$A5:87F4: Draygon function - start swoop (facing right) $A5:878B: Draygon function - things to do pre-fight $A5:88B1 and $A5:8951: Draygon function - swoop right $A5:8A00 and $A5:8A50: Draygon function - swoop left $A5:8B52: Draygon function - move right before gooping $A5:8BAE: Draygon function - goop right $A5:8C33: Draygon function - move right after gooping $A5:8CD4: Draygon function - move left before gooping $A5:8D30: Draygon function - goop left $A5:8DB2: Draygon function - move left after gooping $A5:8E19: Draygon function - attempt to grab Samus $A5:8FD6: Draygon function - hold samus $A5:90D4: Draygon function - stab Samus with tail $A5:9105: Draygon function - final tailstabs brfore releasing samus $A5:9154: Draygon function - fly straight up $A5:9185: Draygon function - move to death spot $A5:9294: Draygon function - laying on floor $A5:92AB: Draygon function - carried by evirs $A5:87AA: set a turret to fire $A5:92EA: spawn death dust cloud $A5:96EF: Draygon health-based palette thresholds $A5:9FE0: move death evirs $A5:A0C6: delete death evirs $A5:A0D9: spawn dancing evirs $A5:A13E: move dancing evirs $A5:9B9A: Instruction - hurt samus from tailstab $86:E722: Check if Draygon's wall turret projectile/gunk is in bounds 0000 if in bounds, 0001 if out of bounds $86:E7AB: Aim Draygon's wall turret projectile $86:E73E: Move Draygon's wall turret projectile/gunk $7E:8800..$7E:880A: Draygon turret damage flags 0000 if not damged, 0001 if damaged