;;; $8000..8686: Common to all enemy banks ;;;
;;; $8687..88EF: Waver ;;;
    ;;; $8687: Palette - enemy $D63F (waver) ;;;
    ;;; $86A7..DA: Instruction lists - waver  ;;;
        ;;; $86A7: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $86AD: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $86B3: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $86C7: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $86DB: Instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $86E3: Instruction -  ;;;
    ;;; $86ED: Initialisation AI - enemy $D63F (waver) ;;;
    ;;; $874C: Main AI - enemy $D63F (waver) ;;;
    ;;; $87FE:  ;;;
    ;;; $881E: Spritemaps - waver ;;;
;;; $88F0..8C0E: Metal skree ;;;
    ;;; $88F0: Palette - enemy $D67F (metal skree) ;;;
    ;;; $8910: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $8924: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $8930: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $8946: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $894E: Metal skree instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $8956: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $8960: Initialisation AI - enemy $D67F (metaree, metal skree) ;;;
    ;;; $8979: Main AI - enemy $D67F (metal skree) ;;;
    ;;; $897F: Metal skree function pointers ;;;
    ;;; $8987:  ;;;
    ;;; $89AC:  ;;;
    ;;; $89D4:  ;;;
    ;;; $89F3:  ;;;
    ;;; $8A5C:  ;;;
    ;;; $8AB2:  ;;;
    ;;; $8AD2:  ;;;
    ;;; $8B0E: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $8B0F: Enemy shot - enemy $D67F (metal skree) ;;;
    ;;; $8B65: Metal skree spritemaps ;;;
;;; $8C0F..9009: Fireflea ;;;
    ;;; $8C0F: Palette - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8C2F: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $8D03:  ;;;
    ;;; $8D2D: Initialisation AI - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8D5D:  ;;;
    ;;; $8D6A:  ;;;
    ;;; $8D75:  ;;;
    ;;; $8D9C:  ;;;
    ;;; $8DAE:  ;;;
    ;;; $8DD7:  ;;;
    ;;; $8DEE: Main AI - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8E6B: Enemy touch - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8E83: Power bomb reaction - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8E89: Enemy shot - enemy $D6BF (fireflea) ;;;
    ;;; $8E8D: Fireflea shared shot reaction ;;;
    ;;; $8EA5: Fireflea spritemaps ;;;
;;; $900A..94D5: Maridia fish ;;;
    ;;; $900A: Palette - enemy $D6FF (Maridia fish) ;;;
    ;;; $902A: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $903C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $9060: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $9072: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $9096: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $90A0: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $90AA: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $90B5: Initialisation AI - enemy $D6FF (Maridia fish) ;;;
    ;;; $912B: Main AI - enemy $D6FF (Maridia fish) ;;;
    ;;; $9132:  ;;;
    ;;; $91AB:  ;;;
    ;;; $9224:  ;;;
    ;;; $9256:  ;;;
    ;;; $9288: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $9289: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $928A: Maridia fish spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $94AA: Maridia fish spritemap pointers ;;;
;;; $94D6..965A: Elevator ;;;
    ;;; $94D6: Instruction list - elevator ;;;
    ;;; $94E2: Elevator controller inputs ;;;
    ;;; $94E6: Initialisation AI - enemy $D73F (elevator) ;;;
    ;;; $952A: Main AI / grapple AI / frozen AI - enemy $D73F (elevator) ;;;
    ;;; $9548: Elevator AI - elevator status = 0: inactive ;;;
    ;;; $9579: Elevator AI - elevator status = 1: leaving room ;;;
    ;;; $95B9: Elevator AI - elevator status = 2: door transition ;;;
    ;;; $95BC: Elevator AI - elevator status = 3: entering room ;;;
    ;;; $9612: Place Samus on top of elevator ;;;
    ;;; $962F: Spritemaps - elevator ;;;
;;; $965B..980A: Crab ;;;
    ;;; $965B: Palette - enemy $D77F (crab) ;;;
    ;;; $967B: Instruction list - crab - upside right ;;;
    ;;; $9693: Instruction list - crab - upside left ;;;
    ;;; $96AB: Instruction list - crab - upside down ;;;
    ;;; $96C3: Instruction list - crab - upside up ;;;
    ;;; $96DB: Crab initial instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $96E3: Initialisation AI - enemy $D77F (crab) ;;;
    ;;; $96FD: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $9701: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $9702: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $9703: Crab spritemaps ;;;
;;; $980B..9B7A: Slug ;;;
    ;;; $980B: Palette - enemy $D7BF (slug) ;;;
    ;;; $982B..992A: Instruction lists ;;;
        ;;; $982B: Unused. Instruction list - slug - upside right - facing up ;;;
        ;;; $984B: Instruction list - slug - upside right - facing down ;;;
        ;;; $986B: Unused. Instruction list - slug - upside left - facing down ;;;
        ;;; $988B: Instruction list - slug - upside left - facing up ;;;
        ;;; $98AB: Instruction list - slug - upside down - facing left ;;;
        ;;; $98CB: Unused. Instruction list - slug - upside up - facing left ;;;
        ;;; $98EB: Unused. Instruction list - slug - upside down - facing right ;;;
        ;;; $990B: Instruction list - slug - upside up - facing right ;;;
    ;;; $992B: Slug initial instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $993B: Initialisation AI - enemy $D7BF (slug) ;;;
    ;;; $9955: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $9959: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $995A: Unused. RTL ;;;
    ;;; $995B: Slug spritemaps ;;;
;;; $9B7B..A050: Platforms ;;;
    ;;; $9B7B: Palette - enemy $D7FF (fast-moving slowly-sinking platform) ;;;
    ;;; $9B9B: Palette - enemy $D83F (platform that falls with Samus weight) ;;;
    ;;; $9BBB..9C6A: Instruction lists - sinking platforms ;;;
        ;;; $9BBB: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9BD1: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9BE7: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9BFD: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9C13: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9C29: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9C3F: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $9C55: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $9C6B: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $9C76: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $9C81: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $9C8C: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $9C97:  ;;;
    ;;; $9C9F: Initialisation AI - enemy $D83F (platform that falls with Samus weight) ;;;
    ;;; $9CBA: Initialisation AI - enemy $D7FF (fast-moving slowly-sinking platform) ;;;
    ;;; $9CCC: Sinking platform enemy common initialisation AI ;;;
    ;;; $9D16: Main AI - enemy $D7FF/$D83F (fast-moving slowly-sinking platform / platform that falls with Samus weight) ;;;
    ;;; $9D5E:  ;;;
    ;;; $9D83:  ;;;
    ;;; $9DA8:  ;;;
    ;;; $9DE4:  ;;;
    ;;; $9E46: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $9E47:  ;;;
    ;;; $9E64:  ;;;
    ;;; $9E81:  ;;;
    ;;; $9E9E:  ;;;
    ;;; $9EBB:  ;;;
    ;;; $9EE1:  ;;;
    ;;; $9F07: Enemy touch - enemy $D7FF/$D83F (sinking platform) ;;;
    ;;; $9F08: Enemy shot - enemy $D7FF (fast-moving slowly-sinking platform) ;;;
    ;;; $9F29: Sinking platform spritemaps ;;;
;;; $A051..A724: Roach ;;;
    ;;; $A051: Palette - enemy $D87F/$D8BF (roach) ;;;
    ;;; $A071..A110: Instruction lists - roach ;;;
        ;;; $A071: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A085: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A099: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A0AD: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A0C1: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A0D5: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A0E9: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $A0FD: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $A111: Roach instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $A121:  ;;;
    ;;; $A12F:  ;;;
    ;;; $A14D: Initialisation AI - enemy $D87F/$D8BF (roach) ;;;
    ;;; $A183:  ;;;
    ;;; $A1B0:  ;;;
    ;;; $A1F3:  ;;;
    ;;; $A23E:  ;;;
    ;;; $A289:  ;;;
    ;;; $A29E:  ;;;
    ;;; $A2B7:  ;;;
    ;;; $A2D0: Main AI - enemy $D87F/$D8BF (roach) ;;;
    ;;; $A2D7:  ;;;
    ;;; $A301:  ;;;
    ;;; $A30B:  ;;;
    ;;; $A315:  ;;;
    ;;; $A325:  ;;;
    ;;; $A33B:  ;;;
    ;;; $A34B:  ;;;
    ;;; $A380:  ;;;
    ;;; $A3B5:  ;;;
    ;;; $A3CA:  ;;;
    ;;; $A407:  ;;;
    ;;; $A40E:  ;;;
    ;;; $A440:  ;;;
    ;;; $A447:  ;;;
    ;;; $A44E:  ;;;
    ;;; $A462:  ;;;
    ;;; $A476:  ;;;
    ;;; $A4B6:  ;;;
    ;;; $A4F0:  ;;;
    ;;; $A52A:  ;;;
    ;;; $A578:  ;;;
    ;;; $A5A2: RTS ;;;
    ;;; $A5A3:  ;;;
    ;;; $A5DA:  ;;;
    ;;; $A611:  ;;;
    ;;; $A648:  ;;;
    ;;; $A67B: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $A67C: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $A67D: Roach spritemaps ;;;
;;; $A725..AA47: Mochtroid ;;;
    ;;; $A725: Palette - enemy $D8FF (mochtroid) ;;;
    ;;; $A745: Instruction list - not touching Samus ;;;
    ;;; $A759: Instruction list - touching Samus ;;;
    ;;; $A76D: Mochtroid shake velocity table ;;;
    ;;; $A77D: Initialisation AI - enemy $D8FF (mochtroid) ;;;
    ;;; $A790: Main AI - enemy $D8FF (mochtroid) ;;;
    ;;; $A7AA: Mochtroid function index 0 - not touching Samus ;;;
    ;;; $A88F: Unused. Mochtroid function index 2 - shaking ;;;
    ;;; $A8C8: Mochtroid function index 1 - touching Samus ;;;
    ;;; $A93C: Set mochtroid instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $A953: Enemy touch - enemy $D8FF (mochtroid) ;;;
    ;;; $A9A8: Enemy shot - enemy $D8FF (mochtroid) ;;;
    ;;; $A9B0: Mochtroid spritemaps ;;;
;;; $AA48..B3A0: Sidehoppers ;;;
    ;;; $AA48: Palette - enemy $D93F (sidehopper) ;;;
    ;;; $AA68: Instruction - queue sound [[Y]], sound library 2, max queued sounds allowed = 3 ;;;
    ;;; $AA76: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $AA82: Instruction list - sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $AA9C: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $AAA8: Instruction list - sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $AAC2:  ;;;
    ;;; $AAFE: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $AB09: Initialisation AI - enemy $D93F/$D97F/$D9BF/$D9FF/$DA3F (sidehopper / desgeega / super-sidehopper / super-desgeega) ;;;
    ;;; $AB9D:  ;;;
    ;;; $ABBB: Set sidehopper enemy instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $ABCF: Main AI - enemy $D93F/$D97F/$D9BF/$D9FF/$DA3F (sidehopper / desgeega / super-sidehopper / super-desgeega) ;;;
    ;;; $ABD6:  ;;;
    ;;; $ABE6:  ;;;
    ;;; $AC13:  ;;;
    ;;; $AC40:  ;;;
    ;;; $AC56:  ;;;
    ;;; $AC6C:  ;;;
    ;;; $AC8F:  ;;;
    ;;; $ACA8:  ;;;
    ;;; $ACCB:  ;;;
    ;;; $ACE4:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD0E:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD20:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD32:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD44:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD56:  ;;;
    ;;; $AD6D:  ;;;
    ;;; $ADD4:  ;;;
    ;;; $AE27:  ;;;
    ;;; $AE8E:  ;;;
    ;;; $AEE1: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $AEE2: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $AEE3: Sidehopper spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $AF85: Palette - enemy $D97F (desgeega) ;;;
    ;;; $AFA5: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $AFAD: Instruction list - desgeega ;;;
    ;;; $AFC3: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $AFCB: Instruction list - desgeega ;;;
    ;;; $AFE1: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $AFE2: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $AFE3: Desgeega spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $B085: Palette - enemy $D9BF (super-sidehopper) ;;;
    ;;; $B0A5: Palette - enemy $D9FF (Tourian super-sidehopper) ;;;
    ;;; $B0C5: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B0D1: Instruction list - super-sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $B0EB: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B0F7: Instruction list - super-sidehopper ;;;
    ;;; $B111: Tourian super-sidehopper spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $B217: Palette - enemy $DA3F (super-desgeega) ;;;
    ;;; $B237: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B23F: Instruction list - super-desgeega ;;;
    ;;; $B255: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $B25D: Instruction list - super-desgeega ;;;
    ;;; $B273: Super-desgeega spritemaps ;;;
;;; $B3A1..B5B2: Maridia refill candy ;;;
    ;;; $B3A1: Palette - enemy $DA7F (Maridia refill candy) ;;;
    ;;; $B3C1: Instruction list - facing left - shooting ;;;
    ;;; $B3D7: Instruction list - facing left - rising ;;;
    ;;; $B3E7: Instruction list - facing right - shooting ;;;
    ;;; $B3FD: Instruction list - facing right - rising ;;;
    ;;; $B40D: Maridia refill candy instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $B415: Maridia refill candy X speed table ;;;
    ;;; $B429: Instruction - enemy X speed table index = 4 ;;;
    ;;; $B434: Instruction - enemy X speed table index = 8 ;;;
    ;;; $B43F: Instruction - enemy X speed table index = Ch ;;;
    ;;; $B44A: Initialisation AI - enemy $DA7F (Maridia refill candy) ;;;
    ;;; $B47C: Main AI - enemy $DA7F (Maridia refill candy) ;;;
    ;;; $B482: Maridia refill candy function - wait for Samus to get near ;;;
    ;;; $B4A8: Maridia refill candy function - rising ;;;
    ;;; $B4D6: Maridia refill candy function - shooting ;;;
    ;;; $B537: Set Maridia refill candy instruction list ;;;
    ;;; $B557: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $B55B: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $B55F: Maridia refill candy spritemaps ;;;
;;; $B5B3..B6F8: Norfair slow fireball ;;;
    ;;; $B5B3: Palette - enemy $DABF (Norfair slow fireball) ;;;
    ;;; $B5D3: Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - upside down ;;;
    ;;; $B5DB: Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - upside up ;;;
    ;;; $B5E3: Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - upside right ;;;
    ;;; $B5EB: Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - upside left ;;;
    ;;; $B5EF: Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - normal ;;;
    ;;; $B62B: Unused. Instruction list - Norfair slow fireball - X flipped ;;;
    ;;; $B667: Norfair slow fireball initial instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $B66F: Initialisation AI - enemy $DABF (Norfair slow fireball) ;;;
    ;;; $B689: Norfair slow fireball spritemaps ;;;
;;; $B6F9: Unused. Crash if enemy initialisation parameter is non-zero ;;;
;;; $B702..C63D: Bang ;;;
    ;;; $B702: Palette - enemy $DB3F (bang) ;;;
    ;;; $B722: Instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $B75E: Instruction lists - bang ;;;
    ;;; $B75E: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B772: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B790: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B7A4: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B7C2: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B7D6: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B7F4: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B838: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B85A: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B88A: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B8AC: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B8C0: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B8DE: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B8F2: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B910: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B924: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B942: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B986: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B9A8: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B9D8: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $B9FA: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $BA00: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $BA3C: Instruction list - yyyy ;;;
    ;;; $BA78: Instruction - play acquired suit sound effect ;;;
    ;;; $BA84:  ;;;
    ;;; $BA94:  ;;;
    ;;; $BAA8: Instruction -  ;;;
    ;;; $BAB3: Initialisation AI - enemy $DB3F (bang) ;;;
    ;;; $BB25: Main AI - enemy $DB3F (bang) ;;;
    ;;; $BB2B:  ;;;
    ;;; $BB4A:  ;;;
    ;;; $BB66:  ;;;
    ;;; $BBEB:  ;;;
    ;;; $BC6A:  ;;;
    ;;; $BC9E:  ;;;
    ;;; $BCA5:  ;;;
    ;;; $BCC1:  ;;;
    ;;; $BCC5:  ;;;
    ;;; $BCF1:  ;;;
    ;;; $BD1C:  ;;;
    ;;; $BD2C:  ;;;
    ;;; $BD4F:  ;;;
    ;;; $BD89:  ;;;
    ;;; $BDB9:  ;;;
    ;;; $BE1C:  ;;;
    ;;; $BE7B:  ;;;
    ;;; $BEBE:  ;;;
    ;;; $BEDA:  ;;;
    ;;; $BEFD: Enemy shot - enemy $DB3F (bang) ;;;
    ;;; $BF7D: Bang spritemaps ;;;
;;; $C63E..C8A5: Skree ;;;
    ;;; $C63E: Palette - enemy $DB7F (skree) ;;;
    ;;; $C65E: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C672: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C67E: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C694: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $C69C: Skree instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $C6A4: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $C6AE: Initialisation AI - enemy $DB7F (skree) ;;;
    ;;; $C6C7: Main AI - enemy $DB7F (skree) ;;;
    ;;; $C6CD:  ;;;
    ;;; $C6D5:  ;;;
    ;;; $C6F7:  ;;;
    ;;; $C716:  ;;;
    ;;; $C77F:  ;;;
    ;;; $C7D5:  ;;;
    ;;; $C7F5: Enemy shot - enemy $DB7F (skree) ;;;
    ;;; $C842: Skree spritemaps ;;;
;;; $C8A6..DA9B: Maridia snail ;;;
    ;;; $C8A6: Palette - enemy $DBBF (Maridia snail) ;;;
    ;;; $C8C6..CC35: Instruction lists - Maridia snail ;;;
        ;;; $C8C6: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $C8FC: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $C932: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $C968: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $C99E: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $C9D4: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CA0A: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CA40: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CA76: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CA8E: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CAA6: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CABE: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CAD6: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CAEE: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB06: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB1E: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB36: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB50: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB6A: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB84: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CB9E: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CBB8: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CBD2: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CBEC: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CC06: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $CC1E: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $CC36: Instruction - enemy $0FB2 = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $CC3F: Instruction - enemy $0FAE = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $CC48: Instruction ;;;
    ;;; $CC5F: Instruction - move ([[Y]], [[Y] + 2]) pixels ;;;
    ;;; $CC78:  ;;;
    ;;; $CC92:  ;;;
    ;;; $CCA2:  ;;;
    ;;; $CCE2:  ;;;
    ;;; $CD42:  ;;;
    ;;; $CD82:  ;;;
    ;;; $CDC2:  ;;;
    ;;; $CDD2:  ;;;
    ;;; $CDE2: Initialisation AI - enemy $DBBF (Maridia snail) ;;;
    ;;; $CE27:  ;;;
    ;;; $CE57:  ;;;
    ;;; $CE64: Main AI - enemy $DBBF (Maridia snail) ;;;
    ;;; $CE73:  ;;;
    ;;; $CE9A:  ;;;
    ;;; $CF11:  ;;;
    ;;; $CF5F: RTL ;;;
    ;;; $CF60:  ;;;
    ;;; $CF8F:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFA6:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFB7:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFBD:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFCE:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFD4:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFE5:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFEB:  ;;;
    ;;; $CFFC:  ;;;
    ;;; $D002:  ;;;
    ;;; $D07E:  ;;;
    ;;; $D0F8:  ;;;
    ;;; $D10D:  ;;;
    ;;; $D124:  ;;;
    ;;; $D14C:  ;;;
    ;;; $D164:  ;;;
    ;;; $D1B3:  ;;;
    ;;; $D2FA:  ;;;
    ;;; $D315:  ;;;
    ;;; $D33E:  ;;;
    ;;; $D356:  ;;;
    ;;; $D3B0: Enemy touch - enemy $DBBF (Maridia snail) ;;;
    ;;; $D421:  ;;;
    ;;; $D446:  ;;;
    ;;; $D469: Enemy shot - enemy $DBBF (Maridia snail) ;;;
    ;;; $D49F:  ;;;
    ;;; $D557:  ;;;
    ;;; $D5AC: Maridia snail spritemaps ;;;
;;; $DA9C..DFA1: Reflec ;;;
    ;;; $DA9C: Palette - enemy $DBFF (reflec) ;;;
    ;;; $DABC: Reflec glow colours ;;;
    ;;; $DB0C: Enemy graphics drawn hook - reflec - periodically cycle between palettes ;;;
    ;;; $DB4C..C7: Instruction lists - reflec ;;;
        ;;; $DB4C: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB58: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB64: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB6E: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB78: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB82: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB8C: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DB96: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DBA0: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DBAA: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DBB4: Instruction list -  ;;;
        ;;; $DBBE: Instruction list -  ;;;
    ;;; $DBC8: Instruction - enemy $0FB6 = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $DBD3: Initialisation AI - enemy $DBFF (reflec) ;;;
    ;;; $DC1B: Main AI - enemy $DBFF (reflec) ;;;
    ;;; $DC1C: Enemy shot - enemy $DBFF (reflec) ;;;
    ;;; $DDAE:  ;;;
    ;;; $DDCF:  ;;;
    ;;; $DDF0:  ;;;
    ;;; $DE0D:  ;;;
    ;;; $DE2A:  ;;;
    ;;; $DE47:  ;;;
    ;;; $DE64:  ;;;
    ;;; $DE85:  ;;;
    ;;; $DEA6:  ;;;
    ;;; $DEC3:  ;;;
    ;;; $DEE0:  ;;;
    ;;; $DEFD:  ;;;
    ;;; $DF1A: Reflec spritemaps ;;;
;;; $DFA2..E23B: Wrecked Ship orange zoomer ;;;
    ;;; $DFA2: Palette - enemy $DC3F (Wrecked Ship orange zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $DFC2: Instruction - enemy function = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $DFCB: Instruction list - Wrecked Ship orange zoomer - upside right ;;;
    ;;; $DFE7: Instruction list - Wrecked Ship orange zoomer - upside left ;;;
    ;;; $E003: Instruction list - Wrecked Ship orange zoomer - upside down ;;;
    ;;; $E01F: Instruction list - Wrecked Ship orange zoomer - upside up ;;;
    ;;; $E03B: Wrecked Ship orange zoomer initial instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $E043: Initialisation AI - enemy $DC3F (Wrecked Ship orange zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E08B: Main AI - enemy $DC3F (Wrecked Ship orange zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E091: Wrecked Ship orange zoomer function - crawling vertically ;;;
    ;;; $E168: Wrecked Ship orange zoomer function - crawling horizontally ;;;
;;; $E23C..E5EF: Big eye bugs / zoomer ;;;
    ;;; $E23C: Palette - enemy $DC7F (big eye bugs) ;;;
    ;;; $E25C: Instruction list - big eye bugs / zoomer - upside right ;;;
    ;;; $E278: Instruction list - big eye bugs / zoomer - upside left ;;;
    ;;; $E294: Instruction list - big eye bugs / zoomer - upside down ;;;
    ;;; $E2B0: Instruction list - big eye bugs / zoomer - upside up ;;;
    ;;; $E2CC: Big eye bugs / zoomer initial instruction list pointers ;;;
    ;;; $E2D4: Initialisation AI - enemy $DC7F (big eye bugs) ;;;
    ;;; $E2E8: Big eye bugs / zoomer spritemaps ;;;
    ;;; $E57C: Palette - enemy $DCBF (fire zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E59C: Initialisation AI - enemy $DCBF (fire zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E5B0: Palette - enemy $DCFF (zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E5D0: Palette - enemy $DD3F (stone zoomer) ;;;
;;; $E5F0..E9AE: Creepy crawlies ;;;
    ;;; $E5F0: Creepy crawly speed table ;;;
    ;;; $E630: Creepy crawly instruction list pointer table ;;;
    ;;; $E660: Instruction - enemy function = [[Y]] ;;;
    ;;; $E669: Initialisation AI - enemy $DCFF/$DD3F (zoomer / stone zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E67A: Creepy crawly common initialisation AI ;;;
    ;;; $E6C2: Main AI - enemy $D77F/$D7BF/$DABF/$DC7F/$DCBF/$DCFF/$DD3F (crab / slug / Norfair slow fireball / big eye bugs / zoomer) ;;;
    ;;; $E6C8: Creepy crawly function - crawling vertically ;;;
    ;;; $E785: Creepy crawly function - falling ;;;
    ;;; $E7F2: Creepy crawly function - crawling horizontally ;;;
    ;;; $E8A5: Adjust enemy X velocity for slopes ;;;
;;; $E9AF..F310: Metroid ;;;
    ;;; $E9AF: Palette - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $E9CF: Instruction list - metroid - chasing Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EA25: Instruction list - metroid - draining Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EA3F: Bombed off X velocities ;;;
    ;;; $EA4F: Initialisation AI - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EAA5: Instruction - play Metroid draining Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EAB1: Instruction - play random Metroid cry ;;;
    ;;; $EAE6: Frozen AI - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EB33: Hurt AI - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EB98: Main AI - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EC11: Metroid function index 0 - chase Samus ;;;
    ;;; $ECDC: Metroid function index 1 - latch onto Samus ;;;
    ;;; $ED8F: Metroid function index 2 - latched onto Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EDAB: Metroid function index 3 - bombed off Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EDEB: Enemy touch - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $EECE: Deal metroid contact damage to Samus ;;;
    ;;; $EF07: Enemy shot - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $F042: Power bomb reaction - enemy $DD7F (metroid) ;;;
    ;;; $F071: Metroid spritemaps ;;;
;;; $F311: Free space ;;;