lorom ;This asm helps you changing the position of the item slots in the status screen ;no 100% guarantee it'll move everything properly, there might be a few things that still need to be moved in a hex editor org $82C196 ;cursor positions ; ___X___ ___Y___ ; | | | | ; [Reserve] DW $001B, $0054 ;[auto]/[manual] DW $001B, $005C ;reserve tank ; [BEAMS] ==> C19E DW $0030, $0084 ;charge DW $0030, $008C ;ice DW $0030, $0094 ;wave DW $0030, $009C ;spazer DW $0030, $00A4 ;plasma ; [SUITS] ==> C1B2 DW $00CC, $004C ;varia DW $00CC, $0054 ;gravity ; [MISC.] ==> C1CA DW $00CC, $006C ;morph ball DW $00CC, $0074 ;bombs DW $00CC, $007C ;spring ball DW $00CC, $0084 ;screw attack ; [BOOTS] DW $00CC, $009C ;high-jump DW $00CC, $00A4 ;Space jump DW $00CC, $00AC ;speed booster ;org $82C02C ;Pointers to start of RAM offsets for specific tilemaps: (this,list_index),item_index = RAM offset ;to understand the format: ;DW $C068 ;reserve tanks (left out) ;DW $C06C ;beams (see below) ;DW $C076 ;suits/misc (right after beams) ;DW $C082 ;boots org $82C06C ;Pointers to tilemaps for enabled items ; [X] [Y] DB $46, $3A ;charge DB $86, $3A ;wave DB $C6, $3A ;ice DB $06, $3B ;spazer DB $46, $3B ;plasma DB $6A, $3A ;varia DB $AA, $3A ;gravity DB $6A, $3B ;morph DB $AA, $3B ;bomb DB $EA, $3B ;spring DB $2A, $3C ;screw attack DB $EA, $3C ;hijump DB $2A, $3D ;space jump DB $6A, $3D ;speed booster