;;; $8000: Large message box top/bottom border tilemap ;;;
;;; $8040: Small message box top/bottom border tilemap ;;;
;;; $8080: Message box routine ;;;
;;; $80FA: Maybe trigger pause menu or return save confirmation selection ;;;
;;; $8119: Play saving sound effect ;;;
;;; $8136: Wait for lag frame ;;;
;;; $8143: Initialise PPU for message boxes ;;;
;;; $81F3: Clear message box BG3 tilemap ;;;
;;; $8241: Initialise message box ;;;
;;; $8258: Unused. REP #$30 ;;;
;;; $825A: Write large message box tilemap ;;;
;;; $8289: Write small message box tilemap ;;;
;;; $82B8: Write message tilemap ;;;
;;; $831E: Set up PPU for active message box ;;;
;;; $8363: Set up message box BG3 Y scroll HDMA ;;;
;;; $83C5: Draw shoot button and set up PPU for large message box ;;;
;;; $83CC: Draw run button and set up PPU for large message box ;;;
;;; $83D1: Draw special button and set up PPU for large message box ;;;
;;; $8436: Set up PPU for small message box ;;;
;;; $8441: Set up PPU for large message box ;;;
;;; $844C: Open message box ;;;
;;; $846D: Handle message box interaction ;;;
;;; $8507: Toggle save confirmation selection ;;;
;;; $8574: Play 2 lag frames of music and sound effects ;;;
;;; $8589: Close message box ;;;
;;; $859B: Write message box BG3 Y scroll HDMA data table ;;;
;;; $861A: Restore PPU ;;;
;;; $869B: Message definitions ;;;
;;; $8749: Special button tilemap offsets ;;;
;;; $877F: Message tilemaps ;;;
;;; $9643: Free space ;;;