;;; $8000: PLM populations ;;;
;;; $9194..F7: Setup ASM ;;;
    ;;; $9194: Setup ASM: clear a few blocks after saving animals and shake screen ;;;
    ;;; $91A9: Setup ASM: auto-destroy the wall during escape ;;;
    ;;; $91B2: Setup ASM: turn wall into shotblocks during escape ;;;
    ;;; $91BB: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91BC: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91BD: Setup ASM: shake the screen and call $88A7D8 during the escape ;;;
    ;;; $91C9: Setup ASM: scrolling sky land ;;;
    ;;; $91CE: Setup ASM: scrolling sky ocean ;;;
    ;;; $91D3: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91D4: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91D5: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91D6: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91D7: Setup ASM: run statue unlocking animations ;;;
    ;;; $91F4: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91F5: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91F6: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $91F7: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
;;; $91F8: Room headers, scroll data, door lists ;;;
;;; $B76A: Library backgrounds ;;;
;;; $B971..BA36: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $B971: Door ASM: start Wrecked Ship treadmill west entrance ;;;
    ;;; $B981: Door ASM: scroll 6 = green ;;;
    ;;; $B98C: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $B997: Door ASM: scroll 13h = blue ;;;
    ;;; $B9A2: Door ASM: scroll 4 = red, 8 = green ;;;
    ;;; $B9B3: Door ASM: scroll 8..Bh = red ;;;
    ;;; $B9CA: Door ASM: scroll 2..5,Bh..Dh,11h = red ;;;
    ;;; $B9F1: Door ASM: scroll 1,4 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BA00: Door ASM: scroll 2 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BA0B: Door ASM: scroll 17h = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BA16: Door ASM: scroll 4 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BA21: Door ASM: scroll 6 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BA2C: Door ASM: scroll 3 = green ;;;
;;; $BA37: Library background ;;;
;;; $BD07..BE3E: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $BD07: Door ASM: scroll 18h,1Ch = green ;;;
    ;;; $BD16: Door ASM: scroll 5..6 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BD25: Door ASM: scroll 1Dh = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BD30: Door ASM: scroll 2..3 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BD3F: Door ASM: scroll 0 = red, 1 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BD50: Door ASM: scroll Bh = green ;;;
    ;;; $BD5B: Door ASM: scroll 1Ch = red, 1Dh = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BD6C: Door ASM: scroll 4 = red ;;;
    ;;; $BD77: Door ASM: scroll 20h,24h..25h = green ;;;
    ;;; $BD8A: Door ASM: scroll 2 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BD95: Door ASM: scroll 0 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BDA0: Door ASM: scroll 6..7 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BDAF: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue, 2 = red ;;;
    ;;; $BDC0: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue, 3 = red ;;;
    ;;; $BDD1: Door ASM: scroll 0 = red, 4 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BDE2: Door ASM: scroll 2..3 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BDF1: Door ASM: scroll 0..1 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BE00: Door ASM: scroll 1 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BE0B: Door ASM: scroll Fh,12h = green ;;;
    ;;; $BE1A: Door ASM: scroll 6 = green ;;;
    ;;; $BE25: Door ASM: scroll 0 = green, 1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BE36: Door ASM: scroll 2 = green ;;;
;;; $BE3F: Library background ;;;
;;; $BF9E..C115: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $BF9E: Door ASM: scroll 3..4 = red, 6..8 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BFBB: Door ASM: scroll 1..3 = blue, 4 = green, 6 = red ;;;
    ;;; $BFDA: Door ASM: scroll 0..1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $BFE9: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 1 = red ;;;
    ;;; $BFFA: Door ASM: scroll Ah = green ;;;
    ;;; $C005: Unused. Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 2 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C016: Door ASM: scroll 0,2 = green ;;;
    ;;; $C025: Door ASM: scroll 6..7 = blue, 8 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C03A: Door ASM: scroll 2 = red, 3 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $C04B: Door ASM: scroll 7 = green ;;;
    ;;; $C056: Door ASM: scroll 1 = red, 2 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $C067: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 3 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C078: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue, 4 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C089: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 1..3 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C0A2: Door ASM: scroll 0 = green ;;;
    ;;; $C0AD: Door ASM: scroll 0..1 = blue, 4 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C0C2: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 3 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C0D3: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $C0DE: Door ASM: scroll 0 = blue, 1 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C0EF: Door ASM: scroll 18h = blue ;;;
    ;;; $C0FA: Door ASM: scroll 2 = blue, 3 = red ;;;
    ;;; $C10B: Door ASM: scroll Eh = red ;;;
;;; $C116..C208: Main ASM ;;;
    ;;; $C116: Main ASM: scrolling sky land ;;;
    ;;; $C11B: Main ASM: scrolling sky ocean ;;;
    ;;; $C120: Main ASM: scrolling sky land, Zebes timebomb set ;;;
    ;;; $C124: Main ASM: set screen shaking and generate random explosions ;;;
    ;;; $C131: Generate random explosion on even frames on random non-blank tile ;;;
    ;;; $C183: Generate random explosion on every fourth frame ;;;
    ;;; $C1A9: Generate random explosion at ([$12], [$14]) ;;;
    ;;; $C1E6: Main ASM: scroll screen right in Dachora room ;;;
;;; $C209: Unused. PLM metadata - Crateria / Brinstar / Norfair ;;;
;;; $C215: PLM populations ;;;
;;; $C8C7..C98D: Setup ASM ;;;
    ;;; $C8C7: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C8C8: Setup ASM: spawn pre Phantoon room enemy projectile ;;;
    ;;; $C8D0: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C8D1: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C8D2: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C8D3: Setup ASM: set up Shaktool's room's PLM ;;;
    ;;; $C8DC: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C8DD: Setup ASM: set pausing code for Draygon ;;;
    ;;; $C8F6: Pause hook - Draygon ;;;
    ;;; $C8FC: Unpause hook - Draygon ;;;
    ;;; $C90A: Setup ASM: set collected map ;;;
    ;;; $C91E: Setup ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $C91F: Setup ASM: set Zebes timebomb event and set light horizontal room shaking ;;;
    ;;; $C933: Setup ASM: set light horizontal room shaking ;;;
    ;;; $C946: Setup ASM: set medium horizontal room shaking ;;;
    ;;; $C953: Setup ASM: set up escape room 4's PLM and set medium horizontal room shaking ;;;
    ;;; $C96E: Setup ASM: turn Ceres door to solid blocks and spawn Ceres haze ;;;
    ;;; $C976: Setup ASM: Spawn Ceres haze ;;;
    ;;; $C97B: Setup ASM: Set BG1/2 tiles base address and spawn Ceres haze ;;;
;;; $C98E: Room headers, scroll data, door lists ;;;
;;; $E0FD: Library background ;;;
;;; $E1D8..E247: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E1D8: Door ASM: start Wrecked Ship treadmill east entrance ;;;
    ;;; $E1E8: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E1F3: Door ASM: scroll 0 = green ;;;
    ;;; $E1FE: Door ASM: scroll 3 = red, 4 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E20F: Door ASM: scroll 29h = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E21A: Door ASM: scroll 28h,2E = green ;;;
    ;;; $E229: Door ASM: scroll 6..Bh = red ;;;
;;; $E248: Library background ;;;
;;; $E26C..B5: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E26C: Door ASM: set up elevatube from south ;;;
    ;;; $E291: Door ASM: set up elevatube from north ;;;
;;; $E2B6: Main ASM: elevatube ;;;
;;; $E301..E7: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E301: Door ASM: reset elevatube on north exit ;;;
    ;;; $E309: Door ASM: reset elevatube on south exit ;;;
    ;;; $E318: Door ASM: scroll Ah = red, Bh = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E329: Unused. Door ASM: scroll 10h = blue, 11h = red ;;;
    ;;; $E33A: Unused. Door ASM: scroll 4 = green ;;;
    ;;; $E345: Door ASM: scroll 0 = red, 4 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E356: Door ASM: scroll 0 = red, 1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E367: Door ASM: scroll 9 = red, Ah = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E378: Door ASM: scroll 0,2 = red, 1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E38D: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E398: Door ASM: scroll 6 = blue ;;;
    ;;; $E3A3: Door ASM: scroll 4 = red ;;;
    ;;; $E3AE: Unused. Door ASM: scroll 1 = red ;;;
    ;;; $E3B9: Door ASM: scroll 4,7 = red ;;;
    ;;; $E3C8: Door ASM: scroll 1 = blue, 2 = red ;;;
    ;;; $E3D9: Door ASM: scroll 0,2 = green ;;;
;;; $E3E8: Library background ;;;
;;; $E4C0..E51E: Door ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E4C0: Door ASM: scroll 0..1 = green ;;;
    ;;; $E4CF: Door ASM: scroll 8 = blue, 9 = red ;;;
    ;;; $E4E0: Door ASM: to Ceres elevator shaft ;;;
    ;;; $E513: Door ASM: from Ceres elevator shaft ;;;
;;; $E51F..D1: Main ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E51F: Main ASM: Ceres elevator shaft ;;;
    ;;; $E524: Main ASM: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $E525: Main ASM: spawn Ceres pre elevator hall falling debris ;;;
    ;;; $E571: Main ASM: handle Ceres Ridley getaway cutscene ;;;
    ;;; $E57C: Main ASM: shake screen switching between light horizontal and medium diagonal ;;;
    ;;; $E5A0: Main ASM: generate random explosion on every fourth frame ;;;
    ;;; $E5A4: Main ASM: shake screen switching between medium horizontal and strong diagonal ;;;
;;; $E5D2..E689: Room state ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E5D2: Room state checking handler ;;;
    ;;; $E5E6: Use state pointer [X] ;;;
    ;;; $E5EB: Unused. Room state check: door ;;;
    ;;; $E5FF: Room state check: main area boss is dead ;;;
    ;;; $E612: Room state check: event has been set ;;;
    ;;; $E629: Room state check: boss is dead ;;;
    ;;; $E640: Unused. Room state check: morphball ;;;
    ;;; $E652: Room state check: morphball and missiles ;;;
    ;;; $E669: Room state check: power bombs ;;;
    ;;; $E678: Unused. Room state check: speed booster ;;;
;;; $E68A: Door closing PLMs ;;;
;;; $E6A2: Tileset table ;;;
;;; $E7A7: Tileset pointers ;;;
;;; $E7E1: Music pointers ;;;
;;; $E82C: Debug room ;;;
;;; $E881: Unused. PLM metadata - Wrecked Ship / Maridia / Tourian (/ Ceres?) ;;;
;;; $E88F: Execute setup ASM ;;;
;;; $E8A3: Execute door ASM ;;;
;;; $E8BD: Execute room main ASM ;;;
;;; $E8CD..E99A: Main ASM ;;;
    ;;; $E8CD: Main ASM: Crocomire's room shaking ;;;
    ;;; $E950: Main ASM: Ridley's room shaking ;;;
;;; $E99B: Free space ;;;