Bank | Hurt frames Layer ID Anim Pal HP Dmg Wide High | | Snd Boss Init Part 5 Grph Grap Hurt Ice XRay Die Unused PB I Unused Tch Shot ??? Tiles | Drop Vuln Name E2BF: 1E00 8687 03E8 0014 0038 0090 A7 00 0000 0003 A959 0001 0000 AC21 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 803C 0000 00000000 949F 804C 0000 ABCC00 05 F41C F15A 0000 E2FF: 1E00 8687 03E8 0014 0030 0030 A7 00 0000 0000 AB43 0001 0000 B7BD 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 9490 94B5 0000 ABCC00 05 0000 F170 0000 E33F: 1E00 8687 03E8 000A 0018 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 AB68 0001 0000 B801 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 948F 802D 0000 ABCC00 05 0000 F186 0000 E37F: 1E00 8687 03E8 000A 0018 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 AB9C 0001 0000 B80D 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 948F 802D 0000 ABCC00 05 0000 F186 0000 E3BF: 1E00 8687 03E8 000A 0018 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 ABCA 0001 0000 B819 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 948F 802D 0000 ABCC00 05 0000 F186 0000 E3FF: 1E00 8687 03E8 0014 0008 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 ABF8 0001 0000 B9F6 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 948F 94B5 0000 ABCC00 05 F422 F170 0000 E43F: 1E00 8687 000A 000A 0008 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 BCEF 0001 0000 BD32 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 BCCF 802D 0000 ABCC00 05 F422 F19C 0000 E47F: 1E00 8687 000A 000A 0008 0008 A7 00 0000 0000 BD2D 0001 0000 BD49 800F 804C 8041 0000 0000 00000000 0000 0000 00000000 BCDE 802D 0000 ABCC00 05 0000 F19C 0000 Slot ID Enemy Enemy RAM 00 E2BF Kraid 0F78..0FB7, 7800..783F 01 E2FF Kraid arm 0FB8..0FF7, 7840..787F 02 E33F Top lint 0FF8..1037, 7880..78BF 03 E37F Middle lint 1038..1077, 78C0..78FF 04 E3BF Bottom lint 1078..10B7, 7900..793F 05 E3FF Kraid foot 10B8..10F7, 7940..797F 06 E43F Fingernail_A 10F8..1137, 7980..79BF 07 E47F Fingernail_B 1138..1177, 79C0..79FF $0F78,X Enemy ID $0F7A,X X position $0F7C,X X subposition $0F7E,X Y position $0F80,X Y subposition $0F82,X Width $0F84,X Height $0F86,X Properties (FEDC BA98 7654 3210) 8000 Hitbox solid to Samus 4000 Respawns if killed 2000 Process graphic AI 1000 Block plasma beam 0800 Process whilst offscreen 0400 Ignore Samus/projectiles 0200 Delete 0100 Invisible $0F88,X Extra properties (FEDC BA98 7654 3210) 8000 Processed a new enemy instruction with $0F92, update graphics 0004 Enable multiple hitbox/reactions (indepth $0F8E) 0001 Disable processing of movement AI, I think. Isn't disabled if $0F86 0400 is set (ignore Samus/Projectiles) $0F8A,X AI handler. Lowest bit set determines which AI pointer in enemy data to use (None = graph, 1 = grapple, 2 = hurt, 4 = ice, 8 = x-ray) $0F8C,X Health $0F8E,X OAM / hitbox pointer [word] Number of entries Entry: [word] X offset [word] Y offset [word] OAM pointer [word] Hitbox pointer Hitbox: [word] Number of entries Entry: [word] Left offset [word] Top offset [word] Right offset [word] Bottom offset [word] Samus collision pointer [word] Projectile collision pointer $0F90,X ? $0F92,X PLM-esque instruction pointer. Positive instructions set delay timer and $0F8E, and highest bit of $0F88 $0F94,X Instruction delay $0F96,X Which SNES palette the enemy uses (when drawing the sprite, from enemy set number). ORAed with other data to stick directly into OAM $0F98,X Index to graphics in VRAM $0F9A,X Layer control $0F9C,X Invincibility timer $0F9E,X Frozen timer $0FA0,X Counter, forces a different kind of processing. Used when hit by Plasma Beam (powerbombs?) $0FA2,X A value that works concurrently with $0FA4 to modify vertical position of sprite $0FA4,X Value that determines if sprite vertical position is lowered or raised (with $0FA2). For many enemies it's used as some sort of counter though $0FA6,X Bank $0FA7,X ? $0FA8,X Function $0FAA,X X subspeed / Acts like a PLM-esque instruction $0FAC,X X speed / Instruction timer $0FAE,X Y subspeed $0FB0,X Y speed $0FB2,X Function timer $0FB4,X Speed in SMILE $0FB6,X Speed2 in SMILE $7E7800,X Next function? $7E780C 1/8 Kraid health $7E780E 1/4 Kraid health $7E7810 3/8 Kraid health $7E7812 1/2 Kraid health $7E7814 5/8 Kraid health $7E7816 3/4 Kraid health $7E7818 7/8 Kraid health $7E781A Kraid health ;;; VRAM ;;; 0000..1FFF BG1/2 characters 2000..27FF BG3 characters 4000..4FFF BG2 tilemap 5000..57FF BG1 tilemap 5800..5FFF BG3 tilemap ;;; BG_Data ;;; $8FB815 dx 0008,9AB200,2000,1000, 0004,B9FA38,4000, 0002,7E4000,4000,1000, 0004,B9FE3E,4000, 0002,7E4000,4800,1000, 0000 ;;; Kraid palette ;;; $A78687 dw 3800, 559D, 1816, 100D, 4B9F, 3F37, 36D0, 2E69, 2608, 1DA6, 1125, 08C5, 0003, 6318, 7FFF, 0000 ;;; Kraid vulnerabilities ;;; $B4F15A db 82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82, 82, 82, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 02, 80, 80 ;;; Kraid limbs vulnerabilities ;;; $B4F170 db 80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 00, 80, 80 ;;; Kraid lint vulnerabilities ;;; $B4F186 db 80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80,80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 80, 00, 80, 80 ;;; Kraid fingernails vulnerabilities ;;; $B4F19C db 82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82,82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 82, 00, 82, 02, 82, 82 ;;; Kraid drop chances ;;; $B4F41C db 32, 32, 32, 00, 32, 37 ;;; Kraid foot and fingernail_A drop chances ;;; $B4F422 db 0A, 23, C8, 00, 0A, 00