;;; $8000..86B3: Routines ;;;
    ;;; $8000: Golden Torizo health-based palette handling ;;;
    ;;; $8232: Load room PLM GFX ;;;
    ;;; $8250: Clear sounds when going through door ;;;
    ;;; $8258: Unused. Clear spin jump sound when going through door ;;;
    ;;; $8270: Play spin jump sound if spin jumping ;;;
    ;;; $8278: Unused. Play resumed spin jump sound ;;;
    ;;; $8290: Calculate PLM block co-ordinates ;;;
    ;;; $82B4: Write level data block type and BTS ;;;
    ;;; $82D6: Write row of level data block and BTS ;;;
    ;;; $831A: Load item x-ray blocks (also load room special x-ray blocks) ;;;
    ;;; $83AD: Enable PLMs ;;;
    ;;; $83B8: Disable PLMs ;;;
    ;;; $83C3: Clear PLMs ;;;
    ;;; $83D7: Spawn hard-coded PLM ;;;
    ;;; $846A: Spawn room PLM ;;;
    ;;; $84E7: Spawn PLM (to current block index) ;;;
    ;;; $853E: Unused. Spawn enemy PLM ;;;
    ;;; $85B4: PLM handler ;;;
    ;;; $85DA: Process PLM ;;;
    ;;; $861E: Process PLM draw instruction ;;;
;;; $86B4..8D96: Instructions ;;;
    ;;; $86B4: Instruction - sleep ;;;
    ;;; $86BC: Instruction - delete ;;;
    ;;; $86C1: Instruction - pre-instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $86CA: Instruction - clear pre-instruction ;;;
    ;;; $86D1: Unused. Instruction - call function [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $86EB: Unused. Instruction - call function [[Y]] with A = [[Y] + 3] ;;;
    ;;; $870B: Instruction - call function [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8724: Instruction - go to [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8729: Unused. Instruction - go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $873F: Instruction - decrement timer and go to [[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $8747: Unused. Instruction - decrement timer and go to [Y] + ±[[Y]] if non-zero ;;;
    ;;; $874E: Instruction - timer = [[Y]] (8-bit) ;;;
    ;;; $875A: Unused. Instruction - timer = [[Y]] (16-bit) ;;;
    ;;; $8763: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8764: Instruction - load item PLM GFX ;;;
    ;;; $87E5: Instruction - transfer [[Y]] bytes from [[Y] + 2] to VRAM [[Y] + 5] ;;;
    ;;; $880E: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 1] if any of the boss bits [[Y]] are set ;;;
    ;;; $8821: Unused. Instruction - set the boss bits [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $882D: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 2] if the event [[Y]] is set ;;;
    ;;; $883E: Instruction - set the event [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8848: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if room argument chozo block destroyed ;;;
    ;;; $8865: Instruction - set room argument chozo block destroyed ;;;
    ;;; $887C: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if the room argument item is collected ;;;
    ;;; $8899: Instruction - set the room argument item collected ;;;
    ;;; $88B0: Instruction - pick up beam [[Y]] and display message box [[Y] + 2] ;;;
    ;;; $88F3: Instruction - pick up equipment [[Y]] and display message box [[Y] + 2] ;;;
    ;;; $891A: Instruction - pick up equipment [[Y]], add grapple to HUD and display grapple message box ;;;
    ;;; $8941: Instruction - pick up equipment [[Y]], add x-ray to HUD and display x-ray message box ;;;
    ;;; $8968: Instruction - collect [[Y]] health energy tank ;;;
    ;;; $8986: Instruction - collect [[Y]] health reserve tank ;;;
    ;;; $89A9: Instruction - collect [[Y]] ammo missile tank ;;;
    ;;; $89D2: Instruction - collect [[Y]] ammo super missile tank ;;;
    ;;; $89FB: Instruction - collect [[Y]] ammo power bomb tank ;;;
    ;;; $8A24: Instruction - link instruction = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8A2E: Instruction - call [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8A3A: Instruction - return ;;;
    ;;; $8A40: Unused. Instruction - wait until enemy 0 is dead ;;;
    ;;; $8A59: Unused. Instruction - wait until enemy 1 is dead ;;;
    ;;; $8A72: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if the room argument door is set ;;;
    ;;; $8A91: Instruction - increment door hit counter; set room argument door and go to [[Y] + 1] if [door hit counter] >= [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8ACD: Instruction - increment room argument; room argument = FFFFh and go to [[Y] + 1] if [room argument] >= [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8AF1: Instruction - PLM BTS = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8B05: Instruction - draw PLM block ;;;
    ;;; $8B17: Instruction - draw PLM block ;;;
    ;;; $8B55: Instruction - process air scroll update ;;;
    ;;; $8B93: Instruction - process solid scroll update ;;;
    ;;; $8BD1: Unused. Instruction - queue music track [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8BDD: Instruction - clear music queue and queue music track [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $8C07: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8C10: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8C19: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
    ;;; $8C22: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 15 ;;;
    ;;; $8C2B: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 15 ;;;
    ;;; $8C34: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 15 ;;;
    ;;; $8C3D: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 3 ;;;
    ;;; $8C46: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 3 ;;;
    ;;; $8C4F: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 3 ;;;
    ;;; $8C58: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 9 ;;;
    ;;; $8C61: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 9 ;;;
    ;;; $8C6A: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 9 ;;;
    ;;; $8C73: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 1, max queued sounds allowed = 1 ;;;
    ;;; $8C7C: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 1 ;;;
    ;;; $8C85: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allow = 1 ;;;
    ;;; $8C8E: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8C8F: Instruction - activate map station ;;;
    ;;; $8CAF: Instruction - activate energy station ;;;
    ;;; $8CD0: Instruction - activate missile station ;;;
    ;;; $8CF1: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if [save confirmation selection] = no, otherwise activate save station ;;;
    ;;; $8D39: Unused. Instruction - resume music in 6 seconds ;;;
    ;;; $8D41: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 2] if Samus is within [[Y]] columns and [[Y] + 1] rows of PLM ;;;
    ;;; $8D89: Unused. Instruction - move PLM down one block ;;;
;;; $8D97..924C: Routines ;;;
    ;;; $8D97: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8D98: Unused. Default PLM instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $8DA0: Default PLM draw instruction ;;;
    ;;; $8DA6: Unused. Draw PLM with custom draw instruction pointer and tilemap base addresses ;;;
    ;;; $8DAA: Draw PLM ;;;
    ;;; $91DC: Calculate PLM draw tilemap VRAM destination ;;;
    ;;; $9220: Partially set up VRAM write table entries for single-screen PLM draw tilemap ;;;
;;; $924D..AADE: Draw instructions ;;;
    ;;; $925B..82: Critters escape block ;;;
    ;;; $9297..930E: Access to Tourian elevator ;;;
    ;;; $930F..66: Botwoon wall ;;;
    ;;; $9367..EE: Kraid ;;;
    ;;; $93EF..9412: Phantoon ;;;
    ;;; $9413..52: Spore Spawn ;;;
    ;;; $9453..C8: Mother Brain walls ;;;
    ;;; $94C9..96A8: Mother Brain's background ;;;
    ;;; $96A9..9716: Mother Brain fake death block clearing ;;;
    ;;; $9717..9876: Mother Brain's glass ;;;
    ;;; $9877..D0: Bomb Torizo ;;;
    ;;; $98D1..9A3E: n00b tube ;;;
    ;;; $9A3F..CE: Save station ;;;
    ;;; $9B0B..5A: Lower Norfair 2x2 chozo shot block ;;;
    ;;; $9B5B..F6: Crocomire ;;;
    ;;; $9BF7..9CA6: Eye door ;;;
    ;;; $9CA7..C4: Alternate Lower Norfair chozo hand ;;;
    ;;; $9CC5..9D58: Wrecked Ship chozo ;;;
    ;;; $9D59..9E0C: Wrecked Ship 3x4 chozo bomb block ;;;
    ;;; $9E0D..98: Floor plant ;;;
    ;;; $9E99..9F24: Ceiling plant ;;;
    ;;; $9F25..9F6C: Map station ;;;
    ;;; $9F6D..9FCC: Refill station ;;;
    ;;; $9FCD..A254: Draygon cannon ;;;
    ;;; $A255..74: PLM $B6F7 (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $A275..B4: PLM $B6FB (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $A2B5..A33E: Item ;;;
    ;;; $A345..5C: 1x1 air crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A35D..7C: 2x1 air crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A37D..9C: 1x2 air crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A39D..A3DC: 2x2 air crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A3DD..F4: 1x1 solid crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A3F5..A414: 2x1 solid crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A415..34: 1x2 solid crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A435..74: 2x2 solid crumble ;;;
    ;;; $A475..9A: Shot block ;;;
    ;;; $A49B..C0: Crumble block ;;;
    ;;; $A4C1..E6: Bomb block ;;;
    ;;; $A4F9..A516: Grapple block ;;;
    ;;; $A517..A676: Gate ;;;
    ;;; $A677..AA96: Door ;;;
        ;;; $A6A7..A766: Grey door ;;;
        ;;; $A767..A826: Yellow door ;;;
        ;;; $A827..E6: Green door ;;;
        ;;; $A8E7..A9A6: Red door ;;;
        ;;; $A9A7..E2: Door facing left ;;;
        ;;; $A9E3..AA1E: Door facing right ;;;
        ;;; $AA1F..5A: Door facing up ;;;
        ;;; $AA5B..96: Door facing down ;;;
    ;;; $AA97..DE: Elevator platform ;;;
;;; $AADF..B049: Instruction lists (mostly) ;;;
    ;;; $AADF: Unused. Instruction list - draw empty tile ;;;
    ;;; $AAE3: Instruction list - delete ;;;
    ;;; $AAE5..AB11: Access to Tourian elevator ;;;
        ;;; $AAE5: Instruction list - PLM $B773 (crumble access to Tourian elevator) ;;;
        ;;; $AB00: Instruction - move PLM down one block ;;;
        ;;; $AB0C: Instruction list - PLM $B777 (clear access to Tourian elevator) ;;;
    ;;; $AB12..6C: Spore Spawn ;;;
        ;;; $AB12: Instruction list - PLM $B78F (crumble Spore Spawn ceiling) ;;;
        ;;; $AB21: Instruction list - PLM $B793 (clear Spore Spawn ceiling) ;;;
        ;;; $AB27..6C: Botwoon ;;;
            ;;; $AB27: RTS. Setup - PLM $B797 (clear Botwoon wall) ;;;
            ;;; $AB28: Setup - PLM $B79B (crumble Botwoon wall) - wait 40h frames ;;;
            ;;; $AB31: Instruction list - PLM $B79B (crumble Botwoon wall) ;;;
            ;;; $AB51: Instruction - scroll 0..1 = blue ;;;
            ;;; $AB59: Instruction - move PLM down one block ;;;
            ;;; $AB67: Instruction list - PLM $B797 (clear Botwoon wall) ;;;
    ;;; $AB6D..E2: Kraid ;;;
        ;;; $AB6D: Instruction list - PLM $B7A3 (crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 1) ;;;
        ;;; $AB79: Instruction list - PLM $B79F (unused. Set Kraid ceiling block to background 1) ;;;
        ;;; $AB7F: Instruction list - PLM $B7AB (crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 2) ;;;
        ;;; $AB8B: Instruction list - PLM $B7A7 (set Kraid ceiling block to background 2) ;;;
        ;;; $AB91: Instruction list - PLM $B7B3 (crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 3) ;;;
        ;;; $AB9D: Instruction list - PLM $B7AF (set Kraid ceiling block to background 3) ;;;
        ;;; $ABA3: Instruction list - PLM $B7B7 (clear Kraid ceiling) ;;;
        ;;; $ABA9: Instruction list - PLM $B7BF (crumble Kraid spike blocks) ;;;
        ;;; $ABD6: Instruction - move PLM right one block ;;;
        ;;; $ABDD: Instruction list - PLM $B7BB (clear Kraid spike blocks) ;;;
    ;;; $ABE3..AC88: Mother Brain ;;;
        ;;; $ABE3: Instruction list - PLM $B65F (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $ABE9: Instruction list - PLM $B663 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $ABEF: Instruction list - PLM $B667 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $ABF9: Instruction list - PLM $B66B (unused. Blank air) ;;;
        ;;; $ABFF: Instruction list - PLM $B66F (unused. Blank solid) ;;;
        ;;; $AC05: Instruction list - PLM $B673 (fill Mother Brain's wall) ;;;
        ;;; $AC0B: Instruction list - PLM $B677 (Mother Brain's room escape door) ;;;
        ;;; $AC11: Instruction list - PLM $B67B (Mother Brain's background row 2) ;;;
        ;;; $AC17: Instruction list - PLM $B67F (Mother Brain's background row 3) ;;;
        ;;; $AC1D: Instruction list - PLM $B683 (Mother Brain's background row 4) ;;;
        ;;; $AC23: Instruction list - PLM $B687 (Mother Brain's background row 5) ;;;
        ;;; $AC29: Instruction list - PLM $B68B (Mother Brain's background row 6) ;;;
        ;;; $AC2F: Instruction list - PLM $B68F (Mother Brain's background row 7) ;;;
        ;;; $AC35: Instruction list - PLM $B693 (Mother Brain's background row 8) ;;;
        ;;; $AC3B: Instruction list - PLM $B697 (Mother Brain's background row 9) ;;;
        ;;; $AC41: Instruction list - PLM $B69B (Mother Brain's background row Ah) ;;;
        ;;; $AC47: Instruction list - PLM $B69F (Mother Brain's background row Bh) ;;;
        ;;; $AC4D: Instruction list - PLM $B6A3 (Mother Brain's background row Ch) ;;;
        ;;; $AC53: Instruction list - PLM $B6A7 (Mother Brain's background row Dh) ;;;
        ;;; $AC59: Instruction list - PLM $B6AB (unused. Mother Brain's background row Eh) ;;;
        ;;; $AC5F: Instruction list - PLM $B6AF (unused. Mother Brain's background row Fh) ;;;
        ;;; $AC65: Instruction list - PLM $B6B3 (clear ceiling block in Mother Brain's room) ;;;
        ;;; $AC6B: Instruction list - PLM $B6B7 (clear ceiling tube in Mother Brain's room) ;;;
        ;;; $AC71: Instruction list - PLM $B6BB (clear Mother Brain's bottom-middle-side tube) ;;;
        ;;; $AC77: Instruction list - PLM $B6BF (clear Mother Brain's bottom-middle tubes) ;;;
        ;;; $AC7D: Instruction list - PLM $B6C3 (clear Mother Brain's bottom-left tube) ;;;
        ;;; $AC83: Instruction list - PLM $B6C7 (clear Mother Brain's bottom-right tube) ;;;
    ;;; $AC89..AD37: Plant ;;;
        ;;; $AC89: Pre-instruction - position Samus and give at least 10h frames of invincibility ;;;
        ;;; $AC9D: Instruction - deal 2 damage to Samus ;;;
        ;;; $ACB1: Instruction - give Samus 30h frames of invincibility ;;;
        ;;; $ACB8: Instruction list - PLM $B6CB (inside reaction, special air, BTS Brinstar 80h. Floor plant) ;;;
        ;;; $ACF8: Instruction list - PLM $B6CF (inside reaction, special air, BTS Brinstar 81h. Ceiling plant) ;;;
    ;;; $AD38..61: Wrecked Ship entrance treadmill from west ;;;
        ;;; $AD38: Instruction list - PLM $B64B (Wrecked Ship entrance treadmill from west) ;;;
        ;;; $AD43: Instruction - draw 38h tiles of blank rightwards treadmill ;;;
        ;;; $AD4D: Instruction list - PLM $B64F (Wrecked Ship entrance treadmill from east) ;;;
        ;;; $AD58: Instruction - draw 38h tiles of blank leftwards treadmill ;;;
    ;;; $AD62..AED5: Map/refill station ;;;
        ;;; $AD62: Instruction list - PLM $B6D3 (map station) ;;;
        ;;; $AD86: Instruction list - PLM $B6D7 (collision reaction, special, BTS 47h. Map station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $ADA4: Instruction list - PLM $B6DB (collision reaction, special, BTS 48h. Map station left access) ;;;
        ;;; $ADC2: Instruction list - PLM $B6DF (energy station) ;;;
        ;;; $ADF1: Instruction list - PLM $B6E3 (collision reaction, special, BTS 49h. Energy station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $AE13: Instruction list - PLM $B6E7 (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Ah. Energy station left access) ;;;
        ;;; $AE35: Instruction - go to [[Y]] and enable movement if Samus health is full ;;;
        ;;; $AE4C: Instruction list - PLM $B6EB (missile station) ;;;
        ;;; $AE7B: Instruction list - PLM $B6EF (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Bh. Missile station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $AE9D: Instruction list - PLM $B6F3 (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Ch. Missile station left access) ;;;
        ;;; $AEBF: Instruction - go to [[Y]] and enable movement if Samus missiles are full ;;;
    ;;; $AED6: Instruction list - PLM $B6F7 (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $AF1C: Instruction list - PLM $B6FB (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $AF62..AFB5: Scroll PLM ;;;
        ;;; $AF62: Debug. Scroll PLM draw instructions ;;;
        ;;; $AF86: Instruction list - PLM $B703 (scroll PLM) ;;;
        ;;; $AF92: Instruction list - PLM $B707 (solid scroll PLM) ;;;
        ;;; $AF9E: Debug. Instruction list - PLM $B63F (leftwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $AFA4: Debug. Instruction list - PLM $B63B (rightwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $AFAA: Debug. Instruction list - PLM $B647 (upwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $AFB0: Debug. Instruction list - PLM $B643 (downwards extension) ;;;
    ;;; $AFB6: Instruction list - PLM $B70B (elevator platform) ;;;
    ;;; $AFCA..E7: Crocomire ;;;
        ;;; $AFCA: Instruction list - PLM $B747 (clear Crocomire's bridge) ;;;
        ;;; $AFD0: Instruction list - PLM $B74B (crumble a block of Crocomire's bridge) ;;;
        ;;; $AFD6: Instruction list - PLM $B74F (clear a block of Crocomire's bridge) ;;;
        ;;; $AFDC: Instruction list - PLM $B753 (clear Crocomire invisible wall) ;;;
        ;;; $AFE2: Instruction list - PLM $B757 (create Crocomire invisible wall) ;;;
    ;;; $AFE8..B03D: Save station ;;;
        ;;; $AFE8: Instruction list - PLM $B76F (save station) ;;;
        ;;; $B00E: Instruction - place Samus on save station ;;;
        ;;; $B024: Instruction - display game saved message box ;;;
        ;;; $B030: Instruction - enable movement and set save station used ;;;
    ;;; $B03E: Instruction list - PLM $B75B (unused. Draw 13 blank air tiles) ;;;
    ;;; $B044: Instruction list - PLM $B75F (unused. Draw 13 blank solid tiles) ;;;
;;; $B04A..B62E: Setups ;;;
    ;;; $B04A: Setup - PLM $B64B / $B64F (Wrecked Ship entrance treadmill) ;;;
    ;;; $B05D: Unused. Load FX entry, completely broken ;;;
    ;;; $B08B: Unused. Load FX entry 0 if PLM is in leftmost screen column ;;;
    ;;; $B0A6: Unused. Load FX entry 1 if PLM is in leftmost screen column ;;;
    ;;; $B0C1: Unused. Load FX entry 2 if PLM is in leftmost screen column ;;;
    ;;; $B0DC: Setup - PLM $B6CB (inside reaction, special air, BTS Brinstar 80h. Floor plant) ;;;
    ;;; $B113: Setup - PLM $B6CF (inside reaction, special air, BTS Brinstar 81h. Ceiling plant) ;;;
    ;;; $B146..B332: Map/refill station ;;;
        ;;; $B146: Activate the station at block index [A] if Samus arm cannon is lined up ;;;
        ;;; $B18B: Setup - PLM $B6D3 (map station) ;;;
        ;;; $B1C8: Setup - PLM $B6D7 (collision reaction, special, BTS 47h. Map station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $B1F0: Setup - PLM $B6DB (collision reaction, special, BTS 48h. Map station left access) ;;;
        ;;; $B21D: Setup - PLM $B6DF (energy station) ;;;
        ;;; $B245: Setup - PLM $B6EB (missile station) ;;;
        ;;; $B26D: Setup - PLM $B6E3 (collision reaction, special, BTS 49h. Energy station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $B29D: Setup - PLM $B6E7 (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Ah. Energy station left access) ;;;
        ;;; $B2D0: Setup - PLM $B6EF (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Bh. Missile station right access) ;;;
        ;;; $B300: Setup - PLM $B6F3 (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Ch. Missile station left access) ;;;
    ;;; $B333..65: Extension ;;;
        ;;; $B333: Delete PLM ;;;
        ;;; $B33A: Setup - PLM $B63B (rightwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $B345: Setup - PLM $B63F (leftwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $B350: Setup - PLM $B643 (downwards extension) ;;;
        ;;; $B35B: Setup - PLM $B647 (upwards extension) ;;;
    ;;; $B366..C0: Scroll PLMs ;;;
        ;;; $B366: Skip debug draw instruction for scroll PLMs ;;;
        ;;; $B371: Setup - PLM $B703 (scroll PLM) ;;;
        ;;; $B382: Setup - PLM $B707 (unused. Solid scroll PLM) ;;;
        ;;; $B393: Setup - PLM $B6FF (collision reaction, special, BTS 46h / inside reaction, special air, BTS 46h. Scroll block touch PLM) ;;;
    ;;; $B3C1: Setup - deactivate PLM ;;;
    ;;; $B3D0: Clear carry. Setup - PLM $B633 (collision reaction, special, BTS Brinstar 80h/81h) ;;;
    ;;; $B3D2: Unused. Set carry. Setup - PLM $B637 (nothing) ;;;
    ;;; $B3D4: Setup - PLM $D094 (enemy collision reaction, spike block, BTS Fh. Enemy breakable block) ;;;
    ;;; $B3E3: Setup - PLM $B743 (unused. Torizo drool?) ;;;
    ;;; $B3EB: Setup - PLM $B70F (inside reaction, special air, BTS Crateria/Debug 80h. Ice physics) ;;;
    ;;; $B408..B550: Quicksand ;;;
        ;;; $B408: Setup - PLM $B713 / $B717 / $B71B (inside reaction, special air, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h. Quicksand surface) ;;;
        ;;; $B447: Inside reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is grounded ;;;
        ;;; $B45A: Inside reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is moving up ;;;
        ;;; $B47B: Inside reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is moving down ;;;
        ;;; $B48B: Quicksand physics table ;;;
        ;;; $B497: Setup - PLM $B71F (inside reaction, special air, BTS Maridia 83h. Submerging quicksand) ;;;
        ;;; $B4A8: Setup - PLM $B723 (inside reaction, special air, BTS Maridia 84h. Sand falls - slow) ;;;
        ;;; $B4B6: Setup - PLM $B727 (inside reaction, special air, BTS Maridia 85h. Sand falls - fast) ;;;
        ;;; $B4C4: Setup - PLM $B72B / $B72F / $B733 (collision reaction, special, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h. Quicksand surface) ;;;
        ;;; $B500: Collision reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is grounded ;;;
        ;;; $B528: Clear carry. Collision reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is moving up ;;;
        ;;; $B52A: Collision reaction - quicksand surface - Samus is moving down ;;;
        ;;; $B537: Collision reaction - quicksand surface - quicksand speed boosting ;;;
        ;;; $B53D: Quicksand surface max sinking speed ;;;
        ;;; $B541: Setup - PLM $B737 (collision reaction, special, BTS Maridia 83h. Submerging quicksand) ;;;
        ;;; $B54F: Clear carry. Setup - PLM $B73B / $B73F (collision reaction, special, BTS Maridia  84h/85h. Sand falls) ;;;
    ;;; $B551: Setup - PLM $B763 (clear Shitroid invisible wall) ;;;
    ;;; $B56F: Setup - PLM $B767 (create Shitroid invisible wall) ;;;
    ;;; $B590: Setup - PLM $B76B (collision reaction, special, BTS 4Dh. Save station trigger) ;;;
    ;;; $B5EE: Setup - PLM $B76F (save station) ;;;
    ;;; $B5F8: Setup - PLM $B677 (Mother Brain's room escape door) ;;;
;;; $B62F..B7C2: PLM entries ;;;
    ;;; $B77B: Instruction list - PLM $B781 (draw Phantoon's door during boss fight) ;;;
    ;;; $B785: Instruction list - PLM $B78B (restore Phantoon's door after boss fight) ;;;
;;; $B7C3..EE: Enable sounds in 20h frames, or F0h frames if on Ceres ;;;
    ;;; $B7C3: Setup - PLM $B7EB (enable sounds in 20h frames, or F0h frames if on Ceres) ;;;
    ;;; $B7DD: Pre-instruction - decrement timer, enable sounds and delete PLM if zero ;;;
    ;;; $B7E9: Instruction list - PLM $B7EB (enable sounds in 20h frames, or F0h frames if on Ceres) ;;;
    ;;; $B7EB: PLM entry - enable sounds in 20h frames, or F0h frames if on Ceres ;;;
;;; $B7EF..B8AF: Speed booster escape ;;;
    ;;; $B7EF: Pre-instruction - wake PLM and start lavaquake if speed booster collected ;;;
    ;;; $B82A: Pre-instruction - wake PLM and start FX motion if Samus is far enough left ;;;
    ;;; $B846: Pre-instruction - advance lava as Samus moves left, set speed booster lavaquake event when done ;;;
    ;;; $B88A: Instruction list - PLM $B8AC (speed booster escape) ;;;
    ;;; $B89C: Setup - PLM $B8AC (speed booster escape) ;;;
    ;;; $B8AC: PLM entry - speed booster escape ;;;
;;; $B8B0..EE: Shaktool's room ;;;
    ;;; $B8B0: Pre-instruction - Shaktool's room ;;;
    ;;; $B8D6: Instruction list - PLM $B8EB (Shaktool's room) ;;;
    ;;; $B8DC: Setup - PLM $B8EB (Shaktool's room) ;;;
    ;;; $B8EB: PLM entry - Shaktool's room ;;;
;;; $B8EF..FC: Maridia elevatube ;;;
    ;;; $B8EF: RTS. Setup - PLM $B8F9 (Maridia elevatube) ;;;
    ;;; $B8F0: Instruction list - PLM $B8F9 (Maridia elevatube) ;;;
    ;;; $B8F9: PLM entry - Maridia elevatube ;;;
;;; $B8FD..B96B: Escape ;;;
    ;;; $B8FD: Wake PLM if Samus is below and right of target position ;;;
    ;;; $B919: Instruction list - PLM $B964 (make old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explode) ;;;
    ;;; $B927: Pre-instruction - make old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explode ;;;
    ;;; $B940: Instruction list - PLM $B968 (raise acid in escape room before old Tourian escape shaft) ;;;
    ;;; $B948: Pre-instruction - raise acid in escape room before old Tourian escape shaft ;;;
    ;;; $B964: PLM entry - make old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explode ;;;
    ;;; $B968: PLM entry - raise acid in escape room before old Tourian escape shaft ;;;
;;; $B96C..77: Gate block ;;;
    ;;; $B96C: Setup - PLM $B974 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 10h. Gate block) ;;;
    ;;; $B974: PLM entry - shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 10h. Gate block ;;;
;;; $B978..F0: Critters escape block ;;;
    ;;; $B978: Setup - PLM $B9C1 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Fh. Critters escape block) ;;;
    ;;; $B9A2: Instruction list - PLM $B9C1 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Fh. Critters escape block) ;;;
    ;;; $B9B9: Instruction - set critters escaped event ;;;
    ;;; $B9C1: PLM entry - shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Fh. Critters escape block ;;;
    ;;; $B9C5: Setup - PLM $B9ED (critters escape block) ;;;
    ;;; $B9ED: PLM entry - critters escape block ;;;
;;; $B9F1..4B: Turn Ceres elevator door to solid blocks during escape ;;;
;;; $B9F1: Setup - PLM $BA48 (turn Ceres elevator door to solid blocks during escape) ;;;
;;; $BA48: PLM entry - turn Ceres elevator door to solid blocks during escape ;;;
;;; $BA4C..F9: Bomb Torizo grey door ;;;
    ;;; $BA4C: Instruction list - closing - PLM $BAF4 (Bomb Torizo grey door) ;;;
    ;;; $BA6F: Instruction - go to [[Y]] if Samus doesn't have bombs ;;;
    ;;; $BA7F: Instruction list - PLM $BAF4 (Bomb Torizo grey door) ;;;
    ;;; $BAD1: Unused. Setup ;;;
    ;;; $BAF4: PLM entry - Bomb Torizo grey door ;;;
;;; $BAFA..BB08: Wrecked Ship attic ;;;
    ;;; $BAFA: Setup - PLM $BB05 (Wrecked Ship attic) ;;;
    ;;; $BAFF: Instruction list - PLM $BB05 (Wrecked Ship attic) ;;;
    ;;; $BB05: PLM entry - Wrecked Ship attic ;;;
;;; $BB09..33: Clear Crateria mainstreet escape passage if critters escaped ;;;
    ;;; $BB09: Setup - PLM $BB30 (clear Crateria mainstreet escape passage if critters escaped) ;;;
    ;;; $BB19: Instruction list - PLM $BB30 (clear Crateria mainstreet escape passage if critters escaped) ;;;
    ;;; $BB25: Instruction - move PLM right 4 blocks ;;;
    ;;; $BB30: PLM entry - clear Crateria mainstreet escape passage if critters escaped ;;;
;;; $BB34..C8D3: Gates/doors ;;;
    ;;; $BB34..51: Escape gate ;;;
        ;;; $BB34: Instruction list - door $C8CA (gate that closes during escape in room after Mother Brain) ;;;
        ;;; $BB3A: Unused. Instruction list ;;;
        ;;; $BB44: Instruction list - closing - door $C8CA / PLM $C8D0 (gate that closes during escape in room after Mother Brain) ;;;
    ;;; $BB52..BD0E: Gates ;;;
        ;;; $BB52..DC: Pre-instructions ;;;
            ;;; $BB52: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if triggered ;;;
            ;;; $BB6B: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if triggered or Samus is within 4 block column below PLM ;;;
            ;;; $BBA4: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if triggered or Samus is within 4 block column above PLM ;;;
        ;;; $BBDD..BC12: Instructions ;;;
            ;;; $BBDD: Instruction - clear trigger ;;;
            ;;; $BBE1: Instruction - spawn enemy projectile [[Y]] ;;;
            ;;; $BBF0: Instruction - wake enemy projectile at PLM's position ;;;
        ;;; $BC13..BD0E: Instruction lists ;;;
            ;;; $BC13: Instruction list - PLM $C826 (downwards open gate) ;;;
            ;;; $BC3A: Instruction list - PLM $C82A (downwards closed gate) ;;;
            ;;; $BC61: Instruction list - PLM $C82E (upwards open gate) ;;;
            ;;; $BC88: Instruction list - PLM $C832 (upwards closed gate) ;;;
            ;;; $BCAF: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - blue left ;;;
            ;;; $BCB5: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - blue right ;;;
            ;;; $BCBB: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - red left ;;;
            ;;; $BCC1: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - red right ;;;
            ;;; $BCC7: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - green left ;;;
            ;;; $BCCD: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - green right ;;;
            ;;; $BCD3: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - yellow left ;;;
            ;;; $BCD9: Instruction list - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) - yellow right ;;;
            ;;; $BCDF: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - blue left ;;;
            ;;; $BCE5: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - blue right ;;;
            ;;; $BCEB: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - red left ;;;
            ;;; $BCF1: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - red right ;;;
            ;;; $BCF7: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - green left ;;;
            ;;; $BCFD: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - green right ;;;
            ;;; $BD03: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - yellow left ;;;
            ;;; $BD09: Instruction list - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) - yellow right ;;;
    ;;; $BD0F..C54C: Doors ;;;
        ;;; $BD0F..BE58: Pre-instructions ;;;
            ;;; $BD0F: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot ;;;
            ;;; $BD26: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot with a power bomb ;;;
            ;;; $BD50: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot with a (super) missile ;;;
            ;;; $BD88: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot with a super missile ;;;
            ;;; $BDB2..BE58: Grey door ;;;
                ;;; $BDB2: Go to link instruction ;;;
                ;;; $BDC4: Play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BDD4: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if area boss is dead else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BDE3: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if area mini-boss (inc. Mother Brain) is dead else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BDF2: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if area torizo is dead else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BE01: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction and set Zebes is awake event if enemy death quota is met else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BE1C: Pre-instruction - play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BE1F: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if Tourian statue has finished processing else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BE30: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if critters escaped else play dud sound ;;;
                ;;; $BE3F: Instruction - set grey door pre-instruction ;;;
        ;;; $BE59..C54C: Instruction lists ;;;
            ;;; $BE59: Instruction list - closing - door $C842 (grey door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $BE70: Instruction list - door $C842 (grey door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $BEC2: Instruction list - closing - door $C848 (grey door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $BED9: Instruction list - door $C848 (grey door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $BF2B: Instruction list - closing - door $C84E (grey door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $BF42: Instruction list - door $C84E (grey door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $BF94: Instruction list - closing - door $C854 (grey door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $BFAB: Instruction list - door $C854 (grey door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $BFFD: Instruction list - closing - door $C85A (yellow door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C014: Instruction list - door $C85A (yellow door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C060: Instruction list - closing - door $C860 (yellow door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C077: Instruction list - door $C860 (yellow door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C0C3: Instruction list - closing - door $C866 (yellow door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C0DA: Instruction list - door $C866 (yellow door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C122: Instruction list - closing - door $C86C (yellow door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C139: Instruction list - door $C86C (yellow door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C185: Instruction list - closing - door $C872 (green door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C19C: Instruction list - door $C872 (green door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C1E4: Instruction list - closing - door $C878 (green door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C1FB: Instruction list - door $C878 (green door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C243: Instruction list - closing - door $C87E (green door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C25A: Instruction list - door $C87E (green door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C2A2: Instruction list - closing - door $C884 (green door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C2B9: Instruction list - door $C884 (green door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C301: Instruction list - closing - door $C88A (red door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C318: Instruction list - door $C88A (red door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C363: Instruction list - closing - door $C890 (red door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C37A: Instruction list - door $C890 (red door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C3C5: Instruction list - closing - door $C896 (red door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C3DC: Instruction list - door $C896 (red door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C427: Instruction list - closing - door $C89C (red door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C43E: Instruction list - door $C89C (red door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C489: Instruction list - door $C8A2 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 40h. Blue door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C49E: Instruction list - closing - door $C8A2 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 40h. Blue door facing left) ;;;
            ;;; $C4B1: Instruction list - closed blue door facing left ;;;
            ;;; $C4BA: Instruction list - door $C8A8 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 41h. Blue door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C4CF: Instruction list - closing - door $C8A8 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 41h. Blue door facing right) ;;;
            ;;; $C4E2: Instruction list - closed blue door facing right ;;;
            ;;; $C4EB: Instruction list - door $C8AE (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 42h. Blue door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C500: Instruction list - closing - door $C8AE (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 42h. Blue door facing up) ;;;
            ;;; $C513: Instruction list - closed blue door facing up ;;;
            ;;; $C51C: Instruction list - door $C8B4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 43h. Blue door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C531: Instruction list - closing - door $C8B4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 43h. Blue door facing down) ;;;
            ;;; $C544: Instruction list - closed blue door facing down ;;;
    ;;; $C54D..C805: Setups ;;;
        ;;; $C54D..C669: Gate trigger ;;;
            ;;; $C54D: Setup - PLM $C806 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Ah. Left green gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C56C: Setup - PLM $C80A (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Bh. Right green gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C58B: Setup - PLM $C80E (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 48h. Left red gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C5AF: Setup - PLM $C812 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 49h. Right red gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C5D3: Setup - PLM $C81E (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Ch. Left yellow gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C5F1: Setup - PLM $C822 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4Dh. Right yellow gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C610: Setup - PLM $C816 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 46h. Left blue gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C627: Setup - PLM $C81A (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 47h. Right blue gate trigger) ;;;
            ;;; $C63F: Trigger PLM of block to the right ;;;
            ;;; $C647: Trigger PLM of block to the left ;;;
            ;;; $C64C: Trigger PLM at block index [A] ;;;
        ;;; $C66A..DF: Gate ;;;
            ;;; $C66A: Give 5-block column below PLM BTS 10h ;;;
            ;;; $C67F: PLM BTS = 10h, move PLM down a row ;;;
            ;;; $C694: Give 5-block column above PLM BTS 10h ;;;
            ;;; $C6A9: PLM BTS = 10h, move PLM up a row ;;;
            ;;; $C6BE: Setup - PLM $C82A (downwards closed gate) ;;;
            ;;; $C6CB: Setup - PLM $C832 (upwards closed gate) ;;;
            ;;; $C6D8: Setup - PLM $C826 (downwards open gate) ;;;
            ;;; $C6DC: Setup - PLM $C82E (upwards open gate) ;;;
        ;;; $C6E0..C793: Gate shotblock ;;;
            ;;; $C6E0: Setup - PLM $C836 (downwards gate shotblock) ;;;
            ;;; $C73A: Setup - PLM $C83A (upwards gate shotblock) ;;;
        ;;; $C794..C805: Door ;;;
            ;;; $C794: Setup - door $BAF4/$C842/$C848/$C84E/$C854 (grey door) ;;;
            ;;; $C7B1: Setup - door $C85A/$C860/$C866/$C86C/$C872/$C878/$C87E/$C884/$C88A/$C890/$C896/$C89C (coloured door) ;;;
            ;;; $C7BB: Setup - door $C8A2/$C8A8/$C8AE/$C8B4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 40h..43h. Blue door) ;;;
            ;;; $C7E2: Setup - PLM $C83E (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 44h / collision reaction, special, BTS 44h. Generic shot trigger for a PLM) ;;;
    ;;; $C806: PLM entries ;;;
;;; $C8D4..D0EB: Block reactions ;;;
    ;;; $C8D4..CDC1: Instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $C8D4: Instruction list - PLM $CFEC (unused. Draws 1x1 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8DA: Instruction list - PLM $CFF0 (unused. Draws 1x2 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8E0: Instruction list - PLM $CFF4 (unused. Draws 2x1 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8E6: Instruction list - PLM $CFF8 (unused. Draws 2x2 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8EC: Instruction list - PLM $CFFC (bomb reaction, special block, BTS 0/4. 1x1 (respawning) crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8F2: Instruction list - PLM $D000 (bomb reaction, special block, BTS 1/5. 2x1 (respawning) crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8F8: Instruction list - PLM $D004 (bomb reaction, special block, BTS 2/6. 1x2 (respawning) crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $C8FE: Instruction list - PLM $D008 (bomb reaction, special block, BTS 3/7. 2x2 (respawning) crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $C904: Instruction list - PLM $D00C (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C90A: Instruction list - PLM $D010 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C910: Instruction list - PLM $D014 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C916: Instruction list - PLM $D018 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C91C: Instruction list - power bomb block bombed / PLM $D01C (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C922: Instruction list - super missile block bombed / PLM $D020 (unused) ;;;
        ;;; $C928: Instruction list - PLM $D024 (bomb reaction, special block, BTS Eh/Fh / Brinstar 82h/83h/84h/85h. Speed block) ;;;
        ;;; $C92E: Instruction list - PLM $D028 (unused. Respawning screw attack block) ;;;
        ;;; $C951: Instruction list - PLM $D030 (collision reaction, special, BTS Brinstar 82h. Respawning speed block, slower crumble animation) ;;;
        ;;; $C974: Instruction list - PLM $D038 (collision reaction, special, BTS Eh. Respawning speed block) ;;;
        ;;; $C997: Instruction list - PLM $D03C (collision reaction, special, BTS Brinstar 84h. Respawning speed block) ;;;
        ;;; $C9BA: Instruction list - PLM $D02C (unused. Screw attack block) ;;;
        ;;; $C9CF: Instruction list - PLM $D034 (collision reaction, special, BTS Brinstar 83h. Speed block, slower crumble animation) ;;;
        ;;; $C9E4: Instruction list - PLM $D040 (collision reaction, special, BTS Fh / Brinstar 85h. Speed block) ;;;
        ;;; $C9F9: Instruction list - PLM $D044 (collision reaction, special, BTS 0. 1x1 respawning crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CA1C: Instruction list - PLM $D048 (collision reaction, special, BTS 1. 2x1 respawning crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CA41: Instruction list - PLM $D04C (collision reaction, special, BTS 2. 1x2 respawning crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CA66: Instruction list - PLM $D050 (collision reaction, special, BTS 3. 2x2 respawning crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CA8B: Instruction list - PLM $D054 (collision reaction, special, BTS 4. 1x1 crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CAA0: Instruction list - PLM $D058 (collision reaction, special, BTS 5. 2x1 crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CAB5: Instruction list - PLM $D05C (collision reaction, special, BTS 6. 1x2 crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CACA: Instruction list - PLM $D060 (collision reaction, special, BTS 7. 2x2 crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CADF: Instruction list - PLM $D064 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 0. 1x1 respawning shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CB02: Instruction list - PLM $D068 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 1. 2x1 respawning shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CB27: Instruction list - PLM $D06C (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 2. 1x2 respawning shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CB4C: Instruction list - PLM $D070 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 3. 2x2 respawning shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CB71: Instruction list - PLM $D08C (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS Ah. Respawning super missile block) ;;;
        ;;; $CB94: Instruction list - PLM $D084 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 8. Respawning power bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CBB7: Instruction list - PLM $D074 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 4. 1x1 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CBCC: Instruction list - PLM $D078 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 5. 2x1 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CBE1: Instruction list - PLM $D07C (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 6. 1x2 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CBF6: Instruction list - PLM $D080 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 7. 2x2 shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC0B: Instruction list - PLM $D090 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS Bh. Super missile block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC20: Instruction list - PLM $D088 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 9. Power bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC35: Instruction list - PLM $D098 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 0. 1x1 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC3C: Instruction list - PLM $D0B8 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 0. 1x1 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC3F: Instruction list - 1x1 respawning bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CC5F: Instruction list - PLM $D09C (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 1. 2x1 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC66: Instruction list - PLM $D0BC (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 1. 2x1 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC69: Instruction list - 2x1 respawning bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CC8B: Instruction list - PLM $D0A0 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 2. 1x2 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC92: Instruction list - PLM $D0C0 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 2. 1x2 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CC95: Instruction list - 1x2 respawning bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CCB7: Instruction list - PLM $D0A4 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 3. 2x2 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CCBE: Instruction list - PLM $D0C4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 3. 2x2 respawning bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CCC1: Instruction list - 2x2 respawning bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CCE3: Instruction list - PLM $D0A8 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 4. 1x1 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CCEA: Instruction list - PLM $D0C8 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 4. 1x1 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CCED: Instruction list - 1x1 bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CCFF: Instruction list - PLM $D0AC (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 5. 2x1 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD06: Instruction list - PLM $D0CC (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 5. 2x1 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD09: Instruction list - 2x1 bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CD1B: Instruction list - PLM $D0B0 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 6. 1x2 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD22: Instruction list - PLM $D0D0 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 6. 1x2 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD25: Instruction list - 1x2 bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CD37: Instruction list - PLM $D0B4 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 7. 2x2 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD3E: Instruction list - PLM $D0D4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 7. 2x2 bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD41: Instruction list - 2x2 bomb block ;;;
        ;;; $CD53: Instruction list - PLM $D094 (enemy collision reaction, spike block, BTS Fh. Enemy breakable block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD68: Instruction list - PLM $D0D8/$D0E4/$D0E8 (grappled reaction, spike block / grapple block, BTS 0/3. Grapple block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD6A: Instruction list - PLM $D0DC (grappled reaction, grapple block, BTS 1. Respawning breakable grapple block) ;;;
        ;;; $CD93: PLM BTS = 1 ;;;
        ;;; $CDA9: Instruction list - PLM $D0E0 (grappled reaction, grapple block, BTS 2. Breakable grapple block) ;;;
    ;;; $CDC2..CFEB: Setups ;;;
        ;;; $CDC2: Setup - PLM $D028/$D02C (unused. (Respawning) screw attack block) ;;;
        ;;; $CDEA: Setup - PLM $D030/$D034/$D038/$D03C/$D040 (collision reaction, special, BTS Eh/Fh / Brinstar 82h..85h. Respawning speed block) ;;;
        ;;; $CE37: Setup - PLM $D044/$D048/$D04C/$D050/$D054/$D058/$D05C/$D060 (collision reaction, special, BTS 0..7. (Respawning) crumble block) ;;;
        ;;; $CE6B: Setup - PLM $D064/$D068/$D06C/$D070 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 0..3. Respawning shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $CE83: Setup - PLM $D098/$D09C/$D0A0/$D0A4/$D0A8/$D0AC/$D0B0/$D0B4 (collision reaction, bombable, BTS 0..7. (Respawning) bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CEDA: Setup - PLM $D0B8/$D0BC/$D0C0/$D0C4/$D0C8/$D0CC/$D0D0/$D0D4 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, bombable, BTS 0..7. (Respawning) bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CF2E: Setup - PLM $D084/$D088 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 8/9. (Respawning) power bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $CF67: Setup - PLM $D08C/$D090 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS Ah/Bh. (Respawning) super missile block) ;;;
        ;;; $CFA0: Setup - PLM $CFEC/$CFF0/$CFF4/$CFF8/$CFFC/$D000/$D004/$D008/$D00C/$D010/$D014/$D018/$D01C/$D020/$D024 (bomb reaction, special block, BTS 0..7 / Eh/Fh / Brinstar 82h..85h. (Respawning) crumble block / speed block / unused) ;;;
        ;;; $CFB5: Setup - PLM $D0DC/$D0E0 (grappled reaction, grapple block, BTS 1/2. (Respawning) breakable grapple block) ;;;
        ;;; $CFCD: Setup - PLM $D0D8 (grappled reaction, grapple block, BTS 0/3. Generic grapple block) ;;;
        ;;; $CFD1: Setup - PLM $D0E4 (grappled reaction, generic spike block) ;;;
        ;;; $CFD5: Setup - PLM $D0E8 (grappled reaction, spike block, BTS 3. Draygon's broken turret) ;;;
    ;;; $CFEC..D0EB: PLM entries ;;;
;;; $D0EC..F5: Blue Brinstar face-block (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $D0EC: Instruction list - PLM $D0F2 (unused. Blue Brinstar face-block) ;;;
    ;;; $D0F2: Unused. PLM entry - Blue Brinstar face-block ;;;
;;; $D0F6..D116: Chozo crumbled block ;;;
    ;;; $D0F6: Instruction list - PLM $D113 (chozo crumbled block) ;;;
    ;;; $D108: Setup - PLM $D113 (chozo crumbled block) ;;;
    ;;; $D113: PLM entry - chozo crumbled block ;;;
;;; $D117..2A: Shot block (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $D117: Setup - PLM $D127 (unused. Shot block) ;;;
    ;;; $D121: Instruction list - PLM $D127 (unused. Shot block) ;;;
    ;;; $D127: Unused. PLM entry - shot block ;;;
;;; $D12B..D13E: Grapple block (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $D12B: Setup - PLM $D13B (unused. Grapple block) ;;;
    ;;; $D135: Instruction list - PLM $D13B (unused. Grapple block) ;;;
    ;;; $D13B: Unused. PLM entry - grapple block ;;;
;;; $D13F..D70F: Glass / chozo ;;;
    ;;; $D13F..D5F5: Instructions and instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $D13F: Instruction list - PLM $D6D6 (Lower Norfair chozo hand) ;;;
        ;;; $D155: Instruction - FX base Y position = 2D2h ;;;
        ;;; $D15C: Pre-instruction - delete PLM and spawn trigger block if block (4, 8) is a blank air block ;;;
        ;;; $D18E: RTS. Setup - PLM $D6D6 (Lower Norfair chozo hand) ;;;
        ;;; $D18F: Setup - PLM $D6DA (collision reaction, special, BTS Norfair 83h. Lower Norfair chozo hand trigger) ;;;
        ;;; $D1E6: Pre-instruction - increment PLM room argument if shot by (super) missile ;;;
        ;;; $D202: Instruction list - PLM $D6DE (Mother Brain's glass) ;;;
        ;;; $D2ED: Instruction list - PLM $D6E2 (unused. Mother Brain's glass, area boss dead state) ;;;
        ;;; $D2F3: Instruction list - PLM $D6E6 (unused. Mother Brain's glass, no glass state) ;;;
        ;;; $D2F9: Instruction - go to [[Y] + 2] if [room argument] < [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $D30B: Instruction - spawn four Mother Brain's glass shattering shards with arguments [[Y]..[Y]+7] ;;;
        ;;; $D331: Spawn Mother Brain's glass shattering shard with argument [A] ;;;
        ;;; $D33B: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if Samus has bombs ;;;
        ;;; $D357: Instruction - spawn Bomb Torizo statue breaking with argument [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $D368: Instruction list - PLM $D6EA (Bomb Torizo's crumbling chozo) ;;;
        ;;; $D3C7: Instruction - queue song 1 music track ;;;
        ;;; $D3CF: Instruction list - PLM $D6F8 (clear slope access for Wrecked Ship chozo) ;;;
        ;;; $D3D7: Instruction - transform Wrecked Ship chozo's spikes into slopes ;;;
        ;;; $D3EC: Instruction list - PLM $D6FC (block slope access for Wrecked Ship chozo) ;;;
        ;;; $D3F4: Instruction - revert Wrecked Ship chozo's slopes into spikes ;;;
        ;;; $D409: Unused. Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot with a bomb ;;;
        ;;; $D426: Instruction list - PLM $D700 (unused. Wrecked Ship 3x4 chozo bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $D44E: Instruction list - PLM $D704 (unused. Alternate Lower Norfair chozo hand) ;;;
        ;;; $D476: Unused. Instruction - drain acid lake ;;;
        ;;; $D489: Unused. Instruction - FX base Y position = 2D2h ;;;
        ;;; $D490: Instruction list - PLM $D708 (unused. Lower Norfair 2x2 chozo shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $D4BE: RTS. Instruction - NOP ;;;
        ;;; $D4BF: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if A/X/B/Y/left/right pressed ;;;
        ;;; $D4D4: Instruction list - PLM $D70C (n00b tube) ;;;
        ;;; $D525: Instruction - enable water physics ;;;
        ;;; $D52C: Instruction - spawn n00b tube crack enemy projectile ;;;
        ;;; $D536: Instruction - trigger n00b tube earthquake ;;;
        ;;; $D543: Instruction - spawn ten n00b tube shards and six n00b tube released air bubbles ;;;
        ;;; $D5E6: Instruction - lock Samus ;;;
        ;;; $D5EE: Instruction - unlock Samus ;;;
    ;;; $D5F6..D6D5: Setups ;;;
        ;;; $D5F6: Setup - PLM $D6DE (Mother Brain's glass) ;;;
        ;;; $D606: Setup - PLM $D6EA (Bomb Torizo's crumbling chozo) ;;;
        ;;; $D616: Setup - PLM $D6EE (Wrecked Ship chozo hand) ;;;
        ;;; $D620: Setup - PLM $D6F2 (collision reaction, special, BTS Wrecked Ship 80h. Wrecked Ship chozo hand trigger) ;;;
        ;;; $D67F: Setup - PLM $D700 (unused. Wrecked Ship 3x4 chozo bomb block) ;;;
        ;;; $D689: Setup - PLM $D704 (unused. Alternate Lower Norfair chozo hand) ;;;
        ;;; $D693: Setup - PLM $D708 (unused. Lower Norfair 2x2 chozo shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $D6CC: Setup - PLM $D70C (n00b tube) ;;;
    ;;; $D6D6..D70F: PLM entries ;;;
        ;;; $D6F6: RTS. Setup - PLM $D6F8 (clear slope access for Wrecked Ship chozo) ;;;
        ;;; $D6F7: RTS. Setup - PLM $D6FC (block slope access for Wrecked Ship chozo) ;;;
;;; $D710..DB63: Eye door ;;;
    ;;; $D710: Unused. Pre-instruction - wake PLM if Samus is within 4 blocks of PLM ;;;
    ;;; $D753: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if room argument door is set ;;;
    ;;; $D77A..D81D: Instructions ;;;
        ;;; $D77A: Instruction - shoot eye door projectile with enemy projectile argument [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $D790: Instruction - spawn eye door sweat enemy projectile with argument [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $D79F: Instruction - spawn two eye door smoke enemy projectiles ;;;
        ;;; $D7B6: Instruction - spawn eye door sweat drop projectile ;;;
        ;;; $D7C3: Instruction - move PLM up one row and make a blue door facing right ;;;
        ;;; $D7DA: Instruction - move PLM up one row and make a blue door facing left ;;;
        ;;; $D7EF: Create 3 block vertical extension ;;;
    ;;; $D81E..DA8B: Instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $D81E: Instruction list - PLM $DB56 (eye door eye, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $D8E9: Instruction list - door $DB5A (eye door, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $D91F: Instruction list - PLM $DB60 (eye door bottom, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $D955: Instruction list - PLM $DB48 (eye door eye, facing right) ;;;
        ;;; $DA20: Instruction list - door $DB4C (eye door, facing right) ;;;
        ;;; $DA56: Instruction list - PLM $DB52 (eye door bottom, facing right) ;;;
    ;;; $DA8C: Setup - PLM $DB48/$DB56 (eye door eye) ;;;
    ;;; $DAB9: Setup - door $DB4C/$DB5A / PLM $DB52/$DB60 (eye door) ;;;
    ;;; $DAD5..DB43: Set Metroids cleared state when required ;;;
        ;;; $DAD5..DB1D: Pre-instructions ;;;
            ;;; $DAD5: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 0 ;;;
            ;;; $DAD6: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 2 ;;;
            ;;; $DAD7: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 4 ;;;
            ;;; $DAD8: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 6 ;;;
            ;;; $DAD9: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 8 ;;;
            ;;; $DADA: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = Ah ;;;
            ;;; $DADB: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = Ch ;;;
            ;;; $DADC: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = Eh ;;;
            ;;; $DADD: RTS. Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 10h ;;;
            ;;; $DADE: Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 12h ;;;
            ;;; $DAEE: Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 14h ;;;
            ;;; $DAFE: Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 16h ;;;
            ;;; $DB0E: Pre-instruction - set Metroids cleared state when required - room argument = 18h ;;;
        ;;; $DB1E: Setup - PLM $DB44 (sets Metroids cleared states when required) ;;;
        ;;; $DB42: Instruction list - PLM $DB44 (sets Metroids cleared states when required) ;;;
    ;;; $DB44: PLM entries ;;;
;;; $DB64..DF58: Draygon cannon ;;;
    ;;; $DB64..DCDD: Instructions ;;;
        ;;; $DB64: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if shot with a (super) missile ;;;
        ;;; $DB8E: Instruction - damage Draygon turret ;;;
        ;;; $DBB8: Instruction - damage Draygon turret facing down-right ;;;
        ;;; $DBF7: Instruction - damage Draygon turret facing up-right ;;;
        ;;; $DC36: Instruction - damage Draygon turret ;;;
        ;;; $DC60: Instruction - damage Draygon turret facing down-left ;;;
        ;;; $DC9F: Instruction - damage Draygon turret facing up-left ;;;
    ;;; $DCDE..DE93: Instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $DCDE: Instruction list - PLM $DF59 (Draygon cannon, with shield, facing right) ;;;
        ;;; $DD11: Instruction list - PLM $DF65 (Draygon cannon, facing right) ;;;
        ;;; $DD27: Instruction list - PLM $DF5D (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-right) ;;;
        ;;; $DD5A: Instruction list - PLM $DF69 (unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-right) ;;;
        ;;; $DD70: Instruction list - PLM $DF61 (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-right) ;;;
        ;;; $DDA3: Instruction list - PLM $DF6D (unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-right) ;;;
        ;;; $DDB9: Instruction list - PLM $DF71 (Draygon cannon, with shield, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $DDEC: Instruction list - PLM $DF7D (Draygon cannon, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $DE02: Instruction list - PLM $DF75 (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-left) ;;;
        ;;; $DE35: Instruction list - PLM $DF81 (unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-left) ;;;
        ;;; $DE4B: Instruction list - PLM $DF79 (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-left) ;;;
        ;;; $DE7E: Instruction list - PLM $DF85 (unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-left) ;;;
    ;;; $DE94..DF58: Setups ;;;
        ;;; $DE94: Setup - PLM $DF59 (Draygon cannon, with shield, facing right) ;;;
        ;;; $DEB9: Setup - PLM $DF5D/$DF61 (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-right / up-right) ;;;
        ;;; $DEF0: Setup - PLM $DF71 (Draygon cannon, with shield, facing left) ;;;
        ;;; $DF15: Setup - PLM $DF75/$DF79 (unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-left / up-left) ;;;
        ;;; $DF4C: Setup - PLM $DF65/$DF69/$DF6D/$DF7D/$DF81/$DF85 (Draygon cannon) ;;;
;;; $DF59: PLM entries ;;;
;;; $DF89..EFD2: Items ;;;
    ;;; $DF89..EE4C: Instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $DF89: Pre-instruction - go to link instruction if triggered ;;;
        ;;; $DFA9: Instruction list - empty item ;;;
        ;;; $DFAF: Instruction list - item orb ;;;
        ;;; $DFC7: Instruction list - callable - item orb burst ;;;
        ;;; $DFD7: Unused. Instruction list - callable - empty item orb ;;;
        ;;; $DFE6: Pre-instruction - wake PLM if triggered ;;;
        ;;; $E007: Instruction list - callable - item shot block ;;;
        ;;; $E020: Instruction list - callable - item shot block reconcealing ;;;
        ;;; $E032: Instruction list - callable - empty item shot block reconcealing ;;;
        ;;; $E04F: Instruction - draw item frame 0 ;;;
        ;;; $E067: Instruction - draw item frame 1 ;;;
        ;;; $E07F: Draw PLM and wait 4 frames ;;;
        ;;; $E099: Instruction list - PLM $EED7 (energy tank) ;;;
        ;;; $E0BE: Instruction list - PLM $EEDB (missile tank) ;;;
        ;;; $E0E3: Instruction list - PLM $EEDF (super missile tank) ;;;
        ;;; $E108: Instruction list - PLM $EEE3 (power bomb tank) ;;;
        ;;; $E12D: Instruction list - PLM $EEE7 (bombs) ;;;
        ;;; $E15B: Instruction list - PLM $EEEB (charge beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E189: Instruction list - PLM $EEEF (ice beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E1B7: Instruction list - PLM $EEF3 (hi-jump) ;;;
        ;;; $E1E5: Instruction list - PLM $EEF7 (speed booster) ;;;
        ;;; $E213: Instruction list - PLM $EEFB (wave beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E241: Instruction list - PLM $EEFF (spazer beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E26F: Instruction list - PLM $EF03 (spring ball) ;;;
        ;;; $E29D: Instruction - clear charge beam counter ;;;
        ;;; $E2A1: Instruction list - PLM $EF07 (varia suit) ;;;
        ;;; $E2D6: Instruction list - PLM $EF0B (gravity suit) ;;;
        ;;; $E30B: Instruction list - PLM $EF0F (x-ray scope) ;;;
        ;;; $E338: Instruction list - PLM $EF13 (plasma beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E366: Instruction list - PLM $EF17 (grapple beam) ;;;
        ;;; $E393: Instruction list - PLM $EF1B (space jump) ;;;
        ;;; $E3C1: Instruction list - PLM $EF1F (screw attack) ;;;
        ;;; $E3EF: Instruction list - PLM $EF23 (morph ball) ;;;
        ;;; $E41D: Instruction list - PLM $EF27 (reserve tank) ;;;
        ;;; $E44A: Instruction list - PLM $EF2B (energy tank, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E47C: Instruction list - PLM $EF2F (missile tank, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E4AE: Instruction list - PLM $EF33 (super missile tank, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E4E0: Instruction list - PLM $EF37 (power bomb tank, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E512: Instruction list - PLM $EF3B (bombs, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E54D: Instruction list - PLM $EF3F (charge beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E588: Instruction list - PLM $EF43 (ice beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E5C3: Instruction list - PLM $EF47 (hi-jump, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E5FE: Instruction list - PLM $EF4B (speed booster, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E63B: Instruction - FX Y velocity = FFE0h ;;;
        ;;; $E642: Instruction list - PLM $EF4F (wave beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E67D: Instruction list - PLM $EF53 (spazer beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E6B8: Instruction list - PLM $EF57 (spring ball, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E6F3: Instruction list - PLM $EF5B (varia suit, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E735: Instruction list - PLM $EF5F (gravity suit, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E777: Instruction list - PLM $EF63 (x-ray scope, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E7B1: Instruction list - PLM $EF67 (plasma beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E7EC: Instruction list - PLM $EF6B (grapple beam, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E826: Instruction list - PLM $EF6F (space jump, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E861: Instruction list - PLM $EF73 (screw attack, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E89C: Instruction list - PLM $EF77 (morph ball, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E8D7: Instruction list - PLM $EF7B (reserve tank, chozo orb) ;;;
        ;;; $E911: Instruction list - PLM $EF7F (energy tank, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $E949: Instruction list - PLM $EF83 (missile tank, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $E981: Instruction list - PLM $EF87 (super missile tank, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $E9B9: Instruction list - PLM $EF8B (power bomb tank, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $E9F1: Instruction list - PLM $EF8F (bombs, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EA32: Instruction list - PLM $EF93 (charge beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EA73: Instruction list - PLM $EF97 (ice beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EAB4: Instruction list - PLM $EF9B (hi-jump, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EAF5: Instruction list - PLM $EF9F (speed booster, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EB36: Instruction list - PLM $EFA3 (wave beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EB77: Instruction list - PLM $EFA7 (spazer beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EBB8: Instruction list - PLM $EFAB (spring ball, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EBF9: Instruction list - PLM $EFAF (varia suit, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EC41: Instruction list - PLM $EFB3 (gravity suit, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EC89: Instruction list - PLM $EFB7 (x-ray scope, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $ECC9: Instruction list - PLM $EFBB (plasma beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $ED0A: Instruction list - PLM $EFBF (grapple beam, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $ED4A: Instruction list - PLM $EFC3 (space jump, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $ED8B: Instruction list - PLM $EFC7 (screw attack, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EDCC: Instruction list - PLM $EFCB (morph ball, shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EE0D: Instruction list - PLM $EFCF (reserve tank, shot block) ;;;
    ;;; $EE4D..D2: Setups ;;;
        ;;; $EE4D: Setup - PLM $EED7/$EF2B (energy tank) ;;;
        ;;; $EE52: Setup - PLM $EEDB/$EF2F (missile tank) ;;;
        ;;; $EE57: Setup - PLM $EEDF/$EF33 (super missile tank) ;;;
        ;;; $EE5C: Setup - PLM $EEE3/$EF37 (power bomb tank) ;;;
        ;;; $EE5F: Set PLM item GFX index and do ability setup ;;;
        ;;; $EE64: Setup - PLM $EEE7/$EEEB/$EEEF/$EF03/$EF07/$EF0B/$EF0F/$EF13/$EF17/$EF1B/$EF1F/$EF23/$EF27/$EF2B/$EF2F/$EF33/$EF37/$EF3B/$EF3F/$EF43/$EF47/$EF4B/$EF4F/$EF53/$EF57/$EF5B/$EF5F/$EF63/$EF67/$EF6B/$EF6F/$EF73/$EF77/$EF7B (ability) ;;;
        ;;; $EE77: Setup - PLM $EF7F (energy tank shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EE7C: Setup - PLM $EF83 (missile tank shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EE81: Setup - PLM $EF87 (super missile tank shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EE86: Setup - PLM $EF8B (power bomb tank shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EE89: Set PLM item GFX index and do ability shot block setup ;;;
        ;;; $EE8E: Setup - PLM $EF8F/$EF93/$EF97/$EF9B/$EF9F/$EFA3/$EFA7/$EFAB/$EFAF/$EFB3/$EFB7/$EFBB/$EFBF/$EFC3/$EFC7/$EFCB/$EFCF (ability shot block) ;;;
        ;;; $EEAB: Setup - PLM $EED3 (shot/bombed/grappled reaction, shootable, BTS 45h / collision reaction, special, BTS 45h. Item collision detection) ;;;
    ;;; $EED3: PLM entries ;;;
;;; $EFD3: Free space ;;;