lorom ;Checking the rom says this file is used currently. However, it's out of date since UpJump (affects A2F4 and AF98). Perhaps even more later. ;Transition table stuff: ;91:9EE2 stuff all absorbed by InsanityTransitions.asm ;Stuff to clear (FF): ;91:AAC0 - 91:AB7D ;91:A376 - 91:A3C3 ;91:AC40 - 91:AC93 org $91FCA9 JSL $B88000 org $B88000 CMP #$0002 BEQ + JSL $9098BC + RTL org $91F624 JSL $B88010 CLC RTS org $B88010 LDA $0A23 AND #$00FF CMP #$0002 BNE + LDA $09A2 BIT #$0010 BEQ ++ + PLA PLB LDA $0A23 AND #$00FF JML $91F62A ++ LDA $0A20 STA $0A1C LDA $0A22 STA $0A1E RTL