;;; $8000..8686: Common to all enemy banks ;;;
;;; $8687..E358: Draygon ;;;
    ;;; $8687: Initialisation AI - enemy $DE3F (Draygon body) ;;;
    ;;; $86FC: Main AI - enemy $DE3F (Draygon body) ;;;
    ;;; $871B: Draygon body function - fight intro - initial delay ;;;
    ;;; $878B: Draygon body function - fight intro - dance ;;;
    ;;; $87AA: Handle firing wall turret ;;;
    ;;; $87F4: Draygon body function - swoop right - setup ;;;
    ;;; $8817: Calculate Draygon swoop Y positions ;;;
    ;;; $88B1: Draygon body function - swoop right - descending ;;;
    ;;; $8901: Unused.  ;;;
    ;;; $8922: Draygon body function - swoop right - apex ;;;
    ;;; $8951: Draygon body function - swoop right - ascending ;;;
    ;;; $89B3: Draygon body function - swoop left - setup ;;;
    ;;; $8A00: Draygon body function - swoop left - descending ;;;
    ;;; $8A50: Draygon body function - swoop left - apex ;;;
    ;;; $8A90: Draygon body function - swoop left - ascending ;;;
    ;;; $8B0A: Draygon body function - goop right - setup ;;;
    ;;; $8B52: Draygon body function - goop right - move until Samus in range ;;;
    ;;; $8BAE: Draygon body function - goop right - firing goops ;;;
    ;;; $8C33: Draygon body function - goop right - move until off-screen ;;;
    ;;; $8C8E: Draygon body function - goop left - setup ;;;
    ;;; $8CD4: Draygon body function - goop left - move until Samus in range ;;;
    ;;; $8D30: Draygon body function - goop left - firing goops ;;;
    ;;; $8DB2: Draygon body function - goop left - move until off-screen ;;;
    ;;; $8E19: Draygon body function - chase Samus ;;;
    ;;; $8F10: Draygon body function - repelled by grapple ;;;
    ;;; $8F1D: Unused. RTS ;;;
    ;;; $8F1E: Draygon body function - grabbed Samus - moving to target position ;;;
    ;;; $8FD6: Draygon body function - grabbed Samus - rising spiral movement ;;;
    ;;; $90D4: Draygon body function - grabbed Samus - tail whip ;;;
    ;;; $9105: Draygon body function - grabbed Samus - final tail whips - start ;;;
    ;;; $9124: Draygon body function - grabbed Samus - final tail whips - ongoing ;;;
    ;;; $9128: Draygon body function - flail tail and fly straight up ;;;
    ;;; $9154: Draygon body function - fly straight up ;;;
    ;;; $9185: Draygon body function - death sequence - drift to death spot ;;;
    ;;; $9294: Draygon body function - death sequence - wait for evirs ;;;
    ;;; $92AB: Draygon body function - death sequence - buried by evirs ;;;
    ;;; $92EA: Handle dying Draygon smoke ;;;
    ;;; $931C: Handle short Draygon breath bubbles ;;;
    ;;; $9342: Enemy graphics drawn hook - Draygon - set BG2 X/Y scroll ;;;
    ;;; $9367: Unused. Debug. Draygon controller 2 input handling ;;;
    ;;; $93DA: Debug. Move Draygon with d-pad - slow ;;;
    ;;; $9430: Debug. Move Draygon with d-pad - fast ;;;
    ;;; $94A9: Move Samus with Draygon ;;;
    ;;; $94DD: Instruction - Draygon instructions lists = [[Y]], [[Y] + 2], [[Y] + 4], [[Y] + 6] ;;;
    ;;; $950D: Unused. Draygon instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $954D: Hurt AI - enemy $DE3F (Draygon) ;;;
    ;;; $95EA: Enemy touch - enemy $DE3F (Draygon) ;;;
    ;;; $95F0: Enemy shot - enemy $DE7F (Draygon) ;;;
    ;;; $9607: Power bomb reaction - enemy $DE3F (Draygon) ;;;
    ;;; $960D: Draygon reaction ;;;
    ;;; $96AF: Draygon health-based palette table ;;;
    ;;; $96EF: Draygon health-based palette thresholds ;;;
    ;;; $9701: Draygon health-based palette handling ;;;
    ;;; $9736..9FDF: Instruction lists and instructions ;;;
        ;;; $9736: Instruction - enemy function = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $973F: Instruction - spawn dying Draygon sprite object - big dust cloud ;;;
        ;;; $9752: Instruction - spawn dying Draygon sprite object - small explosion ;;;
        ;;; $9765: Instruction - spawn dying Draygon sprite object - big explosion ;;;
        ;;; $9778: Instruction - spawn dying Draygon sprite object - breath bubbles ;;;
        ;;; $978B: Generate random dying Draygon sprite object position ;;;
        ;;; $97B9: Instruction list - sleep ;;;
        ;;; $97BB: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing left - reset ;;;
        ;;; $97D1: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing right - reset ;;;
        ;;; $97E7: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing left - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9805: Unused. Instruction list - Draygon arms ;;;
        ;;; $9813: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing left - near swoop apex ;;;
        ;;; $9825: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing left - fake grab ;;;
        ;;; $9845: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing left - grab ;;;
        ;;; $9867: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing left - dying ;;;
        ;;; $987B: Unused. Instruction list - Draygon body ;;;
        ;;; $9889: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing left - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9895: Instruction - room loading interrupt command = Draygon's room - begin HUD drawing ;;;
        ;;; $989B: Instruction list - Draygon body - dying ;;;
        ;;; $98D3: Instruction - paralyse Draygon tail and arms ;;;
        ;;; $98ED: Instruction list - delete ;;;
        ;;; $98EF: Instruction - set Draygon body as intangible ;;;
        ;;; $98FE: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing left - fire goop ;;;
        ;;; $9922: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing left - roar ;;;
        ;;; $9944: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - idle ;;;
        ;;; $997A: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - dying ;;;
        ;;; $999C: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - dead ;;;
        ;;; $99AE: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - looking left ;;;
        ;;; $99B4: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - looking right ;;;
        ;;; $99BA: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - looking up ;;;
        ;;; $99C0: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing left - looking down ;;;
        ;;; $99C6: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing left - idle ;;;
        ;;; $99FC: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing left - fake tail whip ;;;
        ;;; $9A68: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing left - final tail whips ;;;
        ;;; $9AE8: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing left - tail whip ;;;
        ;;; $9B5A: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing left - tail flail ;;;
        ;;; $9B9A: Instruction - Draygon tail whip hit ;;;
        ;;; $9BDA: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing right - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9BF8: Unused. Instruction list - Draygon arms ;;;
        ;;; $9C06: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing right - near swoop apex ;;;
        ;;; $9C18: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing right - fake grab ;;;
        ;;; $9C38: Instruction list - Draygon arms - facing right - grab ;;;
        ;;; $9C5A: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing right - dying ;;;
        ;;; $9C70: Unused. Instruction list - Draygon body ;;;
        ;;; $9C7E: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing right - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9C8A: Instruction - room loading interrupt command = Draygon's room - begin HUD drawing ;;;
        ;;; $9C90: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing right - fire goop ;;;
        ;;; $9CB4: Instruction list - Draygon body - facing right - roar ;;;
        ;;; $9CD6: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9D0C: Unused. Instruction list - Draygon eye ;;;
        ;;; $9D1C: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - dying ;;;
        ;;; $9D3E: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - dead ;;;
        ;;; $9D50: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - looking right ;;;
        ;;; $9D56: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - looking left ;;;
        ;;; $9D5C: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - looking up ;;;
        ;;; $9D62: Instruction list - Draygon eye - facing right - looking down ;;;
        ;;; $9D68: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing right - idle ;;;
        ;;; $9D9E: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing right - fake tail whip ;;;
        ;;; $9E0A: Instruction - displace Draygon body graphics [[Y]] px left, [[Y] + 2] px down ;;;
        ;;; $9E21: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing right - final tail whips ;;;
        ;;; $9EA1: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing right - tail whip ;;;
        ;;; $9F15: Instruction list - Draygon tail - facing right - tail flail ;;;
        ;;; $9F57: Instruction - Draygon body function = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $9F60: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $9F6E: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $9F7C: Instruction - spawn Draygon goop - leftwards ;;;
        ;;; $9FAE: Instruction - spawn Draygon goop - rightwards ;;;
    ;;; $9FE0: Handle death sequence evir movement ;;;
    ;;; $A06C: Spawn death sequence evir sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $A0C6: Clear sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $A0D9: Spawn fight intro evir sprite objects ;;;
    ;;; $A13E: Handle Draygon fight intro dance ;;;
    ;;; $A1AF: Death sequence evir subspeeds ;;;
    ;;; $A1C7: Death sequence evir spawn positions ;;;
    ;;; $A1DF: Death sequence evir angles ;;;
    ;;; $A1F7: Draygon palettes ;;;
    ;;; $A2B7: Draygon extended spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $A94D: Draygon hitboxes ;;;
    ;;; $ABDF: Draygon spritemaps / extended tilemaps ;;;
    ;;; $C46B: Initialisation AI - enemy $DE7F (Draygon eye) ;;;
    ;;; $C47B: Instruction - Draygon eye function = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $C486: Main AI - enemy $DE7F (Draygon eye) ;;;
    ;;; $C48D: Draygon eye function - facing left ;;;
    ;;; $C513: Draygon eye function - facing right ;;;
    ;;; $C599: Initialisation AI - enemy $DEBF (Draygon tail) ;;;
    ;;; $C5AA: RTL. Main AI - enemy $DEBF (Draygon tail) ;;;
    ;;; $C5AB: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $C5AC: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $C5AD: Initialisation AI - enemy $DEFF (Draygon arms) ;;;
    ;;; $C5C4: RTL. Main AI - enemy $DEFF (Draygon arms) ;;;
    ;;; $C5C5: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $C5C6: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $C5C7: Unused Draygon fight intro dance data ;;;
    ;;; $CE07: Draygon fight intro dance data ;;;
    ;;; $DDC7: Unused Draygon fight intro dance data ;;;
;;; $E359..F959: Spore Spawn ;;;
    ;;; $E359: Palette - enemy $DF3F/$DF7F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $E379: Spore Spawn health-based palettes ;;;
    ;;; $E3F9: Spore Spawn death sequence palettes ;;;
    ;;; $E6B9..E9F4: Instruction lists and instructions ;;;
        ;;; $E6B9: Instruction list - initial - Spore Spawn is dead ;;;
        ;;; $E6C7: Instruction list - initial - Spore Spawn is alive ;;;
        ;;; $E6D5: Instruction list - fight has started ;;;
        ;;; $E6E3: Instruction list - open and stop ;;;
        ;;; $E729: Instruction list - close and move ;;;
        ;;; $E75F: Instruction - increase Spore Spawn max X radius ;;;
        ;;; $E771: Instruction - clear Spore Spawn damaged flag ;;;
        ;;; $E77D: Instruction list - death sequence ;;;
        ;;; $E811: Unused. Instruction - Spore Spawn max X radius = [[Y]], angle delta = [[Y] + 2], angle = [[Y] + 4] ;;;
        ;;; $E82D: Instruction - Spore Spawn max X radius = [[Y]], angle delta = [[Y] + 2] ;;;
        ;;; $E840: Unused. Instruction - Spore Spawn max X radius = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E84A: Unused. Instruction - Spore Spawn angle delta = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E854: Unused. Instruction - Spore Spawn max X radius += [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E863: Unused. Instruction - Spore Spawn angle delta += [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E872: Instruction - spore generation flag = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E87C: Instruction - Spore Spawn harden ;;;
        ;;; $E895: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $E8A3: Unused. Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 3, max queued sounds allowed = 6 ;;;
        ;;; $E8B1: Instruction - call Spore Spawn death item drop routine ;;;
        ;;; $E8BA: Instruction - enemy function = [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E8CA: Instruction - load Spore Spawn death sequence palette, palette data offset [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E91C: Instruction - load Spore Spawn death sequence target palette, palette data offset [[Y]] ;;;
        ;;; $E96E: Instruction - spawn Spore Spawn hardening dust cloud ;;;
        ;;; $E9B1: Instruction - spawn Spore Spawn dying explosion ;;;
    ;;; $E9F5: Spawn Spore Spawn ceiling dust cloud ;;;
    ;;; $EA2A: Initialisation AI - enemy $DF3F/$DF7F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $EB13: Main AI - enemy $DF3F/$DF7F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $EB1A: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $EB1B: Spore Spawn function - descent ;;;
    ;;; $EB52: Spore Spawn function - moving ;;;
    ;;; $EB9B: Spore Spawn function - set up death ;;;
    ;;; $EBEE: Spore Spawn function - dying ;;;
    ;;; $EC49: Update Spore Spawn stalk segment positions ;;;
    ;;; $ED5A: Enemy shot - Spore Spawn - vulnerable ;;;
    ;;; $EDEA: Enemy shot - enemy $DF3F/$DF7F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $EDEC: Enemy touch - enemy $DF3F/$DF7F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $EDF2: RTL. Power bomb reaction - enemy $DF3F (Spore Spawn) ;;;
    ;;; $EDF3: Spore Spawn reaction ;;;
    ;;; $EE4A: Load Spore Spawn health-based palette ;;;
    ;;; $EE65: Spore Spawn extended spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $EF73: Spore Spawn hitboxes ;;;
    ;;; $F20D: Spore Spawn spritemaps ;;;
;;; $F95A: Free space ;;;