;;; $8000..8686: Common to all enemy banks ;;;
;;; $8687..D744: Torizo ;;;
    ;;; $8687: Palette - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F/$EF7F/$EFBF (Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $86A7: Torizo palettes ;;;
    ;;; $87C7: Torizo hitbox ;;;
    ;;; $87C9: Torizo spritemap ;;;
    ;;; $87D0: Torizo extended spritemap ;;;
    ;;; $87DA: Torizo hitboxes ;;;
    ;;; $8A96: Torizo spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $A4E6: Torizo extended spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $B096: Torizo constants ;;;
    ;;; $B09C: Instruction - enemy function = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $B0A5: Blank tilemap ;;;
    ;;; $B0E5: Instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $B11D: Instruction - spawn 6 Bomb Torizo low-health continuous drool enemy projectiles ;;;
    ;;; $B155: Instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $B1BE: Instruction - enemy $0FB6 |= 4000h ;;;
    ;;; $B1C8: Instruction list - Torizo death sequence ;;;
    ;;; $B224: Instruction - set enemy as visible ;;;
    ;;; $B22E: Instruction - set enemy as invisible ;;;
    ;;; $B238: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $B24D: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $B271: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $B279: Tiles ;;;
    ;;; $B479: Tiles ;;;
    ;;; $B679: Tiles ;;;
    ;;; $B879: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B887: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B94D: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $B951: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $B962: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BA04: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BA46: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BA88: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BAF2: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BB5C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BBDE: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BC60: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BC88: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BC96: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BCBE: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BCD2: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BCFA: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BD0E: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BD90: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BD9C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BDD8: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BE7E: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BEC0: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BF02: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BF6C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $BFD6: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C058: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C0DA: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C102: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C110: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C138: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C14C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C174: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C188: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C20A:  ;;;
    ;;; $C22D:  ;;;
    ;;; $C250: Load Bomb Torizo statue palettes ;;;
    ;;; $C268: Load normal torizo target palettes ;;;
    ;;; $C280: Load Golden Torizo statue palettes ;;;
    ;;; $C298: Load Golden Torizo palettes ;;;
    ;;; $C2B0: Load normal torizo palettes ;;;
    ;;; $C2C8: RTL. Instruction - NOP ;;;
    ;;; $C2C9: Instruction - enemy $7E:7808 = 7777h ;;;
    ;;; $C2D1: Instruction - enemy $7E:7808 = 0 ;;;
    ;;; $C2D9: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C2ED: Instruction - enemy $7E:7800 = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $C2F7: Instruction - go to [enemy $7E:7800] ;;;
    ;;; $C2FD: Instruction - go to [enemy $7E:7802] ;;;
    ;;; $C303: Instruction - spawn 5 Bomb Torizo low-health explosion enemy projectiles with parameter [[Y]] and sleep for 28h i-frames ;;;
    ;;; $C32F: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C34A: Instruction - spawn torizo landing dust clouds ;;;
    ;;; $C35B:  ;;;
    ;;; $C36D: Instruction - enemy $0FB4 |= 4000h ;;;
    ;;; $C377: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C38A: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C3A0: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C3B6: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C3CC: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C41E: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C470: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C4E5: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C55A: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C567: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C58B: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C5A4: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C5CB: Instruction - spawn Bomb Torizo's chozo orbs ;;;
    ;;; $C5E3: Instruction - spawn Bomb Torizo sonic boom with parameter [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $C5F2: Instruction - spawn Golden Torizo explosive swipe with parameter [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $C601: Instruction - spawn Bomb Torizo explosive swipe with parameter [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $C610: Instruction - play shot torizo sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $C618: Instruction - play torizo footsteps sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $C620: Handle low-health initial drool ;;;
    ;;; $C643: Handle falling ;;;
    ;;; $C67E: Hurt AI - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F (Bomb Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $C6A4: Main AI - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F (Bomb Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $C6AB: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C6AC:  ;;;
    ;;; $C6BF: Torizo function ;;;
    ;;; $C6C6: Torizo function ;;;
    ;;; $C6FF: Torizo function ;;;
    ;;; $C752:  ;;;
    ;;; $C828:  ;;;
    ;;; $C82C:  ;;;
    ;;; $C87F: Initialisation AI - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F/$EF7F/$EFBF (Torizos) ;;;
    ;;; $C977: Enemy touch - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F/$EF7F/$EFBF (Torizos) ;;;
    ;;; $C97C: Enemy shot - enemy $EEFF/$EF3F (Bomb Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $C9C1: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $C9C2:  ;;;
    ;;; $C9CB: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C9E2: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CACE: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $CADE: Instruction - load Golden Torizo palettes ;;;
    ;;; $CAE2: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $CAFF: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CB41: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CB83: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CBED: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CC57: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CC99: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CCDB: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CD45: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CDAF: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CDB9: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CDC3: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CDCD: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CDD7: Instruction - enemy $0FB6 &= EFFFh ;;;
    ;;; $CDE1: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CE43: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CEA5: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CEFF: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CF59: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CFC5: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D031: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D0E9: Instruction - spawn Golden Torizo egg ;;;
    ;;; $D0F3: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D10D: Instruction list - Golden Torizo eye beam attack ;;;
    ;;; $D17B: Instruction - disable eye beam explosions ;;;
    ;;; $D187: Instruction - enable eye beam explosions ;;;
    ;;; $D193: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D1E7: Instruction - enemy $0FB6 &= DFFFh ;;;
    ;;; $D1F1: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D203: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D2AD: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D2BF: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $D369: Main AI - enemy $EF7F/$EFBF (Gold Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $D38F: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D397: Instruction - play laser sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $D39F: Instruction - play torizo sonic boom sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $D3A7:  ;;;
    ;;; $D3B2: Golden Torizo health-based palette handling ;;;
    ;;; $D3BA: Hurt AI - enemy $EF7F/$EFBF (Golden Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $D3E0: Instruction - spawn Golden Torizo super missile ;;;
    ;;; $D3EA: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D436: Instruction - spawn Golden Torizo eye beam ;;;
    ;;; $D445: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D474: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D49B: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D4BA: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D4F3: Instruction - spawn Golden Torizo's chozo orbs ;;;
    ;;; $D4FD: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D526: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D54D: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $D5C2: Torizo function - activate Golden Torizo if Samus is in the right place ;;;
    ;;; $D5DF: Torizo function ;;;
    ;;; $D5E6: Torizo function ;;;
    ;;; $D5ED:  ;;;
    ;;; $D5F1:  ;;;
    ;;; $D658:  ;;;
    ;;; $D667: Enemy shot - enemy $EF7F/$EFBF (Gold Torizo) ;;;
    ;;; $D6A6:  ;;;
    ;;; $D6D1:  ;;;
    ;;; $D6F7:  ;;;
;;; $D745..D910: Tourian entrance statue ;;;
    ;;; $D745: Palette - enemy $EFFF/$F03F (Tourian entrance statue) ;;;
    ;;; $D765: Tourian entrance statue palettes ;;;
    ;;; $D7A5: Instruction list - Tourian entrance statue - Ridley ;;;
    ;;; $D7AF: Instruction list - Tourian entrance statue - Phantoon ;;;
    ;;; $D7B9: Instruction list - Tourian entrance statue - base decoration ;;;
    ;;; $D7C7: Main AI - enemy $EFFF (Tourian entrance statue) ;;;
    ;;; $D7C8: Initialisation AI - enemy $EFFF (Tourian entrance statue) ;;;
    ;;; $D816: Spritemaps - Tourian entrance statue ;;;
;;; $D911..E2BC: Shaktool ;;;
    ;;; $D911: Palette - enemy $F07F (Shaktool) ;;;
    ;;; $D931..E9: Shaktool instructions ;;;
        ;;; $D931: Instruction -  ;;;
        ;;; $D93F: Instruction -  ;;;
        ;;; $D94A: Instruction -  ;;;
        ;;; $D953: Instruction -  ;;;
        ;;; $D956:  ;;;
        ;;; $D99F: RTL. Instruction - NOP (disabled - spawn Shaktool attack enemy projectiles) ;;;
        ;;; $D9BA: Instruction - reset Shaktool functions ;;;
    ;;; $D9EA..DAE3: Instruction lists - Shaktool ;;;
        ;;; $D9EA: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $D9F2: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $D9FC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA04: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA0E: Instruction list - Shaktool saw hand - initial ;;;
        ;;; $DA1E: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA2E: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA42: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA56: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA62: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA72: Instruction list - Shaktool arm piece - initial ;;;
        ;;; $DA7A: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DA90: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DAAC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DAB4: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DABC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DAC4: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DACC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
        ;;; $DAD4: Instruction list - Shaktool head - initial ;;;
        ;;; $DADC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $DAE4: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $DAE5:  ;;;
    ;;; $DB0E:  ;;;
    ;;; $DB27:  ;;;
    ;;; $DB40:  ;;;
    ;;; $DB59:  ;;;
    ;;; $DC07:  ;;;
    ;;; $DC2A: Position Shaktool piece relative to previous piece ;;;
    ;;; $DC6F:  ;;;
    ;;; $DCA3: Main AI / hurt AI - enemy $F07F (Shaktool) ;;;
    ;;; $DCAA: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $DCAB: RTS. Shaktool function - primary piece ;;;
    ;;; $DCAC: Shaktool function - arm piece ;;;
    ;;; $DCD7: Shaktool function - head ;;;
    ;;; $DD25: Shaktool function - final piece ;;;
    ;;; $DE43: Initialisation AI - enemy $F07F (Shaktool) ;;;
    ;;; $DF05: Unused ;;;
    ;;; $DF13: Shaktool instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $DF2F: Enemy touch - enemy $F07F (Shaktool) ;;;
    ;;; $DF34: Enemy shot - enemy $F07F (Shaktool) ;;;
    ;;; $DF5C: Spritemaps - Shaktool ;;;
    ;;; $E03D: Sine/cosine tables ;;;
;;; $E2BD..F7D2: n00b tube cracks / chozo statue ;;;
    ;;; $E2BD: Palette - enemy $F0BF (n00b tube cracks) ;;;
    ;;; $E2DD: n00b tube cracks palettes ;;;
    ;;; $E31D: Palette - enemy $F0FF (chozo statue) ;;;
    ;;; $E33D: Chozo statue palettes ;;;
    ;;; $E39D: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $E3A7: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $E429: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $E436: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $E43D: Instruction - unlock Samus ;;;
    ;;; $E445:  ;;;
    ;;; $E457: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $E461: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $E57F: Instruction - play chozo grabs Samus sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $E587: Instruction - play chozo footsteps sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $E58F: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $E5D8: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $E6F0: Instruction - release Samus ;;;
    ;;; $E716: Initialisation AI - enemy $F0BF (n00b tube cracks) ;;;
    ;;; $E725: Initialisation AI - enemy $F0FF (chozo statue) ;;;
    ;;; $E7A6:  ;;;
    ;;; $E7A7: Main AI - enemy $F0FF (chozo statue) ;;;
    ;;; $E7AE:  ;;;
    ;;; $E7DA: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $E7DB: Enemy touch - enemy $F0FF (chozo statue) ;;;
    ;;; $E7DC: Enemy shot - enemy $F0FF (chozo statue) ;;;
    ;;; $E7DD: Chozo statue spritemaps ;;;
;;; $F7D3: Free space ;;;