - wait for Samus collision ;;;
        ;;; $DA8F: Sidehopper corpse function - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $DA94: Zoomer corpse function - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $DA99: Ripper corpse function - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $DA9E: Skree corpse function - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $DAA1: Dead monsters shared AI - pre-rot delay ;;;
        ;;; $DABA: Sidehopper corpse function - rotting ;;;
        ;;; $DAD0: Zoomer corpse function - rotting ;;;
        ;;; $DAE6: Ripper corpse function - rotting ;;;
        ;;; $DAFC: Skree corpse function - rotting ;;;
    ;;; $DB12: Process corpse rotting ;;;
    ;;; $DBE0: Copy/move corpse rotting rot entry ;;;
    ;;; $DC08: Corpse rotting rot entry finished hook - normal ;;;
    ;;; $DC40: Initialise corpse rotting data table ;;;
    ;;; $DC5F: Initialise enemy corpse rotting ;;;
    ;;; $DCB9: Process corpse rotting VRAM transfers ;;;
    ;;; $DCED..DD57: Dead monster contact reactions ;;;
        ;;; $DCED: Power bomb reaction - enemy $EDFF (zoomer corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DCF8: Enemy touch / enemy shot - enemy $EDFF (zoomer corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DCFD: Power bomb reaction - enemy $EE3F (ripper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DD08: Enemy touch / enemy shot - enemy $EE3F (ripper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DD0D: Power bomb reaction - enemy $EE7F (skree corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DD18: Enemy touch / enemy shot - enemy $EE7F (skree corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DD1D: Enemy shot - enemy $ED7F (sidehopper corpse) ;;;
        ;;; $DD31: Sidehopper corpse contact reaction - rottable ;;;
        ;;; $DD34: Dead enemies shared contact reaction ;;;
        ;;; $DD44: Enemy touch - enemy $ED7F (sidehopper corpse) ;;;
    ;;; $DD58: Corpse rotting definitions ;;;
    ;;; $DE18..E0DF: Corpse rotting initialisation functions ;;;
        ;;; $DE18: Corpse rotting initialisation function - torizo ;;;
        ;;; $DEC1: Corpse rotting initialisation function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $DF08: Corpse rotting initialisation function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $DF4F: Corpse rotting initialisation function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $DF6C: Corpse rotting initialisation function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $DF89: Corpse rotting initialisation function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $DFA6: Corpse rotting initialisation function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $DFC3: Corpse rotting initialisation function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $DFE0: Corpse rotting initialisation function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E019: Corpse rotting initialisation function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E052: Corpse rotting initialisation function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $E08B: Corpse rotting initialisation function - Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $E0E0: Corpse rotting VRAM transfer definitions ;;;
    ;;; $E226: Corpse rotting tile row offsets ;;;
    ;;; $E272..EBAB: Corpse rotting rot entry copy/move functions ;;;
        ;;; $E272: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - torizo ;;;
        ;;; $E38B: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - torizo ;;;
        ;;; $E468: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E4F5: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E564: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E5F6: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E66A: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E6B9: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E6F6: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E745: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E782: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $E7D1: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $E80E: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E85D: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E89A: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E8E9: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E926: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E95B: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E984: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E9B9: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $E9E2: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $EA17: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - skree - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $EA40: Corpse rotting rot entry move function - Mother Brain ;;;
        ;;; $EB0B: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function - Mother Brain ;;;
    ;;; $EBAC: Palette - enemy $EDBF (sidehopper, part 2) ;;;
    ;;; $EBCC: Palettes - sidehopper corpse being drained ;;;
    ;;; $ECAC..ED24: Dead monster instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $ECAC: Instruction list - sidehopper corpse - alive - hopping ;;;
        ;;; $ECD0: Instruction - end hop ;;;
        ;;; $ECE3: Instruction list - sidehopper corpse - alive - idle ;;;
        ;;; $ECE9: Instruction list - sidehopper corpse - alive - corpse ;;;
        ;;; $ECEF: Instruction list - sidehopper corpse - dead ;;;
        ;;; $ECF5: Instruction list - zoomer corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $ECFB: Instruction list - zoomer corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $ED01: Instruction list - zoomer corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
        ;;; $ED07: Instruction list - ripper corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $ED0D: Instruction list - ripper corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $ED13: Instruction list - skree corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 0 ;;;
        ;;; $ED19: Instruction list - skree corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 2 ;;;
        ;;; $ED1F: Instruction list - skree corpse - enemy parameter 1 = 4 ;;;
    ;;; $ED25: Dead monster spritemaps ;;;
;;; $EEBF: Unused. A = [Y] / [A] ;;;
;;; $EED1..FB6F: Shitroid ;;;
    ;;; $EED1: Check for enemy collision with enemy ;;;
    ;;; $EF06: Check for enemy collision with rectangle ;;;
    ;;; $EF37: Initialisation AI - enemy $EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EFBA: Power bomb reaction - enemy $EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EFC5: Main AI - enemy $EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EFDF: Shitroid function - disappeared ;;;
    ;;; $EFE6: Shitroid function - wait for camera ;;;
    ;;; $F02B: Shitroid function - let sidehopper live for a bit ;;;
    ;;; $F037: Shitroid function - queue battle music ;;;
    ;;; $F049: Shitroid function - rush to middle of room ;;;
    ;;; $F06D: Shitroid function - rush to sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $F094: Shitroid function - latch onto sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $F0E6: Shitroid function - draining sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $F125: Shitroid function - make sidehopper rottable ;;;
    ;;; $F138: Shitroid function - move up and unlock camera ;;;
    ;;; $F180: Shitroid function - stare down Samus ;;;
    ;;; $F1FA: Shitroid function - latch onto Samus ;;;
    ;;; $F20E: Shitroid function - start draining Samus ;;;
    ;;; $F21B: Shitroid function - draining Samus ;;;
    ;;; $F2A2: Shitroid function - start heel realisation ;;;
    ;;; $F2AE: Shitroid function - heel realisation ;;;
    ;;; $F2C0: Shitroid function - back off guiltily ;;;
    ;;; $F2FB: Shitroid function - go left guiltily ;;;
    ;;; $F324: Shitroid function - go right guiltily ;;;
    ;;; $F360: Shitroid function - flee remorsefully ;;;
    ;;; $F36D: Shitroid function - fleeing ;;;
    ;;; $F3A3: Shitroid function - Samus recovering ;;;
    ;;; $F3BE: Shitroid function - remorse ;;;
    ;;; $F3C4: Make Shitroid flee ;;;
    ;;; $F3CB: Signal Shitroid to leave ;;;
    ;;; $F3D4: Gradually accelerate towards Samus ;;;
    ;;; $F451: Gradually accelerate towards point - $1A = 400h ;;;
    ;;; $F458: Gradually accelerate towards point - $1A = 4 ;;;
    ;;; $F45F: Gradually accelerate towards point - $1A = 8 ;;;
    ;;; $F466: Gradually accelerate towards point - $1A = 10h ;;;
    ;;; $F46B: Gradually accelerate towards point ;;;
    ;;; $F4E6: Gradually accelerate horizontally ;;;
    ;;; $F56A: Gradual acceleration divisor table ;;;
    ;;; $F57A: Check if enemy is vaguely on screen ;;;
    ;;; $F5A6: Accelerate Shitroid towards point ;;;
    ;;; $F5B5: Accelerate Shitroid towards Y position ;;;
    ;;; $F615: Accelerate Shitroid towards X position ;;;
    ;;; $F677: Handle normal Shitroid palette ;;;
    ;;; $F683: Handle Shitroid in cutscene palette - normal ;;;
    ;;; $F68F: Handle Shitroid in cutscene palette - low health ;;;
    ;;; $F699: Handle Shitroid palette ;;;
    ;;; $F6D1: Shitroid colours - normal ;;;
    ;;; $F711: Shitroid colours - low health ;;;
    ;;; $F751: Handle Shitroid cry sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $F789: Enemy touch - enemy $EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $F842: Enemy shot - enemy $EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $F8A6: Palette - enemy $ED7F/$EDFF/$EE3F/$EE7F (dead monsters) ;;;
    ;;; $F8C6: Palette - Shitroid's sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $F8E6: Palette - enemy $ECBF/$EEBF (Shitroid) ;;;
    ;;; $F906: Instruction list - finish draining ;;;
    ;;; $F90E: Instruction list - normal ;;;
    ;;; $F920: Instruction - go to $F90E ;;;
    ;;; $F924: Instruction list - latched on ;;;
    ;;; $F936: Instruction - go to $F924 ;;;
    ;;; $F93A: Instruction list - remorse ;;;
    ;;; $F990: Instruction - go to $F93A ;;;
    ;;; $F994: Instruction - go to [[Y]] or queue Shitroid feels remorse sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $F9A8: Shitroid spritemaps ;;;
;;; $FB70: Free space ;;;