pointer table for wall pirates $B2ECC0 $B2/ECC0 83 EF E3 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F0E3 (pointer to RTS (do nothing?)) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ECC4 09 00 8C 89 tilemap $B2/ECC8 0F 00 9E 89 tilemap $B2/ECCC 2A EF spawns enemy projectile laser $B2/ECCE 3A 81 20 00 code telling enemy to change poses (jump walls?). $B2/ECD2 FD EE projectile AI (or calculate distance to jump)? $B2/ECD4 83 EF E4 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F0E4 (pointer to code to go up left wall?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ECD8 93 EF play a sound from library 2 (space pirate sound) $B2/ECDA 0A 00 B0 89 tilemap $B2/ECDE 01 00 BA 89 tilemap $B2/ECE2 2F 81 code telling enemy to change poses (dunno what to) $B2/ECE4 83 EF 34 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F034 (pointer to code to go down right wall?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ECE8 0A 00 B0 89 tilemap $B2/ECEC 83 EF 34 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F034 (pointer to code to go down right wall?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ECF0 23 81 04 00 loading argument (0004) and putting that at $0F90,x, adds 2 to Y $B2/ECF4 0A 00 A0 88 tilemap $B2/ECF8 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ECFC 08 00 B2 88 tilemap $B2/ED00 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED04 05 00 C4 88 tilemap $B2/ED08 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED0C 08 00 D6 88 tilemap $B2/ED10 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED14 0A 00 E8 88 tilemap $B2/ED18 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED1C 08 00 D6 88 tilemap $B2/ED20 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED24 05 00 C4 88 tilemap $B2/ED28 40 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED2C 08 00 B2 88 tilemap $B2/ED30 10 81 decriments $0F90,x, branches to $80ED (jump instruction) if not equal, adds 2 to Y $B2/ED32 F4 EC if previous branches, jump to ECF4 which is a tilemap pointer $B2/ED34 A4 EE decides something about moving down right wall? $B2/ED36 83 EF 34 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F034 (pointer to code to go down right wall?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ED3A 23 81 04 00 loading argument (0004) and putting that at $0F90,x, adds 2 to Y $B2/ED3E 0A 00 A0 88 tilemap $B2/ED42 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED46 08 00 B2 88 tilemap $B2/ED4A 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED4E 05 00 C4 88 tilemap $B2/ED52 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED56 08 00 D6 88 tilemap $B2/ED5A 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED5E 0A 00 E8 88 tilemap $B2/ED62 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED66 08 00 D6 88 tilemap $B2/ED6A 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED6E 05 00 C4 88 tilemap $B2/ED72 40 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/ED76 08 00 B2 88 tilemap $B2/ED7A 10 81 decriments $0F90,x, branches to $80ED (jump instruction) if not equal, adds 2 to Y $B2/ED7C 3E ED if previous branches, jump to ED3E which is a tilemap pointer $B2/ED7E A4 EE decides something about moving down right wall? $B2/ED80 83 EF 4F F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F04F (pointer to RTS) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ED84 09 00 FA 88 tilemap $B2/ED88 01 00 0C 89 tilemap $B2/ED8C 5D EF spawns enemy projectile laser $B2/ED8E 3A 81 20 00 code telling enemy to change poses (jump walls?). $B2/ED92 D4 EE Projectile AI (or calculate distance to jump)? $B2/ED94 83 EF 50 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F050 (pointer to firing right?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/ED98 93 EF play a sound from library 2 (space pirate sound) $B2/ED9A 0A 00 1E 89 tilemap $B2/ED9E 01 00 28 89 tilemap $B2/EDA2 2F 81 code telling enemy to change poses (dunno what to) $B2/EDA4 83 EF C8 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F0C8 (pointer to firing left?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/EDA8 0A 00 1E 89 tilemap $B2/EDAC 83 EF C8 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F0C8 (pointer to firing left?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/EDB0 23 81 04 00 loading argument (0004) and putting that at $0F90,x, adds 2 to Y $B2/EDB4 0A 00 32 89 tilemap $B2/EDB8 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDBC 08 00 44 89 tilemap $B2/EDC0 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDC4 05 00 56 89 tilemap $B2/EDC8 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDCC 08 00 68 89 tilemap $B2/EDD0 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDD4 0A 00 7A 89 tilemap $B2/EDD8 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDDC 08 00 68 89 tilemap $B2/EDE0 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDE4 05 00 56 89 tilemap $B2/EDE8 72 EE 03 00 stores 0003 to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EDEC 08 00 44 89 tilemap $B2/EDF0 10 81 decriments $0F90,x, branches to $80ED (jump instruction) if not equal, adds 2 to Y $B2/EDF2 B4 ED if previous branches, jump to EDB4 which is a tilemap pointer $B2/EDF4 BC EE decides something about moving down left wall? $B2/EDF6 83 EF C8 F0 LDX $0E54; LDA #$F0C8 (pointer to firing left?) then STA $0FA8,x; INC y twice $B2/EDFA 23 81 04 00 loading argument (0004) and putting that at $0F90,x, adds 2 to Y $B2/EDFE 0A 00 32 89 tilemap $B2/EE02 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE06 08 00 44 89 tilemap $B2/EE0A 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE0E 05 00 56 89 tilemap $B2/EE12 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE16 08 00 68 89 tilemap $B2/EE1A 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE1E 0A 00 7A 89 tilemap $B2/EE22 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE26 08 00 68 89 tilemap $B2/EE2A 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE2E 05 00 56 89 tilemap $B2/EE32 72 EE FD FF stores FFFD to $14 and moves enemy vertically $B2/EE36 08 00 44 89 tilemap $B2/EE3A 10 81 decriments $0F90,x, branches to $80ED (jump instruction) if not equal, adds 2 to Y $B2/EE3C FE ED if previous branches, jump to EDFE $B2/EE3E BC EE decides something about moving down left wall?