$0FB2: Ridley function timer $7E7806: Baby metroid instruction list $7E7836: Samus is grabbed flag $7E7838: Ridley's tail damage $7E8800: Baby Metroid function? $7E8804: Baby metroid X position $7E8807: Baby metroid Y subposition (used the wraparound trick) $7E8808: Baby metroid Y position $7E880C: Baby metroid Y acceleration (only used when baby metroid falls and when it falls it stops crying) $7E8038: Typewriter text VRAM tilemap address $A6A763: Ceres ridley attack cooldown; fly towards (C0h, 64h) (return carry set if reached, carry clear otherwise) $A6A782: Ceres Ridley fireballing $A6A83C: Ceres Ridley start lunging $A6A88D: Ceres Ridley start swoop $A6A8A4: Ceres Ridley fly towards (C0h, 50h) to swoop $A6A8D4: Ceres ridley swoop $A6A971: Ceres ridley flying away after Samus has low health or after he picks up baby metroid $A6BD9A: Ceres Ridley initialise baby metroid drop $A6BDBC: Ceres Ridley baby metroid drop $A6BDF2: Ceres Ridley pickup baby metroid delay $A6BE03: Ceres Ridley baby metroid pickup $A6BEB3: Baby betroid being picked up $A6BECA: initialise baby metroid falling to ground $A6BEDC: baby metroid falls to ground $A6:C136: display 'EMERGENCY' text