;;; $8000: Set up PPU for title sequence ;;;
;;; $80DA: Set up PPU for intro ;;;
;;; $819B: Set up PPU for Ceres cutscene ;;;
;;; $8230: Set up PPU for Samus goes to Zebes cutscene ;;;
;;; $8293: Set up PPU for Zebes destruction ;;;
;;; $833A: Unused. Set up PPU for Zebes destruction space view ;;;
;;; $83D3: Set up PPU for credits ;;;
;;; $8488: Unused. Debug. Modify mode 7 transformation and BG1 position with controller ;;;
;;; $8518: Handle mode 7 transformation matrix and BG1 position - no rotation ;;;
;;; $8532: Handle mode 7 transformation matrix and BG1 position ;;;
;;; $858F: $2A.$2C = ±[$26] * ±[$28] / 10000h (16-bit signed multiplication) ;;;
;;; $85EE: $2A.$2C = [$26] * [$28] / 10000h (16-bit unsigned multiplication) ;;;
;;; $8666: Handle fading in ;;;
;;; $866B: Activate title sequence blue light ;;;
;;; $8682: Deactivate title sequence blue light ;;;
;;; $8697: Debug. Display version info ;;;
;;; $87A0..8A51: Cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $87A0: Update 32x30 cinematic BG tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $87D3: Update Samus eyes tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $8806: Update 32x32 cinematic BG tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $8839: Process cinematic BG object indirect instruction ;;;
    ;;; $8849: Indirect instruction function - nothing ;;;
    ;;; $884D: Indirect instruction function - draw text character [[Y] + 4] ;;;
    ;;; $88B7: Indirect instruction function - draw the [[Y] + 3] x [[Y] + 2] region with tilemap values at [Y] + 4 to text tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $88FD: Indirect instruction function - draw the [[Y] + 3] x [[Y] + 2] region with tilemap values at [Y] + 4 to BG2 ;;;
    ;;; $8943: X = $16 = tilemap offset for tile ([$12], [$13]) ;;;
    ;;; $896B: Unused. Indirect instruction function - draw the [[Y] + 3] x [[Y] + 2] region with tilemap values at [Y] + 4 to mode 7 tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $89CF: Unused. Indirect instruction function - draw the [[Y] + 3] x [[Y] + 2] region with column-major tilemap values at [Y] + 4 to mode 7 tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $8A2C: Unused. $16 = mode 7 tilemap offset for tile ([$12], [$13]) ;;;
;;; $8A52: Calculate position of Samus in rotating elevator room ;;;
;;; $8AD9: Calculate position of projectile in rotating elevator room ;;;
;;; $8B66: Calculate position of Ceres steam in rotating elevator room ;;;
;;; $8BE9..8D22: Palette cross-fading ;;;
    ;;; $8BE9: Copy current palettes to fading palettes ;;;
    ;;; $8C09: Decompose palette data for fading ;;;
    ;;; $8C5E: Clear [Y] colours starting from colour index [X] ;;;
    ;;; $8C83: Fade out [Y] colours starting from colour index [X] ;;;
    ;;; $8CB2: Fade in [Y] colours starting from colour index [X] ;;;
    ;;; $8CEA: Compose fading palettes ;;;
;;; $8D23: Load Japanese intro text tiles ;;;
;;; $8DE6: Transfer Japanese text tiles to VRAM ;;;
;;; $8E0D: Handle Samus during intro ;;;
;;; $8E2D: Draw intro sprites ;;;
;;; $8E52: Unused. Calculate X/Y components of radius [A] angle [Y] ;;;
;;; $8EA3: A = [$18] * sin([X] / 2 * pi / 80h) ;;;
;;; $8ED9: Move unused sprites off-screen ;;;
;;; $90B8: Advance fast screen fade out ;;;
;;; $90D5: Advance slow screen fade out ;;;
;;; $9100: Advance fast screen fade in ;;;
;;; $911B: Advance slow screen fade in ;;;
;;; $9146: Initialise IO registers and display Nintendo logo ;;;
;;; $936B: Add Nintendo boot logo spritemap to OAM ;;;
;;; $938A..94E0: Cinematic sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $938A: Spawn cinematic sprite object [Y] ;;;
    ;;; $93A2: Spawn cinematic sprite object [Y] to index [$12] ;;;
    ;;; $93AC: Spawn cinematic sprite object [X] to index [Y] ;;;
    ;;; $93D9: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $93DA: Clear cinematic sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $93EF: Handle cinematic sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $9409: Process cinematic sprite object instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $9438..94E0: Cinematic sprite object instructions ;;;
        ;;; $9438: Instruction - delete ;;;
        ;;; $9442: Unused. Instruction - sleep ;;;
        ;;; $944C: Instruction - pre-instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $9457: Unused. Instruction - clear pre-instruction ;;;
        ;;; $9460: Unused. Instruction - call external function [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $947E: Unused. Instruction - call external function [[Y]] with A = [[Y] + 3] ;;;
        ;;; $94A2: Unused. Instruction - go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $94BC: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $94C3: Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
        ;;; $94CD: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
        ;;; $94D6: Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
;;; $94E1: Unused. RTS ;;;
;;; $94E4..95A1: Mode 7 objects ;;;
    ;;; $94E4: Spawn mode 7 object ;;;
    ;;; $951D: Handle mode 7 objects ;;;
    ;;; $9537: Process mode 7 object instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $956B: Instruction - delete ;;;
    ;;; $9572: Unused. Instruction - pre-instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $957D: Unused. Instruction - clear pre-instruction ;;;
    ;;; $9586: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $958D: Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $9597: Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
;;; $95A2..9742: Cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $95A2: Enable cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $95AD: Disable cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $95B8: Enable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
    ;;; $95C3: Disable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
    ;;; $95CE: Clear cinematic BG objects, cinematic BG tilemap = [A] ;;;
    ;;; $95F0: Spawn cinematic BG object ;;;
    ;;; $962F: Handle cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $9659: Process cinematic BG object instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $9698..9742: Cinematic BG object instructions ;;;
        ;;; $9698: Instruction - delete ;;;
        ;;; $96A3: Unused. Instruction - sleep ;;;
        ;;; $96AE: Unused. Instruction - pre-instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $96B9: Unused. Instruction - clear pre-instruction ;;;
        ;;; $96C2: Unused. Instruction - call external function [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $96E0: Unused. Instruction - call external function [[Y]] with A = [[Y] + 3] ;;;
        ;;; $9704: Unused. Instruction - go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $971E: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $9725: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
        ;;; $972F: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
        ;;; $9738: Unused. Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
;;; $9743: Unused. RTS ;;;
;;; $9746: Draw cinematic sprite objects - intro/title sequence ;;;
;;; $9799: Draw cinematic sprite objects - ending/credits ;;;
;;; $97F7: Spawn text glow object ;;;
;;; $9828: Handle text glow objects ;;;
;;; $9849: Process text glow object ;;;
;;; $98E3..9A21: Credits object ;;;
    ;;; $98E3: Enable credits object ;;;
    ;;; $98EE: Disable credits object ;;;
    ;;; $98F9: Clear credits object, cinematic BG tilemap = [A] ;;;
    ;;; $9932: Spawn credits object ;;;
    ;;; $9955: Handle credits object ;;;
    ;;; $996A: Process credits object instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $99C1: Copy credits row to cinematic BG tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $99FE: Instruction - delete ;;;
    ;;; $9A06: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $9A0D: Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $9A17: Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
;;; $9A22..A35A: Title sequence ;;;
    ;;; $9A22: Game state 1 - title sequence ;;;
    ;;; $9A47: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $9A48: Skip to title screen check ;;;
    ;;; $9A6C: Skip to title screen handler ;;;
    ;;; $9A83: Skip to title screen handler - 1 (fade out) ;;;
    ;;; $9A9C: Skip to title screen handler - 2 (prepare title screen) ;;;
    ;;; $9B1A: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A119 (Super Metroid title logo - immediate) ;;;
    ;;; $9B2D: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A11F (unused. Nintendo boot logo - immediate) ;;;
    ;;; $9B40: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A125 (Nintendo copyright - immediate) ;;;
    ;;; $9B53: Skip to title screen handler - 3 (fade in) ;;;
    ;;; $9B68: Cinematic function - title sequence - setup ;;;
    ;;; $9B87: Load title sequence graphics ;;;
    ;;; $9CBC: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A0EF ('1994' scrolling text) ;;;
    ;;; $9CCF: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $A0EF ('1994' scrolling text) ;;;
    ;;; $9CDE: Unused. REP #$20 ;;;
    ;;; $9CE1: Instruction - trigger title sequence scene 0 ;;;
    ;;; $9D17: Cinematic function - title sequence - scene 0 - panning left - lower ;;;
    ;;; $9D4A: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A0F5 ('NINTENDO' scrolling text) ;;;
    ;;; $9D5D: Instruction - trigger title sequence scene 1 ;;;
    ;;; $9D90: Cinematic function - title sequence - scene 1 - panning left - upper ;;;
    ;;; $9DC3: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A0FB ('PRESENTS' scrolling text) ;;;
    ;;; $9DD6: Instruction - trigger title sequence scene 2 ;;;
    ;;; $9E12: Cinematic function - title sequence - scene 2 - panning down ;;;
    ;;; $9E45: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A101 ('METROID 3' scrolling text) ;;;
    ;;; $9E58: Instruction - trigger title sequence scene 3 ;;;
    ;;; $9E8B: Cinematic function - title sequence - scene 3 - zooming out ;;;
    ;;; $9EB3: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A107 (Super Metroid title logo - fade in) ;;;
    ;;; $9ECD: Instruction - fade in Nintendo copyright ;;;
    ;;; $9ED6: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A10D (unused. Nintendo boot logo - fade in) ;;;
    ;;; $9EF0: Instruction - use palette 0 and fade in Nintendo copyright ;;;
    ;;; $9EFF: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $A113 (Nintendo copyright - fade in) ;;;
    ;;; $9F19: Instruction - start demo countdown ;;;
    ;;; $9F28: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $9F29: Cinematic function - title sequence - title screen ;;;
    ;;; $9F52: Cinematic function - title sequence - transition to file select menu ;;;
    ;;; $9FAE: Cinematic function - title sequence - transition to demos ;;;
    ;;; $A00A: Configure title screen gradient HDMA table ;;;
    ;;; $A03B: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $A03C: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $A03D..A0EE: Cinematic sprite object instruction lists - title sequence ;;;
        ;;; $A03D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A0EF ('1994' scrolling text) ;;;
        ;;; $A055: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A0F5 ('NINTENDO' scrolling text) ;;;
        ;;; $A079: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A0FB ('PRESENTS' scrolling text) ;;;
        ;;; $A09D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A101 ('METROID 3' scrolling text) ;;;
        ;;; $A0C5: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A107 (Super Metroid title logo - fade in) ;;;
        ;;; $A0CB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A119 (Super Metroid title logo - immediate) ;;;
        ;;; $A0D3: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A10D (unused. Nintendo boot logo - fade in) ;;;
        ;;; $A0D9: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A11F (unused. Nintendo boot logo - immediate) ;;;
        ;;; $A0E1: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A113 (Nintendo copyright - fade in) ;;;
        ;;; $A0E7: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $A125 (Nintendo copyright - immediate) ;;;
    ;;; $A0EF: Cinematic sprite object definitions - title sequence ;;;
    ;;; $A12B..A35A: Title sequence baby metroid ;;;
        ;;; $A12B: Mode 7 object instruction list - title sequence baby metroid ;;;
        ;;; $A25B: Instruction - play baby metroid cry 1 ;;;
        ;;; $A263: Instruction - play baby metroid cry 2 ;;;
        ;;; $A26B: Instruction - play baby metroid cry 3 ;;;
        ;;; $A273: Instruction - load baby metroid colours 0 ;;;
        ;;; $A284: Instruction - load baby metroid colours 1 ;;;
        ;;; $A295: Instruction - load baby metroid colours 2 ;;;
        ;;; $A2A6: Instruction - load baby metroid colours 3 ;;;
        ;;; $A2B7: Title sequence baby metroid colours ;;;
        ;;; $A337: Mode 7 transfer data - title sequence baby metroid ;;;
        ;;; $A355: Mode 7 object - title sequence baby metroid ;;;
;;; $A35B..D442: Intro / Ceres cutscene ;;;
    ;;; $A35B: Game state 1Eh/22h/25h (intro / Ceres goes boom, Samus goes to Zebes / Ceres goes boom with Samus) ;;;
    ;;; $A38F: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $A390..BC9F: Intro ;;;
        ;;; $A390: RTS. Cinematic function - page 6 drawn ;;;
        ;;; $A391: Cinematic function - nothing ;;;
        ;;; $A395: Cinematic function - intro - initial ;;;
        ;;; $A5A7: Cinematic function - intro - wait for music queue and fade in ;;;
        ;;; $A5BD: Cinematic function - intro - handle drawing initial Japanese text and wait 60 frames ;;;
        ;;; $A5F8: Cinematic function - intro - play "the last Metroid is in captivity" music for 200 frames ;;;
        ;;; $A613: Cinematic function - intro - queue "the galaxy is at peace" music ;;;
        ;;; $A639: Cinematic function - intro - wait for music queue and wait 240 frames ;;;
        ;;; $A64C: Cinematic function - intro - fade out ;;;
        ;;; $A663: Cinematic function - intro - wait for fade out ;;;
        ;;; $A66F: Cinematic function - intro - set up intro text page 1 ;;;
        ;;; $A82B: Cinematic function - intro - wait for music queue, fade in and spawn intro text page 1 ;;;
        ;;; $A84A: Cinematic function - intro - wait for fade in ;;;
        ;;; $A856: Clear English text tilemap ;;;
        ;;; $A86A: Blank out Japanese text tiles ;;;
        ;;; $A8C1: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE6D (intro text caret) ;;;
        ;;; $A8D4: RTS. Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE6D (intro text caret) ;;;
        ;;; $A8D5: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE5B (metroid egg) ;;;
        ;;; $A8E8: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE5B (metroid egg) ;;;
        ;;; $A903: Pre-instruction - metroid egg - delete after cross-fade ;;;
        ;;; $A918: Instruction - spawn metroid egg particles ;;;
        ;;; $A958: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CECD/$CED3/$CED9/$CEDF/$CEE5/$CEEB (metroid egg particle) ;;;
        ;;; $A994: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CECD/$CED3/$CED9/$CEDF/$CEE5/$CEEB (metroid egg particle) ;;;
        ;;; $AA9A: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEF1 (metroid egg slime drops) ;;;
        ;;; $AAB3: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CEF1 (metroid egg slime drops) ;;;
        ;;; $AD55: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE61 (baby metroid being delivered) ;;;
        ;;; $AD68: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE61 (baby metroid being delivered) ;;;
        ;;; $AD93: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE67 (baby metroid being examined) ;;;
        ;;; $ADA6: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE67 (baby metroid being examined) ;;;
        ;;; $ADD4: Instruction - set caret to blink ;;;
        ;;; $ADE1: Place intro text caret off-screen ;;;
        ;;; $ADEE: Reset intro text caret ;;;
        ;;; $AE07: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE73 (intro Japanese text next-page arrow) ;;;
        ;;; $AE1A: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE73 (intro Japanese text next-page arrow) ;;;
        ;;; $AE43: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 1 ;;;
        ;;; $AE5B: Instruction - spawn blinking markers and wait for input - page 1 ;;;
        ;;; $AE79: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 2 ;;;
        ;;; $AE91: Instruction - spawn blinking markers and wait for input - page 2 ;;;
        ;;; $AEB8: Cinematic function - intro - wait for input and set up old Mother Brain fight ;;;
        ;;; $AF6C: Cinematic function - intro - wait for input and set up baby metroid discovery ;;;
        ;;; $B018: Set up intro cross-fade into Samus gameplay ;;;
        ;;; $B074: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 3 ;;;
        ;;; $B08C: Instruction - spawn blinking markers and wait for input - page 3 ;;;
        ;;; $B0B3: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 4 ;;;
        ;;; $B0CB: Instruction - spawn blinking markers and wait for input - page 4 ;;;
        ;;; $B0F2: Cinematic function - intro - wait for input and set up baby metroid being delivered ;;;
        ;;; $B123: Cinematic function - intro - wait for input and set up baby metroid being examined ;;;
        ;;; $B151: Set up intro cross-fade into scientist cutscene ;;;
        ;;; $B19B: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 5 ;;;
        ;;; $B1B3: Instruction - spawn blinking markers and wait for input - page 5 ;;;
        ;;; $B1DA: Cinematic function - intro - wait for input and clear text ;;;
        ;;; $B207: Cinematic function - intro - page 6 ;;;
        ;;; $B228: Instruction - handle creating Japanese text - page 6 ;;;
        ;;; $B240: Instruction - finish intro ;;;
        ;;; $B250: Cinematic function - intro - cross-fade to Samus gameplay ;;;
        ;;; $B2D2: Cinematic function - intro - cross-fade to scientist cutscene ;;;
        ;;; $B336: Instruction - start intro page 2 ;;;
        ;;; $B33E: Instruction - start intro page 3 ;;;
        ;;; $B346: Instruction - start intro page 4 ;;;
        ;;; $B34E: Instruction - start intro page 5 ;;;
        ;;; $B354: Clear Japanese text tiles and disable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
        ;;; $B35F: Cinematic function - intro - page 2 ;;;
        ;;; $B370: Cinematic function - intro - page 3 ;;;
        ;;; $B381: Cinematic function - intro - page 4 ;;;
        ;;; $B392: Cinematic function - intro - page 5 ;;;
        ;;; $B3A1: Set up intro cross-fade into text ;;;
        ;;; $B3F4: Cinematic function - intro - cross-fade from Samus gameplay ;;;
        ;;; $B458: Cinematic function - intro - cross-fade from scientist cutscene ;;;
        ;;; $B4BC: Pre-instruction - cinematic BG object $CF63 (Samus blinking) ;;;
        ;;; $B4DC: Unused ;;;
        ;;; $B4EB: Unused. Instruction - load Japanese intro text - non-existent ;;;
        ;;; $B519: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
        ;;; $B51E: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B54F: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
        ;;; $B554: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 2 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B585: Pre-instruction - mode 7 object $D40D (page 2 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $B5B8: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 2 done input ;;;
        ;;; $B5C3: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 3 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B5EE: Pre-instruction - mode 7 object $D419 (page 3 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $B61B: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 3 done input ;;;
        ;;; $B626: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 4 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B657: Pre-instruction - mode 7 object $D425 (page 4 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $B68A: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 4 done input ;;;
        ;;; $B695: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 5 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $B6C0: Pre-instruction - mode 7 object $D431 (page 5 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $B6ED: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 5 done input ;;;
        ;;; $B6F8: Instruction - load Japanese intro text - page 6 ;;;
        ;;; $B70B: Instruction - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates ;;;
        ;;; $B710: RTS. Unused background flickering effect ;;;
        ;;; $B72F: Cinematic function - intro - finish ;;;
        ;;; $B773: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE55 (intro Mother Brain) ;;;
        ;;; $B786: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE55 (intro Mother Brain) ;;;
        ;;; $B80F: Pre-instruction - intro Mother Brain - exploding ;;;
        ;;; $B82E: Pre-instruction - intro Mother Brain - cross-fading ;;;
        ;;; $B846: Intro Mother Brain hurt flash handling ;;;
        ;;; $B877: Intro Mother Brain screen shaking ;;;
        ;;; $B896: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF21 (intro rinka) ;;;
        ;;; $B8C5: Instruction - start moving (intro rinka) ;;;
        ;;; $B8D8: Pre-instruction - intro rinka - moving - hits Samus ;;;
        ;;; $B93B: Pre-instruction - intro rinka - moving - misses Samus ;;;
        ;;; $B98D: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF15 (intro Mother Brain explosion - big) ;;;
        ;;; $B9D4: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF1B (intro Mother Brain explosion - small) ;;;
        ;;; $BA0F: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CF15/$CF1B (intro Mother Brain explosion) ;;;
        ;;; $BA21: Instruction - spawn intro rinkas 0/1 ;;;
        ;;; $BA36: Instruction - spawn intro rinkas 2/3 ;;;
        ;;; $BA4B: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE79 (confused baby metroid) ;;;
        ;;; $BA5E: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE79 (confused baby metroid) ;;;
        ;;; $BA73: Pre-instruction - confused baby metroid - hatched ;;;
        ;;; $BB0D: Pre-instruction - confused baby metroid - idling ;;;
        ;;; $BB24: Pre-instruction - confused baby metroid - dancing ;;;
        ;;; $BC08: Reset button assignments to default ;;;
        ;;; $BC75: Recover previous button assignments ;;;
    ;;; $BCA0..CB04: Ceres cutscenes ;;;
        ;;; $BCA0..C11A: Fly to Ceres ;;;
            ;;; $BCA0: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - initial ;;;
            ;;; $BDE4: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - wait for music queue and enable display ;;;
            ;;; $BDF9: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - flying into camera ;;;
            ;;; $BE7E: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF0F (Ceres stars) ;;;
            ;;; $BEB5: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CF0F (Ceres stars) ;;;
            ;;; $BF22: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF39 (Ceres explosion large asteroids) ;;;
            ;;; $BF35: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CF39 (Ceres explosion large asteroids) ;;;
            ;;; $BF4C: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE85 (Ceres under attack) ;;;
            ;;; $BF5F: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE85 (Ceres under attack) ;;;
            ;;; $BF76: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE8B (Ceres small asteroids) ;;;
            ;;; $BF89: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE8B (Ceres small asteroids) ;;;
            ;;; $BFA0: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE91 (Ceres purple space vortex) ;;;
            ;;; $BFC6: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CE91 (Ceres purple space vortex) ;;;
            ;;; $BFDA: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - flying into Ceres ;;;
            ;;; $C083: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE97 (unused. Space colony text) ;;;
            ;;; $C096: Instruction - skip next instruction if English text ;;;
            ;;; $C0A2: Instruction - finish fly to Ceres ;;;
            ;;; $C0B2: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CE9D (unused. Space colony Japanese text) ;;;
            ;;; $C0C5: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - finish ;;;
            ;;; $C100: Cinematic function - fly to Ceres - start game at Ceres ;;;
        ;;; $C11B..C698: Ceres goes boom ;;;
            ;;; $C11B: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - initial ;;;
            ;;; $C2E4: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - wait for music queue ;;;
            ;;; $C2F1: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - small Ceres explosions - fading in ;;;
            ;;; $C345: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - Ceres explosions ;;;
            ;;; $C404: Instruction - spawn Ceres explosions 1 ;;;
            ;;; $C434: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEBB (Ceres explosion 1) ;;;
            ;;; $C489: Pre-instruction - Ceres explosion spawner - spawn Ceres explosion 2 every Ch frames ;;;
            ;;; $C4B9: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEC1 (Ceres explosion 2) ;;;
            ;;; $C50B: RTS ;;;
            ;;; $C50C: Instruction - spawn Ceres explosions 3 ;;;
            ;;; $C533: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEC7 (Ceres explosion 3) ;;;
            ;;; $C582: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CEBB/$CEC1/$CEC7/$CF2D (Ceres explosion) ;;;
            ;;; $C5A9: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF2D (Ceres final explosion) ;;;
            ;;; $C5CA: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - gunship flying away ;;;
            ;;; $C610: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - wait C0h frames ;;;
            ;;; $C627: Cinematic function - Ceres goes boom - fade out ;;;
        ;;; $C699..CB04: Fly to Zebes ;;;
            ;;; $C699: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - initial ;;;
            ;;; $C79C: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - fading in ;;;
            ;;; $C7CA: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - mosaic transition ;;;
            ;;; $C83B: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEA3 (Zebes) ;;;
            ;;; $C84E: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CEA3 (Zebes) ;;;
            ;;; $C85D: Pre-instruction - Zebes - slide scene away ;;;
            ;;; $C897: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEA9 (unused. Zebes stars 1) ;;;
            ;;; $C8AA: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CEA9/$CF09 (Zebes stars 5) ;;;
            ;;; $C8B9: Pre-instruction - Zebes stars 5 - slide scene away ;;;
            ;;; $C8F9: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $CEF7/$CEFD/$CF03 (Zebes stars 2/3/4) ;;;
            ;;; $C908: Pre-instruction - Zebes stars 2/3/4 - slide scene away ;;;
            ;;; $C942: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEF7 (Zebes stars 2) ;;;
            ;;; $C956: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEFD (Zebes stars 3) ;;;
            ;;; $C96A: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF03 (Zebes stars 4) ;;;
            ;;; $C97E: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CF09 (Zebes stars 5) ;;;
            ;;; $C992: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEAF (Planet Zebes text) ;;;
            ;;; $C9A5: Instruction - fade in PLANET ZEBES text ;;;
            ;;; $C9AF: Instruction - spawn planet Zebes Japanese text if enabled ;;;
            ;;; $C9BD: Instruction - fade out PLANET ZEBES text ;;;
            ;;; $C9C7: Instruction - start flying to Zebes ;;;
            ;;; $C9E6: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $CEB5 (planet Zebes Japanese text) ;;;
            ;;; $C9F9: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - flying to Zebes - drifting right ;;;
            ;;; $CA36: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - flying to Zebes - turning left ;;;
            ;;; $CA85: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - flying to Zebes - drifting left ;;;
            ;;; $CAD0: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - hold on scene for 40h frames ;;;
            ;;; $CADE: RTS. Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - slide scene away ;;;
            ;;; $CADF: Cinematic function - fly to Zebes - load game data ;;;
    ;;; $CB05..CE54: Cinematic sprite object instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $CB05: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE55 (intro Mother Brain) ;;;
        ;;; $CB19: Instruction list - intro Mother Brain - start page 2 ;;;
        ;;; $CB33: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE5B (metroid egg) ;;;
        ;;; $CB3B: Instruction list - metroid egg hatching ;;;
        ;;; $CB9F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE61 (baby metroid being delivered) ;;;
        ;;; $CBCD: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE67 (baby metroid being examined) ;;;
        ;;; $CBFB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE6D (intro text caret) ;;;
        ;;; $CC03: Instruction list - intro text caret - blink ;;;
        ;;; $CC0F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE73 (intro Japanese text next-page arrow) ;;;
        ;;; $CC23: Instruction list - intro Japanese text next-page arrow - blink ;;;
        ;;; $CC2B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE79 (confused baby metroid) ;;;
        ;;; $CC3F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE7F (Ceres under attack large asteroids) ;;;
        ;;; $CC47: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE85 (Ceres under attack) ;;;
        ;;; $CC4F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE8B (Ceres small asteroids) ;;;
        ;;; $CC57: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE91 (Ceres purple space vortex) ;;;
        ;;; $CC63: Unused. Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE97 (space colony text) ;;;
        ;;; $CCA3: Unused. Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CE9D (space colony Japanese text) ;;;
        ;;; $CCAB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEA3 (Zebes) ;;;
        ;;; $CCB3: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEA9 (Zebes stars 1) ;;;
        ;;; $CCBB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEAF (planet Zebes text) ;;;
        ;;; $CCD5: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEB5 (planet Zebes Japanese text) ;;;
        ;;; $CCDB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEBB (Ceres explosion 1) ;;;
        ;;; $CCF5: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEC1 (Ceres explosion 2) ;;;
        ;;; $CD1B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEC7 (Ceres explosion 3) ;;;
        ;;; $CD39: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CECD (metroid egg particle 1) ;;;
        ;;; $CD41: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CED3 (metroid egg particle 2) ;;;
        ;;; $CD49: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CED9 (metroid egg particle 3) ;;;
        ;;; $CD51: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEDF (metroid egg particle 4) ;;;
        ;;; $CD59: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEE5 (metroid egg particle 5) ;;;
        ;;; $CD61: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEEB (metroid egg particle 6) ;;;
        ;;; $CD69: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEF1 (metroid egg slime drops) ;;;
        ;;; $CD71: Instruction list - metroid egg slime drops - hit ground ;;;
        ;;; $CD83: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEF7 (Zebes stars 2) ;;;
        ;;; $CD8B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CEFD (Zebes stars 3) ;;;
        ;;; $CD93: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF03 (Zebes stars 4) ;;;
        ;;; $CD9B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF09 (Zebes stars 5) ;;;
        ;;; $CDA3: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF0F (Ceres stars) ;;;
        ;;; $CDAB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF15 (intro Mother Brain explosion - big) ;;;
        ;;; $CDCB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF1B (intro Mother Brain explosion - small) ;;;
        ;;; $CDEB: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF21 (intro rinka) ;;;
        ;;; $CE0D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF27 (rinka spawner) ;;;
        ;;; $CE1B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF2D (Ceres final explosion) ;;;
        ;;; $CE35: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF33 (Ceres explosion spawner) ;;;
        ;;; $CE4B: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $CF39 (Ceres explosion large asteroids) ;;;
        ;;; $CE53: Instruction list - delete ;;;
    ;;; $CE55: Cinematic sprite object definitions - intro, Ceres, Zebes ;;;
    ;;; $CF3F: Cinematic BG object definitions - intro, Ceres ;;;
    ;;; $CF75..D388: Japanese intro text data ;;;
        ;;; $CF75: Page 1 - top line ;;;
        ;;; $CFBD: Page 1 - bottom line ;;;
        ;;; $CFFD: Page 2 - subpage 1 - top line ;;;
        ;;; $D055: Page 2 - subpage 1 - bottom line ;;;
        ;;; $D085: Page 2 - subpage 2 - top line ;;;
        ;;; $D0E1: Page 2 - subpage 2 - bottom line ;;;
        ;;; $D0F9: Page 3 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $D15D: Page 3 - subpage 2 ;;;
        ;;; $D1B9: Page 4 - subpage 1 - top line ;;;
        ;;; $D215: Page 4 - subpage 1 - bottom line ;;;
        ;;; $D259: Page 4 - subpage 2 - top line ;;;
        ;;; $D2A5: Page 4 - subpage 2 - bottom line ;;;
        ;;; $D2D5: Page 5 - subpage 1 ;;;
        ;;; $D30D: Page 5 - subpage 2 ;;;
        ;;; $D371: Page 6 ;;;
    ;;; $D389..D400: Mode 7 object instruction lists - Japanese intro text ;;;
        ;;; $D389: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D401 (page 1) ;;;
        ;;; $D393: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D407 (page 2 - subpage 1) ;;;
        ;;; $D39D: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D40D (page 2 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $D3A5: Instruction list - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 2 done input ;;;
        ;;; $D3A9: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D413 (page 3 - subpage 1) ;;;
        ;;; $D3B3: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D419 (page 3 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $D3BB: Instruction list - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 3 done input ;;;
        ;;; $D3BF: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D41F (page 4 - subpage 1) ;;;
        ;;; $D3C9: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D425 (page 4 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $D3D1: Instruction list - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 4 done input ;;;
        ;;; $D3D5: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D42B (page 5 - subpage 1) ;;;
        ;;; $D3DF: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D431 (page 5 - subpage 2) ;;;
        ;;; $D3E7: Instruction list - enable cinematic BG tilemap updates and page 5 done input ;;;
        ;;; $D3EB: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D437 (page 6) ;;;
        ;;; $D3F5: Instruction list - mode 7 object $D43D (unused, broken) ;;;
        ;;; $D3FF: Mode 7 transfer data - dummy ;;;
    ;;; $D401: Mode 7 objects. Japanese intro text ;;;
;;; $D443..F753: Ending and credits ;;;
    ;;; $D443: Game state 27h (ending and credits) ;;;
    ;;; $D474: Handle final screen cinematic BG objects ;;;
    ;;; $D480..DE7F: Ending ;;;
        ;;; $D480: Cinematic function - ending - setup ;;;
        ;;; $D6D7: Cinematic function - ending - wait for music to change ;;;
        ;;; $D6F2: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 0 - zooming out, clouds on left/right - fading in ;;;
        ;;; $D701: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 0 - zooming out, clouds on left/right ;;;
        ;;; $D731: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 1 - zooming out, clouds on top/bottom - setup ;;;
        ;;; $D7F8: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 1 - zooming out, clouds on top/bottom - fading in ;;;
        ;;; $D807: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 1 - zooming out, clouds on top/bottom ;;;
        ;;; $D837: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 2 - cross-fade to space view - setup ;;;
        ;;; $DA02: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 2 - cross-fade to space view - fading in ;;;
        ;;; $DA1A: Cinematic function - ending - Zebes destruction scene 2 - cross-fade to space view ;;;
        ;;; $DAD3: Cinematic function - ending - space view - load gunship BG ;;;
        ;;; $DB9D: RTS ;;;
        ;;; $DB9E: Cinematic function - ending - space view - change music ;;;
        ;;; $DBC4: Cinematic function - ending - space view - gunship emergence - setup ;;;
        ;;; $DC4C: Fade out Zebes explosion afterglow ;;;
        ;;; $DCA5: Cinematic function - ending - space view - gunship emergence - spinning fast ;;;
        ;;; $DD42: Cinematic function - ending - space view - gunship emergence - spinning slow ;;;
        ;;; $DDCD: Cinematic function - ending - space view - gunship emergence - fly into camera ;;;
        ;;; $DE63: RTS. Cinematic function - ending - space view - gunship emergence - freeze frame ;;;
        ;;; $DE64: Cinematic function - ending - space view - transition to credits ;;;
    ;;; $DE80: Cinematic function - credits - setup ;;;
    ;;; $E0F4..EB0E: Post-credits ;;;
        ;;; $E0F4: Cinematic function - post-credits - blank screen ;;;
        ;;; $E110: Cinematic function - post-credits - fade in shooting stars ;;;
        ;;; $E158: Cinematic function - post-credits - fade in Samus ;;;
        ;;; $E190: Cinematic function - post-credits - wavy Samus ;;;
        ;;; $E1D2: Cinematic function - post-credits - Deer Force ;;;
        ;;; $E265: Cinematic function - post-credits - idle Samus 1/2 - cross-fade out Samus suit ;;;
        ;;; $E293: Cinematic function - post-credits - idle Samus 1/2 ;;;
        ;;; $E2DD: Cinematic function - post-credits - 1994 Nintendo ;;;
        ;;; $E314: Cinematic function - post-credits - idle Samus 2/2 - cross-fade out Samus suit ;;;
        ;;; $E342: Cinematic function - post-credits - idle Samus 2/2 ;;;
        ;;; $E3AE: Cinematic function - post-credits - Samus shoots screen ;;;
        ;;; $E409: Transition Samus palette to black ;;;
        ;;; $E41F: Transfer post-credits Super Metroid icon to VRAM ;;;
        ;;; $E48A: Cinematic function - post-credits - fade to white ;;;
        ;;; $E504: Cinematic function - post-credits - fade from white ;;;
        ;;; $E58A: Cinematic function - post-credits - grey out Super Metroid icon ;;;
        ;;; $E627: Instruction - draw item percentage count ;;;
        ;;; $E769: Instruction - draw item percentage Japanese text ;;;
        ;;; $E780: Instruction - clear item percentage Japanese text ;;;
        ;;; $E797: Cinematic function - post-credits - scroll item percentage down ;;;
        ;;; $E7BA: RTS ;;;
        ;;; $E7BB: Initialise shooting stars ;;;
        ;;; $E812: Handle shooting stars ;;;
        ;;; $E9CF: Shooting star table ;;;
    ;;; $EB0F..F6F7: Cinematic sprite objects - ending / post-credits ;;;
        ;;; $EB0F..EE9C: Cinematic sprite object instruction lists ;;;
            ;;; $EB0F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EE9D (exploding Zebes - Zebes) ;;;
            ;;; $EB3D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEA3 (exploding Zebes - purple glow) ;;;
            ;;; $EB51: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEA9 (exploding Zebes - stars) ;;;
            ;;; $EB59: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEAF (exploding Zebes - lava) ;;;
            ;;; $EB69: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEB5 (Zebes explosion - silhouette) ;;;
            ;;; $EB71: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEBB (Zebes explosion - stars - right) ;;;
            ;;; $EB81: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEF7 (Zebes explosion - stars - left) ;;;
            ;;; $EB89: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEC1 (Zebes explosion - afterglow) ;;;
            ;;; $EB91: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEC7 ('THE OPERATION WAS') ;;;
            ;;; $EBD7: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EECD ('COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY') ;;;
            ;;; $EC35: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEFD (clear time) ;;;
            ;;; $EC81: Instruction list - clear time digit ;;;
            ;;; $ECD1: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF0F (clear time - colon) ;;;
            ;;; $ECD9: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF21 (critters escape) ;;;
            ;;; $ECED: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EED3 (yellow clouds - top - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $ECF5: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EED9 (yellow clouds - top - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $ECFD: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEDF (yellow clouds - bottom - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $ED05: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEE5 (yellow clouds - bottom - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $ED0D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEEB (yellow clouds - right) ;;;
            ;;; $ED15: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EEF1 (yellow clouds - left) ;;;
            ;;; $ED1D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF27 (suitless Samus - idle) ;;;
            ;;; $ED25: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF2D (suitless Samus - idle - legs) ;;;
            ;;; $ED2D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF33 (suitless Samus - letting hair down) ;;;
            ;;; $ED59: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF39 (suitless Samus - letting hair down - legs) ;;;
            ;;; $ED7F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF3F (suitless Samus - jump) ;;;
            ;;; $ED95: Instruction list - Samus - jump - falling ;;;
            ;;; $ED9D: Instruction list - Samus - jump - landed ;;;
            ;;; $EDB1: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF45 (suited Samus - idle - body) ;;;
            ;;; $EDB9: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF4B (suited Samus - idle - head - with helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EDC1: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF51 (suited Samus - idle - head - without helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EDC9: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF57 (suited Samus - thumbs up - body) ;;;
            ;;; $EDD3: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF5D (suited Samus - thumbs up - arm) ;;;
            ;;; $EE0F: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF63 (suited Samus - thumbs up - head - with helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EE15: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF69 (suited Samus - thumbs up - head - without helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EE27: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF6F (suited Samus - jump - body) ;;;
            ;;; $EE3D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF75 (suited Samus - jump - head - with helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EE4D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF7B (suited Samus - jump - head - without helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $EE5D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF81 (Super Metroid icon - S - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $EE65: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF87 (Super Metroid icon - S - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $EE6D: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF8D (Super Metroid icon - circle - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $EE87: Instruction list - cinematic sprite object $EF93 (Super Metroid icon - circle - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $EE9B: Instruction list - delete ;;;
        ;;; $EE9D: Cinematic sprite object definitions - ending / post-credits ;;;
        ;;; $EF99: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF21 (critters escape) ;;;
        ;;; $EFB2: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EF21 (critters escape) ;;;
        ;;; $EFEA..F1E6: Cinematic sprite object initialisation functions ;;;
            ;;; $EFEA: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EE9D/$EEA3/$EEA9/$EEBB (exploding Zebes - palette 7) ;;;
            ;;; $EFF0: Palette 7 exploding Zebes common initialisation ;;;
            ;;; $EFFD: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEF7 (Zebes explosion - stars - left) ;;;
            ;;; $F005: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEAF/$EEB5 (exploding Zebes - palette 5) ;;;
            ;;; $F018: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEC1 (Zebes explosion - afterglow) ;;;
            ;;; $F02B: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEC7/$EECD ('THE OPERATION WAS' / 'COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY') ;;;
            ;;; $F03E: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEFD (clear time) ;;;
            ;;; $F051: Clear time result common initialisation ;;;
            ;;; $F05E: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF03 (clear time - hours - tens digit) ;;;
            ;;; $F06D: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF09 (clear time - hours - units digit) ;;;
            ;;; $F07C: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF0F (clear time - colon) ;;;
            ;;; $F085: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF15 (clear time - minutes - tens digit) ;;;
            ;;; $F094: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF1B (clear time - minutes - units digit) ;;;
            ;;; $F0A3: Cinematic sprite object instruction list pointer += [A] * 8 ;;;
            ;;; $F0B2: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EED3 (yellow clouds - top - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $F0B8: Top/bottom yellow clouds common initialisation ;;;
            ;;; $F0E1: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EED9 (yellow clouds - top - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $F0E9: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEDF (yellow clouds - bottom - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $F0F1: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEE5 (yellow clouds - bottom - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $F0F9: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEEB (yellow clouds - right) ;;;
            ;;; $F11E: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EEF1 (yellow clouds - left) ;;;
            ;;; $F143: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF27/$EF2D/$EF33/$EF39/$EF3F (suitless Samus) ;;;
            ;;; $F156: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF45/$EF57/$EF5D/$EF6F (suited Samus body / arm) ;;;
            ;;; $F169: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF4B/$EF63/$EF75 (suited Samus head - with helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $F17C: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF51/$EF69/$EF7B (suited Samus head - without helmet) ;;;
            ;;; $F18F: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF81 (Super Metroid icon - S - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $F1A8: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF87 (Super Metroid icon - S - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $F1C1: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF8D (Super Metroid icon - circle - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $F1D4: Initialisation function - cinematic sprite object $EF93 (Super Metroid icon - circle - bottom half) ;;;
        ;;; $F1E7..F6F7: Cinematic sprite object pre-instructions and instructions ;;;
            ;;; $F1E7: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EF81 (Super Metroid icon - S - top half) ;;;
            ;;; $F227: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EF87 (Super Metroid icon - S - bottom half) ;;;
            ;;; $F25E: Instruction - grey out Super Metroid icon ;;;
            ;;; $F284: Instruction - fade out zoomed out exploding Zebes ;;;
            ;;; $F295: Instruction - spawn Zebes explosion silhouette cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F2A5: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEA3/$EEA9/$EEAF (exploding Zebes - purple glow / stars / lava) ;;;
            ;;; $F2B7: Instruction - start Zebes explosion ;;;
            ;;; $F2FA: Instruction - Zebes explosion finale ;;;
            ;;; $F32B: Instruction - end Zebes explosion ;;;
            ;;; $F35A: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEF7 (Zebes explosion - stars - left) ;;;
            ;;; $F375: Pre-instruction - Zebes explosion - stars - left - moving ;;;
            ;;; $F39B: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEC1 (Zebes explosion - afterglow) ;;;
            ;;; $F3B0: Instruction - spawn 'COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY' cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F3B9: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEC7/$EECD/$EEFD/$EF03/$EF09/$EF0F/$EF15/$EF1B (text) ;;;
            ;;; $F3CE: Instruction - spawn clear time cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F41B: Instruction - spawn clear time hours tens digit cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F424: Instruction - spawn clear time hours units digit cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F42D: Instruction - spawn clear time colon cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F436: Instruction - spawn clear time minutes tens digit cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F43F: Instruction - spawn clear time minutes units digit cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F448: Instruction - transition to credits ;;;
            ;;; $F455: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EED3/$EED9 (yellow clouds - top) ;;;
            ;;; $F464: Pre-instruction - yellow clouds - top - moving ;;;
            ;;; $F478: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEDF/$EEE5 (yellow clouds - bottom) ;;;
            ;;; $F487: Pre-instruction - yellow clouds - bottom - moving ;;;
            ;;; $F49B: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEEB (yellow clouds - right) ;;;
            ;;; $F4AA: Pre-instruction - yellow clouds - right - moving ;;;
            ;;; $F4D1: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EEF1 (yellow clouds - left) ;;;
            ;;; $F4E0: Pre-instruction - yellow clouds - left - moving ;;;
            ;;; $F507: Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EF27/$EF2D/$EF45/$EF4B/$EF51 (Samus - idle) ;;;
            ;;; $F51C: RTS. Pre-instruction - cinematic sprite object $EF33 (suitless Samus - letting hair down) ;;;
            ;;; $F51D: Instruction - spawn suitless Samus jump cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F528: Pre-instruction - Samus - jump - jumping ;;;
            ;;; $F554: Instruction - spawn suited Samus jump cinematic sprite object ;;;
            ;;; $F57F: Pre-instruction - suited Samus - jump - head - jumping ;;;
            ;;; $F597: Instruction - position Samus head to prepare jump ;;;
            ;;; $F5BA: Instruction - position Samus head to jump ;;;
            ;;; $F5DD: Pre-instruction - Samus - jump - falling ;;;
            ;;; $F604: Instruction - Samus shoots screen ;;;
            ;;; $F651: Instruction - make ending Samus jump ;;;
            ;;; $F65B: Move jumping ending Samus ;;;
            ;;; $F682: Transfer post-credits Samus beam to VRAM ;;;
    ;;; $F6F8: Credits object definition ;;;
    ;;; $F6FE: Instruction - end credits ;;;
    ;;; $F748: Cinematic BG object definitions - post-credits ;;;
;;; $F754: Debug. Version string ;;;
;;; $F760: Free space ;;;