;;; $8000: Enable animated tiles objects ;;;
;;; $800B: Disable animated tiles objects ;;;
;;; $8016: Clear animated tiles objects ;;;
;;; $8027: Spawn animated tiles object ;;;
;;; $8064: Animated tiles objects handler ;;;
;;; $8085: Process animated tiles object ;;;
;;; $80B2..8169: Instructions ;;;
    ;;; $80B2: Instruction - delete ;;;
    ;;; $80B7: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $80BC: Unused. Instruction - go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $80D4: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $80DC: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $80E3: Unused. Instruction - timer = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $80EF: Unused. RTS ;;;
    ;;; $80F0: Unused. Instruction - queue music track [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $80FC: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8108: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8114: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8120: Unused. Instruction - go to [[Y] + 1] if any of the boss bits [[Y]] are set ;;;
    ;;; $8133: Unused. Instruction - set the boss bits [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $813F: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 2] if the event [[Y]] is set ;;;
    ;;; $8150: Instruction - set event [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $815A: Unused. Instruction - lock Samus ;;;
    ;;; $8162: Unused. Instruction - unlock Samus ;;;
;;; $816A..B9: Instruction lists - FX ;;;
    ;;; $816A: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8251 (vertical spikes) ;;;
    ;;; $817E: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8257 (horizontal spikes) ;;;
    ;;; $8192: Instruction list - animated tiles object $825D (Crateria lake) ;;;
    ;;; $81A6: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8263/$8269 (Crateria lava) ;;;
;;; $81BA: Instruction - wait until area boss is dead ;;;
;;; $81CB..824A: Instruction lists - FX ;;;
    ;;; $81CB: Instruction list - animated tiles object $826F (Wrecked Ship screen) ;;;
    ;;; $81E1: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8275 (Wrecked Ship treadmill - rightwards) ;;;
    ;;; $81F7: Instruction list - animated tiles object $827B (Wrecked Ship treadmill - leftwards) ;;;
    ;;; $820D: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8281 (Brinstar mouth) ;;;
    ;;; $8221: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8287 (Maridia sand ceiling) ;;;
    ;;; $8235: Instruction list - animated tiles object $828D (Maridia sand falling) ;;;
    ;;; $8249: Instruction list - animated tiles object $824B (nothing) ;;;
;;; $824B: Animated tiles objects - FX ;;;
;;; $8293..8302: Animated tiles objects and instruction lists - FX layer 3 ;;;
    ;;; $8293: Instruction list - animated tiles object $82AB (lava) ;;;
    ;;; $82AB: Animated tiles object - lava ;;;
    ;;; $82B1: Instruction list - animated tiles object $82C9 (acid) ;;;
    ;;; $82C9: Animated tiles object - acid ;;;
    ;;; $82CF: Instruction list - animated tiles object $82E7 (rain) ;;;
    ;;; $82E7: Animated tiles object - rain ;;;
    ;;; $82ED: Instruction list - animated tiles object $82FD (spores) ;;;
    ;;; $82FD: Animated tiles object - spores ;;;
;;; $8303..83AB: Instructions ;;;
    ;;; $8303: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 2] if any of the boss bits [[Y]] for area [[Y] + 1] are set ;;;
    ;;; $8320: Instruction - spawn Tourian statue eye glow enemy projectile with parameter [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $832F: Instruction - spawn Tourian statue's soul enemy projectile with parameter [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $833E: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if Tourian statue is busy releasing lock ;;;
    ;;; $8349: Instruction - Tourian statue animation state |= [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8352: Instruction - Tourian statue animation state &= ~[[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $835B: Instruction - clear 3 colours of palette data at $7E:C000 + [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8372: Instruction - spawn palette FX object [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $837F: Instruction - write 8 colours of target palette data to $7E:C200 + [[Y]] ;;;
;;; $83AC..854B: Instruction lists - Tourian statue ;;;
    ;;; $83AC: Instruction list - animated tiles object $854C (Tourian statue - Phantoon) ;;;
    ;;; $8414: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8552 (Tourian statue - Ridley) ;;;
    ;;; $847C: Instruction list - animated tiles object $8558 (Tourian statue - Kraid) ;;;
    ;;; $84E4: Instruction list - animated tiles object $855E (Tourian statue - Draygon) ;;;
;;; $854C: Animated tiles objects - Tourian entrance statue ;;;
;;; $8564..AA03: Animated tiles ;;;
    ;;; $8564: Crateria lake ;;;
    ;;; $8B64: Unused. Crateria lava ;;;
    ;;; $8E64: Wrecked Ship treadmill ;;;
    ;;; $8EE4: Wrecked Ship screen ;;;
    ;;; $9064: "X" ;;;
    ;;; $9164: Maridia sand falling ;;;
    ;;; $91E4: Maridia sand ceiling ;;;
    ;;; $92E4: "X" ;;;
    ;;; $9364: Phantoon statue ;;;
    ;;; $94E4: Ridley statue ;;;
    ;;; $95A4: Draygon statue ;;;
    ;;; $9724: Kraid statue ;;;
    ;;; $97E4: Phantoon statue - other ;;;
    ;;; $9864: Ridley statue - other ;;;
    ;;; $98A4: Draygon statue - other ;;;
    ;;; $98E4: Kraid statue - other ;;;
    ;;; $9964: Brinstar mouth ;;;
    ;;; $9C04: Vertical spikes ;;;
    ;;; $9D84: Horizontal spikes ;;;
    ;;; $9F04: "X" ;;;
    ;;; $A564: Lava ;;;
    ;;; $A6A4: Acid ;;;
    ;;; $A7E4: Spores ;;;
    ;;; $A874: Rain ;;;
;;; $AA04: Zeros ;;;
;;; $AD64: Tiles - enemy $F03F (Tourian entrance statue ghost) ;;;
;;; $B364: Tiles - enemy $EFFF (Tourian entrance statue) ;;;
;;; $C964: Free space ;;;