$0F78,X Enemy ID $0F7A,X X position $0F7C,X X subposition $0F7E,X Y position $0F80,X Y subposition $0F82,X Width $0F84,X Height $0F86,X Properties (FEDC BA98 7654 3210) 8000 Hitbox solid to Samus 4000 Respawns if killed 2000 Process graphic AI 1000 Block plasma beam 0800 Process whilst offscreen 0400 Ignore Samus/projectiles 0200 Delete 0100 Invisible $0F88,X Extra properties (FEDC BA98 7654 3210) 8000 Processed a new enemy instruction with $0F92, update graphics 0004 Enable multiple hitbox/reactions (indepth $0F8E) 0001 Disable processing of movement AI, I think. Isn't disabled if $0F86 0400 is set (ignore Samus/Projectiles) $0F8A,X AI handler. Lowest bit set determines which AI pointer in enemy data to use (None = graph, 1 = grapple, 2 = hurt, 4 = ice, 8 = x-ray) $0F8C,X Health $0F8E,X OAM / hitbox pointer [word] Number of entries Entry: [word] X offset [word] Y offset [word] OAM pointer [word] Hitbox pointer Hitbox: [word] Number of entries Entry: [word] Left offset [word] Top offset [word] Right offset [word] Bottom offset [word] Samus collision pointer [word] Projectile collision pointer $0F90,X ? $0F92,X PLM-esque instruction pointer. Positive instructions set delay timer and $0F8E, and highest bit of $0F88 $0F94,X Instruction delay $0F96,X Which SNES palette the enemy uses (when drawing the sprite, from enemy set number). ORAed with other data to stick directly into OAM $0F98,X Index to graphics in VRAM $0F9A,X Layer control $0F9C,X Invincibility timer $0F9E,X Frozen timer $0FA0,X Counter, forces a different kind of processing. Used when hit by Plasma Beam (powerbombs?) $0FA2,X A value that works concurrently with $0FA4 to modify vertical position of sprite $0FA4,X Value that determines if sprite vertical position is lowered or raised (with $0FA2). For many enemies it's used as some sort of counter though $0FA6,X Bank $0FA7,X ? $0FA8,X AI variable, frequently function pointer $0FAA,X AI variable $0FAC,X AI variable $0FAE,X AI variable $0FB0,X AI variable $0FB2,X AI variable $0FB4,X Speed in SMILE $0FB6,X Speed2 in SMILE