;;; $8000..8287: Layer blending ;;;
    ;;; $8000: Layer blending handler ;;;
    ;;; $8074: RTS. Layer blending configuration 0/2 ;;;
    ;;; $8075: Initialise layer blending ;;;
    ;;; $8090: Layer blending configuration 4 ;;;
    ;;; $8099: Unused. Layer blending configuration 6 ;;;
    ;;; $80A2: Layer blending configuration 8 ;;;
    ;;; $80AB: Layer blending configuration Ah ;;;
    ;;; $80B0: Layer blending configuration Ch ;;;
    ;;; $80B7: RTS. Layer blending configuration Eh ;;;
    ;;; $80B8: Layer blending configuration 10h/12h ;;;
    ;;; $80C5: Layer blending configuration 14h/22h ;;;
    ;;; $80CA: Layer blending configuration 16h ;;;
    ;;; $80D9: Layer blending configuration 1Ah ;;;
    ;;; $80E8: Layer blending configuration 1Ch ;;;
    ;;; $80F5: Layer blending configuration 18h/1Eh/30h ;;;
    ;;; $810C: RTS. Layer blending configuration 20h ;;;
    ;;; $810D: Layer blending configuration 26h ;;;
    ;;; $8112: Layer blending configuration 28h ;;;
    ;;; $812A: Layer blending configuration 2Ah ;;;
    ;;; $8142: Layer blending configuration 2Ch ;;;
    ;;; $8145: Layer blending configuration 2Eh ;;;
    ;;; $814A: Layer blending configuration 32h ;;;
    ;;; $8153: Layer blending configuration 34h ;;;
    ;;; $8156: Layer blending configuration 24h ;;;
    ;;; $817B: Handle layer blending x-ray - can show blocks ;;;
    ;;; $81A4: Handle layer blending x-ray - can't show blocks ;;;
    ;;; $81DB: Handle layer blending x-ray - fireflea room ;;;
    ;;; $81FE: Handle layer blending power bomb ;;;
    ;;; $8219: Handle layer blending power bomb configuration 0/2 ;;;
    ;;; $823E: Handle layer blending power bomb configuration 4 ;;;
    ;;; $8263: Handle layer blending power bomb configuration 6 ;;;
;;; $8288: Enable HDMA objects ;;;
;;; $8293: Disable HDMA objects ;;;
;;; $829E: Wait until the end of a v-blank and clear (H)DMA enable flags ;;;
;;; $82AC: Delete HDMA objects ;;;
;;; $82C1: Initialise special effects for new room ;;;
;;; $83E2..84B8: Spawn HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $83E2: Unused. Spawn HDMA object on HDMA channel 2 ;;;
    ;;; $83F6: Unused. Spawn HDMA object on HDMA channel 6 ;;;
    ;;; $840A: Spawn HDMA object on HDMA channel 7 ;;;
    ;;; $841B: Spawn HDMA object to slot [X] (hardcoded parameters) ;;;
    ;;; $8435: Spawn HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $8477: Spawn HDMA object to slot [X] (variable parameters) ;;;
;;; $84B9: HDMA object handler (also handle music queue) ;;;
;;; $851C: HDMA object instruction handler ;;;
;;; $8569..868B: Instructions ;;;
    ;;; $8569: Instruction - delete ;;;
    ;;; $8570: Instruction - pre-instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8584: Unused. Instruction - clear pre-instruction ;;;
    ;;; $858B: Unused. Instruction - call function [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $859D: Unused. Instruction - call function [[Y]] with A = [[Y] + 2] ;;;
    ;;; $85B4: Instruction - call external function [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $85CD: Unused. Instruction - call external function [[Y]] with A = [[Y] + 3] ;;;
    ;;; $85EC: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $85F1: Unused. Instruction - go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8607: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $860F: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $8616: Unused. Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8622: Unused. Instruction - HDMA control = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8637: Unused. Instruction - HDMA target = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $864C: Unused. Instruction - HDMA table pointer = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8655: Instruction - HDMA table bank = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $866A: Instruction - indirect HDMA data bank = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $867F: Unused. Instruction - skip next instruction ;;;
    ;;; $8682: Instruction - sleep ;;;
;;; $868C: Raise/lower FX ;;;
;;; $86EF..8AA3: X-ray ;;;
    ;;; $86EF: Pre-instruction - x-ray - main ;;;
    ;;; $8732: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 0 (no beam) ;;;
    ;;; $8753: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8754: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 1 (beam is widening) ;;;
    ;;; $87AB: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 2 (full beam) ;;;
    ;;; $87C5: Handle moving x-ray up/down ;;;
    ;;; $87E0: Move x-ray up ;;;
    ;;; $8835: Move x-ray down ;;;
    ;;; $8896: Calculate x-ray HDMA data table ;;;
    ;;; $8934: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 3 (deactivate beam - restore BG2 - first half) ;;;
    ;;; $89BA: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 4 (deactivate beam - restore BG2 - second half) ;;;
    ;;; $8A08: Handle x-ray scope - x-ray state = 5 (deactivate beam - finish) ;;;
;;; $8AA4..A61A: Power bomb ;;;
    ;;; $8AA4: Spawn power bomb explosion ;;;
    ;;; $8ACE: Instruction list - power bomb explosion window 2 left position ;;;
    ;;; $8B14: Power bomb explosion - stage 1 setup (pre-explosion - white) ;;;
    ;;; $8B32: Power bomb explosion - stage 2 setup (pre-explosion - yellow) ;;;
    ;;; $8B39: Power bomb explosion - stage 3 setup (explosion - yellow) ;;;
    ;;; $8B47: Power bomb explosion - stage 4 setup (explosion - white) ;;;
    ;;; $8B4E: Power bomb explosion - clean up and try crystal flash ;;;
    ;;; $8B80: Instruction list - power bomb explosion window 2 right position ;;;
    ;;; $8B8F: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - set layer blending window 2 configuration ;;;
    ;;; $8B96: Power bomb stage 5 HDMA object timer ;;;
    ;;; $8B98: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - stage 5 - after-glow ;;;
    ;;; $8BEA: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is left of screen ;;;
    ;;; $8C12: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is on screen ;;;
    ;;; $8C3A: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is right of screen ;;;
    ;;; $8C62: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA object table pointers ;;;
    ;;; $8CC6: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is left of screen ;;;
    ;;; $8D04: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is on screen ;;;
    ;;; $8D46: Calculate power bomb explosion HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is right of screen ;;;
    ;;; $8D85: Power bomb explosion colours ;;;
    ;;; $8DE5: Power bomb explosion initial radius speed ;;;
    ;;; $8DE7: Power bomb explosion radius acceleration ;;;
    ;;; $8DE9: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - stage 3 - explosion - yellow ;;;
    ;;; $8EB2: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - stage 4 - explosion - white ;;;
    ;;; $8F56: Calculate power bomb pre-explosion HDMA object table pointers ;;;
    ;;; $8FBA: Unused. Calculate power bomb related HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is left of screen ;;;
    ;;; $8FF8: Unused. Calculate power bomb related HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is on screen ;;;
    ;;; $903A: Unused. Calculate power bomb related HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is right of screen ;;;
    ;;; $9079: Power bomb pre-explosion colours ;;;
    ;;; $90A9: Unused. Power bomb explosion related colours ;;;
    ;;; $90D9: Unused ;;;
    ;;; $90DB: Power bomb pre-explosion initial radius speed ;;;
    ;;; $90DD: Power bomb pre-explosion radius acceleration ;;;
    ;;; $90DF: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - stage 1 - pre-explosion - white ;;;
    ;;; $91A8: Pre-instruction - power bomb explosion - stage 2 - pre-explosion - yellow ;;;
    ;;; $9246: Power bomb explosion shape definitions tables - pre-scaled ;;;
    ;;; $9F06: Power bomb pre-explosion shape definition tables - pre-scaled ;;;
    ;;; $A206: Free space ;;;
    ;;; $A266: Power bomb explosion shape definition table - unscaled ;;;
    ;;; $A2A6: Spawn crystal flash HDMA objects ;;;
    ;;; $A2BD: Instruction list - crystal flash window 2 left position ;;;
    ;;; $A2E4: Crystal flash - setup (1/2) ;;;
    ;;; $A309: Crystal flash - setup (2/2) ;;;
    ;;; $A317: Crystal flash - clean up ;;;
    ;;; $A32A: Instruction list - crystal flash window 2 right position ;;;
    ;;; $A339: Pre-instruction - crystal flash - custom layer blending window 2 configuration ;;;
    ;;; $A35D: Pre-instruction - crystal flash - stage 2 - after-glow ;;;
    ;;; $A3B7: Unused. Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is left of screen ;;;
    ;;; $A3DF: Unused. Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is on screen ;;;
    ;;; $A407: Unused. Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - pre-scaled - power bomb is right of screen ;;;
    ;;; $A42F: Calculate crystal flash HDMA object table pointers ;;;
    ;;; $A493: Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is left of screen ;;;
    ;;; $A4D1: Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is on screen ;;;
    ;;; $A513: Calculate crystal flash HDMA data tables - scaled - power bomb is right of screen ;;;
    ;;; $A552: Pre-instruction - crystal flash - stage 1 - explosion ;;;
;;; $A61B..B057: FX type 20h/22h: scrolling sky / unused ;;;
    ;;; $A61B: FX type 22h: unused ;;;
    ;;; $A643: Pre-instruction - FX type 22h BG3 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $A66C: Instruction - HDMA object phase increase timer = 1 ;;;
    ;;; $A673: Pre-instruction - FX type 22h BG3 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $A786: Calculate FX type 22h indirect HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $A7D8: FX type 20h: scrolling sky / room setup ASM: scrolling sky land ;;;
    ;;; $A800: Room setup ASM: scrolling sky ocean ;;;
    ;;; $A81C: Calculate FX type 22h BG3 Y scroll HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $A8C4: Damage Samus if she is in the top row ;;;
    ;;; $A8DA: Unused table ;;;
    ;;; $A8E8: FX type 22h repeating BG3 strips table ;;;
    ;;; $A938: FX type 22h BG3 X scroll HDMA data ;;;
    ;;; $AD38: RTL. Pre-instruction - FX type 22h BG1 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD39: Instruction list - FX type 22h BG1 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD4E: Instruction list - FX type 22h BG3 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD63: Instruction list - FX type 22h BG3 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD76: Instruction list - scrolling sky land BG2 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD89: Instruction list - scrolling sky ocean BG2 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $AD9C: Scrolling sky land chunk pointers ;;;
    ;;; $ADA6: Scrolling sky ocean chunk pointers ;;;
    ;;; $ADB2: Pre-instruction - scrolling sky land BG2 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $ADBA: Pre-instruction - scrolling sky ocean BG2 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $ADC2: Handle scrolling sky BG2 X scroll HDMA tables ;;;
    ;;; $AF8D: Room main ASM - scrolling sky land ;;;
    ;;; $AF99: Room main ASM - scrolling sky ocean ;;;
    ;;; $AFA3: Room main ASM - scrolling sky ;;;
;;; $B058..B11D: FX type 24h: fireflea ;;;
    ;;; $B058: Fireflea flashing shades ;;;
    ;;; $B070: Fireflea darkness shades ;;;
    ;;; $B07C: FX type 24h: fireflea ;;;
    ;;; $B0AC: Instruction list - fireflea BG3 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $B0BC: Pre-instruction - fireflea BG3 X scroll ;;;
;;; $B11E..B21C: Unused expanding and contracting effect ;;;
    ;;; $B11E: Unused. Spawn expanding and contracting effect HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $B16C: Instruction list - expanding and contracting effect BG2 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $B17F: Pre-instruction - expanding and contracting effect BG2 Y scroll ;;;
;;; $B21D: Handle earthquake sound effect ;;;
;;; $B278: RTL. FX type: none ;;;
;;; $B279..D864: Liquids ;;;
    ;;; $B279: FX type 2: lava ;;;
    ;;; $B2A1: FX type 4: acid ;;;
    ;;; $B2C9: Handle tide ;;;
    ;;; $B341: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $B342: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $B343..C3FE: Lava/acid ;;;
        ;;; $B343: FX rising function - lava/acid - normal ;;;
        ;;; $B367: FX rising function - lava/acid - wait to rise ;;;
        ;;; $B382: FX rising function - lava/acid - rising ;;;
        ;;; $B3A1: Lava sound effects ;;;
        ;;; $B3A9: Instruction - lava sound timer = 70h ;;;
        ;;; $B3B0: Pre-instruction - lava/acid BG3 Y scroll ;;;
        ;;; $B48E: Unused ;;;
        ;;; $B4CE: Instruction - HDMA object phase decrease timer = 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B4D5: Pre-instruction - lava/acid BG2 Y scroll ;;;
        ;;; $B51D: Set up lava/acid BG2 Y scroll data table - not wavy ;;;
        ;;; $B53B: Set up lava/acid BG2 Y scroll data table - horizontally wavy ;;;
        ;;; $B5A9: Set up lava/acid BG2 Y scroll data table - vertically wavy ;;;
        ;;; $B62A: Indirect HDMA table - lava/acid BG3 Y scroll ;;;
        ;;; $BDB1: Unused. Indirect HDMA table ;;;
        ;;; $C0B1: Indirect HDMA table - lava/acid BG2 Y scroll ;;;
        ;;; $C3E1: Instruction list - lava/acid BG3 Y scroll ;;;
        ;;; $C3F0: Instruction list - lava/acid BG2 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $C3FF..D864: Water ;;;
        ;;; $C3FF: FX type 6: water ;;;
        ;;; $C428: FX rising function - water - normal ;;;
        ;;; $C44C: FX rising function - water - wait to rise ;;;
        ;;; $C458: FX rising function - water - rising ;;;
        ;;; $C467: Instruction - HDMA object phase increase timer = 1 ;;;
        ;;; $C46E: Wave displacement table - water ;;;
        ;;; $C48E: Pre-instruction - water BG3 X scroll ;;;
        ;;; $C582: Instruction - HDMA object phase increase timer = 1 ;;;
        ;;; $C589: Pre-instruction - water BG2 X scroll ;;;
        ;;; $C5E4: Set up water BG2 X scroll data table - wavy ;;;
        ;;; $C636: Set up water BG2 X scroll data table - not wavy ;;;
        ;;; $C645: Indirect HDMA table - water BG3 X scroll ;;;
        ;;; $CF46: Indirect HDMA table - water BG2 X scroll ;;;
        ;;; $D847: Instruction list - water BG2 X scroll ;;;
        ;;; $D856: Instruction list - water BG3 X scroll ;;;
;;; $D865..DD: BG3 scroll HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $D865: Spawn BG3 scroll HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $D86E: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $D86F: Indirect HDMA table - BG3 scroll ;;;
    ;;; $D8D0: Instruction list - BG3 scroll ;;;
;;; $D8DE..D927: FX type 28h: Ceres Ridley ;;;
    ;;; $D8DE: FX type 28h: Ceres Ridley ;;;
    ;;; $D8EF: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $D8F0: Indirect HDMA table - Ceres Ridley mode and BG tile size ;;;
    ;;; $D8FD: HDMA table - Ceres Ridley main screen layers ;;;
    ;;; $D906: Instruction list - Ceres Ridley mode and BG tile size ;;;
    ;;; $D916: Instruction - video mode for HUD and floor = 1 ;;;
    ;;; $D91D: Instruction list - Ceres Ridley main screen layers ;;;
;;; $D928..4F: FX type 2Ah: Ceres elevator ;;;
    ;;; $D928: FX type 2Ah: Ceres elevator ;;;
    ;;; $D931: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $D932: Indirect HDMA table - Ceres elevator mode and BG tile size ;;;
    ;;; $D939: Instruction list - Ceres elevator mode and BG tile size ;;;
    ;;; $D949: Instruction - video mode for HUD = 1 ;;;
;;; $D950..DA10: FX type Ah: rain ;;;
    ;;; $D950: FX type Ah: rain ;;;
    ;;; $D96C: Instruction list - rain BG3 scroll ;;;
    ;;; $D981: Instruction - HDMA object BG3 X velocity = randomly ±400h/±600h ;;;
    ;;; $D99A: Unused. Indirect HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $D9A1: Pre-instruction - rain BG3 scroll ;;;
;;; $DA11..DB07: FX type 8: spores ;;;
    ;;; $DA11: FX type 8: spores ;;;
    ;;; $DA2D: Instruction list - spores BG3 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DA40: Unused. Indirect HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $DA47: Pre-instruction - spores BG3 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DA9F: Unused. Handle spores waviness ;;;
;;; $DB08..89: FX type Ch: fog ;;;
    ;;; $DB08: FX type Ch: fog ;;;
    ;;; $DB19: Instruction list - fog BG3 scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DB2E: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $DB2F: Unused. Indirect HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $DB36: Pre-instruction - fog BG3 scroll ;;;
;;; $DB8A..DD31: FX type 26h: Tourian entrance statue ;;;
    ;;; $DB8A: FX type 26h: Tourian entrance statue ;;;
    ;;; $DBCB: Set Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DBD7: Pre-instruction - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll - wait for locks to be released ;;;
    ;;; $DC23: Pre-instruction - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll - descent delay ;;;
    ;;; $DC69: Pre-instruction - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll - descending ;;;
    ;;; $DCBA: Pre-instruction - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll - enable scrolling ;;;
    ;;; $DCCB: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if entrance to Tourian is unlocked ;;;
    ;;; $DCFA: Instruction list - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DD28: Indirect HDMA table - Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll ;;;
;;; $DD32..DDC6: Bomb Torizo haze ;;;
    ;;; $DD32: Spawn Bomb Torizo haze ;;;
    ;;; $DD43: Pre-instruction - Bomb Torizo haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour ;;;
    ;;; $DD4A: Instruction list - Bomb Torizo haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - green and red components ;;;
    ;;; $DD61: HDMA table - nothing ;;;
    ;;; $DD62: Instruction list - Bomb Torizo haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - blue component ;;;
    ;;; $DD74: HDMA table - nothing ;;;
    ;;; $DD75: HDMA table - Bomb Torizo haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - green and red components ;;;
    ;;; $DDA6: HDMA table - Bomb Torizo haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - blue component ;;;
;;; $DDC7..DF33: FX type 2Ch: Ceres haze ;;;
    ;;; $DDC7: FX type 2Ch: Ceres haze ;;;
    ;;; $DDE2: Unused. Set Ceres haze pre-instruction for no fade ;;;
    ;;; $DDE8: Unused. Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - no fade ;;;
    ;;; $DE10: Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - Ceres Ridley alive ;;;
    ;;; $DE15: Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - Ceres Ridley dead ;;;
    ;;; $DE18: Set up Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour HDMA object pre-instruction for fading in ;;;
    ;;; $DE2D: Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - fading in ;;;
    ;;; $DE74: Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - faded in ;;;
    ;;; $DE96: Pre-instruction - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - fading out ;;;
    ;;; $DED3: Instruction list - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - Ceres Ridley not dead ;;;
    ;;; $DEEA: Empty HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $DEEB: Instruction list - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour - Ceres Ridley dead ;;;
    ;;; $DF02: Empty HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $DF03: Indirect HDMA table - Ceres haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour ;;;
;;; $DF34..E025: Draygon main screen layers ;;;
    ;;; $DF34: Spawn Draygon main screen layers HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $DF3D: Unused ;;;
    ;;; $DF46: Unused ;;;
    ;;; $DF4F: Instruction list - Draygon main screen layers - initial ;;;
    ;;; $DF5F: Instruction list - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around middle of screen ;;;
    ;;; $DF65: Instruction list - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around bottom of screen ;;;
    ;;; $DF6B: Instruction list - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around top of screen ;;;
    ;;; $DF71: Instruction list - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is off-screen ;;;
    ;;; $DF77: Instruction list - unused BG3 Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $DF91: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $DF92: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $DF93: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $DF94: Pre-instruction - Draygon main screen layers ;;;
    ;;; $E007: HDMA table - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around middle of screen ;;;
    ;;; $E00C: HDMA table - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around bottom of screen ;;;
    ;;; $E013: HDMA table - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is around top of screen ;;;
    ;;; $E01A: HDMA table - Draygon main screen layers - Draygon is off-screen ;;;
    ;;; $E01F: HDMA table - unused BG3 Y scroll ;;;
;;; $E026..E448: Suit pickup ;;;
    ;;; $E026: Pre-instruction - varia suit pickup ;;;
    ;;; $E05C: Pre-instruction - gravity suit pickup ;;;
    ;;; $E092: Suit pickup stage 0 - light beam appears ;;;
    ;;; $E0D7: Suit pickup stage 1 - light beam widens - linear ;;;
    ;;; $E113: Suit pickup stage 2 - light beam widens - curved ;;;
    ;;; $E1BA: Suit pickup stage 4 - light beam shrinks ;;;
    ;;; $E22B: Suit pickup stage 5 - light beam dissipates ;;;
    ;;; $E258: Varia suit pickup stage 6 ;;;
    ;;; $E25F: Gravity suit pickup stage 6 ;;;
    ;;; $E2B4: Advance suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop transition to white ;;;
    ;;; $E2F9: Advance suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop transition to orange ;;;
    ;;; $E320: Varia suit pickup stage 3 - give Samus varia suit ;;;
    ;;; $E361: Gravity suit pickup stage 3 - give Samus gravity suit ;;;
    ;;; $E3A2: Advance suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop transition to blue ;;;
    ;;; $E3C9: Suit pickup light beam curve widths ;;;
;;; $E449: Pre-instruction - Phantoon semi-transparency ;;;
;;; $E487..E71D: Wavy Phantoon ;;;
    ;;; $E487: Spawn wavy Phantoon HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $E4A8: Instruction list - wavy Phantoon BG2 X scroll ;;;
    ;;; $E4BD: Instruction - set up wavy Phantoon ;;;
    ;;; $E567: Pre-instruction - wavy Phantoon ;;;
;;; $E71E..E747: Mother Brain rising HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $E71E: Spawn Mother Brain rising HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $E727: Instruction list - Mother Brain rising main screen layers ;;;
    ;;; $E73D: HDMA table - Mother Brain rising main screen layers ;;;
;;; $E748..E8D8: Mother Brain rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $E748: Spawn Mother Brain rainbow beam HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $E751: Instruction list - Mother Brain rainbow beam window 1 position ;;;
    ;;; $E767: Initialise rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $E7BC: Pre-instruction - Mother Brain rainbow beam ;;;
    ;;; $E7ED: Set rainbow beam colour math subscreen backdrop colour ;;;
;;; $E8D9..EB57: Morph ball eye beam ;;;
    ;;; $E8D9: Spawn morph ball eye beam HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $E8EC: Instruction list - window 1 position - morph ball eye beam ;;;
    ;;; $E917: Instruction - initialise morph ball eye beam HDMA ;;;
    ;;; $E987: Update morph ball eye beam HDMA data table and colour math subscreen backdrop colour ;;;
    ;;; $E9E6: Pre-instruction - morph ball eye beam HDMA - beam is widening ;;;
    ;;; $EA3C: Pre-instruction - morph ball eye beam HDMA - full beam ;;;
    ;;; $EACB: Pre-instruction - morph ball eye beam HDMA - deactivate beam ;;;
;;; $EB58..EBEF: Title sequence gradient ;;;
    ;;; $EB58: Spawn title sequence gradient HDMA objects ;;;
    ;;; $EB73: Instruction list - colour math subscreen backdrop colour - title sequence gradient ;;;
    ;;; $EB85: Instruction list - colour math control register B - title sequence gradient ;;;
    ;;; $EB95: HDMA table - colour math control register B - title sequence gradient ;;;
    ;;; $EB9F: Instruction - set up title sequence gradient HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $EBB0: Pre-instruction - colour math subscreen backdrop colour - title sequence gradient ;;;
    ;;; $EBD2: Pre-instruction - colour math control register B - title sequence gradient ;;;
;;; $EBF0..EC3A: Intro cutscene cross-fade ;;;
    ;;; $EBF0: Spawn intro cutscene cross-fade HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $EC03: Instruction list - intro cutscene cross-fade ;;;
    ;;; $EC13: HDMA table - intro cutscene cross-fade colour math control register B ;;;
    ;;; $EC1D: Pre-instruction - intro cutscene cross-fade ;;;
;;; $EC3B..EE31: Wavy Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EC3B: Spawn wavy Samus HDMA object ;;;
    ;;; $EC8A: Instruction list - wavy Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EC9F: Instruction - set up wavy Samus ;;;
    ;;; $ECB6: Pre-instruction - wavy Samus ;;;
;;; $EE32: Free space ;;;