$0797: Door transition flag $0F78: ID $0F7A: X position $0F7C: X subposition $0F7E: Y position $0F80: Y subposition $0F82: X radius $0F84: Y radius $0F86: Properties (Special in SMILE) $0F88: Extra properties (special GFX bitflag in SMILE) $0F8A: AI handler $0F8C: Health $0F8E: Spritemap pointer $0F90: Timer $0F92: Initialisation parameter (Orientation in SMILE, Tilemaps in RF) / instruction list pointer $0F94: Instruction timer $0F96: Palette index $0F98: VRAM tiles index $0F9A: Layer $0F9C: Flash timer $0F9E: Frozen timer $0FA0: Invincibility timer $0FA2: Shake timer $0FA4: Frame counter $0FA6: Bank $0FA8: function pointer $0FAA: X speed $0FAC: Y speed $0FAE: AI variable $0FB0: index for eye fade in table, body fade in table, tilemap transfer pointers $0FB2: function timer/counter, index $0FB4: Parameter 1 (Speed in SMILE) $0FB6: Parameter 2 (Speed2 in SMILE) ; CERES SPECIFIC RAM $7E2000 - set to 1 when Ridley starts flying $A4BD $7E2002 - init to 1, read by tail fling trigger routine to skip, zeroed during swoops (Ceres only). Maybe used to sync next tail fling with the swoop $7E2004 - tail fling trigger $7E200C - $7E200E - Y acceleration $7E201E - init to 0, tail swing delay (7-16h) when compared to $2022, set to 8 by $BBF1 Drop Samus, set to B by $B5C4 Consider tailbouncing, set to $10 by $B68B $7E7800 - counter/timer $7E7802 - Ridley status: 0 = inactive, 1-$7FFF = active, 2 = evading power bomb, $FFFF = dead $7E7804 - Ceres Ridley active flag (always 1 in Norfair) $7E7806 - Baby metroid instruction list $7E7808 - init to 1, incremented up to A at $DC0D $7E780A - ribs animation index, initialized to table pointer $7E780C - ribs animation timer $7E780E - wing flap animation frame $7E7810 - set to 8 when Ridley starts flying $A4BD $7E7812 - set to 8 when Ridley starts flying $A4C1 $7E7816 - U swoop speed $7E7818 - palette index $7E781A - hits taken $7E781C - max tail speed counter (number of frames at max speed used to play swish SFX) $7E781E - Roaring SFX flag, 0 = not roaring $7E7820 - facing direction $7E7824 - Ridley speedup $7E7828 - X speed/position related, maybe X displacement while held by Ridley $7E7828 - Y speed/position related, maybe Y displacement while held by Ridley $7E782E = target X position while holding Samus $7E7830 = target Y position while holding Samus $7E7836 - holding Samus (or Baby Metroid?) $7E7838 - contact damage $7E783A - index into $B9DB, set to 0, 2, or 4 by instruction list $7E783C - grab cooldown timer? $7E8000 - top boundary $7E8002 - bottom boundary $7E8004 - left boundary $7E8006 - right boundary $7E8008 - incremented by Hurt AI, subtracted by Main AI, useless? $7E800C - counts up every other bounce for tailbounce fireballs $7E800E - timer for death explosion function $7E8010 - counter for death explosion function $7E8020 - set to $AE4D table @ $AAF1 $7E8024 - getaway completed flag $7E8026 - getaway flight data index $7E8028 - getaway X velocity $7E802A - getaway Y velocity $7E802C - index for Baby Metroid animation during getaway $7E802E - index for wing animation $7E8030 - index for palette table $C1DF $7E8032 - used by unused routine $7E8032 - Typewriter tile to be writen to tilemap $7E8038 - Typewriter VRAM tilemap address $7E803A - Typewriter instruction timer $7E803C - Typewriter instruction timer reset value $7E803E - Typewriter stroke timer $7E8800 - Baby Metroid function pointer $7E8804 - Baby Metroid X position? $7E8808 - Baby Metroid Y position? $7E880A - init to zero when Baby Metroid capsule drops, never read $7E880C - non-zero = disables automatic cry SFX, seems to have another use related to falling, but only zero flag is read ; NORFAIR SPECIFIC RAM $7E2000 - tail AI index $7E2014 - maybe tail rotation speed? $7E7802 - Ridley active flag: 0 = inactive, 2 = evading PB, FFFF = dead $7E7804 - init to 1 $7E8006 - init to $E0 $7E7818 - init to $E00 $7E781A - init to 0 $7E7820 - facing direction, init to 2 (right) $7E7836 - holding Samus flag $7E7838 - init to $78, tail tip damage? $7E783C - grab cooldown timer $7E8000 - init to $40 $7E8002 - init to $1A0 $7E8004 - init to $40