;;; $8000..8686: Common to all enemy banks ;;;
;;; $8687: Hurt AI - enemy $DD8F (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $8692: Crocomire constants ;;;
;;; $86A6..8A39: Fight AI ;;;
    ;;; $86A6: Instruction - fight AI ;;;
    ;;; $86DD: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $86DE: Fight AI - index 0 - lock up (unused) / set initial Crocomire instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $86E8: Fight AI - index 2 - step forward until on screen (unused) / step forward ;;;
    ;;; $86F2: Fight AI - index 4 - asleep ;;;
    ;;; $8717: Fight AI - index 6 - stepping forward ;;;
    ;;; $8752: Instruction - maybe start projectile attack ;;;
    ;;; $876C: Fight AI - index 8 - projectile attack ;;;
    ;;; $87B2: Fight AI - index Ah - near spike wall charge ;;;
    ;;; $87CA: Fight AI - index Ch - stepping back ;;;
    ;;; $87E9: Fight AI - index Eh - back off from spike wall ;;;
    ;;; $87FB: Fight AI - index 10h - roar and step forwards (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $8805: Set fight intro moving claws instruction list (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $8812: Fight AI - index 12h - wait for first damage ;;;
    ;;; $8836: Fight AI - index 14h - wait for second damage ;;;
    ;;; $885A: Fight AI - index 16h - wait for second damage (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $887E: Fight AI - index 18h - power bombed charge ;;;
    ;;; $889A: Fight AI - index 1Ah - do near spike wall charge unless damaged (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $88D2: Fight AI - index 1Ch - unused sequence - set initial instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $88EE: Unused. Charge Crocomire forward one step after delay ;;;
    ;;; $890B: Charge Crocomire forward one step ;;;
    ;;; $891B: Fight AI - index 1Eh - unused sequence - choose forward moving attack ;;;
    ;;; $8940: Fight AI - index 20h - unused sequence - do nothing and step forward ;;;
    ;;; $895E: Fight AI - index 22h - unused sequence - move forward until hit Samus with claw ;;;
    ;;; $89A8: Fight AI - index 24h - unused sequence - move claws and step forward ;;;
    ;;; $89DE: Fight AI - index 26h - unused sequence - step forward ;;;
    ;;; $89F9: Fight AI - index 28h - unused sequence - moving claws ;;;
;;; $8A3A: Crocomire palette ;;;
;;; $8A5A: Initialisation AI - enemy $DDBF (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $8B5B: Update Crocomire BG2 scroll ;;;
;;; $8BA4: Update Crocomire BG2 X scroll ;;;
;;; $8C04: Main AI - enemy $DDBF (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $8C6E: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 0 - death sequence not started ;;;
;;; $8C8F: RTS. Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 52h - dead (due to death sequence, final state) ;;;
;;; $8C90: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 56h - dead (due to room entry, final state) ;;;
;;; $8C95: Crocomire / Samus collision handling ;;;
;;; $8CCB: Crocomire hurt flash handling ;;;
;;; $8CFB: Instruction - queue Crocomire's cry sound effect ;;;
;;; $8D07: Instruction - queue big explosion sound effect ;;;
;;; $8D13: Instruction - queue Crocomire's skeleton collapses sound effect ;;;
;;; $8D1F: Handle playing Crocomire acid damage sound effect ;;;
;;; $8D3F: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 4/Ah - hop 1/2 - resting ;;;
;;; $8D47: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 20h/26h - hop 4/5 - resting ;;;
;;; $8D5E: Handle Crocomire's bridge ;;;
;;; $8EE5: Collapse Crocomire's bridge ;;;
;;; $8FC2: Unused. Move enemy down by [$14].[$12] ;;;
;;; $8FC7..9098: Instructions ;;;
    ;;; $8FC7: Instruction - shake screen ;;;
    ;;; $8FDF: Instruction - move left 4px ;;;
    ;;; $8FFA: Instruction - move left 4px and spawn big dust cloud ;;;
    ;;; $8FFF: Instruction - move left 4px and spawn big dust cloud ;;;
    ;;; $9004: Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile with random X offset ;;;
    ;;; $901D: Instruction - move left 4px and spawn big dust cloud and handle spike wall collision ;;;
    ;;; $905B: Instruction - move right 4px if on-screen ;;;
    ;;; $907F: Instruction - move right 4px ;;;
    ;;; $908F: Instruction - move right 4px if on-screen and spawn big dust cloud ;;;
    ;;; $9094: Instruction - move right 4px and spawn big dust cloud ;;;
;;; $9099: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 3Ch - hop 6 - sinking ;;;
;;; $90DF: Set melting 2 instruction list pointer ;;;
;;; $9108: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 1Eh/24h/2Ah - hop 3/4/5 - sinking ;;;
;;; $9136: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 2 - falling ;;;
;;; $916C: Handle Crocomire acid damage smoke ;;;
;;; $91BA: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 8/Eh - hop 1/2 - sinking ;;;
;;; $91C1: Sink Crocomire down ;;;
;;; $926E: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 34h - hop 6 - rising ;;;
;;; $929E: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 16h/22h/28h - hop 3/4/5 - rising ;;;
;;; $92CE: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 6/Ch - hop 1/2 - rising ;;;
;;; $92D8: Rise Crocomire up ;;;
;;; $9341: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 10h - hop 3 - load melting tilemap ;;;
;;; $93BE: Write Crocomire BG2 tilemap ;;;
;;; $93DF: Reset Crocomire BG2 Y scroll HDMA data table ;;;
;;; $93ED: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 2Ch - hop 6 - load melting tilemap ;;;
;;; $943C: RTL ;;;
;;; $943D: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 12h/2Eh - hop 3/6 - load melting tiles ;;;
;;; $94B2: Unused. Upload melting tiles to VRAM ;;;
;;; $94B6: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 14h/30h - hop 3/6 - uploading to VRAM ;;;
;;; $94FB: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 18h - hop 3 - queue cry and create Crocomire melting HDMA object ;;;
;;; $9506: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 36h - hop 6 - queue cry and create Crocomire melting HDMA object ;;;
;;; $950F: Create Crocomire melting HDMA object ;;;
;;; $9563: Crocomire melting HDMA object instruction list ;;;
;;; $9576: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 32h - set index 34h ;;;
;;; $9580: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 1Ah/38h - hop 3/6 - melting ;;;
;;; $9653: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 1Ch/3Ah - hop 3/6 - clear tilemap ;;;
;;; $9697: Crocomire melting X offset table ;;;
;;; $96C8: Erase melting Crocomire pixel column ;;;
;;; $97D3: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 3Eh - behind wall - wait for Samus ;;;
;;; $9830: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 58h - flowing down the river ;;;
;;; $9859: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 40h - behind wall - rumbling ;;;
;;; $990A: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 42h - behind wall - no more rumbling ;;;
;;; $99E5: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 44h - breaks down wall ;;;
;;; $9A38: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 46h - skeleton falls ;;;
;;; $9A9B..9B05: Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile instructions ;;;
    ;;; $9A9B: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset -20h ;;;
    ;;; $9AA0: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 0 ;;;
    ;;; $9AA5: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset -10h ;;;
    ;;; $9AAA: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 10h ;;;
    ;;; $9AAF: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 0 ;;;
    ;;; $9AB4: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 8 ;;;
    ;;; $9AB9: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 10h ;;;
    ;;; $9ABE: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 18h ;;;
    ;;; $9AC3: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 20h ;;;
    ;;; $9AC8: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 28h ;;;
    ;;; $9ACD: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 30h ;;;
    ;;; $9AD2: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 38h ;;;
    ;;; $9AD7: Instruction - Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile - X offset 40h ;;;
    ;;; $9ADA: Spawn big dust cloud enemy projectile ;;;
;;; $9B06: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 48h - skeleton falls apart ;;;
;;; $9B65: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 4Ah - unlock camera ;;;
;;; $9B7B: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 4Eh - set index 50h ;;;
;;; $9B7D: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 4Ch - set index 4Eh ;;;
;;; $9B86: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 50h - mark event and start post-death music ;;;
;;; $9BB3: Crocomire death sequence index += 2 ;;;
;;; $9BBA: Crocomire main AI - death sequence index 54h - set index 56h ;;;
;;; $9BBD: Tile pixel column bitmasks ;;;
;;; $9BC5: Melting Crocomire tiles loading table ;;;
;;; $9C79: Crocomire tilemap - melting 1 ;;;
;;; $9E7B: Crocomire tilemap - melting 2 ;;;
;;; $A07D: Crocomire tiles - melting 1 ;;;
;;; $AC7D: Crocomire tiles - melting 2 ;;;
;;; $B87D: Palette - enemy $DDBF/$DDFF (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $B89D: Crocomire palettes ;;;
;;; $B93D: Enemy touch - Crocomire - claws ;;;
;;; $B950: RTL. Enemy touch - enemy $DDBF (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $B951: Enemy shot - Crocomire - nothing ;;;
;;; $B968: Enemy shot - Crocomire - spawn shot explosion ;;;
;;; $B992: Power bomb reaction - enemy $DDBF (Crocomire) ;;;
;;; $BA05: Enemy shot - Crocomire - open mouth ;;;
;;; $BAB4: Enemy shot - Crocomire - spawn shot explosion ;;;
;;; $BADE..BFC3: Crocomire instruction lists ;;;
    ;;; $BADE: Instruction list - Crocomire - initial ;;;
    ;;; $BAEA: Instruction list - Crocomire - charge forward one step (unused) ;;;
    ;;; $BB36: Instruction list - Crocomire - projectile attack ;;;
    ;;; $BBAE: Unused. Instruction list - Crocomire ;;;
    ;;; $BBCA: Instruction list - Crocomire - step forward after delay ;;;
    ;;; $BBCE: Instruction list - Crocomire - step forward ;;;
    ;;; $BC30: Instruction list - Crocomire - step back ;;;
    ;;; $BC34: Instruction list - Crocomire - stepping back ;;;
    ;;; $BC56: Instruction list - Crocomire - wait for first/second damage ;;;
    ;;; $BCD8: Instruction list - Crocomire - wait for first/second damage - moving claws ;;;
    ;;; $BD2A: Instruction list - Crocomire - wait for first/second damage - roar ;;;
    ;;; $BD8E: Instruction list - Crocomire - wait for first/second damage - roar - close mouth ;;;
    ;;; $BDAE: Instruction list - Crocomire - power bomb reaction - mouth fully open ;;;
    ;;; $BDB2: Instruction list - Crocomire - power bomb reaction - mouth partially open ;;;
    ;;; $BDB6: Instruction list - Crocomire - power bomb reaction - mouth not open ;;;
    ;;; $BE56: Instruction list - Crocomire's tongue - fight ;;;
    ;;; $BE6A: Unused. Instruction list - Crocomire's tongue - reversed version of fight ;;;
    ;;; $BE7E: Instruction list - Crocomire - near spike wall charge ;;;
    ;;; $BF3C: Instruction list - Crocomire - back off from spike wall ;;;
    ;;; $BF62: Instruction list - sleep ;;;
    ;;; $BF64: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 1 - top row ;;;
    ;;; $BF6C: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 1 - top 2 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF72: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 1 - top 3 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF78: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 1 - top 4 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF7E: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 2 - top row ;;;
    ;;; $BF86: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 2 - top 2 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF8C: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 2 - top 3 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF92: Instruction list - Crocomire - melting 2 - top 4 rows ;;;
    ;;; $BF98: Instruction list - Crocomire's tongue - melting ;;;
    ;;; $BFB0: Instruction list - Crocomire - bridge collapsed ;;;
;;; $BFC4: Crocomire extended spritemaps ;;;
;;; $CB00: RTL ;;;
;;; $CB01: RTL ;;;
;;; $CB05: Crocomire hitboxes ;;;
;;; $CC3D: Crocomire spritemaps / extended tilemaps ;;;
;;; $E14A..E1FD: Crocomire corpse instruction lists ;;;
    ;;; $E14A: Instruction list - Crocomire - skeleton - falling ;;;
    ;;; $E158: Instruction list - Crocomire - skeleton - falls apart ;;;
    ;;; $E1CC: Instruction list - Crocomire - dead ;;;
    ;;; $E1D2: Instruction list - Crocomire - skeleton - flowing down the river ;;;
;;; $E1FE: Crocomire corpse extended spritemaps ;;;
;;; $E720: Crocomire corpse hitboxes ;;;
;;; $E74A: Crocomire corpse spritemaps / extended tilemaps ;;;
;;; $F67A: Initialisation AI - enemy $DDFF (Crocomire's tongue) ;;;
;;; $F6BB: RTL. Main AI - enemy $DDFF (Crocomire's tongue) ;;;
;;; $F6BF: RTL ;;;
;;; $F6C0: Free space ;;;