Routines { 8000 Golden Torizo colour setting routine 8032 [data] Golden Torizo colour table 1 8132 [data] Golden Torizo colour table 2 8232 Custom graphic 8250 Clear sound check 8258 Unused. Clear sound check 8270 Play spin-jump sound 8278 Unused. Play spin-jump sound 8290 Get PLM co-ordinates 82B4 Write block type and BTS 82D6 Write a row of block and BTS 831A X-ray: look up special graphics 839D [data] Pointers to graphics (A2DF, A2F1, A2FD, A303, A30F, A31B, A327, A333) 83AD Enable PLM processing 83B8 Disable PLM processing 83C3 Delete all PLMs 83D7 Spawn PLM [PC+2] 8469 RTS 846A Load room PLMs 84E6 RTS 84E7 Spawn PLM 853D RTS 853E Spawn PLM at enemy location 85B3 RTS 85B4 Process PLMs 85DA Process existing PLM 861E Set PLM block properties } Instructions { 86B4 Instruction. Wait 86BC Instruction. Delete PLM 86C1 Instruction. Set pre-instruction code 86CA Instruction. Disable pre-instruction code 86D1 Instruction. Unused. Call external JSL, backs up Y 86EB Instruction. Unused. Call external JSL with argument, backs up Y 870B Instruction. Call external JSL, backs up X and Y 8724 Instruction. Go to command for instructions 8729 Instruction. Unused. BRA for instructions 873F Instruction. Conditional goto: decrement counter (1D77), BNE argument 8747 Instruction. Unused. Conditional branch: decrement counter (1D77), BNE argument 874E Instruction. Set counter (1D77) to 1-byte argument 875A Instruction. Unused. Set counter (1D77) to 2-byte argument 8763 RTS 8764 Instruction. Load graphics 87E5 Instruction. Transfer stuff to VRAM 880E Instruction. Go to if boss bits in current area 8821 Instruction. Unused. Set boss bits for current area 882D Instruction. Go to if event bit set 883E Instruction. Set event bit 8848 Instruction. Go to argument if room argument's boss bit is set 8865 Instruction. Set room argument's boss bit 887C Instruction. Go to argument if room argument's item bit is set 8899 Instruction. Set room argument's item bit 88B0 Instruction. Pickup beam item (2 bytes) then display message box (1 byte). Equips it, toggles spazer/plasma, updates graphics 88F3 Instruction. Pickup equipment (2 bytes) then display message box (1 byte) and resume music 891A Instruction. Pickup grapple. Grapple message box displayed and resume music 8941 Instruction. Pickup X-ray scope. X-ray message box displayed and resume music 8968 Instruction. Pickup Energy Tank. Energy tank message displayed and resume music 8986 Instruction. Pickup Reserve Tank. Reserve tank message displayed and resume music 89A9 Instruction. Pickup Missile Tank. Missile tank message displayed and resume music 89D2 Instruction. Pickup Super Missile Tank. Super missile tank message displayed and resume music 89FB Instruction. Pickup Power Bomb Tank. Power bomb tank message displayed and resume music 8A24 Instruction. Set goto/return pointer 8A2E Instruction. JSR for instructions 8A3A Instruction. RTS for instructions 8A40 Instruction. Unused. Wait until the first enemy in the room (should be DAFF) dies? 8A59 Instruction. Unused. Wait until the second enemy in the room (should be DAFF) dies? 8A72 Instruction. Goto argument if room argument's door bit is set 8A91 Instruction. Increment counter (DF0C), if it's passed the first argument set room argument's door and goto second argument. Also stop pre-instruction code 8ACD Instruction. Increment room argument, if it exceeds first argument, goto second argument. Clears pre-instruction code 8AF1 Instruction. Store argument to PLM's BTS 8B05 Instruction. Clone of 8B17 8B17 Instruction. Draw block at PLM using 1E17. DE6C gets overwritten, on-screen graphic is refreshed 8B55 Instruction. Update scrolling in the room by following room argument as a pointer. Main part of a scroll PLM 8B93 Instruction. Same as normal scroll update but for a crumble blocktype instead of treadmill blocktype 8BD1 Instruction. Unused. Switch song track to argument 8BDD Instruction. Clear out music queue, THEN switch song track to argument 8C07 Instruction. Play a sound from library 1 8C10 Instruction. Play a sound from library 2 8C19 Instruction. Play a sound from library 3 8C22 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, allow full queue 8C2B Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 2, allow full queue 8C34 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, allow full queue 8C3D Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, short queue only 8C46 Instruction. Play a sound from library 2, short queue only 8C4F Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, short queue only 8C58 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, long queue allowed 8C61 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 2, long queue allowed 8C6A Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, long queue allowed 8C73 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 1, no queue allowed 8C7C Instruction. Play a sound from library 2, no queue allowed 8C85 Instruction. Unused. Play a sound from library 3, no queue allowed 8C8E RTS 8C8F Instruction. Set map of current area as collected. Also message box 8CAF Instruction. Energy station; restore health, display message box, resume gameplay controls 8CD0 Instruction. Missile station; restore missiles, display message box, resume gameplay controls 8CF1 Instruction. Save station check. Pop up a message box, if saving do some saving stuff and continue, otherwise goto argument 8D39 Instruction. Unused. Waits 6 seconds then resumes music 8D41 Instruction. If Samus's center is inside of hitbox, goto third argument, else continue 8D89 Instruction. Unused. Move PLM down 1 block 8D97 RTS 8D98 Instruction. Unused. Broken. Unknown PLM instruction 8DA0 Instruction. Unused. Broken. Unknown PLM draw instruction 8DA6 Draw PLM with custom draw pointer and screen start positions 8DAA Draw PLM } Draw { 924D Draw. Instructions D0EC 9253 Draw. Instructions BB19 925B Draw. Instructions B9A2 9265 Draw. Instructions B9A2 926F Draw. Instructions B9A2 9279 Draw. Instructions B9A2 9283 Draw. Instructions B919 9297 Draw. Instructions AAE5 92A3 Draw. Instructions AAE5 92AF Draw. Instructions AAE5 92BB Draw. Instructions AAE5 92C7 Draw. Instructions AB0C 930F Draw. Instructions AB67 9325 Draw. Unused 933B Draw. Unused 9351 Draw. Unused 9367 Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 936D Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 9373 Draw. Instructions AB6D, AB7F, AB91, ABA9 9379 Draw. Instructions AB6D 937F Draw. Instructions AB7F 9385 Draw. Instructions AB91 938B Draw. Unused 9391 Draw. Instructions ABA9 9397 Draw. Instructions ABA9 939D Draw. Instructions ABA3 93BF Draw. Instructions ABDD 93EF Draw. Instructions B77B 9407 Draw. Instructions B785 9413 Draw. Instructions AB12 9423 Draw. Instructions AB12 9433 Draw. Instructions AB12 9443 Draw. Instructions AB12 9453 Draw. Instructions ABE3 9463 Draw. Instructions ABE9 9473 Draw. Instructions ABEF, BB3A, BB44 947F Draw. Instructions BB3A, BB44 948B Draw. Instructions ABEF, BB34, BB44 9497 Draw. Instructions ABF9 949D Draw. Instructions ABFF 94A3 Draw. Instructions AC05 94B1 Draw. Instructions AC0B 94C9 Draw. Unused 94E7 Draw. Unused 9505 Draw. Instructions AC11 9523 Draw. Instructions AC17 9541 Draw. Instructions AC1D 955F Draw. Instructions AC23 957D Draw. Instructions AC29 959B Draw. Instructions AC2F 95B9 Draw. Instructions AC35 95D7 Draw. Instructions AC3B 95F5 Draw. Instructions AC41 9613 Draw. Instructions AC47 9631 Draw. Instructions AC4D 964F Draw. Instructions AC53 966D Draw. Instructions AC59 968B Draw. Instructions AC5F 96A9 Draw. Instructions AC68 96B1 Draw. Instructions AC6B 96BF Draw. Instructions AC71 96CB Draw. Instructions AC77 96EF Draw. Instructions AC7D 9703 Draw. Instructions AC83 9717 Draw. Instructions D202 971D Draw. Instructions D202 9731 Draw. Instructions D202 9745 Draw. Instructions D202 974F Draw. Instructions D202 9769 Draw. Instructions D202 9781 Draw. Instructions D202 978F Draw. Instructions D202 97B7 Draw. Instructions D202 97E7 Draw. Instructions D202 9817 Draw. Instructions D202 9847 Draw. Unused 9877 Draw. Instructions D368 9897 Draw. Unused 989D Draw. Instructions D368 98D1 Draw. Instructions D4D4 98D7 Draw. Instructions D4D4 98DD Draw. Instructions D4D4 98E3 Draw. Instructions D519 9953 Draw. Instructions D519 9991 Draw. Instructions D4D4 99E5 Draw. Instructions D4D4 9A3F Draw. Instructions AFE8 9A6F Draw. Instructions AFEE 9A9F Draw. Instructions AFEE 9ACF Draw. Instructions B03E 9AED Draw. Instructions B044 9B0B Draw. Instructions D490 9B1B Draw. Instructions D490 9B2B Draw. Instructions D490 9B3B Draw. Instructions D490 9B4B Draw. Instructions D490 9B5B Draw. Instructions AFCA 9B73 Draw. Instructions AFD0 9B79 Draw. Instructions AFD6 9B7F Draw. Instructions AFDC 9BBB Draw. Instructions AFE2 9BF7 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C03 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C0B Draw. Instructions D81E 9C13 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C1B Draw. Instructions D81E 9C23 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C2B Draw. Instructions D81E 9C31 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C37 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C3D Draw. Instructions D81E 9C43 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C49 Draw. Instructions D81E 9C4F Draw. Instructions D955 9C5B Draw. Instructions D955 9C63 Draw. Instructions D955 9C6B Draw. Instructions D955 9C73 Draw. Instructions D955 9C7B Draw. Instructions D955 9C83 Draw. Instructions D955 9C89 Draw. Instructions D955 9C8F Draw. Instructions D955 9C95 Draw. Instructions DA56 9C9B Draw. Instructions DA56 9CA1 Draw. Instructions DA56 9CA7 Draw. Instructions D44E 9CAD Draw. Unused 9CB3 Draw. Unused 9CB9 Draw. Unused 9CBF Draw. Instructions D44E 9CC5 Draw. Instructions D3CF 9D0F Draw. Instructions D3EC 9D59 Draw. Instructions D426 9D7D Draw. Instructions D426 9DA1 Draw. Instructions D426 9DC5 Draw. Instructions D426 9DE9 Draw. Instructions D426 9E0D Draw. Instructions ACB8 9E29 Draw. Unused 9E45 Draw. Instructions ACB8 9E61 Draw. Instructions ACB8 9E7D Draw. Instructions ACB8 9E99 Draw. Instructions ACF8 9EB5 Draw. Unused 9ED1 Draw. Instructions ACF8 9EED Draw. Instructions ACF8 9F09 Draw. Instructions ACF8 9F25 Draw. Instructions AD62 9F31 Draw. Instructions AD62 9F3D Draw. Instructions AD62 9F49 Draw. Instructions AD86 9F55 Draw. Instructions AD86 9F5B Draw. Instructions ADA4 9F67 Draw. Instructions ADA4 9F6D Draw. Instructions ADC2 9F79 Draw. Instructions ADC2 9F85 Draw. Instructions ADC2 9F91 Draw. Instructions AE4C 9F9D Draw. Instructions AE4C 9FA9 Draw. Instructions AE4C 9FB5 Draw. Instructions ADF1, AE7B 9FBB Draw. Instructions ADF1, AE7B 9FC1 Draw. Instructions AE13, AE9D 9FC7 Draw. Instructions AE13, AE9D 9FCD Draw. Instructions DCDE 9FDD Draw. Instructions DCDE 9FED Draw. Instructions DD27 9FFD Draw. Instructions DD27 A00D Draw. Instructions DD70 A01D Draw. Instructions DD70 A02D Draw. Instructions DCDE A03D Draw. Instructions DCDE A04D Draw. Instructions DCDE A05D Draw. Instructions DCDE A06D Draw. Instructions DD27 A07D Draw. Instructions DD27 A08D Draw. Instructions DD27 A09D Draw. Instructions DD27 A0AD Draw. Instructions DD70 A0BD Draw. Instructions DD70 A0CD Draw. Instructions DD70 A0DD Draw. Instructions DD70 A0ED Draw. Instructions DDB9 A101 Draw. Instructions DDB9 A115 Draw. Instructions DE02 A129 Draw. Instructions DE02 A13D Draw. Instructions DE4B A151 Draw. Instructions DE4B A165 Draw. Instructions DDB9 A179 Draw. Instructions DDB9 A18D Draw. Instructions DDB9 A1A1 Draw. Instructions DDB9 A1B5 Draw. Instructions DE02 A1C9 Draw. Instructions DE02 A1DD Draw. Instructions DE02 A1F1 Draw. Instructions DE02 A205 Draw. Instructions DE4B A219 Draw. Instructions DE4B A22D Draw. Instructions DE4B A241 Draw. Instructions DE4B A255 Draw. Instructions AED8 A25D Draw. Instructions AED8 A265 Draw. Instructions AED8 A26D Draw. Instructions AED8 A275 Draw. Instructions AF1E A285 Draw. Instructions AF1E A295 Draw. Instructions AF1E A2A5 Draw. Instructions AF1E A2B5 Draw. Instructions AADF, D13F, DFA9, DFC7, DFD7, E032, A2B5, E47C, E4AE, E4E0, E512, E54D, E588, E5C3, E5FE, E642, E67D, E6B8, E6F3, E735, E777, E7B1, E7EC, E826, E861, E89C, E8D7 A2BB Draw. Unused A2C1 Draw. Unused A2C7 Draw. Instructions A2C7 A2CD Draw. Instructions A2C7 A2D3 Draw. Instructions A2C7 A2D9 Draw. Instructions DFC7 A2DF Draw. Instructions E099, E44A, E911 A2E5 Draw. Instructions E099, E44A, E911 A2EB Draw. Instructions E0BE, A47C, E949 A2F1 Draw. Instructions E0BE, A47C, E949 A2F7 Draw. Instructions E0E3, E4AE, E981 A2FD Draw. Instructions E0E3, E4AE, E981 A303 Draw. Instructions E108, E4E0, E9B9 A309 Draw. Instructions E108, E4E0, E9B9 A30F Draw. Instruction E04F A315 Draw. Instruction E067 A31B Draw. Instruction E04F A321 Draw. Instruction E067 A327 Draw. Instruction E04F A32D Draw. Instruction E067 A333 Draw. Instruction E04F A339 Draw. Instruction E067 A33F Draw. Instructions D121 A345 Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 A34B Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 A351 Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 A357 Draw. Instructions AB31, C92E, C92E, C951, C974, C997, C9BA, C9CF, C9E4, C9F9, CA8B, CADF, CB71, CB94, CBB7, CC0B, CC20, CC35, CCE3, CD53, D0F6, E032 A35D Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF A365 Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF A36D Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF A375 Draw. Instructions CA1C, CA8B, CB02, CBCC, CC5F, CCFF A37D Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B A385 Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B A38D Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B A395 Draw. Instructions CA41, CAB5, CB27, CBE1, CC8B, CD1B A39D Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 A3AD Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 A3BD Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 A3CD Draw. Instructions CA66, CACA, CB4C, CBF6, CCB7, CD37 A3DD Draw. Instructions E007, E020 A3E3 Draw. Instructions E007, E020 A3E9 Draw. Instructions E007, E020 A3EF Draw. Unused A3F5 Draw. Unused A3FD Draw. Unused A405 Draw. Unused A40D Draw. Unused A415 Draw. Unused A41D Draw. Unused A425 Draw. Unused A42D Draw. Unused A435 Draw. Unused A445 Draw. Unused A455 Draw. Unused A465 Draw. Unused A475 Draw. Instructions C8D4 A47B Draw. Instructions C8DA, CB02 A483 Draw. Instructions C8E0, CB27 A48B Draw. Instructions C8E6, CB4C A49B Draw. Instructions C8EC A4A1 Draw. Instructions C8F2, CA1C A4A9 Draw. Instructions C8F8, CA41 A4B1 Draw. Instructions C8FE, CA66 A4C1 Draw. Instructions C904 A4C7 Draw. Instructions C90A, CC5F A4CF Draw. Instructions C910, CC8B A4D7 Draw. Instructions C916, CCB7 A4E7 Draw. Instructions C91C A4ED Draw. Instructions C922 A4F3 Draw. Instructions C928 A4F9 Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9, D135 A4FF Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 A505 Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 A50B Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 A511 Draw. Instructions CD6A, CDA9 A517 Draw. Instructions BC13 A525 Draw. Instructions BC13 A533 Draw. Instructions BC13 A541 Draw. Instructions BC13 A54F Draw. Instructions BC13 A55D Draw. Instructions BC13 A56B Draw. Instructions BC61 A57D Draw. Instructions BC61 A58F Draw. Instructions BC61 A5A1 Draw. Instructions BC61 A5B3 Draw. Instructions BC61 A5C5 Draw. Instructions BC61 A5D7 Draw. Instructions BCAF A5E3 Draw. Instructions BCB5 A5EB Draw. Instructions BCBB A5F7 Draw. Instructions BCC1 A5FF Draw. Instructions BCC7 A60B Draw. Instructions BCCD A613 Draw. Instructions BCD3 A61F Draw. Instructions BCD9 A627 Draw. Instructions BCDF A633 Draw. Instructions BCE5 A63B Draw. Instructions BCEB A647 Draw. Instructions BCF1 A64F Draw. Instructions BCF7 A65B Draw. Instructions BCFD A663 Draw. Instructions BD03 A66F Draw. Instructions BD09 A677 Draw. Instructions BE59, BFFD, C185, C301, C489, C49E A683 Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2, C060, C1E4, C363, C4BA, C4CF A68F Draw. Instructions BF2B, C0C3, C243, A68F, C4EB, C500 A69B Draw. Instructions BF94, C122, C2A2, C427, C51C, C531 A6A7 Draw. Instructions BE59 A6B3 Draw. Instructions BE59 A6BF Draw. Instructions BE59 A6CB Draw. Instructions BE59 A6D7 Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 A6E3 Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 A6EF Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 A6FB Draw. Instructions BA4C, BA7F, BEC2 A707 Draw. Instructions BF2B A713 Draw. Instructions BF2B A71F Draw. Instructions BF2B A72B Draw. Instructions BF2B A737 Draw. Instructions BF94 A743 Draw. Instructions BF94 A74F Draw. Instructions BF94 A75B Draw. Instructions BF94 A767 Draw. Instructions BFFD A773 Draw. Instructions BFFD A77F Draw. Instructions BFFD A78B Draw. Instructions BFFD A797 Draw. Instructions C060 A7A3 Draw. Instructions C060 A7AF Draw. Instructions C060 A7BB Draw. Instructions C060 A7C7 Draw. Instructions C0C3 A7D3 Draw. Instructions C0C3 A7DF Draw. Instructions C0C3 A7EB Draw. Instructions C0C3 A7F7 Draw. Instructions C122 A803 Draw. Instructions C122 A80F Draw. Instructions C122 A81B Draw. Instructions C122 A827 Draw. Instructions C185 A833 Draw. Instructions C185 A83F Draw. Instructions C185 A84B Draw. Instructions C185 A857 Draw. Instructions C1E4 A863 Draw. Instructions C1E4 A86F Draw. Instructions C1E4 A87B Draw. Instructions C1E4 A887 Draw. Instructions C243 A893 Draw. Instructions C243 A89F Draw. Instructions C243 A8AB Draw. Instructions C243 A8B7 Draw. Instructions C2A2 A8C3 Draw. Instructions C2A2 A8CF Draw. Instructions C2A2 A8DB Draw. Instructions C2A2 A8E7 Draw. Instructions C301 A8F3 Draw. Instructions C301 A8FF Draw. Instructions C301 A90B Draw. Instructions C301 A917 Draw. Instructions C363 A923 Draw. Instructions C363 A92F Draw. Instructions C363 A93B Draw. Instructions C363 A947 Draw. Instructions C3C5 A953 Draw. Instructions C3C5 A95F Draw. Instructions C3C5 A96B Draw. Instructions C3C5 A977 Draw. Instructions C427 A983 Draw. Instructions C427 A98F Draw. Instructions C427 A99B Draw. Instructions C427 A9A7 Draw. Instructions D81E A9B3 Draw. Instructions BE59, BFFD, C185, C301, C49E A9BF Draw. Instructions C489, C49E A9CB Draw. Instructions C489, C49E A9D7 Draw. Instructions C489, C49E A9E3 Draw. Instructions D955 A9EF Draw. Instructions BA7F, BEC2, C060, C1E4, C363 A9FB Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF AA07 Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF AA13 Draw. Instructions C4BA, C4CF AA1F Draw. Unused AA2B Draw. Instructions BF2B, C0C3, C243, C3C5, C500 AA37 Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 AA43 Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 AA4F Draw. Instructions C4EB, C500 AA5B Draw. Unused AA67 Draw. Instructions BF94, C122, C2A2, AA67, C531 AA73 Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 AA7F Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 AA8B Draw. Instructions C51C, C531 AA97 Draw. Instructions AFB6 AAAF Draw. Instructions AFB6 AAC7 Draw. Instructions AFB6 } Instruction lists { AADF Instructions. Unused AAE3 Instructions. Do not make AAE5 Instructions. PLM B733 AB00 Instruction. Move PLM down 1 block AB0C Instructions. PLM B777 AB12 Instructions. PLM B78F AB27 Setup. RTS AB28 Setup. Don't run first instruction for 40 frames AB31 Instructions. PLM B79B AB51 Instruction. Set first two screens of room to scroll 1 AB59 Instruction. Move PLM down 1 block AB67 Instructions. PLM B797 AB6D Instructions. PLM B7A3 AB7F Instructions. PLM B7AB AB91 Instructions. PLM B7B3 ABA3 Instructions. PLM B7B7 ABA9 Instructions. PLM B7BF ABD6 Instruction. Move PLM right 1 block ABDD Instructions. PLM B7BB ABE3 Instructions. PLM B65F ABE9 Instructions. PLM B663 ABEF Instructions. PLM B667 ABF9 Instructions. PLM B66B ABFF Instructions. PLM B66F AC05 Instructions. PLM B673 AC0B Instructions. PLM B677 AC11 Instructions. PLM B67B AC17 Instructions. PLM B67F AC1D Instructions. PLM B683 AC23 Instructions. PLM B687 AC29 Instructions. PLM B68B AC2F Instructions. PLM B68F AC35 Instructions. PLM B693 AC3B Instructions. PLM B697 AC41 Instructions. PLM B69B AC47 Instructions. PLM B69F AC4D Instructions. PLM B6A3 AC53 Instructions. PLM B6A7 AC59 Instructions. PLM B6AB AC5F Instructions. PLM B6AF AC65 Instructions. PLM B6B3 AC6B Instructions. PLM B6B7 AC71 Instructions. PLM B6BB AC77 Instructions. PLM B6BF AC7D Instructions. PLM B6C3 AC83 Instructions. PLM B6C7 AC89 Pre-instruction. Move Samus, give Samus 10 frames of invincibility AC9D Instruction. Do 2 atmospheric damage to Samus ACB1 Instruction. Set Samus's invincibility timer to 30 frames ACB8 Instructions. PLM B6CB ACF8 Instructions. PLM B6CF AD38 Instructions. PLM B64B AD43 Instruction. Write 38 blocks of treadmill type 8 AD4D Instructions. PLM B64F AD58 Instruction. Write 38 blocks of treadmill type 9 AD62 Instructions. PLM B6D3 AD86 Instructions. PLM B6D7 ADA4 Instructions. PLM B6DB ADC2 Instructions. PLM B6DF ADF1 Instructions. PLM B6E3 AE13 Instructions. PLM B6E7 AE35 Instruction. Check health. If full, enable Samus's controls and go to argument AE4C Instructions. PLM B6EB AE7B Instructions. PLM B6EF AE9D Instructions. PLM B6F3 AEBF Instruction. Check if Samus has full missiles. If so, enable controls and go to argument AED6 Instructions. PLM B6F7 AED8 Instructions. Unused AF1C Instructions. PLM B6FB AF1E Instructions. Unused AF62 Draw. Instructions AF86 AF68 Draw. Instructions AF92 AF6E Draw. Instructions AF9E AF74 Draw. Instructions AFA4 AF7A Draw. Instructions AFAA AF80 Draw. Instructions AFB0 AF86 Instructions. PLM B703 AF92 Instructions. PLM B707 AF9E Instructions. PLM B63F AFA4 Instructions. PLM B63B AFAA Instructions. PLM B647 AFB0 Instructions. PLM B643 AFB6 Instructions. PLM B70B AFCA Instructions. PLM B747 AFD0 Instructions. PLM B74B AFD6 Instructions. PLM B74F AFDC Instructions. PLM B753 AFE2 Instructions. PLM B757 AFE8 Instructions. PLM B76F AFEE Instructions. Unused B00E Instruction. Start saving B024 Instruction. Display 'Game Saved' message box B030 Instruction. End saving B03E Instructions. PLM B75B B044 Instructions. PLM B75F } Setups { B04A Setup. Clear 38 horizontal blocks to air, starting at PLM's location B05D Setup. Unused. Stack suicide routine B08B Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 1 B0A6 Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 2 B0C1 Setup. Unused. Stack suicide 3 B0DC Setup. Delete PLM if Samus' right isn't lined up. Else Save Samus's position and make PLM normal solid (or possibly air) B113 Setup. Delete PLM if Samus' left isn't lined up. Else Save Samus's position and make PLM normal solid (or possibly air) B146 Setup. Delete PLM if Samus isn't lined up. Else if Samus' centre lines up with THIS PLM, wake up the PLM located at A, and pause(?) Samus B18B Setup. Sets itself to solid, if map not collected, sets next and previous blocks' type and BTS (map station setup) B1C8 Setup. Check to see if Samus is in the proper pose to hookup to a station. Else delete self B1F0 Setup. Check to see if Samus is in the proper pose to hookup to a station. Else delete self B21D Setup. Energy or Missile station setup, not sure. Sets blocks' type/BTS B245 Setup. Energy or Missile station setup, not sure. Sets blocks' type/BTS B26D Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the energy station and doesn't have full energy B29D Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the energy station and doesn't have full energy B2D0 Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the missile station and doesn't have full energy B300 Setup. Check if Samus is lined up with the missile station and doesn't have full energy B333 Setup. Delete self B33A Setup. Extend left block B345 Setup. Extend right block B350 Setup. Extend above block B35B Setup. Extend below block B366 Setup. Skip first four bytes of instructions B371 Setup. (Scroll PLM setup). Sets block type 3, BTS 46h (scroll touch block), clears $1E17,X and skips first four bytes of instructions B382 Setup. (Unused scroll PLM setup). Sets block type B, BTS 46h (scroll touch block), clears $1E17,X and skips first four bytes of instructions B393 Setup. Find the (scroll) PLM on this spot, if it's triggerable, trigger it B3C1 Setup. Change block type to solid (or possibly air) B3D0 Setup. Clear carry B3D2 Setup. Set carry B3D4 Setup. Change block type to air B3E3 Setup. Unused. Spawn ER projectile $A977. Curious what this is. Oh well B3EB Setup. Set momentum subtraction multiplier to 10 if Samus is lined up vertically B408 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Seems to be some sort of vertical treadmill B497 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill. What's 0AF4 do? B4A8 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill, slightly faster B4B6 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Vertical treadmill. Significantly faster B4C4 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Quicksand stuff, I guess B541 Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Maridian quicksand? B54F Setup. [TODO: refer to chatlogs] Maridian quicksand? B551 Setup. Turn this and the 9 tiles below it to air B56F Setup. Turn this and the 9 tiles below it to solid B590 Setup. Save station trigger, I think... Checks if Samus is standing still in the right spot, wakes up a PLM at the same location B5EE Setup. (Save station). Sets block type B, BTS 4Dh B5F8 Setup. Create door after Mother Brain kill } PLM entries { B62F PLM. Don't make PLM B633 PLM. Clear carry B637 PLM. Unused. Set carry B63B PLM. Continue from left B63F PLM. Continue from right B643 PLM. Continue from above B647 PLM. Continue from below B64B PLM. Wrecked ship entrance treadmill from west B64F PLM. Wrecked ship entrance treadmill from east B653 PLM. Nothing B657 PLM. Nothing B65B PLM. Nothing B65F PLM. Unused B663 PLM. Unused B667 PLM. Unused B66B PLM. Unused B66F PLM. Unused B673 PLM. Mother Brain fight wall-gap-fill blocks B677 PLM. Used in $ECBF's enemy touch (Shitroid?) B67B PLM B67F PLM B683 PLM B687 PLM B68B PLM B68F PLM B693 PLM B697 PLM B69B PLM B69F PLM B6A3 PLM B6A7 PLM B6AB PLM. Unused B6AF PLM. Unused B6B3 PLM B6B7 PLM B6BB PLM B6BF PLM B6C3 PLM B6C7 PLM B6CB PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Brinstar 80h B6CF PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Brinstar 81h B6D3 PLM. Map station B6D7 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 47h. Map station right access B6DB PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 48h. Map station left access B6DF PLM. Energy station B6E3 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 49h. Energy station right access B6E7 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Ah. Energy station left access B6EB PLM. Missile station B6EF PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Bh. Missile station right access B6F3 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Ch. Missile station left access B6F7 PLM. Unused B6FB PLM. Unused B6FF PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 46h / inside reaction, treadmill, BTS 46h. Scroll block touch PLM B703 PLM. Common scroll PLM B707 PLM. Unused B70B PLM. Elevator platform B70F PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Crateria/Debug 80h B713 PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h B717 PLM. Unused. Clone of PLM B713 B71B PLM. Unused. Clone of PLM B713 B71F PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 83h B723 PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 84h B727 PLM. Inside reaction, treadmill, BTS Maridia 85h B72B PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Maridia 80h/81h/82h B72F PLM. Unused B733 PLM. Unused B737 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 83h B73B PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 84h B73F PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 85h B743 PLM. Unused B747 PLM B74B PLM B74F PLM B753 PLM B757 PLM B75B PLM. Unused B75F PLM. Unused B763 PLM B767 PLM B76B PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 4Dh. Save station detect block B76F PLM. Save station B773 PLM B777 PLM B77B Instructions. PLM B781 B781 PLM B785 Instructions. PLM B78B B78B PLM B78F PLM B793 PLM B797 PLM B79B PLM. Crumble Botwoon wall B79F PLM. Unused. Set Kraid ceiling block to background 1 B7A3 PLM. Crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 1 B7A7 PLM. Set Kraid ceiling block to background 2 B7AB PLM. Crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 2 B7AF PLM. Set Kraid ceiling block to background 3 B7B3 PLM. Crumble Kraid ceiling block into background 3 B7B7 PLM. Clear Kraid ceiling blocks B7BB PLM. Clear Kraid spike blocks B7BF PLM. Crumble Kraid spike blocks } Misc. { B7C3 Setup. Enable sounds in 20 frames, or F0 frames if on Ceres B7DD Pre-instruction. Pre-instruction code for something B7E9 Instructions. PLM B7EB B7EB PLM. Enable sounds in 20 frames, or F0 frames if on Ceres B7EF Pre-instruction. Speedbooster check, if speedbooster is collected, set liquid raising speed and wake up PLM. Otherwise delete PLM B82A Pre-instruction. Position check, if Samus is far enough left start FX1 motion and wake up PLM B846 Pre-instruction. If Samus is left of Arg1 and the liquid is above Arg2, set speed to Arg3 and move to next entry. Set event when done (Arg1 = negative) B88A Instructions. PLM B8AC B89C Setup. If event set, delete PLM B8AC PLM. Post speed booster rising lava B8B0 Pre-instruction. If Samus is right of a point, set Shaktool event and delete self. Also maybe set scrolling B8D6 Instructions. PLM B8EB B8DC Setup. Set up scrolls in Shaktool room B8EB PLM. Shaktool event B8EF Setup. RTS B8F0 Instructions. PLM B8F9 B8F9 PLM. Spawned by Maridian elevatube B8FD If Samus is below and right of a point, wake up PLM (also sorta CLC) B919 Instructions. PLM B9C1 B927 Pre-instruction. Spawn object if Samus below and right of spot B940 Instructions. PLM B968 B948 Pre-instruction. Set liquid stuff if Samus below and right of spot B964 PLM. Old Tourian escape shaft escape B968 PLM. Escape room before old escape shaft B96C Setup. $26=0000, $28=$FFFF B974 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 10h B978 Setup. Set up clipdata of Critters escape blocks B9A2 Instructions. PLM B9C1 B9B9 Instruction. Set event F (saved Etecoons and Dachara) B9C1 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Fh. Critters escape block reaction B9C5 Setup. Set up shotblocks in Bomb Torizo room during escape B9ED PLM. Shotblocks in Bomb Torizo room during escape B9F1 Setup. Make this and the three blocks below it solid BA48 PLM. Turn door to solid blocks BA4C Instructions. Door BAF4 BA6F Instruction. If Samus does not have bombs, go to argument BA7F Instructions. Door BAF4 BAD1 Setup. Unused. ??? BAF4 Door. Bomb Torizo grey door BAFA Unused. PLM BB05 setup and pre-instruction used in instruction BAFF. Does nothing BAFF Instructions. PLM BB05 BB05 PLM. Does nothing BB19 Instructions. PLM BB30 BB25 Instruction. Move PLM right 4 blocks BB30 PLM. Crateria Mainstreet escape PLM (clears a few blocks after saving animals) BB34 Instructions. Door C8CA BB3A Instructions. Unused BB44 Instructions. Door C8CA, PLM C8D0 BB52 Pre-instruction. Wakeup trigger when shot BB6B Pre-instruction. If Samus is below PLM or if shot, wake up BBA4 Pre-instruction. If Samus above PLM or if shot, wakeup BBDD Instruction. Clear check BBE1 Instruction. Spawn argument as a room object BBF0 Instruction. Find the room object that has this PLM's position stored, and wake it up. Crashes if fails } Instruction lists { BC13 Instructions. PLM C826 BC3A Instructions. PLM C82A BC61 Instructions. PLM C82E BC88 Instructions. PLM C832 BCAF Instructions. PLM C836 BCB5 Instructions. PLM C836 BCBB Instructions. PLM C836 BCC1 Instructions. PLM C836 BCC7 Instructions. PLM C836 BCCD Instructions. PLM C836 BCD3 Instructions. PLM C836 BCD9 Instructions. PLM C836 BCDF Instructions. PLM C83A BCE5 Instructions. PLM C83A BCEB Instructions. PLM C83A BCF1 Instructions. PLM C83A BCF7 Instructions. PLM C83A BCFD Instructions. PLM C83A BD03 Instructions. PLM C83A BD09 Instructions. PLM C83A } Pre-instructions { BD0F Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot(?) BD26 Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with powerbomb BD50 Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with (super) missile BD88 Pre-instruction. Go to stored pointer and wake up when shot with super missile BDB2 Go to stored pointer and clear check BDC4 Play sound when shot BDD4 Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 1 is dead (main area boss) BDE3 Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 2 is dead (secondary area boss) BDF2 Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when boss 3 is dead (Torizo/Mother Brain) BE01 Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when enemy kill quota is met BE1C Pre-instruction. Grey door. Don't open BE1F Pre-instruction. Grey door. Delay in Tourian Gate room (closed while 1E6D is positive) BE30 Pre-instruction. Grey door. Open when critters freed BE3F Instruction. Use 1E17 to decide what triggers opening the door } Instruction lists { BE59 Instructions. Door C842 BE70 Instructions. Door C842 BEC2 Instructions. Door C848 BED9 Instructions. Door C848 BF2B Instructions. Door C84E BF42 Instructions. Door C84E BF94 Instructions. Door C854 BFAB Instructions. Door C854 BFFD Instructions. Door C85A C014 Instructions. Door C85A C060 Instructions. Door C860 C077 Instructions. Door C860 C0C3 Instructions. Door C866 C0DA Instructions. Door C866 C122 Instructions. Door C86C C139 Instructions. Door C86C C185 Instructions. Door C872 C19C Instructions. Door C872 C1E4 Instructions. Door C878 C1FB Instructions. Door C878 C243 Instructions. Door C87E C25A Instructions. Door C87E C2A2 Instructions. Door C884 C2B9 Instructions. Door C884 C301 Instructions. Door C88A C318 Instructions. Door C88A C363 Instructions. Door C890 C37A Instructions. Door C890 C3C5 Instructions. Door C896 C3DC Instructions. Door C896 C427 Instructions. Door C89C C43E Instructions. Door C89C C489 Instructions. Door C8A2 C49E Instructions. Door C8A2 C4BA Instructions. Door C8A8 C4CF Instructions. Door C8A8 C4EB Instructions. Door C8AE C500 Instructions. Door C8AE C51C Instructions. Door C8B4 C531 Instructions. Door C8B4 } Setups { C54D Setup. If projectile not a super, delete self, else go to C63F C56C Setup. If projectile not a super, delete self, else go to C647 C58B Setup. If projectile not a missile or super, delete self, else go to C63F C5AF Setup. If projectile not a missile or super, delete self, else go to C647 C5D3 Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C63F C5F1 Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C647 C610 Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C63F. Same as C5D3, but without sound C627 Setup. If projectile not a power bomb, delete self, else go to C647. Same as C5D3, but without sound C63F Setup. Position + 2 for C64C C647 Setup. Position - 2 for C64C C64C Find PLM at spot in A and wake it up C66A Setup. Set 5 blocks BTS to 10, going down C694 Setup. Set 5 blocks BTS to 10, going up C6BE Setup. Spawn ER projectile E659, go to $C66A C6CB Setup. Spawn ER projectile E675, go to $C694 C6D8 Setup. Call $C66A C6DC Setup. Call $C694 C6E0 Setup. Get initial instruction for this PLM, and block type / BTS for gate shotblock C73A Setup. Get initial instruction for this PLM, and block type / BTS for upside-down gate shotblock C794 Setup. Grey door setup C7B1 Setup. Door setup C7BB Setup. Blue door setup: If projectile was not a powerbomb, change to solid C7E2 Setup. Find the PLM on the same spot and tell it what hit it } PLM entries { C806 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Ah. Left green gate trigger C80A PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Bh. Right green gate trigger C80E PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 48h. Left red gate trigger C812 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 49h. Right red gate trigger C816 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 46h. Left blue gate trigger C81A PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 47h. Right blue gate trigger C81E PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Ch. Left orange gate trigger C822 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 4Dh. Right orange gate trigger C826 PLM. Normal open gate C82A PLM. Normal closed gate C82E PLM. Upwards open gate C832 PLM. Upwards closed gate C836 PLM. Gate shotblock C83A PLM. Upside-down gate shotblock C83E PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 44h / Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 44h. Generic shot trigger for a PLM C842 Door. Grey facing left C848 Door. Grey facing right C84E Door. Grey facing up C854 Door. Grey facing down C85A Door. Yellow facing left C860 Door. Yellow facing right C866 Door. Yellow facing up C86C Door. Yellow facing down C872 Door. Green facing left C878 Door. Green facing right C87E Door. Green facing up C884 Door. Green facing down C88A Door. Red facing left C890 Door. Red facing right C896 Door. Red facing up C89C Door. Red facing down C8A2 Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 40h. Blue facing left C8A8 Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 41h. Blue facing right C8AE Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 42h. Blue facing up C8B4 Door. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 43h. Blue facing down C8BA PLM. Blue door closing facing left C8BE PLM. Blue door closing facing right C8C2 PLM. Blue door closing facing up C8C6 PLM. Blue door closing facing down C8CA Door. Gate that closes during escape in room after Mother Brain kill C8D0 PLM. PLM version of the above } Instruction lists { C8D4 Instructions. PLM CFEC C8DA Instructions. PLM CFF0 C8E0 Instructions. PLM CFF4 C8E6 Instructions. PLM CFF8 C8EC Instructions. PLM CFFC C8F2 Instructions. PLM D000 C8F8 Instructions. PLM D004 C8FE Instructions. PLM D008 C904 Instructions. PLM D00C C90A Instructions. PLM D010 C910 Instructions. PLM D014 C916 Instructions. PLM D018 C91C Instructions. PLM D01C C922 Instructions. PLM D020 C928 Instructions. PLM D024 C92E Instructions. PLM D028 C951 Instructions. PLM D030 C974 Instructions. PLM D038 C997 Instructions. PLM D03C C9BA Instructions. PLM D02C C9CF Instructions. PLM D034 C9E4 Instructions. PLM D040 C9F9 Instructions. PLM D044 CA1C Instructions. PLM D048 CA41 Instructions. PLM D04C CA66 Instructions. PLM D050 CA8B Instructions. PLM D054 CAA0 Instructions. PLM D058 CAB5 Instructions. PLM D05C CACA Instructions. PLM D060 CADF Instructions. PLM D064 CB02 Instructions. PLM D068 CB27 Instructions. PLM D06C CB4C Instructions. PLM D070 CB71 Instructions. PLM D08C CB94 Instructions. PLM D084 CBB7 Instructions. PLM D074 CBCC Instructions. PLM D078 CBE1 Instructions. PLM D07C CBF6 Instructions. PLM D080 CC0B Instructions. PLM D090 CC20 Instructions. PLM D088 CC35 Instructions. PLM D098 CC3C Instructions. PLM D0B8 CC5F Instructions. PLM D09C CC66 Instructions. PLM D0BC CC8B Instructions. PLM D0A0 CC92 Instructions. PLM D0C0 CCB7 Instructions. PLM D0A4 CCBE Instructions. PLM D0C4 CCE3 Instructions. PLM D0A8 CCEA Instructions. PLM D0C8 CCFF Instructions. PLM D0AC CD06 Instructions. PLM D0CC CD1B Instructions. PLM D0B0 CD22 Instructions. PLM D0D0 CD37 Instructions. PLM D0B4 CD3E Instructions. PLM D0D4 CD53 Instructions. PLM D094 CD68 Instructions. PLM D0D8, D0E4, D0E8 CD6A Instructions. PLM D0DC CD93 Instruction. Set BTS to 01 CDA9 Instructions. PLM D0E0 } Setups { CDC2 Setup. Turn to air if Samus is screw attacking, else delete self CDEA Setup. If Samus is speedboosting (or in a shinespark pose) break block, else delete self CE37 Setup. If Samus collided with block from above, break block (though still solid for the moment). Else delete self CE6B Setup. Set block type to solid, store type and new graphic to 1E17 CE83 Setup. If Samus speedboosting or shinesparking, break block. Else delete self CEDA Setup. If hit by powerbomb, skip first 3 bytes of instructions. If hit by any bomb, setup 1E17 and break, else delete self CF2E Setup. If hit by powerbomb, break. If hit by a bomb, reveal block CF67 Setup. If hit by super missile, break. If hit by a bomb, reveal block CFA0 Setup. If hit by anything other than a bomb, delete self CFB5 Setup. Store block type, set BTS to 0. Also sets V and C CFCD Setup. Set V and C CFD1 Setup. Clear V, set C CFD5 Setup. Deal 1 atmospheric damage to Samus. Set V and C } PLM entries { CFEC PLM. Unused. Draws 1x1 shot block CFF0 PLM. Unused. Draws 1x2 shot block CFF4 PLM. Unused. Draws 2x1 shot block CFF8 PLM. Unused. Draws 2x2 shot block CFFC PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 00/04. 1x1 respawning crumble block D000 PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 01/05. 2x1 respawning crumble block D004 PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 02/06. 1x2 respawning crumble block D008 PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 03/07. 2x2 respawning crumble block D00C PLM. Unused D010 PLM. Unused D014 PLM. Unused D018 PLM. Unused D01C PLM. Unused D020 PLM. Unused D024 PLM. Bomb reaction, crumble block, BTS 0E/0F / Brinstar 82/83/84/85. Speed block D028 PLM. Unused D02C PLM. Unused D030 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 82 D034 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 83 D038 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 0E D03C PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Brinstar 84 D040 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 0F / Brinstar 85 D044 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 00. 1x1 respawning crumble block touched D048 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 01. D04C PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 02. D050 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 03. D054 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 04. D058 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 05. D05C PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 06. D060 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 07. D064 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 00. 1x1 respawning shot block D068 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 01. 2x1 respawning shot block D06C PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 02. 1x2 respawning shot block D070 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 03. 2x2 respawning shot block D074 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 04. 1x1 shot block D078 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 05. 2x1 shot block D07C PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 06. 1x2 shot block D080 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 07. 2x2 shot block D084 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 08. Respawning power bomb block D088 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 09. Power bomb block D08C PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 0A. Respawning super missile block D090 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 0B. Super missile block D094 PLM. Enemy collision reaction, spike block, BTS 0F. Enemy breakable block D098 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 00. 1x1 respawning bomb block D09C PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 01. 2x1 respawning bomb block D0A0 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 02. 1x2 respawning bomb block D0A4 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 03. 2x2 respawning bomb block D0A8 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 04. 1x1 bomb block collision D0AC PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 05. 2x1 bomb block collision D0B0 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 06. 1x2 bomb block collision D0B4 PLM. Collision reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 07. 2x2 bomb block collision D0B8 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 00. 1x1 respawning bomb block D0BC PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 01. 2x1 respawning bomb block D0C0 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 02. 1x2 respawning bomb block D0C4 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 03. 2x2 respawning bomb block D0C8 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 04. 1x1 bomb block D0CC PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 05. 2x1 bomb block D0D0 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 06. 1x2 bomb block D0D4 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, bomb block / bombable air, BTS 07. 2x2 bomb block D0D8 PLM. Grapple block grappled D0DC PLM. Respawning breakable grapple block grappled D0E0 PLM. Breakable grapple block grappled D0E4 PLM. Spike grappled D0E8 PLM. Draygon's broken turret grappled D0EC Instructions. PLM D0E8 D0F2 PLM. Unused. Blue Brinstar face-block D0F6 Instructions. PLM D113 D113 PLM. Shotblock crumbling D117 Setup. Store normal shot block to block? D121 Instructions. PLM D127 D127 PLM. Unused. Shot block D12B Setup. Store normal grapple block to block? D135 Instructions. PLM D13B D13B PLM. Unused. Grapple block } Instructions and instruction lists { D13F Instructions. PLM D6D6 D155 Instruction. Set's liquid height to bottom of third screen D18E RTS D18F Setup. LN Chozo hand block D202 Instructions. PLM D6DE, D6E2, D6E6 D2F9 Instruction. If argument 1 matches room argument, go to argument 2 D30B Instruction. I'm assuming this spawns glass shrapnel when MB's glass is shattering D357 Instruction. Spawn object A993 with argument argument D368 Instructions. PLM D6EA D3C7 Instruction. Set music track to 6 D3CF Instructions. PLM D6F8 D3D7 Instruction. Set top of Wrecked Ship Chozo slope to slopes D3EC Instructions. PLM D6FC D3F4 Instruction. Set top of Wrecked Ship Chozo slope to spikes D426 Instructions. PLM D700 D44E Instructions. PLM D704 D476 Instruction. Set liquid target, speed, and delay D489 Instruction. Set liquid level to bottom of third screen. Clone of D155 D490 Instructions. PLM D708 D4BE RTS D4D4 Instructions. PLM D70C D525 Instruction. Set liquid to affect Samus after all D52C Instruction. Create object, hardcoded D536 Instruction. Make room shake for 40 frames D543 Instruction. Create... a LOT of room objects D5E6 Instruction. Disable Samus's controls D5EE Instruction. Enable Samus's controls } Setups { D5F6 Setup. Clear room argument, set block type D606 Setup. Delete self if boss 3 dead D616 Setup. Set block type D620 Setup. If boss 1 is dead, hit from above, and Samus is in a morph ball pose, disable Samus's controls, enable enemy, and some more stuff. D67F Setup. Sets block type D689 Setup. Sets block type D693 Setup. Sets block type for 4 blocks. D6CC Setup. Sets block type. A clone. } PLM entries { D6D6 PLM. Lower Norfair Chozo hand D6DA PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Norfair 83h. Lower Norfair Chozo hand check D6DE PLM. Mother Brain's glass D6E2 PLM. Unused. Mother Brain's glass, Mother Brain dead D6E6 PLM. Unused. Mother Brain's glass, no glass state D6EA PLM. Bomb Torizo's crumbling Chozo D6EE PLM. Wrecked Ship Chozo hand D6F2 PLM. Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS Wrecked Ship 80. Wrecked Ship Chozo hand check D6F6 RTS D6F7 RTS D6F8 PLM. Clear slope access for Wrecked Ship Chozo D6FC PLM. Block slope access for Wrecked Ship Chozo D700 PLM. Unused. If room argument boss alive: draw Wrecked Ship 3x3 block, set room argument boss when bombed D704 PLM. Unused. Power bomb version of Lower Norfair Chozo hand D708 PLM. Unused. If room argument boss alive: draw Lower Norfair 2x2 block, set room argument boss when shot D70C PLM. n00b tube } Instructions { D710 Pre-instruction. If Samus is within 4 blocks of this PLM, go to stored pointer and activate D753 Pre-instruction. If room argument's door has been opened, wake up PLM D77A Instruction. Create an object with the argument argument. Also play a sound D790 Instruction. Create an object with the argument argument D79F Instruction. Create a few objects D7B6 Instruction. Create an object D7C3 Instruction. Move PLM up a block, setup that block and the 3 below it D7DA Instruction. Move PLM up a block, setup that block and the 3 below it } Instruction lists { D81E Instructions. PLM DB56, door DB5A D91F Instructions. PLM DB60 D955 Instructions. PLM DB48, door DB4C DA56 Instructions. PLM DB52 } Misc. { DA8C Setup. If room argument's door bit isn't set, setup two blocks. DAB9 Setup. If room argument's door bit isn't set, setup block. DAD5 RTS DAD6 RTS DAD7 RTS DAD8 RTS DAD9 RTS DADA RTS DADB RTS DADC RTS DADD RTS DADE Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 1 if enemy death target reached DAEE Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 2 if enemy death target reached DAFE Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 3 if enemy death target reached DB0E Pre-instruction. Set Metroids cleared 4 if enemy death target reached DB1E Setup. Get pointer to check code using room argument as index DB42 Instructions. PLM DB44 } PLM entries { DB44 PLM. Sets Metroids cleared states when required DB48 PLM. Eye door eye, facing right DB4C Door. Eye door, facing right DB52 PLM. Eye door bottom, facing right DB56 PLM. Eye door eye, facing left DB5A Door. Eye door, facing left DB60 PLM. Eye door bottom, facing left } Instructions { DB64 Pre-instruction. If hit by missile or super, go to stored pointer. Supers are an automatic 119 to counter DB8E Instruction. Sets two blocks and (1E17) DBB8 Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17) DBF7 Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17) DC36 Instruction. Sets 2 blocks and (1E17). Exact clone of DB8E DC60 Instruction. Sets 4 blocks and (1E17). Left wall DC9F Instruction. Set 4 blocks and (1E17). Left wall } Instruction lists { DCDE Instructions. PLM DF59, DF65 DD27 Instructions. PLM DF5D, DF69 DD70 Instructions. PLM DF61, DF6D DDB9 Instructions. PLM DF71, DF7D DE02 Instructions. PLM DF75, DF81 DE4B Instructions. PLM DF79, DF85 } Setup { DE94 Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 2 blocks DEB9 Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 4 blocks. DEF0 Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 2 blocks. Exact clone of DE94 DF15 Setup. Copy and clear room argument, set 4 blocks. DF4C Setup. Copy room argument, set it to 3. } PLM entries { DF59 PLM. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing right DF5D PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-right DF61 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-right DF65 PLM. Draygon cannon, facing right DF69 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-right DF6D PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-right DF71 PLM. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing left DF75 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing down-left DF79 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, with shield, facing up-left DF7D PLM. Dragon cannon, facing left DF81 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing down-left DF85 PLM. Unused. Draygon cannon, facing up-left } Instruction lists { DF89 Pre-instruction. If touched? then go to stored pointer DFA9 Instructions. Draw single air block DFAF Instructions. Item orb DFC7 Instructions. Item orb burst DFD7 Instructions. Unused. Draw single air block for 176 frames (incomplete reconceling orb) DFE6 Pre-instruction. If touched by Samus? wake up PLM. Also pointless PB check? E007 Instructions. Item shot block E020 Instructions. Item shot block reconcealing E032 Instructions. Draw single air block for 176 frames, then reconceal item shot block E04F Instruction. Draw custom-graphic PLM from a table depending on variable RAM. 4 delay E067 Instruction. Draw custom-graphic PLM from a table depending on variable RAM. 4 delay E099 Instructions. PLM EED7 E0BE Instructions. PLM EEDB E0E3 Instructions. PLM EEDF E108 Instructions. PLM EEE3 E12D Instructions. PLM EEE7 E15B Instructions. PLM EEEB E189 Instructions. PLM EEEF E1B7 Instructions. PLM EEF3 E1E5 Instructions. PLM EEF7 E213 Instructions. PLM EEFB E241 Instructions. PLM EEFF E26F Instructions. PLM EF03 E29D Instruction. Clear charge beam E2A1 Instructions. PLM EF07 E2D6 Instructions. PLM EF0B E30B Instructions. PLM EF0F E338 Instructions. PLM EF13 E366 Instructions. PLM EF17 E393 Instructions. PLM EF1B E3C1 Instructions. PLM EF1F E3EF Instructions. PLM EF23 E41D Instructions. PLM EF27 E44A Instructions. PLM EF2B E47C Instructions. PLM EF2F E4AE Instructions. PLM EF33 E4E0 Instructions. PLM EF37 E512 Instructions. PLM EF3B E54D Instructions. PLM EF3F E588 Instructions. PLM EF43 E5C3 Instructions. PLM EF47 E5FE Instructions. PLM EF4B E63B Instruction. Set liquid speed to -20 E642 Instructions. PLM EF4F E67D Instructions. PLM EF53 E6B8 Instructions. PLM EF57 E6F3 Instructions. PLM EF5B E735 Instructions. PLM EF5F E777 Instructions. PLM EF63 E7B1 Instructions. PLM EF67 E7EC Instructions. PLM EF6B E826 Instructions. PLM EF6F E861 Instructions. PLM EF73 E89C Instructions. PLM EF77 E8D7 Instructions. PLM EF7B E911 Instructions. PLM EF7F E949 Instructions. PLM EF83 E981 Instructions. PLM EF87 E9B9 Instructions. PLM EF8B E9F1 Instructions. PLM EF8F EA32 Instructions. PLM EF93 EA73 Instructions. PLM EF97 EAB4 Instructions. PLM EF9B EAF5 Instructions. PLM EF9F EB36 Instructions. PLM EFA3 EB77 Instructions. PLM EFA7 EBB8 Instructions. PLM EFAB EBF9 Instructions. PLM EFAF EC41 Instructions. PLM EFB3 EC89 Instructions. PLM EFB7 ECC9 Instructions. PLM EFBB ED0A Instructions. PLM EFBF ED4A Instructions. PLM EFC3 ED8B Instructions. PLM EFC7 EDCC Instructions. PLM EFCB EE0D Instructions. PLM EFCF } Setups { EE4D Setup. Energy tank EE52 Setup. Missile tank EE57 Setup. Super missile tank EE5C Setup. Power bomb tank EE64 Setup. Ability EE77 Setup. Energy tank shot block EE7C Setup. Missile tank shot block EE81 Setup. Super missile tank shot block EE86 Setup. Power bomb tank shot block EE8E Setup. Ability shot block EEAB Setup. Find the PLM on this spot and alert it that Samus touched it? } PLM entries { EED3 PLM. Shot/bomb reaction, shootable air/shot block, BTS 45h / Collision reaction, treadmill/crumble block, BTS 45h. Item collision detection EED7 PLM. Energy tank EEDB PLM. Missile tank EEDF PLM. Super missile tank EEE3 PLM. Power bomb tank EEE7 PLM. Bombs EEEB PLM. Charge beam EEEF PLM. Ice beam EEF3 PLM. Hi-jump EEF7 PLM. Speed booster EEFB PLM. Wave beam EEFF PLM. Spazer beam EF03 PLM. Spring ball EF07 PLM. Varia suit EF0B PLM. Gravity suit EF0F PLM. X-ray scope EF13 PLM. Plasma beam EF17 PLM. Grapple beam EF1B PLM. Space jump EF1F PLM. Screw attack EF23 PLM. Morph ball EF27 PLM. Reserve tank EF2B PLM. Energy tank, chozo orb EF2F PLM. Missile tank, chozo orb EF33 PLM. Super missile tank, chozo orb EF37 PLM. Power bomb tank, chozo orb EF3B PLM. Bombs, chozo orb EF3F PLM. Charge beam, chozo orb EF43 PLM. Ice beam, chozo orb EF47 PLM. Hi-jump, chozo orb EF4B PLM. Speed booster, chozo orb EF4F PLM. Wave beam, chozo orb EF53 PLM. Spazer beam, chozo orb EF57 PLM. Spring ball, chozo orb EF5B PLM. Varia suit, chozo orb EF5F PLM. Gravity suit, chozo orb EF63 PLM. X-ray scope, chozo orb EF67 PLM. Plasma beam, chozo orb EF6B PLM. Grapple beam, chozo orb EF6F PLM. Space jump, chozo orb EF73 PLM. Screw attack, chozo orb EF77 PLM. Morph ball, chozo orb EF7B PLM. Reserve tank, chozo orb EF7F PLM. Energy tank, shot block EF83 PLM. Missile tank, shot block EF87 PLM. Super missile tank, shot block EF8B PLM. Power bomb tank, shot block EF8F PLM. Bombs, shot block EF93 PLM. Charge beam, shot block EF97 PLM. Ice beam, shot block EF9B PLM. Hi-jump, shot block EF9F PLM. Speed booster, shot block EFA3 PLM. Wave beam, shot block EFA7 PLM. Spazer beam, shot block EFAB PLM. Spring ball, shot block EFAF PLM. Varia suit, shot block EFB3 PLM. Gravity suit, shot block EFB7 PLM. X-ray scope, shot block EFBB PLM. Plasma beam, shot block EFBF PLM. Grapple beam, shot block EFC3 PLM. Space jump, shot block EFC7 PLM. Screw attack, shot block EFCB PLM. Morph ball, shot block EFCF PLM. Reserve tank, shot block }