.*(\[\$....\]|RT[LS]|JM[LP]).* $00..50: Miscellaneous temporary variables { $0E: Unused (one byte) $11: Unused (one byte) $36: Long address of blocks to update in $80:A9DE/AB78 $39..3B: Unused $3C: Samus tiles definition in $80:9376 (copy of $071F/$0721) $3E..43: Unused $44: Pointer to return address relative parameter in $80:B0FF $47: Decompression source parameter for $80:B0FF/B119/B271 $4A: Decompression variable (size/command byte, word fill value, dictionary copy source address) in $80:B119/B271 $4C: Decompression destination parameter for $80:B119/B271 $4F: Decompression dictionary copy inversion bit in $80:B119/B271 } $51..86: Regular IO registers (according to $81:8D0F) { $51: Forced blank and brightness ($2100). Updated during NMI { v = f000bbbb If b = 0: Brightness = 0 Else: Brightness = (b + 1) / 10h f: Forced blank } $52: Sprite size and sprite tiles base address ($2101). Updated during NMI { v = sssggbbb Base address for sprite tiles 0..FFh = b * 2000h Base address for sprite tiles 100..1FFh = b * 2000h + (g + 1) * 1000h s: Sprite sizes Small Large 0: 8x8, 16x16 1: 8x8, 32x32 2: 8x8, 64x64 3: 16x16, 32x32 4: 16x16, 64x64 5: 32x32, 64x64 } $53: OAM address and OAM priority rotation ($2102). Updated during NMI { To set the OAM priority rotation: Write 80h to $54 Write the highest priority OAM index (0..7Fh) << 1 to $53 To set the OAM address: Write the (word) address ($00..$01FF) to $53 } $55: Mode and BG tile size ($2105). Updated during NMI { v = dcbapmmm mmm: Mode (0..7) p: BG3 priority in mode 1 a: BG1 tile size. 0: 8x8, 1: 16x16 b: BG2 tile size. 0: 8x8, 1: 16x16 c: BG3 tile size. 0: 8x8, 1: 16x16 d: BG4 tile size. 0: 8x8, 1: 16x16 } $56: Fake mode and BG tile size. Checked by $80:91EE to update mode 7 registers and during NMI to process mode 7 transfers. Value for $07EC. Updated during NMI. Written to by Ceres elevator shaft door ASM and Ceres Ridley $57: Mosaic size and enable ($2106). Updated during NMI { v = ssssdcba a: BG1 enable b: BG2 enable c: BG3 enable d: BG4 enable s: Block size = (s+1)x(s+1) } $58: BG1 tilemap base address and size ($2107). Updated during NMI $59: BG2 tilemap base address and size ($2108). Updated during NMI $5A: BG3 tilemap base address and size ($2109). Updated during NMI $5B: Gameplay BG3 tilemap base address and size ($2109). Updated during IRQ 6/Eh (gameplay, status bar drawn) $5C: BG4 tilemap base address and size ($210A). Updated during NMI { v = bbbbbbss s: BG tilemap size 0: 32x32 1: 64x32 2: 32x64 3: 64x64 BG tilemap base address = b * 400h = v * 100h & FC00h } $5D: BG tiles base address ($210B). Updated during NMI { v = ddddccccbbbbaaaa BG1 tiles base address = a * 1000h BG2 tiles base address = b * 1000h BG3 tiles base address = c * 1000h BG4 tiles base address = d * 1000h } $5F: Mode 7 settings ($211A). Updated during NMI { v = oo0000yx x: Screen X flip y: Screen Y flip o: BG map overflow 0/1: Wrap within 128x128 tile area 2: Overflowing tiles are transparent 3: Overflowing tiles are tile 0 } $60: Window BG1/BG2 mask settings ($2123). Updated during NMI { v = ddccbbaa a: BG1 window 1 mask b: BG1 window 2 mask c: BG2 window 1 mask d: BG2 window 2 mask a/b/c/d: 0/1: Disable mask 2: Enable inclusive mask 3: Enable exclusive mask } $61: Window BG3/BG4 mask settings ($2124). Updated during NMI { v = ddccbbaa a: BG3 window 1 mask b: BG3 window 2 mask c: BG4 window 1 mask d: BG4 window 2 mask a/b/c/d: 0/1: Disable mask 2: Enable inclusive mask 3: Enable exclusive mask } $62: Window sprites/math mask settings ($2125). Updated during NMI { v = ddccbbaa a: Sprite window 1 mask b: Sprite window 2 mask c: Colour math window 1 mask d: Colour math window 2 mask a/b/c/d: 0/1: Disable mask 2: Enable inclusive mask 3: Enable exclusive mask } $63: Window 1 left position ($2126). Updated during NMI $64: Window 1 right position ($2127). Updated during NMI $65: Window 2 left position ($2128). Updated during NMI $66: Window 2 right position ($2129). Updated during NMI $67: Window 1/2 BG mask logic ($212A). Updated during NMI { v = ddccbbaa a: Window 1/2 BG1 mask logic b: Window 1/2 BG2 mask logic c: Window 1/2 BG3 mask logic d: Window 1/2 BG4 mask logic a/b/c/d: 0: OR (mask is enabled anywhere window 1 or 2 or both is) 1: AND (mask is enabled only where both window 1 and 2 are) 2: XOR (mask is enabled only where either window 1 or 2 is, but not both) 3: XNOR (mask is enabled where both or neither of window 1 and 2 are) } $68: Window 1/2 sprites/colour math mask logic ($212B). Updated during NMI { v = 0000bbaa a: Window 1/2 sprites mask logic b: Window 1/2 colour math mask logic a/b: 0: OR (mask is enabled anywhere window 1 or 2 or both is) 1: AND (mask is enabled only where both window 1 and 2 are) 2: XOR (mask is enabled only where either window 1 or 2 is, but not both) 3: XNOR (mask is enabled where both or neither of window 1 and 2 are) } $69: Main screen layers ($212C and $6A). Updated during NMI $6A: Gameplay main screen layers ($212C). Updated during IRQ 6 (main gameplay, status bar drawn). Used exclusively by message boxes (which short-circuit the NMI handler) $6B: Subscreen layers ($212D). Updated during NMI { v = 000edcba a: Enable BG1 b: Enable BG2 c: Enable BG3 d: Enable BG4 e: Enable sprites } $6C: Window area main screen disable ($212E). Updated during NMI $6D: Window area subscreen disable ($212F). Updated during NMI { v = 000edcba a: Disable BG1 in window area b: Disable BG2 in window area c: Disable BG3 in window area d: Disable BG4 in window area e: Disable sprites in window area } $6E: Next gameplay colour math control register A ($70). Updated during NMI $6F: Colour math control register A ($2130). Updated during NMI $70: Gameplay colour math control register A ($2130). Updated during IRQ 6/Eh (gameplay, status bar drawn) { v = ffcc00sd d: Direct colour for 8bpp backgrounds s: Enable subscreen layers (0 is backdrop only, 1 is BG + sprites too) c: Colour math mask logic 0: Enable colour math everywhere 1: Restrict colour math to inside window 2: Restrict colour math to outside window 3: Disable colour math f: Force main screen black 0: Disabled 1: Force main screen black outside window 2: Force main screen black inside window 3: Force main screen black everywhere } $71: Next gameplay colour math control register B ($73). Updated during NMI $72: Colour math control register B ($2131). Updated during NMI $73: Gameplay colour math control register B ($2131). Updated during IRQ 6/Eh (gameplay, status bar drawn) { v = ohfedcba a: Enable colour math on BG1 b: Enable colour math on BG2 c: Enable colour math on BG3 d: Enable colour math on BG4 e: Enable colour math on sprite palettes 4..7 f: Enable colour math on backdrop h: Halve result (if not forced black) o: 0: Add subscreen to main screen 1: Subtract subscreen from main screen } $74: Colour math subscreen backdrop colour 0 ($2132). Updated during NMI $75: Colour math subscreen backdrop colour 1 ($2132). Updated during NMI $76: Colour math subscreen backdrop colour 2 ($2132). Updated during NMI { v = bgriiiii i: Intensity (0..1Fh) r: Apply intensity as red (otherwise, no change) g: Apply intensity as green (otherwise, no change) b: Apply intensity as blue (otherwise, no change) } $77: Display resolution ($2133). Updated during NMI. Always 0 { v = ex00gbsi i: Interlacing s: High Y resolution sprites b: PAL Y resolution (0: 224, 1: 239) g: Pseudo high X resolution mode x: External background mode e: External synchronisation } $78: Mode 7 transformation matrix parameter A. 1/100h pixels ($211B). Updated during NMI $7A: Mode 7 transformation matrix parameter B. 1/100h pixels ($211C). Updated during NMI $7C: Mode 7 transformation matrix parameter C. 1/100h pixels ($211D). Updated during NMI $7E: Mode 7 transformation matrix parameter D. 1/100h pixels ($211E). Updated during NMI $80: Mode 7 transformation origin co-ordinate X ($211F). Updated during NMI $82: Mode 7 transformation origin co-ordinate Y ($2120). Updated during NMI $84: Interrupt and auto-joypad enable ($4200). Updated during NMI { v = n0ii000j n: Enable NMI i: IRQ mode 0: Disable IRQ 1: Enable h-count IRQ 2: Enable v-count IRQ 3: Enable v-count/h-count IRQ j: Enable auto-joypad read } $85: HDMA channels to enable ($420C). Updated during NMI $86: ROM access speed ($420D). Never read } $87: Auto-press initial delay. Never written $89: Auto-press subsequent delay. Never written $8B: Controller 1 input ($4218) { 8000h: B 4000h: Y 2000h: Select 1000h: Start 800h: Up 400h: Down 200h: Left 100h: Right 80h: A 40h: X 20h: L 10h: R } $8D: Debug. Controller 2 input ($421A) $8F: Newly pressed controller 1 input $91: Debug. Newly pressed controller 2 input $93: Fake newly pressed controller 1 input. Never read. Overwritten by controller 1 input if held initially for [$87] frames, then subsequently every [$89] frames $95: Debug. Fake newly pressed controller 2 input. Never read. Overwritten by controller 2 input if held initially for [$87] frames, then subsequently every [$89] frames $97: Previous controller 1 input (during controller input processing) $99: Debug. Previous controller 2 input (during controller input processing) $9B..A2: Unused $A3: Controller 1 auto-press timer $A5: Debug. Controller 2 auto-press timer $A7: Next interrupt command (after screen is drawn) $A9: Room loading interrupt command $AB: Interrupt command { 0: Nothing 2: Disable h/v-counter interrupts 4: Main gameplay - begin HUD drawing 6: Main gameplay - end HUD drawing 8: Start of room transition - begin HUD drawing Ah: Start of room transition - end HUD drawing Ch: Draygon's room - begin HUD drawing Eh: Draygon's room - end HUD drawing 10h: Vertical room transition - begin HUD drawing 12h: Vertical room transition - end HUD drawing 14h: Vertical room transition - end drawing 16h: Horizontal room transition - begin HUD drawing 18h: Horizontal room transition - end HUD drawing 1Ah: Horizontal room transition - end drawing } $AD: Pointer to return address relative parameters in $82:E039 $AF: Current region FX palette FX / animated tiles object table in $89:AB82 $B1: BG1 X scroll ($210D). Updated during NMI. Origin X position in the BG1 layer to draw to screen. Positive direction pans camera rightwards over BG1, or equivalently moves BG1 leftwards on the camera $B3: BG1 Y scroll ($210E). Updated during NMI. Origin Y position in the BG1 layer to draw to screen. Positive direction pans camera downwards over BG1, or equivalently moves BG1 upwards on the camera $B5: BG2 X scroll ($210F). Updated during NMI $B7: BG2 Y scroll ($2110). Updated during NMI $B9: BG3 X scroll ($2111). Updated during NMI $BB: BG3 Y scroll ($2112). Updated during NMI $BD: BG4 X scroll ($2113). Updated during NMI. Pretty pointless, BG4 is never used. Used as backup of BG1 X scroll during equipment screen (strangely...) $BF: BG4 Y scroll ($2114). Updated during NMI. Pretty pointless, BG4 is never used. Used as backup of BG1 Y scroll during equipment screen (strangely...) $C1..CF: Unused $D0..02CF: VRAM write table. 7 byte entries. 2 byte zero-terminator. Table size >= 1FCh bytes = 49h entries according to PLM drawing ($84:8DAA) routine { + 0: Size + 2: Source address + 5: Destination address. If [destination address] & 8000h: DMA transfer uses 32-byte increment mode (for writing a column in a tilemap) } $02D0..032F: Mode 7 transfers. 7 or 9 byte entries. 1 byte zero-terminator. No enforced upper limit (even in mode 7 object handling) { + 0: Control DMA control = [control] & 1Fh (transfer unit selection and address increment direction) DMA target = [control] & C0h: 40h: CGRAM data write 80h: VRAM data write low (tilemap) C0h: VRAM data write high (tiles) + 1: Source address + 4: Size + 6: Destination address (1 byte for CGRAM transfers, 2 bytes for VRAM transfers) + 8: VRAM address increment mode (for VRAM transfers only). 0 for tilemap, 80h for tiles } $0330: VRAM write table stack pointer $0332: Unused $0334: Mode 7 transfers stack pointer $0336..3F: Unused $0340..5C: VRAM read table. 9 byte entries. 2 byte zero-terminator. No enforced upper limit, but only enough space for 3 entries (only 1 ever used in practice). Used by Kraid pausing code ($A7:C325) and x-ray ($91:CB1C/CB57/CB8E/D0D3) { + 0: Source address + 2: DMA control (usually 81h) + 3: DMA target (usually 39h) + 4: Destination address + 7: Size } $0360: VRAM read table stack pointer $0362..6F: Unused $0370..058F: OAM (updated during NMI by $80:933A). 80h entries { $0370..056F: Low OAM. 4 byte entries { v = xxxxxxxx yyyyyyyy YXPPpppttttttttt x: X position (lower 8 bits) y: Y position t: Tile number p: Palette P: Priority X: X flip Y: Y flip } $0570..8F: High OAM. 2 bit entries { ddccbbsx x: X position (upper 1 bit) s: Size b: sx for sprite 4n+1 c: sx for sprite 4n+2 d: sx for sprite 4n+3 } } $0590: OAM stack pointer $0592: Power bomb explosion status { 4000h: Power bomb explosion is pending (due to Samus dying(?) or auto reserve tanks being active) 8000h: Power bomb is exploding or first part of crystal flash } $0594: Unused $0596: BG3 X scroll HDMA data table size for unused FX type 22h in $88:A673 $0598: Y position on screen in $88:A81C $059A: Set to E0h by scrolling sky and never read. (Unused) expanding and contracting effect HDMA table update counter, table is updated in 4 parts and this tracks which part is next $059C: Set to 0 by scrolling sky, otherwise unused $059E: HUD BG2 X position during scrolling sky (never written to / always zero) $05A0: Contracting flag. Used by an unused expanding and contracting HDMA effect ($88:B17F) { 0: Expanding 1: Contracting } $05A2..AB: Message box animation variables { $05A2: Message box animation Y radius (in units of 1/100h px) $05A4: Message box animation variable - bottom half. At line y: $05A4 = y + [message box animation Y radius] / 100h $05A6: Message box animation variable - bottom half. At line y: $05A6 = y + 18h $05A8: Message box animation variable - top half. At line y: $05A8 = y - [message box animation Y radius] / 100h $05AA: Message box animation variable - top half. At line y: $05AA = y - 18h } $05A2..AB: (Unused) expanding and contracting effect variables. See $88:B17F { $05A2: Expansion factor. Scale factor = 1 + [expansion factor] / 8000h $05A4: HDMA table update destination top base position $05A6: HDMA table update source top base position $05A8: HDMA table update destination bottom base position $05AA: HDMA table update source bottom base position } $05A6: Adjusted source Y offset during Crocomire melting. [$0694] + y $05AC: Map min X scroll $05AE: Map max X scroll $05B0: Map min Y scroll $05B2: Map max Y scroll $05B4: NMI request flag $05B5: 8-bit frame counter. Does not include lag frames. Set to 0 during door transitions by a (likely erroneous) 16-bit write to $05B4. Not sure why this exists... $05B6: Frame counter. Does not include lag frames $05B8: NMI counter. Includes lag frames (used exclusively by message boxes) $05BA: Lag counter $05BB: Maximum lag. Capped at FFh, which happens very quickly if a message box appears. Only useful for measuring the load time of the title sequence (which is 26h frames, or up to 28h frames if returning from the file select screen, guessing audio sync/flush). $05BC: Door transition VRAM update flag $05BE: Door transition VRAM update destination $05C0: Door transition VRAM update source $05C3: Door transition VRAM update size $05C5: Debug. Newly pressed controller 1 input when select + L is pressed. Clears $05C7 if non-zero (L has priority over R) $05C7: Debug. Newly pressed controller 1 input when select + R is pressed { 8000h: B 4000h: Y 2000h: Select 1000h: Start 800h: Up 400h: Down 200h: Left 100h: Right 80h: A 40h: X 20h: L 10h: R } $05C9: Debug. Missiles swap $05CB: Debug. Super missiles swap $05CD: Debug. Power bombs swap $05CF: Debug. Debug options { v & 1F40h != 0: draw 3 digits of super missiles 2000h: X is pressed whilst select + R is held ($80:9459) 4000h: Debug controller input processing is disabled ($80:9459) 8000h: Ammo is swapped (B is pressed whilst select + R is held) ($80:9459). Used to show morphed Samus' position in the demo recorder ($90:ED26) and in-game time in unused routine ($90:ED6C) } $05D1: Debug. Debug mode. Set to [$80:8004] during boot / soft reset $05D3: Debug. Saved layer 1 position flag. Toggle with X on controller 2 if $80:8006 is set $05D5: Debug. Saved layer 1 X position $05D7: Debug. Saved layer 1 Y position $05D9: Previous held input $05DB: Timed held input timer $05DD: Timed held input timer reset value. Set to 3 (meaning "timed held input" is input held for 4+ frames) $05DF: Timed held input $05E1: Newly held down timed held input. This variable is the useful one (used by pause screen). The rest of $05D9..E4 is all helper variables exclusively used in the update routine $05E3: Previous timed held input $05E5: Random number. Seeded with 61h during boot / soft reset. Generated by $80:8111. Reseeded by a few enemies $05E7: Bitmask. In particular, the bitmask result of $80:818E (change nth bit index to byte index and bitmask). Also written by related boss/event set/clear functions in bank $80 $05E9: 16-bit multiplier A. Used by $80:82D6 $05EB: 16-bit multiplier B. Used by $80:82D6 $05ED..F0: Unused $05F1: 16-bit * 16-bit result registers. Used by routine $80:82D6 $05F5: Disable sounds $05F7: Disable mini-map $05F9: Save confirmation selection { 0: Yes 2: No } $05FB: Map scrolling gear switch timer. 0 = free scrolling (hold) 01+ = number of "scrolls" until free scrolling $05FD: Map scrolling direction { 0: None 1: Left 2: Right 3: Up 4: Down } $05FF: Map scrolling speed index. Indexes the map scrolling speed table $82:92E4 $0601: Pause hook. Executed after fade out is complete and HDMA disabled, but before gameplay state is backed up. Set to $A7:C325 by Kraid, $8F:C8F6 by Draygon $0604: Unpause hook. Executed after gameplay state is restored, but before HDMAs and screen fade in are enabled. Set to $A7:C24E by Kraid, $8F:C8FC by Draygon, $A9:8763 by Mother Brain $0607: Earthquake sound effect index $0609: Earthquake sound effect timer. Earthquake sound effect disabled if negative. Used with rising lava/acid and Tourian entrance reveal FX $060B: { Number of remaining enemy spritemap entries in $A0:944A/9A5A/9B7F/9D23 Loop counter in enemy death item drop routines Botwoon's spit enemy projectile angle parameter } $060D: { Number of remaining enemy hitbox entries in $A0:9A5A/9B7F/9D23 Number of tiles in $A0:96CA Loop counter in $B3:9EE0/9F34 } $060F: Projectile counter is mirrored here in $A0:9B7F. Never read $0611..16: Unused $0617: Uploading to APU flag (disables debug soft reset) $0619..28: Music queue entries. List of words. See $063D $0629..38: Music queue timers. List of words. Minimum of 8 $0639: Music queue next index. Index of next available queue entry to write to (write position) $063B: Music queue start index. Index of next queue entry to process (read position) $063D: Music entry. Processed when the music timer is decremented to 0 { 0: Stop music 1: Samus fanfare 2: Item fanfare 3: Elevator 4: Pre-statue hall (also Ridley pre-fight and game over) 5: Song 0 6: Song 1 7: Song 2 8: Song 3 FF00h: SPC engine FF03h: Title sequence { Song 0: Intro Song 1: Main theme } FF06h: Empty Crateria { Song 0: With thunder (landing site - default, Crateria -> Blue Brinstar elevator - default) Song 1: Thunder (landing site - Zebes is awake) Song 2: Without thunder (morph ball room - default) } FF09h: Lower Crateria { Song 0: Main theme Song 1: Tourian entrance } FF0Ch: Upper Crateria (landing site - power bombs, Wrecked Ship entrances) FF0Fh: Green Brinstar FF12h: Red Brinstar FF15h: Upper Norfair FF18h: Lower Norfair FF1Bh: Maridia { Song 0: Sandy Song 1: Sandless } FF1Eh: Tourian { Song 0: Tourian Song 1: No music } FF21h: Mother Brain FF24h: Boss fight 1 (and escape music) { Song 0: Ridley / Draygon / Bomb Torizo Song 1: Pre-fight (Bomb Torizo) Song 2: Escape music } FF27h: Boss fight 2 { Song 0: Kraid / Phantoon / Crocomire Song 1: Pre-fight (Kraid / Phantoon / fake Kraid) / post-fight (Crocomire) } FF2Ah: Miniboss fight (Spore Spawn / Botwoon) FF2Dh: Ceres { Song 0: Flying to Ceres Song 1: Ceres Song 2: Flying to Zebes Song 3: Ceres time up } FF30h: Wrecked Ship { Song 0: Power off Song 1: Power on } FF33h: Zebes boom FF36h: Intro FF39h: Death FF3Ch: Credits FF3Fh: "The last Metroid is in captivity" FF42h: "The galaxy is at peace" FF45h: Shitroid (same as boss fight 2) { Song 0: Boss music Song 1: Pre-boss music Song 2: No music } FF48h: Samus theme (same as upper Crateria) } $063F: Music timer $0641: Number of remaining attempts to poll APU for upload request acknowledgement $0643: Sound queue start index, sound library 1 $0644: Sound queue start index, sound library 2 $0645: Sound queue start index, sound library 3 $0646: Sound queue next index, sound library 1 $0647: Sound queue next index, sound library 2 $0648: Sound queue next index, sound library 3 $0649: Sound state, sound library 1 $064A: Sound state, sound library 2 $064B: Sound state, sound library 3 { 0: Send APU sound request from queue 1: Wait for APU sound request acknowledgement 2: Clear sound request 3: Wait for APU clear request acknowledgement 4: Unused. Reset sound state } $064C: Current music track. Never read (see $07F5 instead). FFh means new music data is being uploaded $064D: Current sound, sound library 1 $064E: Current sound, sound library 2 $064F: Current sound, sound library 3 $0650: Delay before clearing sound $0651: Delay before clearing sound $0652: Delay before clearing sound $0653: Max queued sounds allowed, sound library 1 $0654: Max queued sounds allowed, sound library 2 $0655: Max queued sounds allowed, sound library 3 $0656..65: Sound queue, sound library 1 $0666..75: Sound queue, sound library 2 $0676..85: Sound queue, sound library 3 $0686: Sound handler downtime (set to 8 by music queue handler when music changes) $0688: Crocomire skeleton loading index. Target number of pixels to erase per column (30h) during Crocomire melting $068A: Crocomire melting tiles loading table (sub)index $068C: Number of pixels to erase per column per frame (30h) during Crocomire melting $068E: Number of words to load (200h) when loading Crocomire melting tiles. Used immediately to initialise a loop counter, no reason for this value to be stored to RAM $0690: Crocomire melting X offset table index. Index for $A4:9697 $0692: Crocomire melting displacement coefficient. Displacement = y * [$0692] / 10000h. Initialised to 100h. Incremented by 180h up to 5000h, finishing the melting $0694: Initial adjusted destination Y offset during melting. Initialised to 58h. Decremented by 3 until 10h $0696: Set to 30h when loading Crocomire melting tiles. Never read $0698: Max adjusted destination Y offset (58h) during Crocomire melting. HDMA data table is processed until [$0694] + y - displacement(y) >= [$0698] $069A: Crocomire melting tiles loading table (base) index $069C..071D: Crocomire melting Y offsets. Only $069C..CC used. Indexed by [$9697 + [$0690]] (melting X offset). Pretty useless, could be replaced by a simple loop counter in $96C8 $071C: Unused. Timer for $80:8577 (wait [A] frames) $071D: Flag. Transfer Samus' top half tiles to VRAM $071E: Flag. Transfer Samus' bottom half tiles to VRAM $071F: Samus' top half tiles definition. Pointer to DMA data (bank 92) for Samus' top sprites (3 byte address, 2 byte part 1 size, 2 byte part 2 size) $0721: Samus' bottom half tiles definition. Pointer to DMA data (bank 92) for Samus' bottom sprites (3 byte address, 2 byte part 1 size, 2 byte part 2 size) $0723: Screen fade delay $0725: Screen fade counter $0727: Menu index { Debug game over menu: { 0: Fade out and configure graphics for menu 1: Initialise 2: Fade in to main 3: Main 4: Fade in to continue 5: Continue } Game over menu: { 0: Fade out and configure graphics for menu 1: Initialise 2: Play pre-statue hall music track 3: Fade in to main 4: Main 5: Fade out into game map view 6: Load game map view 7: Fade out into soft reset } File select menu: { 0: Title sequence to main - fade out and configure graphics 1: Title sequence to main - load BG2 2: Title sequence to main - initialise 3: Title sequence to main - fade in 4: Main 5: Main to file copy - fade out 6: Main to file copy - initialise 7: Main to file copy - fade in 8: File copy - select source 9: File copy - initialise select destination Ah: File copy - select destination Bh: File copy - initialise confirmation Ch: File copy - confirmation Dh: File copy - do file copy Eh: File copy - copy completed Fh: File copy to main - fade out 10h: File copy to main - reload main 11h: File copy to main - fade in 12h: File copy to main - menu index = main 13h: Main to file clear - fade out 14h: Main to file clear - initialise 15h: Main to file clear - fade in 16h: File clear - select slot 17h: File clear - initialise confirmation 18h: File clear - confirmation 19h: File clear - do file clear 1Ah: File clear - clear completed 1Bh: File clear to main - fade out 1Ch: File clear to main - reload main 1Dh: File clear to main - fade in 1Eh: File clear to main - menu index = main 1Fh: Main to options menu - turn Samus helmet 20h: Main to options menu - fade out 21h: Main to title sequence } File select map: { 0: Game options to area select map - clear BG2 and set up fade out 1: Game options to area select map - fade out and load area palettes 2: Game options to area select map - load foreground tilemap 3: Game options to area select map - load background tilemap 4: Game options to area select map - prepare expanding/contracting square transition 5: Game options to area select map - expanding square transition 6: Area select map 7: Area select map to room select map - prepare expanding square transition 8: Area select map to room select map - expanding square transition 9: Area select map to room select map - initialise Ah: Room select map Bh: Room select map to loading game data - wait 2 frames before fade out Ch: Room select map to loading game data - wait 1 frame before fade out Dh: Room select map to loading game data - fade out Eh: Room select map to loading game data - wait Fh: Room select map to area select map - clear BG1 tilemap 10h: Room select map to area select map - load palettes 11h: Room select map to area select map - load foreground tilemap 12h: Room select map to area select map - load background tilemap 13h: Room select map to area select map - prepare expanding/contracting square transition 14h: Room select map to area select map - prepare contracting square transition 15h: Room select map to area select map - contracting square transition 16h: Area select map to game options } Pause menu: { 0: Map screen 1: Equipment screen 2: Map screen to equipment screen - fading out 3: Map screen to equipment screen - load equipment screen 4: Map screen to equipment screen - fading in 5: Equipment screen to map screen - fading out 6: Equipment screen to map screen - load map screen 7: Equipment screen to map screen - fading in } } $0729..62: Pause menu data { $0729: Start / L/R button pressed highlight timer $072B: L/R highlight animation timer $072D: Item selector animation timer $072F: Reserve tank animation timer $0731: Unused animation timer $0733: Map scroll up arrow animation timer $0735: Map scroll down arrow animation timer $0737: Map scroll right arrow animation timer $0739: Map scroll left arrow animation timer $073B: Pause screen palette animation timer $073D: Unused animation timer $073F: L/R highlight animation frame $0741: Item selector animation frame $0743: Reserve tank animation frame $0745: Unused animation frame $0747: Map scroll up arrow animation frame $0749: Map scroll down arrow animation frame $074B: Map scroll right arrow animation frame $074D: Map scroll left arrow animation frame $074F: Pause screen palette animation frame $0751: Shoulder button pressed highlight { 0: None 1: L 2: R } $0753: Pause screen button label mode { 0: Map screen (SAMUS on the right) 1: Unpausing (nothing) 2: Equipment screen (MAP on the left) } $0755: Equipment screen category index { 0: Tanks 1: Weapons 2: Suit/misc 3: Boots } $0756: Equipment screen item index { Tanks: 0: Mode 1: Reserve tank Weapons: 0: Charge 1: Ice 2: Wave 3: Spazer 4: Plasma Suit/misc: 0: Varia suit 1: Gravity suit 2: Morph ball 3: Bombs 4: Spring ball 5: Screw attack Boots: 0: Hi-jump boots 1: Space jump 2: Speed booster } $0757: Delay counter for reserve tank sound $0759: Unused animation mode (always 0) $075B: Map scroll up arrow animation mode (always 0) $075D: Map scroll down arrow animation mode (always 0) $075F: Map scroll right arrow animation mode (always 0) $0761: Map scroll left arrow animation mode (always 0) } $0763: Pause screen mode { 0: Map screen 1: Equipment screen } $0765: Backup of $58 during pause menu (BG1 tilemap base address and size) $0766: Backup of $59 during pause menu (BG2 tilemap base address and size) $0767: Backup of $5A during pause menu (BG3 tilemap base address and size) $0768: Backup of $5D during pause menu (BG tiles base address) $076A: Backup of $52 during pause menu (sprite size and sprite tiles base address) $076B: Backup of $B1 during pause menu (BG1 X scroll) $076C: Backup of $B5 during pause menu (BG2 X scroll) $076D: Backup of $B9 during pause menu (BG3 X scroll) $076E: Backup of $B3 during pause menu (BG1 Y scroll) $076F: Backup of $B7 during pause menu (BG2 Y scroll) $0770: Backup of $BB during pause menu (BG3 Y scroll) $0771: Backup of $55 during pause menu (mode and BG tile size) $0772: Backup of $091B during pause menu (layer 2 scroll X) $0773: Backup of $091C during pause menu (layer 2 scroll Y) $0774: Backup of $57 during pause menu (mosaic size and enable) $0775: Backup of $71 during pause menu (next gameplay colour math control register B) $0776: Samus position indicator animation frame $0778: Samus position indicator animation timer $077A: Samus position indicator animation loop counter. Bit 0 is used to toggle Samus icon display in file select map $077C..0997: Main gameplay RAM (according to $82:8593) { $077C: HUD item tilemap palette bits in $80:9CEA $0783: Mode 7 flag $0785: Unused. Mode 7 rotation angle in $80:B032/B0C2 (in units of 2pi/100h radians) $0787: Set to 0 when loading file select map foreground tilemap. Never read $0789: Flag. Current area's map has been collected, display boss and blue rooms. (Blue rooms will not be marked on pause map until Samus leaves the area) $078B: Load station index $078D: Door pointer $078F: Door BTS $0791: Door direction { 0: Right 1: Left 2: Down 3: Up +4: Close a door on next screen } $0793: Elevator door properties. The high byte is incidentally set to door direction, but never read { 0ih: Marks debug elevator index i as used (always 0) 40h: Switch map to new area 80h: Door is an elevator } $0795: Door transition flag (used by elevators and zebetites) $0797: Door transition flag (used by other enemies and pause check) $0799: Elevator direction { 0: Down 8000h: Up } $079B: Room pointer $079D: Room index $079F: Area index { 0: Crateria 1: Brinstar 2: Norfair 3: Wrecked Ship 4: Maridia 5: Tourian 6: Ceres 7: Debug } $07A1: Room X co-ordinate (on map) $07A3: Room Y co-ordinate (on map) $07A5: Room width in blocks $07A7: Room height in blocks $07A9: Room width in scrolls (XBA to get room width in pixels) $07AB: Room height in scrolls (XBA to get room height in pixels) $07AD: Up scroller $07AF: Down scroller $07B1: Previous CRE bitset $07B3: CRE bitset { 1: Disable BG1 during door transitions both into and out of the room 2: Reload CRE (decompress CRE tiles and CRE tile table, transfer CRE tiles and BG3 tiles to VRAM) 4: Load extra large tileset (transfer custom tiles and BG3 tiles to VRAM) } $07B5: Door list pointer $07B7: Event pointer (used when testing room state conditions) $07B9: Level data size $07BB: Room state pointer $07BD: Level data pointer $07C0: Tileset tile table pointer $07C3: Tileset tiles pointer $07C6: Tileset palette pointer $07C9: Room music track index $07CB: Room music data index $07CD: FX pointer $07CF: Enemy population pointer $07D1: Enemy set pointer $07D3..DE: Unused $07DF: Room main ASM pointer $07E1..E8: Room main ASM variables { $07E1: { Diagonal quake timer for escape room 2/4 Elevatube subposition Rotation matrix index for Ceres escape elevator shaft Debris delay timer for Ceres pre-elevator hall } $07E3: { Earthquake type for escape room 2/4 Elevatube position Rotation matrix timer for Ceres escape elevator shaft } $07E5: Elevatube velocity. Unit 1/100h px/frame $07E7: Elevatube acceleration. Unit 1/100h px/frame² } $07E9: Scrolling finished hook. Bank $90. Set to $9589 during the Spore Spawn fight to keep the camera from moving up $07EB..EC: HDMA data table during Ceres elevator and Ceres Ridley mode 7 sections { $07EB: Video mode for HUD and floor (mode 1) $07EC: Video mode for mode 7 section (mode 7) } $07ED..F2: Unused $07F3: Music data index. Used to compare with new room music track index in door transition for loading music. $07F5: Music track index. Used as music track to restore after item/Samus fanfare, and to compare with new room music track index in door transition for loading music. $07F7..08F6: Map tiles explored (for current area). One bit per room. Laid out like a 64x32 1bpp VRAM tilemap: 2x1 pages of 32x32 map tiles (80h bytes per page, 4 bytes per row, 1 bit per tile), each byte is 8 map tiles where the most significant bit is the leftmost tile. The first row is padding and skipped during index calculation ($90:A8A6), that is, room (0, 0) maps to $07FB rather than $07F7 $08F7: Layer 1 X block (layer 1 X position / 10h) $08F9: Layer 1 Y block $08FB: Layer 2 X block $08FD: Layer 2 Y block $08FF: Previous layer 1 X block $0901: Previous layer 1 Y block $0903: Previous layer 2 X block $0905: Previous layer 2 Y block $0907: BG1 X block $0909: BG1 Y block $090B: BG2 X block $090D: BG2 Y block $090F: Layer 1 X subposition $0911: Layer 1 X position $0913: Layer 1 Y subposition $0915: Layer 1 Y position $0917: Layer 2 X position $0919: Layer 2 Y position $091B: Layer 2 scroll X (bit 0 set means library background is used) $091C: Layer 2 scroll Y (bit 0 set means library background is used) $091D: BG1 X offset. Base translation between BG and layer positions, [BG1 X scroll] = [layer 1 X position] + [BG1 X offset]. Doesn't account for earthquake or layer 2 bosses. $091F: BG1 Y offset. Base translation between BG and layer positions, [BG1 Y scroll] = [layer 1 Y position] + [BG1 Y offset]. Doesn't account for earthquake or layer 2 bosses. $0921: BG2 X offset. Base translation between BG and layer positions, [BG2 X scroll] = [layer 2 X position] + [BG2 X offset]. Doesn't account for earthquake or layer 2 bosses. $0923: BG2 Y offset. Base translation between BG and layer positions, [BG2 Y scroll] = [layer 2 Y position] + [BG2 Y offset]. Doesn't account for earthquake or layer 2 bosses. $0925: Door transition frame counter. Stops at 40h for horizontal doors, 39h for vertical doors $0927: Door destination X position. Multiple of 100h (screens) $0929: Door destination Y position. Multiple of 100h (screens). Adjusted by 20h when moving up $092B: Samus subspeed during door transition $092D: Samus speed during door transition. Defaults to 0.C8h for horizontal and 1.80h for vertical, but can be overridden by "distance from door" in door header $092F: Downwards elevator delay timer. Initialised to 30h. This is what lets Samus scroll off-screen before performing door transition on downwards elevators $0931: Flag. 8000h = door transition has finished scrolling $0933: { Position of right/left scroll boundary in $80:A528 VRAM offset of blocks to update in $80:A9DE/$80:AB75 [VRAM blocks to update X block] & 0Fh in $80:AB75 } $0935: X block of VRAM blocks to update (after masking with 1Fh) in $80:A9DE/$80:AB75 $0937: { Base address of VRAM tilemap screen in $80:A9DE Index of VRAM tilemap source data in $80:A9DE Base address of wrapped VRAM tilemap screen in $80:AB75 } $0939: { Proposed scrolled layer 1 X position in $80:A528/A641/A6BB. [layer 1 X position] ± (X distance Samus moved + 1/3) Loop counter in $80:A9DE } $093B: Block to update (in $7F) in $80:A9DE/$80:AB75 $093D: Unused $093F: Ceres status { 0: Before Ridley escape 1: During Ridley escape cutscene 2: During escape sequence 8000h: When elevator room rotates } $0941: Camera distance index { 0: Normal (camera is 60h pixels behind Samus) 2: Kraid/Crocomire (camera is 40h/50h pixels to the left of Samus when she's facing right/left) 4: Camera is 20h pixels to the left of Samus. There's Crocomire code that sets this, but I think it's unused 6: Camera is E0h pixels to the left of Samus } $0943: Timer status. Upper byte is set to 80h sometimes, but never read { 0: Inactive 1: Ceres start 2: Mother Brain start 3: Initial delay 4: Timer running, movement delayed 5: Timer running, moving into place 6: Timer running, moved into place } $0945: Timer, centiseconds (in decimal) $0946: Timer, seconds (in decimal) $0947: Timer, minutes (in decimal) $0948: Timer X subposition. Also timer status counter before timer moves $0949: Timer X position (pixels) $094A: Timer Y subposition $094B: Timer Y position (pixels) $094C..4F: Unused $0950: File select map area index / game over menu selection $0952: Save slot selected (0..2) / file select menu selection (0..5) $0954: Non-empty save slots { 1: Slot A 2: Slot B 4: Slot C } $0956: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG1 column update $0958: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG1 column update $095A: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG1 column update $095C: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG1 column update $095E: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update left halves source - BG1 column update $0960: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update right halves source - BG1 column update $0962: Flag to update VRAM tilemap - BG1 column update $0964: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG1 row update $0966: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG1 row update $0968: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG1 row update $096A: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG1 row update $096C: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update top halves source - BG1 row update $096E: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update bottom halves source - BG1 row update $0970: Flag to update VRAM tilemap - BG1 row update $0972: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG2 column update $0974: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG2 column update $0976: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG2 column update $0978: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG2 column update $097A: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update left halves source - BG2 column update $097C: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update right halves source - BG2 column update $097E: Flag to update VRAM tilemap - BG2 column update $0980: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG2 row update $0982: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update size - BG2 row update $0984: Unwrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG2 row update $0986: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update destination - BG2 row update $0988: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update top halves source - BG2 row update $098A: Wrapped tilemap VRAM update bottom halves source - BG2 row update $098C: Flag to update VRAM tilemap - BG2 row update $098E: Size of BG2 $0990: Blocks to update X block $0992: Blocks to update Y block $0994: VRAM blocks to update X block $0996: VRAM blocks to update Y block } $0998: Game state { 0: Reset/start. Set by $82:893D (main game loop) 1: Opening (title sequence). Cinematic. Set by $82:85FB (transition from demo), $82:8AE4 (reset/start) 2: Game options menu. Set by $81:94A3 (file select menu, file selected), $81:9E7B (file select map, back) 3: Unused. Nothing (RTS) 4: File select menus. Set by $82:EE6A (game options menu - transition back to file select), $8B:9F52 (cinematic function - transition to file select menu) 5: File select map. Set by $81:9116 (game over menu "no", not starting from Ceres), $82:EEB4 (start game, main / debug) 6: Loading game data. Set by $8B:CADF (cinematic function - load game data) 7: Main gameplay fading in. Set by $82:8000 (loading game data / set up new game) 8: Main gameplay. Set by $82:8B20 (main gameplay fading in), $82:93A1 (game state 12h), $82:DC10 (reserve tank auto), $82:E737 (finish door transition) 9: Hit a door block. Set by $94:938B (horizontal door collision), $94:93CE (vertical door collision) Ah: Loading next room. Set by $82:E169 (hit a door block) Bh: Loading next room. Set by $82:E1B7 (game state Ah) Ch: Pausing, normal gameplay but darkening. Set by $85:80FA (map data access completed), $90:EA45 (pause check) Dh: Pausing, loading pause screen. Set by $82:8CCF (game state Ch) Eh: Paused, loading pause screen. Set by $82:8CEF (game state Dh) Fh: Paused, map and item screens. Set by $82:90C8 (game state Eh) 10h: Unpausing, loading normal gameplay. Set by $81:907E (debug game over menu continue), $82:A5B7 (pause screen, start) 11h: Unpausing, loading normal gameplay. Set by $82:9324 (game state 10h) 12h: Unpausing, normal gameplay but brightening. Set by $82:9367 (game state 11h) 13h: Death sequence, start Set by $82:DB69 (Samus ran out of health, no reserves) 14h: Death sequence, black out surroundings. Set by $82:DC80 (game state 13h) 15h: Death sequence, wait for music. Set by $82:DCE0 (game state 14h) 16h: Death sequence, pre-flashing. Set by $82:DD71 (game state 15h) 17h: Death sequence, flashing. Set by $82:DD87 (game state 16h) 18h: Death sequence, explosion white out. Set by $82:DD9A (game state 17h) 19h: Death sequence, black out. Set by $82:8431 (whiting out from time up), $82:DDAF (game state 18h), $8B:C627 1Ah: Game over menu. Set by $82:DDC7 (game state 19h) 1Bh: Reserve tanks auto. Set by $82:DB69 (Samus ran out of non-reserve health) 1Ch: Unused. Does JMP ($0DEA) ($0DEA is never set to a pointer) 1Dh: Debug game over menu (end/continue). Set by $B4:9961 (debug controller 2 start) 1Eh: Intro. Cinematic. Set up entirely new game with cutscenes. Set by $82:EEB4 (start game, intro) 1Fh: Set up new game. Post-intro. Set by $81:912B (game over menu "no", starting from Ceres), $82:EEB4 (start game, starting at Ceres), $8B:C100 20h: Made it to Ceres elevator. Set by $89:ACC3 (Ceres elevator shaft main ASM) 21h: Blackout from Ceres. Set by $82:8367 (made it to Ceres elevator) 22h: Ceres goes boom, Samus goes to Zebes. Cinematic. Set by $82:8388 (blackout from Ceres), $82:EEB4 (start game, landing on Zebes) 23h: Time up. Set by $90:E0E6, $90:E8AA, $90:F576 (Zebes timebomb expired) 24h: Whiting out from time up. Set by $82:8411 (time up) 25h: Ceres goes boom with Samus. Cinematic. Set by $82:8431 (whiting out from time up) 26h: Samus escapes from Zebes. Transition from main gameplay to ending and credits. Set by $A2:AD0E (gunship liftoff) 27h: Ending and credits. Cinematic. Set by $82:84BD (Samus escapes from Zebes) 28h: Load demo game data. Set by $82:85FB (transition from demo), $8B:9FAE (cinematic function - transition to demos) 29h: Transition to demo. Set by $82:8000 (load demo game data) 2Ah: Playing demo. Set by $82:852D (transition to demo) 2Bh: Unload game data. Set by $82:8548 (playing demo) 2Ch: Transition from demo. Set by $82:8593 (unload game data) } $099A: Unused $099C: Door transition function { $E17D: Handle elevator $E19F: Wait 48 frames for down elevator $E29E: Wait for sounds to finish $E2DB: Fade out the screen $E2F7: Load door header, clear DMA, and set interrupt command $E310: Scroll screen to alignment $E353: Fix doors moving up $E36E: Load room header; set up map; decompress level, scroll, and CRE data $E38E: Set up scrolling $E3C0: Place Samus, load tiles $E4A9: Load sprites, background, PLMs, audio; execute custom door and room ASM; and wait for scrolling to end $E659: Handle animated tiles $E664: Wait for music queue to clear and possibly load new music $E6A2: Positions Samus to avoid collision with the door (kinda useless), and enables some Layer 2 and Layer 3 stuff $E737: Fade in the screen and run enemies; finish room transition $E17D..E19F is a chain of functions whose initial value is written by door block collision $E29E..E737 is a chain of functions whose initial value is written by game state Ah (loading next room) $E737 is also written by $80:A07B (start gameplay) and checked for by $88:DE18 (Ceres haze HDMA object) $E2DB is checked for by $88:DE74 (Ceres haze HDMA object) } $099E: Menu option index (in options menu and submenus) $09A0: Unused $09A2..0A01: Save to SRAM { $09A2: Equipped items $09A4: Collected items { 1: Varia suit 2: Spring ball 4: Morph ball 8: Screw attack 20h: Gravity suit 100h: Hi-jump boots 200h: Space jump 1000h: Bombs 2000h: Speed booster 4000h: Grapple 8000h: X-Ray } $09A6: Equipped beams. Note for additional custom beams, the fire beam routines ($91:B887/B986) set projectile type ($0C18) directly to [equipped beams] | 8000h/8010h (possibly masked with 100Fh), which in turn is masked with Fh to extract beam type. $09A8: Collected beams { 1: Wave 2: Ice 4: Spazer 8: Plasma 1000h: Charge } $09AA: Up binding. D-pad bindings are only used by x-ray { 8000h: B 4000h: Y 2000h: Select 1000h: Start 800h: Up 400h: Down 200h: Left 100h: Right 80h: A 40h: X 20h: L 10h: R } $09AC: Down binding $09AE: Left binding $09B0: Right binding $09B2: Shoot binding $09B4: Jump binding $09B6: Run binding $09B8: Item cancel binding $09BA: Item switch binding $09BC: Aim down binding $09BE: Aim up binding $09C0: Reserve health mode { 0: Not obtained 1: Auto 2: Manual } $09C2: Samus health $09C4: Samus max health $09C6: Samus missiles $09C8: Samus max missiles $09CA: Samus super missiles $09CC: Samus max super missiles $09CE: Samus power bombs $09D0: Samus max power bombs $09D2: HUD item index { 0: Nothing 1: Missiles 2: Super missiles 3: Power bombs 4: Grapple beam 5: X-ray } $09D4: Samus max reserve health $09D6: Samus reserve health $09D8: Samus reserve missiles. Only used by missile pickup routine(91DF80) $09DA: Game time, frames $09DC: Game time, seconds $09DE: Game time, minutes $09E0: Game time, hours (capped at 99:59:59.59) $09E2: Japanese text flag. 1 = on $09E4: Moonwalk flag. 1 = on $09E6: Debug. Disable Samus placement mode flag. 0: Allows positioning Samus in demo recorder. Toggled by B on controller 2. Allows A on controller 2 to freeze time. Set to 1 by when loading demo data or making new save file after setting controller bindings etc. $09E8: Set to 1 when loading demo data or making new save file after setting controller bindings etc.. Otherwise unused $09EA: Icon cancel flag (cancel HUD item on door transition). 1 = on $09EC..0A01: Unused. Saved to SRAM via 7E:D80A..1F } $0A02..0E0B: Samus RAM (according to $91:E018) { $0A02: Unused $0A04: Auto-cancel HUD item index $0A06: Samus' previous health. Used for check to update health display $0A08: Samus' previous missiles. Used for check to update missile count $0A0A: Samus' previous supers missiles. Used for check to update super count $0A0C: Samus' previous power bombs. Used for check to update power bomb count $0A0E: Previous HUD item index. Used for check to update HUD item highlight $0A10: Samus' previous pose X direction $0A11: Samus' previous movement type $0A12: Samus' previous health. Used to check to make hurt sound and flash. $0A14: Backup of controller 1 input ($8B) during demo (actual hardware buttons, not game generated demo input) $0A16: Backup of newly pressed controller 1 input ($8F) during demo (actual hardware buttons, not game generated demo input) $0A18: Cleared in a few places in bank $91, never read $0A1A: Unused $0A1C: Samus pose { 0: Facing forward - power suit 1: Facing right - normal 2: Facing left - normal 3: Facing right - aiming up 4: Facing left - aiming up 5: Facing right - aiming up-right 6: Facing left - aiming up-left 7: Facing right - aiming down-right 8: Facing left - aiming down-left 9: Moving right - not aiming Ah: Moving left - not aiming Bh: Moving right - gun extended Ch: Moving left - gun extended Dh: Moving right - aiming up (unused) Eh: Moving left - aiming up (unused) Fh: Moving right - aiming up-right 10h: Moving left - aiming up-left 11h: Moving right - aiming down-right 12h: Moving left - aiming down-left 13h: Facing right - normal jump - not aiming - not moving - gun extended 14h: Facing left - normal jump - not aiming - not moving - gun extended 15h: Facing right - normal jump - aiming up 16h: Facing left - normal jump - aiming up 17h: Facing right - normal jump - aiming down 18h: Facing left - normal jump - aiming down 19h: Facing right - spin jump 1Ah: Facing left - spin jump 1Bh: Facing right - space jump 1Ch: Facing left - space jump 1Dh: Facing right - morph ball - no springball - on ground 1Eh: Moving right - morph ball - no springball - on ground 1Fh: Moving left - morph ball - no springball - on ground 20h: Unused. Set by unused landing code 21h: Unused 22h: Unused 23h: Unused 24h: Unused 25h: Facing right - turning - standing 26h: Facing left - turning - standing 27h: Facing right - crouching 28h: Facing left - crouching 29h: Facing right - falling 2Ah: Facing left - falling 2Bh: Facing right - falling - aiming up 2Ch: Facing left - falling - aiming up 2Dh: Facing right - falling - aiming down 2Eh: Facing left - falling - aiming down 2Fh: Facing right - turning - jumping 30h: Facing left - turning - jumping 31h: Facing right - morph ball - no springball - in air 32h: Facing left - morph ball - no springball - in air 33h: Unused 34h: Unused 35h: Facing right - crouching transition 36h: Facing left - crouching transition 37h: Facing right - morphing transition 38h: Facing left - morphing transition 39h: Unused 3Ah: Unused 3Bh: Facing right - standing transition 3Ch: Facing left - standing transition 3Dh: Facing right - unmorphing transition 3Eh: Facing left - unmorphing transition 3Fh: Unused 40h: Unused 41h: Facing left - morph ball - no springball - on ground 42h: Unused. Set by unused landing code 43h: Facing right - turning - crouching 44h: Facing left - turning - crouching 45h: Unused 46h: Unused 47h: Unused 48h: Unused 49h: Facing left - moonwalk 4Ah: Facing right - moonwalk 4Bh: Facing right - normal jump transition 4Ch: Facing left - normal jump transition 4Dh: Facing right - normal jump - not aiming - not moving - gun not extended 4Eh: Facing left - normal jump - not aiming - not moving - gun not extended 4Fh: Facing left - damage boost 50h: Facing right - damage boost 51h: Facing right - normal jump - not aiming - moving forward 52h: Facing left - normal jump - not aiming - moving forward 53h: Facing right - knockback 54h: Facing left - knockback 55h: Facing right - normal jump transition - aiming up 56h: Facing left - normal jump transition - aiming up 57h: Facing right - normal jump transition - aiming up-right 58h: Facing left - normal jump transition - aiming up-left 59h: Facing right - normal jump transition - aiming down-right 5Ah: Facing left - normal jump transition - aiming down-left 5Bh: Unused 5Ch: Unused 5Dh: Unused 5Eh: Unused 5Fh: Unused 60h: Unused 61h: Unused 62h: Unused 63h: Unused. Related to movement type Dh 64h: Unused. Related to movement type Dh 65h: Unused. Related to movement type Dh 66h: Unused. Related to movement type Dh 67h: Facing right - falling - gun extended 68h: Facing left - falling - gun extended 69h: Facing right - normal jump - aiming up-right 6Ah: Facing left - normal jump - aiming up-left 6Bh: Facing right - normal jump - aiming down-right 6Ch: Facing left - normal jump - aiming down-left 6Dh: Facing right - falling - aiming up-right 6Eh: Facing left - falling - aiming up-left 6Fh: Facing right - falling - aiming down-right 70h: Facing left - falling - aiming down-left 71h: Facing right - crouching - aiming up-right 72h: Facing left - crouching - aiming up-left 73h: Facing right - crouching - aiming down-right 74h: Facing left - crouching - aiming down-left 75h: Facing left - moonwalk - aiming up-left 76h: Facing right - moonwalk - aiming up-right 77h: Facing left - moonwalk - aiming down-left 78h: Facing right - moonwalk - aiming down-right 79h: Facing right - morph ball - spring ball - on ground 7Ah: Facing left - morph ball - spring ball - on ground 7Bh: Moving right - morph ball - spring ball - on ground 7Ch: Moving left - morph ball - spring ball - on ground 7Dh: Facing right - morph ball - spring ball - falling 7Eh: Facing left - morph ball - spring ball - falling 7Fh: Facing right - morph ball - spring ball - in air 80h: Facing left - morph ball - spring ball - in air 81h: Facing right - screw attack 82h: Facing left - screw attack 83h: Facing right - wall jump 84h: Facing left - wall jump 85h: Facing right - crouching - aiming up 86h: Facing left - crouching - aiming up 87h: Facing right - turning - falling 88h: Facing left - turning - falling 89h: Facing right - ran into a wall 8Ah: Facing left - ran into a wall 8Bh: Facing right - turning - standing - aiming up 8Ch: Facing left - turning - standing - aiming up 8Dh: Facing right - turning - standing - aiming down-right 8Eh: Facing left - turning - standing - aiming down-left 8Fh: Facing right - turning - in air - aiming up 90h: Facing left - turning - in air - aiming up 91h: Facing right - turning - in air - aiming down/down-right 92h: Facing left - turning - in air - aiming down/down-left 93h: Facing right - turning - falling - aiming up 94h: Facing left - turning - falling - aiming up 95h: Facing right - turning - falling - aiming down/down-right 96h: Facing left - turning - falling - aiming down/down-left 97h: Facing right - turning - crouching - aiming up 98h: Facing left - turning - crouching - aiming up 99h: Facing right - turning - crouching - aiming down/down-right 9Ah: Facing left - turning - crouching - aiming down/down-left 9Bh: Facing forward - varia/gravity suit 9Ch: Facing right - turning - standing - aiming up-right 9Dh: Facing left - turning - standing - aiming up-left 9Eh: Facing right - turning - in air - aiming up-right 9Fh: Facing left - turning - in air - aiming up-left A0h: Facing right - turning - falling - aiming up-right A1h: Facing left - turning - falling - aiming up-left A2h: Facing right - turning - crouching - aiming up-right A3h: Facing left - turning - crouching - aiming up-left A4h: Facing right - landing from normal jump A5h: Facing left - landing from normal jump A6h: Facing right - landing from spin jump A7h: Facing left - landing from spin jump A8h: Facing right - grappling A9h: Facing left - grappling AAh: Facing right - grappling - aiming down-right ABh: Facing left - grappling - aiming down-left ACh: Unused. Facing right - grappling - in air ADh: Unused. Facing left - grappling - in air AEh: Unused. Facing right - grappling - in air - aiming down AFh: Unused. Facing left - grappling - in air - aiming down B0h: Unused. Facing right - grappling - in air - aiming down-right B1h: Unused. Facing left - grappling - in air - aiming down-left B2h: Facing clockwise - grapple swinging B3h: Facing anticlockwise - grapple swinging B4h: Facing right - grappling - crouching B5h: Facing left - grappling - crouching B6h: Facing right - grappling - crouching - aiming down-right B7h: Facing left - grappling - crouching - aiming down-left B8h: Facing left - grapple wall jump pose B9h: Facing right - grapple wall jump pose BAh: Facing left - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - not aiming BBh: Facing left - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - aiming up-left BCh: Facing left - grabbed by Draygon - firing BDh: Facing left - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - aiming down-left BEh: Facing left - grabbed by Draygon - moving BFh: Facing right - moonwalking - turn/jump left C0h: Facing left - moonwalking - turn/jump right C1h: Facing right - moonwalking - turn/jump left - aiming up-right C2h: Facing left - moonwalking - turn/jump right - aiming up-left C3h: Facing right - moonwalking - turn/jump left - aiming down-right C4h: Facing left - moonwalking - turn/jump right - aiming down-left C5h: Unused C6h: Unused C7h: Facing right - vertical shinespark windup C8h: Facing left - vertical shinespark windup C9h: Facing right - shinespark - horizontal CAh: Facing left - shinespark - horizontal CBh: Facing right - shinespark - vertical CCh: Facing left - shinespark - vertical CDh: Facing right - shinespark - diagonal CEh: Facing left - shinespark - diagonal CFh: Facing right - ran into a wall - aiming up-right D0h: Facing left - ran into a wall - aiming up-left D1h: Facing right - ran into a wall - aiming down-right D2h: Facing left - ran into a wall - aiming down-left D3h: Facing right - crystal flash D4h: Facing left - crystal flash D5h: Facing right - x-ray - standing D6h: Facing left - x-ray - standing D7h: Facing right - crystal flash ending D8h: Facing left - crystal flash ending D9h: Facing right - x-ray - crouching DAh: Facing left - x-ray - crouching DBh: Unused DCh: Unused DDh: Unused DEh: Unused DFh: Unused. Related to Draygon (would guess these 5 poses are the facing left versions of ECh..F0h) E0h: Facing right - landing from normal jump - aiming up E1h: Facing left - landing from normal jump - aiming up E2h: Facing right - landing from normal jump - aiming up-right E3h: Facing left - landing from normal jump - aiming up-left E4h: Facing right - landing from normal jump - aiming down-right E5h: Facing left - landing from normal jump - aiming down-left E6h: Facing right - landing from normal jump - firing E7h: Facing left - landing from normal jump - firing E8h: Facing right - Samus drained - crouching/falling E9h: Facing left - Samus drained - crouching/falling EAh: Facing right - Samus drained - standing EBh: Facing left - Samus drained - standing ECh: Facing right - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - not aiming EDh: Facing right - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - aiming up-right EEh: Facing right - grabbed by Draygon - firing EFh: Facing right - grabbed by Draygon - not moving - aiming down-right F0h: Facing right - grabbed by Draygon - moving F1h: Facing right - crouching transition - aiming up F2h: Facing left - crouching transition - aiming up F3h: Facing right - crouching transition - aiming up-right F4h: Facing left - crouching transition - aiming up-left F5h: Facing right - crouching transition - aiming down-right F6h: Facing left - crouching transition - aiming down-left F7h: Facing right - standing transition - aiming up F8h: Facing left - standing transition - aiming up F9h: Facing right - standing transition - aiming up-right FAh: Facing left - standing transition - aiming up-left FBh: Facing right - standing transition - aiming down-right FCh: Facing left - standing transition - aiming down-left } $0A1E: Samus pose X direction { 0: Facing forward 1: Unused pose 21h 2: Unused pose 22h 4: Facing left 8: Facing right } $0A1F: Samus movement type { 0: Standing 1: Running 2: Normal jumping 3: Spin jumping 4: Morph ball - on ground 5: Crouching 6: Falling 7: Unused. Glitchy morph ball / spin jump 8: Morph ball - falling 9: Unused. Glitchy morph ball Ah: Knockback / crystal flash ending Bh: Unused. Can fire grapple beam, not moving Ch: Unused. Can fire grapple beam and change pose. No pose definitions correspond to this Dh: Unused. Can change pose, no firing... Eh: Turning around - on ground Fh: Crouching/standing/morphing/unmorphing transition 10h: Moonwalking 11h: Spring ball - on ground 12h: Spring ball - in air 13h: Spring ball - falling 14h: Wall jumping 15h: Ran into a wall 16h: Grappling 17h: Turning around - jumping 18h: Turning around - falling 19h: Damage boost 1Ah: Grabbed by Draygon 1Bh: Shinespark / crystal flash / drained by metroid / damaged by MB's attacks } $0A20: Samus previous pose $0A22: Samus previous pose X direction $0A23: Samus previous movement type $0A24: Samus last different pose $0A26: Samus last different pose X direction $0A27: Samus last different pose movement type $0A28: Prospective pose due to player input. Set according to transition table or solid vertical collision $0A2A: Special prospective pose due to interaction. Set according to grapple, bomb jump, knockback, or shinespark windup $0A2C: Super special prospective pose due to action finish. Set according to animation finish, shinespark crash finish, grapple finish, or knockback finish $0A2E: Prospective pose change command { 0: None 1: Decelerate 2: Stop 5: Solid vertical collision (bounce / fall / land / wall-jump) 6: Kill X speed 7: Start transition animation (crouching/standing/morphing/unmorphing) 8: Kill run speed } $0A30: Special prospective pose change command { 0: None 1: Start knockback 3: Start bomb jump 5: X-ray 9: Connecting grapple - swinging Ah: Connecting grapple - stuck in place } $0A32: Super special prospective pose change command { 0: None 1: Knockback finished 2: Shinespark finished 3: Transition animation finished (crouching/standing/morphing/unmorphing) 6: Start grapple wall-jump 7: Start release from grapple swing 8: Knockback and transition animation both finished } $0A34: Solid enemy collision flags in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A36: Block collision flags in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A38: Space to move Samus up (due to blocks) in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A3A: Samus Y radius difference in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A3C: Space to move Samus down (due to blocks) in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A3E: Space to move Samus up (due to solid enemy) in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A40: Space to move Samus down (due to solid enemy) in $91:FDAE (called if pose is changed to [$0A2A] or [$0A28]) $0A42: Samus current state handler. Sets Samus' radius, runs pose input handler, determines suit palette index and Y acceleration, runs Samus block inside handling, handle projectiles { $E695: Normal $E6C9: Demo $E713: Samus is locked $E8CD: RTL } $0A44: Samus new state handler. Move and animate Samus, then process hit interruption, then handle pose change. Handle Samus' palette, periodic damage, pause check and low health check { $E725: Normal. Contains demo recorder $E7D2: Debug. Do nothing until controller 2 presses A $E7F5: Title demo $E833: Intro demo $E86A: Samus appearance $E8AA: Ceres $E8CD: RTL. Generic RTL, not checked for by anything $E8D6: RTL. Samus is locked into (map/energy/missile) station. Checked for by $90:F29E (unlock Samus from map station) $E8D9: RTL. Samus is being drained (rainbow beam). Checked for by $90:F2E0 ($F084 - A = 10h) / $90:F411 (reserve tanks activated) / $91:D8A5 (handle misc. Samus palette) $E8DC: Samus is locked $E8EC: Riding elevator $E902: Entering/exiting gunship } $0A46: If v & 2 != 0, enables $94:87F4 (Samus horizontal slope collision). Always 3. Set to 0/1 by unused solid vertical collision code ($91:F2F0) if collided with solid enemy and previous movement type = 9 (unused) $0A48: Samus hurt flash counter $0A4A: Super special Samus palette flags. 0: normal. 8000h: acquiring hyper beam. Otherwise treated as counter, blue if v & 1 (drained by metroid) $0A4C: Samus' subunit health? Only affected by environmental damage (0A4E) $0A4E: Periodic subdamage (to Samus) $0A50: Periodic damage (to Samus). Adjusted by suit divisors. Used by Brinstar floor/ceiling plant inside reaction, Draygon's broken turret grappled reaction, unused FX type 22h top row, Samus in heat/lava/acid, spike collision reaction, air spike inside reaction $0A52: Knockback direction { 0: None 1: Up left 2: Up right 4: Down left 5: Down right } $0A54: Knockback X direction. 0 = left, 1 = right $0A56: Bomb jump direction { 0: None 1: Left 2: Straight 3: Right + 800h: Bomb jump active(?) } $0A58: Samus movement handler. Bank $90. Called by $0A44 handlers: $E725/$E7F5/$E833/$E8EC { $946E: Released from grapple swing $94CB: Samus drained - crouching $A337: Normal $D068: Shinespark windup $D0AB: Vertical shinespark $D0D7: Diagonal shinespark $D106: Horizontal shinespark $D346: Shinespark crash - echoes circle Samus $D3F3: Shinespark crash - echoes finished circling Samus $D40D: Shinespark crash - finish $D678: Crystal flash - start $D6CE: Crystal flash - main $D75B: Crystal flash - finish $DF38: Knockback $E025: Bomb jump - start $E032: Bomb jump - main $E90E: RTS $E94F: X-ray $F04B: Unused. Shinespark beam related? $F072: Unused. Shinespark beam related? } $0A5A: Timer / Samus hack handler. Bank $90. Called by $0A44 handler $E725 { $E09B: Handle letting Samus up from being drained $E0C5: Handle letting Samus fail to stand up from being drained $E0E6: Handle timer $E114: Draw timer $E12E: Push Samus out of Ceres Ridley's way $E1C8: Pushing Samus out of Ceres Ridley's way $E2A1: Grabbed by Draygon $E37E: RTS $E3A3: Unused. Pushing morph ball Samus out of Ceres Ridley's way $E41B: Unused. Special falling. Accelerates Samus Y speed up to 5, then sets her animation frame to 4 (invisible) if she's falling $E90E: RTS. Normal } $0A5C: Samus drawing handler { $EB52: Default $EB86: Firing grapple beam $EBF2: RTS. Set by unused code timer / Samus hack handler $90:E35A $EBF3: Shinespark crash echo circle $EC14: Using elevator $EC1D: Inanimate Samus. Set by death sequence and suit pickup } $0A5E: Unused. Debug command handler. Pointer to code to run (JMP from $90:F530). Only ever set to $F534 (RTS). After the RTS are some specific debug functions: { $F534: RTS $F535: Give Samus a shinespark if Y is newly pressed $F54C: Disable rainbow Samus and stand her up if controller 2 Y is newly pressed $F561: Release Samus from drained pose if Y newly pressed } $0A60: Samus pose input handler. Pointer to code to run (JMP from $90:E90F) (Once every frame, depending on 7E0A42) Looks like it handles controller input for Samus' poses. { $E90E: RTS. Shinespark / crystal flash / bomb jump / yapping maw $E913: Normal $E918: X-ray $E91D: Demo $E926: Auto-jump hack (used when e.g. landing from jump, turning around) } $0A62: Samus push direction (for Ceres Ridley escape) { 0: None 1: Left 2: Right } $0A64: Grapple connected flags { 1: Samus is connected 2: Related to Draygon releasing Samus } $0A66: Samus X speed divisor. Halves Samus X speed this many times, up to 4 times. Also slows down animations linearly, no limit. Incremented/decremented by Draygon gunk. Set to 2 by Shitroid $0A68: Special Samus palette timer. Used for speed booster shine, shinesparking, crystal flash bubble, but not speed boosting or x-ray $0A6A: Samus health warning is on $0A6C: Samus X speed table pointer. Used for base speed ($0B46). Pointer to table of Ch byte entries, indexed by Samus movement type { AAAA aaaa MMMM mmmm DDDD dddd A.a: X acceleration M.m: Max X speed D.d: X deceleration $9F55: Normal. Set by most block inside reactions $A08D: Water $A1DD: Acid/lava } $0A6E: Samus contact damage index. The lower number is used when Samus is in many of these states { 0: Normal 1: Speed boosting 2: Shinesparking 3: Screw attacking 4: Pseudo screw attacking } $0A70: Unused $0A72: Samus visor palette timer $0A73: Samus visor palette index. Multiple of 2. Colour math backdrop rooms use 6..Ah. 0..4 *would* be used for x-ray, but x-ray uses $0ACE for the palette index instead $0A74: Samus suit palette index. Updated by $90:ECB6 { 0: No suit 2: Varia suit 4: Gravity suit } $0A76: Hyper beam flag $0A78: Time is frozen flag { 1: X-ray is active 8000h: Samus is dying or auto reserve tanks are active } $0A7A..93: X-ray RAM { $0A7A: X-ray state { 0: No beam 1: Beam is widening 2: Full beam 3..5: Various stages of deactivating beam (one frame each) } $0A7C: X-ray angular width delta $0A7E: X-ray angular subwidth delta $0A80: Used during X-Ray. Set to 0001 when beam reaches max size. Set to FFFF when ending XRay, then cleared $0A82: X-ray angle (clockwise, 40h = right, C0h = left) $0A84: X-ray angular width $0A86: X-ray angular subwidth $0A88..92: X-ray indirect HDMA table } $0A7A..93: Demo input RAM { $0A7A: Demo input pre-instruction $0A7C: Demo input instruction timer $0A7E: Demo input instruction list pointer $0A80: Demo input timer $0A82: Demo input initialisation parameter. Unused, as all demo input object initialisation functions are RTS $0A84: Demo input $0A86: Demo newly pressed input $0A88: Flag. 8000h enables demo input $0A8A: Recorded demo duration. If negative, demo is not being recorded. Number of frames of input recorded to bank $B8 $0A8C: Previous demo input (during demo input processing) $0A8E: Previous demo newly pressed input (during demo input processing) $0A90: Backup of previous controller 1 input ($0DFE) during demo (actual hardware buttons, not game generated demo input) $0A92: Backup of previous newly pressed controller 1 input ($0E00) during demo (actual hardware buttons, not game generated demo input) } $0A88..92: Suit pickup indirect HDMA table. E4h,$9800, E4h,$98C8, 98h,$9990, 00h,00h $0A94: Samus animation frame timer $0A96: Samus animation frame. Indexes animation delay data ([$91:B010 + [Samus pose] * 2]), Samus spritemap table ($92:808D + [$92:9263/945D + [Samus pose] * 2]), tiles animation definitions ([$D94E + [Samus pose] * 2]), arm cannon drawing data ([$C7DF + [Samus pose] * 2] + 2/4) $0A98: Unused $0A9A: Samus animation frame skip. If positive: gives the Samus Animation frame to use when Samus pose changes. If negative: don't change animation frame when Samus pose changes $0A9C: Samus animation frame buffer (added to 09A4 to get total Animation delay). Used when Samus is in liquid. 0002 = Lava/Acid, 0003 = Water. Negated by Gravity Suit $0A9E: Grapple walljump timer. 1Eh frames $0AA0: Reached Ceres elevator fade timer. 60 frames $0AA2: Shinespark windup/crash timer. Crystal flash raise Samus timer $0AA4: STZ'd during poses #$39, #$3A, #$3F, #$40. Unused poses. Never read $0AA6: Flag. Arm cannon is open / opening (else arm cannon is closed / closing) $0AA7: Flag. Arm cannon is opening/closing $0AA8: Arm cannon frame (0 = closed/none, 3 = fully open) $0AAA: Arm cannon toggle flag. 1 = toggle (set if HUD item changed this frame), 2 = otherwise $0AAC: Arm cannon drawing mode. Second byte of $90:C7DF table entries { 0: Arm cannon isn't drawn 1: Arm cannon is drawn normally 2: Samus is facing forward (same as 0?) } $0AAE..CB: Speed echo variables { ; Speed boosting / shinesparking / speed echo projectiles { $0AAE: Speed echoes index (0/2). FFFFh when echoes merge back into Samus $0AB0: Speed echo 0 X position $0AB2: Speed echo 1 X position $0AB4: Speed echo 2 X position (speed echo projectiles) $0AB6: Speed echo 3 X position (speed echo projectiles) $0AB8: Speed echo 0 Y position $0ABA: Speed echo 1 Y position $0ABC: Speed echo 2 Y position (speed echo projectiles) $0ABE: Speed echo 3 Y position (speed echo projectiles) $0AC0: Speed echo 0 X speed $0AC2: Speed echo 1 X speed $0AC4: Draw speed echo 2 flag (speed echo projectiles) $0AC6: Draw speed echo 3 flag (speed echo projectiles) $0AC8: Samus' top half spritemap index $0ACA: Samus' bottom half spritemap index } ; Shinespark crash echo circle { $0AAE: Distance from Samus $0AAF: Shinespark crash echo circle phase $0AB0: Speed echo 0 X position $0AB2: Speed echo 1 X position $0AB4: Speed echo angle delta $0AB8: Speed echo 0 Y position $0ABA: Speed echo 1 Y position $0ABC: Shinespark crash echo circle timer $0AC0: Speed echo 0 angle during shinespark crash echo circle $0AC2: Speed echo 1 angle during shinespark crash echo circle } } $0ACC: Special Samus palette type. Index for $91:D72D. { 0: Screw attacking / speed boosting 1: Speed booster shine 2: Unused. Causes misc. Samus palette handler to run twice 6: Shinesparking 7: Crystal flash 8: X-ray 9: Unused. Causes visor palette handler to take priority over beam effects Ah: Unused. Nothing } $0ACE: { Special Samus palette frame. Index used to get current Samus palette. Used for screw attack, speed boosting, speed booster shine, shinespark, crystal flash bubble X-ray palette index Rainbow Samus palette timer reset value } $0AD0: { X-ray palette timer Speed boosting palette timer Rainbow Samus palette timer Crystal flash Samus palette frame } $0AD2: Liquid physics type { 0: Air 1: Water 2: Lava/acid } $0AD4..DB: Atmospheric graphics animation timers. 8000h behaves like 0. Otherwise, negative means "do nothing" $0ADC..E3: Atmospheric graphics X positions $0AE4..EB: Atmospheric graphics Y positions $0AEC..F3: Low byte: Atmospheric graphics animation frames. High byte: Atmospheric graphics types { 1/2: Footstep splashes (uses slots 0/1 when running, uses slots 2/3 when landing) 3: Diving splash (uses slot 0) 4: Lava/acid surface damage (uses all slots) 5: Bubbles (uses slot 2) 6: Dust due to landing (uses slots 2/3). Also used for wall jump (slot 3 only) 7: Dust due to speed boosting (uses slots 0/1) } $0AF4: Auto-jump timer. Counts the number of frames Jump is held, if Samus lands and 0 < timer < 9, the game adds the jump button as part of the changed input for the duration of $90:E926, which calls $91:8000 causing an auto-jump $0AF6: Samus X position $0AF8: Samus X subposition $0AFA: Samus Y position $0AFC: Samus Y subposition $0AFE: Samus X radius. Samus left boundary = [$0AF6] - [$0AFE], Samus right boundary = [$0AF6] + [$0AFE] - 1 $0B00: Samus Y radius. Samus top boundary = [$0AFA] - [$0B00], Samus bottom boundary = [$0AFA] + [$0B00] - 1 $0B02: Collision direction (direction of movement that causes collision) { 0: Left 1: Right 2: Up 3: Down Fh: Disables special air/block collisions. Used for wall-jump check (and collision detection due to change of pose for some reason) } $0B04: Samus spritemap X position ([$0AF6] adjusted for Ceres elevator - [$0911]) $0B06: Samus spritemap Y position (([$0AFA] adjusted for Ceres elevator - [$0915]) adjusted for pose). High byte ignored $0B08: Unused $0B0A: Ideal layer 1 X position. [Samus' X position] - (camera distance) $0B0C: Unused $0B0E: Ideal layer 1 Y position. [Samus' Y position] - [up/down scroller] $0B10: Samus previous X position. Updated at end of scrolling routine ($90:94EC). Used to calculate camera X speed $0B12: Samus previous X subposition. Updated at end of scrolling routine ($90:94EC) $0B14: Samus previous Y position. Updated at end of scrolling routine ($90:94EC). Used to calculate camera Y speed $0B16: Samus previous Y subposition. Updated at end of scrolling routine ($90:94EC) $0B18: Charged shot glow timer $0B1A: Cleared when Samus lands, hits her head on the ceiling, or she hits a block while shinesparking. Never read $0B1C..1F: Unused $0B20: Morph ball bounce state { 0: Not bouncing 1: Morph ball - first bounce 2: Morph ball - second bounce 601h: Spring ball - first bounce 602h: Spring ball - second bounce } $0B22: Flag. Samus is falling $0B24: Temp value, used during Samus' graphics calculations. Shareable. $0B26: Temp value, used during Samus' graphics calculations. Shareable (even with the above byte). $0B28: Unused $0B2A: Set to 0 sometimes. Never read $0B2C: Samus Y subspeed $0B2E: Samus Y speed. Samus Y velocity for jump in ending sequence ($8B:F651). Allowed to become -1 via deceleration, which must be handled specially (e.g. bomb jump movement in $90:8F1B) $0B30: Unused $0B32: Samus Y subacceleration / shinespark Y subacceleration delta / shinespark X subacceleration $0B34: Samus Y acceleration / shinespark Y acceleration delta / shinespark X acceleration $0B36: Samus Y direction { 0: None 1: Up 2: Down } $0B38: Cleared when Samus lands after jumping or falling. If Samus is morphed and bounces, it only clears on the last bounce. Never read $0B3A: Unused $0B3C: Samus running momentum flag. Set when pressed run whilst running, cleared when releasing forward while running or stopped. Checked for speed boost counter processing, checked by snail collision, some other stuff $0B3E: Speed boost timer. If [speed boost counter] < 4: reset to 1, number of Samus run cycles before incrementing speed boost counter and playing speed booster sound effect. If [speed boost counter] = 4, reset to 2, AFAIK nothing special happens in this case $0B3F: Speed boost counter. 4 = speed boosting $0B40: Flag, Samus' echoes sound is playing. $0B42: Samus X extra run speed (due to holding the run button) / shinespark X speed. Set for vertical shinesparks too, but never read $0B44: Samus X extra run subspeed / shinespark X subspeed $0B46: Samus X base speed (due to general movement). A.k.a. 'momentum' (because it slows down gradually when you let go of forward when running and from grapple swing, but other times it doesn't work this way, like with damage boosting, wall jumping, failing mockball) $0B48: Samus X base subspeed. A.k.a. 'submomentum' $0B4A: Samus X acceleration mode { 0: Accelerating (accelerating in the direction Samus is facing and moving) 1: Turning around (accelerating in direction Samus is facing, but opposite the direction she's moving) 2: Decelerating (accelerating opposite the direction Samus is facing/moving) } $0B4C: Samus X deceleration multiplier. Multiply deceleration by v/100h, 0 is treated as 100h. Set to 10h by unused ice physics air, otherwise always 0 $0B4E..55: Unused $0B56: Extra Samus X subdisplacement $0B58: Extra Samus X displacement. Added after speed calculations ($0DBC) $0B5A: Extra Samus Y subdisplacement $0B5C: Extra Samus Y displacement. If non-zero: running on slopes doesn't push Samus down, bouncing Y movement doesn't happen $0B5E: Pose transition shot direction. High byte set indicates that a shot should be fired, low byte is as with $0C04. Set when turning out of moonwalk or pressing shoot while spin jumping with charge beam equipped $0B60: SBA angle delta. Used by ice/plasma SBA $0B62: Samus' charge palette index. Includes pseudo screw attack $0B64..77: Projectile X positions $0B78..8B: Projectile Y positions $0B8C..9F: Projectile X subpositions $0BA0..B3: Projectile Y subpositions $0BB4..C7: Projectile X radii $0BC8..DB: Projectile Y radii $0BDC..E5: Projectile X velocities (unit 1/100h px/frame). Distance from Samus for speed echoes / spazer/plasma SBA / end of ice SBA $0BE6..EF: Bomb X speeds $0BF0..F9: Projectile Y velocities (unit 1/100h px/frame). SBA timer for wave/ice SBA. Angle delta for spazer SBA. Phase for plasma SBA $0BFA..0C03: Bomb Y speeds $0C04..0D: Projectile directions { 0: Up, facing right 1: Up-right 2: Right 3: Down-right 4: Down, facing right 5: Down, facing left 6: Down-left 7: Left 8: Up-left 9: Up, facing left 10h+: Delete projectile Graphically: 9 0 8 1 7 # 2 6 3 5 4 } $0C0E..17: Bomb directions. Cleared on bomb drop, checked by bomb spread (where it's always 0) $0C18..2B: Projectile types { $0C22: Main bomb in bomb spread ; Masked with Fh for beam type (corresponds to [equipped beams]) ; Masked with 3Fh for cooldown table index in fire beam code and trail instruction list table index in spawn projectile code ; Masked with 20h in beam trail code to check for spazer SBA ; Masked with F00h for projectile type 1: Wave / normal bomb explosion 2: Ice 4: Spazer 8: Plasma 10h: Charged 24h: Spazer SBA trail 25h: Unused projectile. Uses the ice + wave/spazer beam trail, has a hitbox half as wide as shinespark echo, damage = F000h... 26h: Unused clone of 24h. Would occasionally have ice properties 27h: Unused projectile (shinespark beam?) 29h: Shinespark echo (behaves like plasma + wave sometimes) 100h: Missile (corresponds to [HUD item index] * 100h) 200h: Super missile (corresponds to [HUD item index] * 100h) 300h: Power bomb 400h: (Reserved for grapple beam according to $7E:7002) 500h: Bomb 600h: (Reserved for Samus contact according to $7E:7002) 700h: Beam explosion 800h: (Super) missile explosion 1000h: Charge beam equipped 8000h: Don't interact with Samus (bomb spread sets this bit, reflec/bang clear this bit) } $0C2C..3F: Projectile damages $0C40..53: Projectile instruction pointers { Instruction format: If t & 8000h = 0: tttt ssss xx yy ffff t: Timer s: Spritemap pointer x: Projectile X radius y: Projectile Y radius f: Projectile trail frame. Used to index beam trail offset table, see $9B:A4B3 If p & 8000h != 0: pppp p: Pointer to function } $0C54..67: Projectile instruction timers $0C68..7B: Projectile pre-instructions { $0C72: Main bomb in bomb spread } $0C7C..85: Projectile variables { (Super) missile: High: projectile initialised flag. Low: if not initialised, extra base speed (set to F0h by projectile reflection) Super missile: Low: if initialised, super missile link index Super missile link: 0 (Lower Norfair pirate checks this) Ice/spazer/plasma SBA / speed echo: Angle of projectile from Samus (unit 2pi / 100h radians, clockwise, 0 = up) Wave SBA: Projectile Y velocity } $0C86..8F: Bomb timers. Set to FFFFh by power bomb when explosion is spawned $0C90..99: Projectile trail timers $0C9A..A3: Bomb Y subspeeds $0CA4..B7: Projectile variables. Used by spazer SBA and bomb spread { Spazer SBA: Projectile phase { 0: Circling 2: Flying up towards point 4: Flying up away from point } } $0CB8..CB: Projectile spritemap pointers $0CCC: Cooldown timer $0CCE: Projectile counter $0CD0: Flare counter (charging beam / firing hyper beam, firing grapple beam). Maxes out at 78h in both cases. Set to 8000h when firing hyper beam (which allows for hyper beam instant bomb spread) $0CD2: Bomb counter $0CD4: Bomb spread charge timeout counter. Bomb spread is automatically released after C0h frames (see $90:C0AB) $0CD6: Flare animation frame (charge beam / hyper beam / grapple beam) $0CD8: Flare slow sparks animation frame (charge beam / hyper beam) $0CDA: Flare fast sparks animation frame (charge beam / hyper beam) $0CDC: Flare animation timer (charge beam / hyper beam / grapple beam) $0CDE: Flare slow sparks animation timer (charge beam / hyper beam) $0CE0: Flare fast sparks animation timer (charge beam / hyper beam) $0CE2: Power bomb explosion X position (including when used to blow up Ceres station) $0CE4: Power bomb explosion Y position (including when used to blow up Ceres station) $0CE6: 100h + X position of power bomb on screen. High byte used to decide on-screen-ness: 0 = left of screen, 1 = on screen, 2 = right of screen, otherwise completely off-screen $0CE8: Power bomb explosion HDMA table index. 1FFh + Y position of screen on power bomb. Used to index indirect HDMA tables ($89:9800/A101) $0CEA: Power bomb explosion radius. Specifically X radius, Y radius is this * 3/4. Units of 1/100h px. Starts on 400h, ends on FA00h / 20B0h (for power bomb / crystal flash respectively) $0CEC: Power bomb pre-explosion flash radius. Specifically X radius, Y radius is this * 3/4. Units of 1/100h px. Starts on 400h, ends on F000h $0CEE: Power bomb flag (includes both unexploded bomb and explosion) { 0: Power bomb is not active FFFFh: Power bomb is active } $0CF0: Power bomb (pre-)explosion radius speed. [$88:8DE7] = 30h is main radius acceleration, [$88:90DD] = 80h is pre explosion radius acceleration $0CF2: Pre-scaled power bomb explosion shape definition pointer. See $88:9246/9F06 $0CF4: Grapple beam flags { 1: Grapple beam liquid physics 8000h: Grappling enemy } $0CF6: Grapple pose change auto-fire timer. Set to Ah upon firing $0CF8: Slow grapple scrolling flag. Screen scrolls at 3 pixels per frame. Enabled during grappling when speed is very low, disabled when grapple beam is newly shot. $0CFA: Grapple beam end angle. Angle to Samus from grapple beam. Unit pi/8000h radians. 0 = up, 4000h = right, 8000h = down, C000h = left $0CFC: Grapple beam end angle. Mirror of $0CFA. Used to index grapple swing Samus X/Y offsets table ($9B:C1C2) $0CFE: Grapple beam length. Unconnected grapple beam is cancelled after 80h. Connected grapple beam max length is 3Fh $0D00: Grapple beam length delta $0D02: Grapple beam origin X offset (relative to Samus' X position) $0D04: Grapple beam origin Y offset (relative to Samus' Y position) $0D06: Grapple beam end X subposition $0D08: Grapple beam end X position $0D0A: Grapple beam end Y subposition $0D0C: Grapple beam end Y position $0D0E: Grapple beam end X suboffset $0D10: Grapple beam end X offset (relative to grapple beam X origin) $0D12: Grapple beam end Y suboffset $0D14: Grapple beam end Y offset (relative to grapple beam Y origin) $0D16: Grapple beam start X position $0D18: Grapple beam start Y position $0D1A: Grapple beam flare X position $0D1C: Grapple beam flare Y position $0D1E: Off-screen x-ray / morph ball eye beam HDMA data table index in $91:C54B for beams that aim up-right / down-right. Cleared in grapple beam RAM clearing routines, never read $0D20: Cleared in grapple beam RAM clearing routines, never read $0D22: Grapple beam extension X subvelocity $0D23: Grapple beam extension X velocity $0D24: Grapple beam extension Y subvelocity $0D25: Grapple beam extension Y velocity $0D26: Grapple swing angular velocity. Unit pi/8000h radians. Positive = clockwise, negative = anticlockwise. Capped at ±480h $0D28: Grapple swing angular acceleration due to angle of swing (up-right = 6, down-right = 24, up-left = -6, down-left = -24, halved if liquid physics) $0D2A: Grapple swing angular acceleration due to button input (left = Ch, right = -Ch, halved if liquid physics) $0D2C: Grapple swing angular deceleration (due to angle of swing), applied to speed only when Samus is rising (up-right = 1, down-right = 5, up-left = -1, down-left = -5) $0D2E: Extra grapple swing angular velocity. Does not participate in the 480h speed cap. Unit pi/8000h radians. Positive = clockwise, negative = anticlockwise. Starts at ±300h $0D30: Grapple kick cooldown timer. Set to 10h when bouncing off a wall/ceiling $0D32: Grapple beam function { $C4F0: Inactive $C51E: Fire / go to cancel $C703: Firing $C759: Unused. Unfiring $C77E: Connected - locked in place $C79D: Connected - swinging $C814: Wallgrab $C832: Wallgrab release ; $C856+ are drawn without grapple beam (see $90:EB86) $C856: Cancel $C8C5: Dropped $C9CE: Walljumping $CB8B: Released from swing } $0D34: Direction grapple is fired { 0: Up, facing right 1: Up-right 2: Right 3: Down-right 4: Down, facing right 5: Down, facing left 6: Down-left 7: Left 8: Up-left 9: Up, facing left Graphically: 9 0 8 1 7 # 2 6 3 5 4 } $0D36: Special grapple beam angle handling flag. 8000h = enabled $0D38: Failed grapple swing movement counter in unused branch of $94:ACFE $0D3A: Set to 2 when starting grapple beam. Never read $0D3C: Cleared when starting grapple beam. Never read $0D3E: Grapple beam start animation timer $0D40: Grapple beam start animation tile pointer. Bank $9A. Set to $8200 when starting grapple beam $0D42..61: Grapple segment animation instruction timers $0D62..81: Grapple segment animation instruction list pointers { Instruction format: If t & 8000h = 0: tttt aaaa t: Timer a: Tile number and attributes If p & 8000h != 0: pppp p: Pointer to function } $0D82..9D: Grapple beam collision temporaries { $0D82: { Grapple beam X quarter-subvelocity in $94:A85B Jump address in $9B:B97C Grapple beam end angle * 2 parameter to $94:A957 } $0D84: { Grapple beam X quarter-velocity in $94:A85B Distance from grapple beam end parameter to $94:A957 } $0D86: { Grapple beam Y quarter-subvelocity in $94:A85B New grapple beam end angle * 2 in $94:ACFE } $0D88: { Grapple beam Y quarter-velocity in $94:A85B Target grapple beam end angle * 2 in $94:ACFE } $0D8A: { Loop counter in $94:A85B New grapple beam length in $94:AC31 } $0D8C: Target grapple beam length in $94:AC31 $0D8E: Samus front boundary offset from grapple beam start in $94:AC31 $0D90: X position calculated by $94:A957 $0D92: Y position calculated by $94:A957 $0D94: X block calculated by $94:A957 $0D96: Y block calculated by $94:A957 $0D98: Distance of grapple swing collision from Samus' feet per $94:ABE6. Unit 8px $0D9C: Total grapple swing angular velocity in $94:ACFE } $0D82..8F: Wavy Samus BG3 X scroll indirect HDMA table $0D82..8F: Backup of controller bindings during intro $0D82: Backup of Samus X position in $90:8C1F when drawing Samus $0D84: Backup of Samus Y position in $90:8C1F when drawing Samus $0D9C..A1: Wavy Samus variables { $0D9C: Wavy Samus enable flag $0D9E: Wavy Samus amplitude $0DA0: Wavy Samus phase delta } $0DA0: Loop counter for transferring enemy tiles to VRAM $0DA2: Camera X speed (used only when camera is moving). Calculated from the absolute difference from Samus' previous and current position + 1 (but can be zero, see $90:96C0) $0DA4: Camera X subspeed $0DA6: Camera Y speed (used only when camera is moving). Calculated from the absolute difference from Samus' previous and current position + 1 (but can be zero, see $90:96FF) $0DA8: Camera Y subspeed. Absolute Y subdistance Samus moved last frame $0DAA: Distance Samus moved left (negative). Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved right $0DAC: Subdistance Samus moved left (negative). Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved right $0DAE: Distance Samus moved right. Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved left $0DB0: Subdistance Samus moved right. Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved left $0DB2: Distance Samus moved up (negative). Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved down $0DB4: Subdistance Samus moved up (negative). Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved down $0DB6: Distance Samus moved down. Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved up $0DB8: Subdistance Samus moved down. Used for projectile initial speed. Zero if moved up $0DBA: Flag. Samus position was adjusted by a slope. If set, Samus does *not* add $0DBC to the distance moved down when grounded (see $90:923F) $0DBC: Total Samus X speed. (base speed + run speed) / 2^(speed divisor), doesn't include distance moved due to $0B58 $0DBE: Total Samus X subspeed $0DC0: Resume charging beam sound effect flag. If set, $90:F576 plays resume charging beam sound effect. Set when landing from damage boost $0DC2: Previous beam charge counter $0DC4: Current block index (nth block of the room) $0DC6: Samus solid vertical collision result. Something for setting Samus prospective pose ($0A28/$0A2E) { 0: No change 1: Landed. Samus collided with block or solid enemy during down movement ("down movement" as in $90:9440) 2: Falling. Samus didn't collide with a block or solid enemy during down movement 3: Unused. Hit a ceiling but don't kill Y speed? 4: Hit ceiling. Samus collided with block or solid enemy during up movement ("up movement" as in $90:93EC) 5: Wall jump triggered } $0DC7: Samus downwards movement solid collision result. Used with $0DC6 = 1/2 { If [$0DC6] = landed: 0: Grounded 1: Morph ball grounded 2: Unused 3: Spring ball grounded 4: No change If [$0DC6] = falling: 0: Airborne 1: Morph ball airborne 2: Unused 3: Spring ball airborne 4: No change } $0DC8..CD: Unused $0DCE: Flag. Samus X speed killed due to collision (with block or solid enemy). 4 if collision direction is left, 8 if right, but only checked for non-zero $0DD0: Samus solid collision flag. Set to 0 in a bunch of places for no reason. Only checked for zero, but block and solid enemy collision are given distinct values { 0: No collision 1: Block collision (set by $94:971E/9763), checked to end shinespark FFFFh: Solid enemy collision (set by $90:9350/93B1/93EC/9440), checked to finish Samus drained movement / knockback / bomb jump / Ceres Ridley pushing, to kill Samus X speed, to set solid vertical collision result } $0DD2: Projectile proto type. Loaded from a proto weapon constants table at $90:C37B. Used in (power) bomb explosion block collision detection to determine if projectile is bomb or power bomb { 0: Normal 1: Wave beam 2: Bomb 3: Power bomb FFh: Invalid } $0DD4: Collision variable { Solid slope definition table base index in $86:85C2/8676 / $94:81B8/8230/8D2B/A66A/A71A / $A0:C32E/C3B2 Samus left/right X offset in $94:8000 Samus bottom/top Y offset in $94:80E0 Target bottom/top Y offset in $86:874E / $94:86FE / $A0:C51F Y distance into slope in $94:87F4 / $A0:C8AD Multiplication counter in $86:853C / $94:9447 Projectile Y offset in $94:A58F } $0DD6: Slope collision variable { Slope flip flags in $86:85C2/8676 / $94:81B8/8230/8D2B/A66A/A71A / $A0:C32E/C3B2 Slope definition table base index in $86:874E / $94:8000/80E0/86FE/87F4/A58F / $A0:C51F/C8AD } $0DD8..DB: Unused $0DDC: Suit pickup light beam widening speed (or narrowing speed). Unit 1/100h px/frame $0DDE: Projectile index (FFFE for grapple) $0DE0: Debug invincibility. 7 = invincible. Enabled by going to "reset to default" in the controller settings and pressing L L L L R R R on controller 2 in debug mode (see $82:F1DB). TODO: write about how it's disabled $0DE2..E9: Death animation variables { $0DE2: Death animation timer $0DE4: Death animation index $0DE6: Death animation counter $0DE8: Death animation pre-flashing timer } $0DE2: Game options menu index. On-boot Nintendo logo timer { 0: Finish fading out 1: Loading options menu 2: Fading in options menu 3: Options menu 4: Start game 5: Dissolve out screen 6: Dissolve in screen 7: Controller settings 8: Special settings 9: Scroll controller settings down Ah: Scroll controller settings up Bh: Transition back to file selection Ch: Fading out options menu to start game } $0DEA: Crystal flash ammo decrementing index. Used as jump target for unused game state 1Ch (see $91:D4DA), never set to a pointer by anything though { 0: Missiles 1: Super missiles 2: Power bombs } $0DEC..F3: Ending clear time digits. Calculated by $8B:F3CE { $0DEC: Hours tens digit $0DEE: Hours units digit $0DF0: Minutes tens digit $0DF2: Minutes units digit } $0DEC..F3: Suit pickup variables { $0DEC: Suit pickup stage $0DEE: { Suit pickup light beam height (when appearing) Suit pickup light beam left/right positions. Low byte = left position, high byte = right position Suit pickup light beam top position (when shrinking) } $0DF0: Suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop red component $0DF1: Suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop green component $0DF2: Suit pickup colour math subscreen backdrop blue component $0DF3: Suit pickup palette transition colour. 0 = orange, 1 = blue } $0DEC..F3: Crystal flash variables { $0DEC: Crystal flash ammo decrementing timer (from 10 to 0) $0DEE: Cleared and then unused $0DF0: Crystal flash Samus Y position (after she's raised 14h pixels). Unsure of purpose $0DF2: Crystal flash Samus palette timer } $0DEC: { Shinespark Y acceleration Draygon-escape button counter (target is 60) Samus appears fanfare timer Debug death animation flag. Disables the white-out so that Samus suit explosion animation is unobscured Demo control flags { Set to 1 if pressed button to exit demos Set to 8000h if demo set has another scene remaining } } $0DEE: { Shinespark Y subacceleration Draygon-escape previous d-pad input } $0DF4: Debug. Spare CPU display flag. Toggled by Y whilst select + L is held $0DF6: Debug. Samus tile viewer flag. Toggled by B whilst select + L is held $0DF8: Unknown. Cleared at start. Read when Samus changes to a running pose, otherwise unused. $0DFA: Unknown. Cleared at start. OR'd with 1 sometimes, related to Samus' speed, shifted left by 8 every frame. Never read meaningfully $0DFC: Unknown. Cleared at start. Cleared again when loading demo data $0DFE: Previous controller 1 input. Updated by $90:EAB3 (part of draw Samus / projectiles routine) $0E00: Previous newly pressed controller 1 input. Updated by $90:EAB3 (part of draw Samus / projectiles routine) and also $82:8AB0 (end of main game loop) $0E02: Samus bottom boundary position in $94:9B60 ([Samus Y position] + [Samus Y radius] - 1) $0E04: Distance to eject Samus left due to post grapple block collision. Never read $0E06: Distance to eject Samus right due to post grapple block collision. Never read $0E08: Distance to eject Samus up due to post grapple block collision. Used by $90:EF22 (post grapple collision detection) $0E0A: Distance to eject Samus down due to post grapple block collision. Tested by $90:EF22 (post grapple collision detection), never used for ejection } $0E0C..108B: Ending shooting stars. 10h byte entries { + 0: Star index + 1: Animation frame. Range 0..26h, 8+ are all the same. If 80h, star isn't drawn and doesn't move, i.e. a delay period + 2: X position + 4: X subposition + 6: Y position + 8: Y subposition + Ah: Animation timer + Ch: X velocity. Unit 1/100h px/frame + Eh: Y velocity. Unit 1/100h px/frame } $0E0C..11: Unused $0E12: Debug. Disable sprite interactions (bomb jumps, enemy and enemy projectile collision (including power bombs)) $0E14: Unused $0E16: Elevator properties { 1: Samus is standing on elevator 80h: Door is an elevator (same as $0793) } $0E18: Elevator status { 0: Inactive 1: Leaving the room 2: Room transition 3: Entering the room } $0E1A: Health drop bias flag. Set if drop at health below 30, cleared if health at least 50. $0E1C: Enemy index to shake (due to walljump whilst frozen). FFFFh = no enemy to shake $0E1E: Flag. Request enemy BG2 tilemap VRAM transfer. BG2 tilemap is at $7E:2000, also see extended tilemap format in "Enemy RAM.asm" $0E20..41: Enemy temporaries { $0E20: { Demo recorder frame counter X position Enemy projectile position on screen in $86:E6E0 Enemy projectile X radius in $86:EFE0 / $A0:9894 Enemy bank in $A0:8D64 Enemy population data pointer in $A0:92DB Enemy Y position on screen in $A0:944A Enemy death explosion type in $A0:A3AF/A410 Absolute X distance from enemy to Samus in $A0:ACA8 Threshold in $A0:AEED/AF0B Angle in $A0:B691 Enemy debugger hex value X position in $B4:9F7E } $0E22: { Demo recorder frame counter Y position Enemy projectile Y radius in $86:EFE0 / $A0:9894 Loop counter in $A0:9275 Enemy X position on screen in $A0:944A Absolute Y distance from enemy to Samus in $A0:ACA8 Swoop Y speed in $A5:8817 Enemy debugger hex value Y position in $B4:9F7E } $0E24: { Demo recorder frame counter Enemy header pointer in $86:EF29 Angle from enemy to Samus reflected to down-right quadrant in $A0:ACA8 X speed in $A0:B691 / $A3:89F3/C716 Swoop Y position in $A5:8817 Possibly erroneous X velocity in $A5:9FE0 Enemy debugger hex value in $B4:9F7E } $0E26: { Number of enemy parts to spawn in $A0:92DB x²/r in $A0:ACA8 X subspeed in $A0:B691 Swoop Y position index in $A5:8817 Enemy set entry pointer in $B4:94D5/9758 } $0E28: { Enemy header pointer in $86:F106 (never read) Y speed in $A0:B691 180h in $A5:8817 (never read) } $0E2A: { Y subspeed in $A0:B691 [Enemy projectile $7E:F410] & 7FFFh in $86:F106. Never read Metal skree particle VRAM tiles index in $A3:8B0F Row Y position in $B4:94D5/9758 } $0E2C: { Metal skree particle palette index in $A3:8B0F Rows of VRAM in $B4:9758 } $0E2E: { Enemy hit flag in normal enemy shot AI Loop counter in $A0:8D64 } $0E30: Unused $0E32: { Enemy layer in $A0:884D Enemy damage multiplier in $A0:A4A1/A5C1/A6DE Right/bottom boundary position + 1 in $A0:A8F0 Enemy X position in $A0:ACA8 Operand in $A0:AFEA/B07D Absolute value in $A0:B067 Magnitude in $A0:B0DA Some index in $A3:DC1C Target Y position in $A3:EB98/EDEB/EECE/EF07 Something in $A8:A742 Spit projectile speed in $B3:9EE0/9F34 } $0E34: { Enemy drawing queue index in $A0:9423 Enemy Y position in $A0:ACA8 Absolute difference in $A0:B07D Angle in $A0:B0DA } $0E36: { Enemy drawing queue size backup in $A0:884D Samus X position in $A0:ACA8 Sine product in $A0:B0DA Target position in $A3:DC1C } $0E38: { Enemy drawing queue index in $A0:884D Samus Y position in $A0:ACA8 Sine product fractional part in $A0:B0DA } $0E3A: { Enemy drawing queue address in $A0:884D Angle from enemy to Samus in $A0:ACA8 } $0E3C: X distance from enemy to Samus in $A0:ACA8 $0E3E: Y distance from enemy to Samus in $A0:ACA8 $0E40: { Enemy beam vulnerability in $A0:A6DE Enemy contact vulnerability in $A0:A4A1 } } $0E42: Unused $0E44: Number of times main enemy routine has been executed. Actually used by some enemies (e.g. mochtroid / Crocomire uses it for hurt timing, so does Mother Brain during rainbow beam) $0E46: Number of times $A0:8EB6 (determine which enemies to process) has been executed. Never read $0E48: Set to 0 when enemies are initialised (if there are enemies in the room). Never read $0E4A: New enemy index (when spawning an enemy) $0E4C: First free enemy index in the room + 1((n+1)*40). If 0, disable enemy processing (powerbombs still kill) $0E4E: Number of enemies in the room. Never read $0E50: Number of enemies killed in the current room. $0E52: Number of enemy deaths needed to clear current room $0E54: Enemy index $0E56: Backup of enemy index when spawning new enemy $0E58: Enemy data pointer ($0F78 + [enemy index]). Never read $0E5A..75: Enemy tile data loading data. 7 byte slots. Used by $A0:8C6C (load enemy tile data) when loading game { + 0: Enemy tile data size & 7FFFh + 2: Enemy tile data pointer + 5: Offset into $7E:7000 to load enemy tile data } $0E76..79: Unused $0E7A: Stack pointer for enemy tile data loading data $0E7C: Enemy tiles VRAM update source address. Bank $7E $0E7E: Enemy tiles VRAM update destination address $0E80..83: Unused $0E84..0F67: Enemy drawing queues (list of enemy indices), increasing priority { $0E84..A3: Layer 0 (enemies from here onwards are drawn over sprite objects, projectile explosions, and low priority enemy projectiles) $0EA4: Layer 1 $0EA6..C5: Layer 2 $0EC6: Layer 3 (enemies from here onwards are drawn over Samus and projectiles) $0EC8..E7: Layer 4 $0EE8..0F27: Layer 5 $0F28..47: Layer 6 (enemies from here onwards are drawn over high priority enemy projectiles) $0F48..67: Layer 7 } $0F68..77: Sizes of enemy drawing queues $0F78..1777: Enemy data. See "Enemy RAM.asm" for details { $0F78..B7: Enemy 0 { $0F78: ID $0F7A: X position $0F7C: X subposition $0F7E: Y position $0F80: Y subposition $0F82: X radius $0F84: Y radius $0F86: Properties (Special in SMILE) $0F88: Extra properties (special GFX bitflag in SMILE) $0F8A: AI handler $0F8C: Health $0F8E: Spritemap pointer $0F90: Timer $0F92: Initialisation parameter (Orientation in SMILE, Tilemaps in RF) / instruction list pointer $0F94: Instruction timer $0F96: Palette index $0F98: VRAM tiles index $0F9A: Layer $0F9C: Flash timer $0F9E: Frozen timer $0FA0: Invincibility timer $0FA2: Shake timer $0FA4: Frame counter $0FA6: Bank $0FA8: AI variable, frequently function pointer $0FAA: AI variable $0FAC: AI variable $0FAE: AI variable $0FB0: AI variable $0FB2: AI variable $0FB4: Parameter 1 (Speed in SMILE) $0FB6: Parameter 2 (Speed2 in SMILE) } $0FB8..F7: Enemy 1 $0FF8..1037: Enemy 2 $1038..77: Enemy 3 $1078..B7: Enemy 4 $10B8..F7: Enemy 5 $10F8..1137: Enemy 6 $1138..77: Enemy 7 $1178..B7: Enemy 8 $11B8..F7: Enemy 9 $11F8..1237: Enemy Ah $1238..77: Enemy Bh $1278..B7: Enemy Ch $12B8..F7: Enemy Dh $12F8..1337: Enemy Eh $1338..77: Enemy Fh $1378..B7: Enemy 10h $13B8..F7: Enemy 11h $13F8..1437: Enemy 12h $1438..77: Enemy 13h $1478..B7: Enemy 14h $14B8..F7: Enemy 15h $14F8..1537: Enemy 16h $1538..77: Enemy 17h $1578..B7: Enemy 18h $15B8..F7: Enemy 19h $15F8..1637: Enemy 1Ah $1638..77: Enemy 1Bh $1678..B7: Enemy 1Ch $16B8..F7: Enemy 1Dh $16F8..1737: Enemy 1Eh $1738..77: Enemy 1Fh } $1778: Fireflea flashing timer. Reset to 6 $177A: Fireflea flashing index. Cycles within range 0..Bh $177C: Initialised to 0 by fireflea FX. Otherwise unused $177E: Fireflea darkness level. Multiple of 2, range 0..Ah. Value of Ah stops the flashing $1780: Initialised to 18h by fireflea FX. Otherwise unused $1782: Initialised to 0 by fireflea FX. Otherwise unused $1784: Enemy AI pointer (3 bytes) $1788: Backup of enemy AI pointer when spawning new enemy $178C: Enemy graphics drawn hook (3 bytes). Executed after drawing Samus, projectiles, enemies and enemy projectiles { Set to $A3:DB0C by reflec (periodically cycle between palettes) Set to $A5:9342 by Draygon (set BG2 X/Y scroll) Set to $A6:A2F2 by Ceres Ridley (draw Baby Metroid and door) Set to $A8:B0B2 by Norfair lava creature (periodically cycle between palettes) Set to $A8:CC67 by Wrecked Ship robot (periodically cycle between palettes) Set to $A8:E86E by blue Brinstar face block when Samus has morph ball (periodically cycle between palettes) Set to $A9:87C9/87DD by Mother Brain (draw brain and neck) Set to $A9:D39A by dead torizo } $1790: 3 byte pointer. Set to RTL when loading enemies, otherwise unused $1794..99: General purpose variables for enemy graphics drawn hook? $179A: Enemy BG2 tilemap size $179C: Boss ID. Used by $90:A7E2 for table that determines how to mark boss room as explored. Used in $91:D143 to check if x-ray should be disabled. { 0: None 1: Ceres Ridley 2: Torizo 3: Kraid 4: Spore Spawn 5: Ridley 6: Crocomire 7: Phantoon 8: Draygon 9: Botwoon Ah: Mother Brain } $179E: Cleared when loading enemies, set to 10h by Crocomire, otherwise unused $17A0: Cleared when loading enemies, otherwise unused $17A2: Disables drawing of enemies. Cleared during main enemy routine, never set $17A4: Active enemy indices stack pointer $17A6: Interactive enemy indices stack pointer $17A8: Active enemy indices index $17AA: Interactive enemy indices index $17AC..EB: Active enemy indices, FFFFh terminated $17EC..182B: Interactive enemy indices, FFFFh terminated $182C: Enemy index when Samus moving left collides with solid enemy. FFFFh for no collision. Used by shutters and dead enemies $182E: Enemy index when Samus moving right collides with solid enemy $1830: Enemy index when Samus moving up collides with solid enemy $1832: Enemy index when Samus moving down collides with solid enemy $1834: Distance between Samus and enemy when Samus moving left collides with solid enemy. Never read $1836: Distance between Samus and enemy when Samus moving right collides with solid enemy. Never read $1838: Distance between Samus and enemy when Samus moving up collides with solid enemy. Never read $183A: Distance between Samus and enemy when Samus moving down collides with solid enemy. Never read $183C: Global off-screen enemy processing flag. Set by Draygon and Spore Spawn for some reason $183E: Earthquake type. Range 0..23h. 14h (BG1, BG2 and enemies, 1 pixel displacement, diagonal) knocks small enemies off walls (set by super missiles ($93:8125), also during Ceres escape ($A6:F76B)) { Earthquake type = d + 3i + 9l where: d (direction): 0: Horizontal shaking. Enemy shaking is always horizontal (unlike enemy projectiles) 1: Vertical shaking 2: Diagonal shaking i (intensity): 0: 1 pixel displacement. Enemy shaking is always 1 pixel displacement (unlike enemy projectiles) 1: 2 pixel displacement 2: 3 pixel displacement l (layers): 0: BG1 only 1: BG1 and BG2 2: BG1, BG2 and enemies. Includes enemy projectiles 3: BG2 only and enemies. Includes enemy projectiles Python snippet: ; print(f'Earthquake type = {["BG1 only", "BG1 and BG2", "BG1, BG2 and enemies", "BG2 only and enemies"][t // 9]}, {t // 3 % 3 + 1} pixel displacement, {["horizontal", "vertical", "diagonal"][t % 3]}') } $1840: Earthquake timer $1842: Frame counter (*every* frame). Incremented in $A0:8687 (handle room shaking) $1844: Sprite object index $1846: Debug enemy index (for enemy debugger) $1848: Log index for unused enemy function $A0:918B $184A: Samus X position when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $184C: Samus X subposition when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $184E: Enemy X position when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $1850: Enemy X subposition when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $1852: Samus position delta when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $1854: Samus subposition delta when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $1856: Samus Y position when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $1858: Samus Y subposition when Samus collides with solid enemy. Never read $185A: Solid enemy collision type. Never read. Debug spritemap palette bits in sprite tiles viewer (0 means use palette defined in spritemap) { 1: Samus and the enemy were touching (Samus [$0B02] boundary = opposite enemy boundary) 2: Samus and the enemy were not touching 3: Unused. Samus and the enemy were overlapping. Set by unused branch $A0:AB84. Enable by NOPing $A0:AB81, has glitchy effects when freezing enemy whilst inside hitbox. } $185C: Debug index (bank $B4) { 0: Default { Controller 2 start => debug menu Controller 2 select => debug index = 10h Controller 2 L => toggle enemy time is frozen flag Controller 2 R => debug index = 5 Controller 2 A => toggle sprite interactions flag Select + L + A => debug index = 1 Select + L + X => debug index = 3 } 1: Palette viewer - sprite palettes { Select + L + A => debug index = 2 } 2: Palette viewer - BG palettes. Overwrites/destroys sprite palettes and sprite tiles $7000..77FF { Select + L + A => debug index = 0 } 3: Sprite tiles viewer - 2nd half. Missing half the tiles? { Select + L + A => select next palette (in order: real, 1, 2, 3, 7) Select + L + X => debug index = 4 } 4: Sprite tiles viewer - 1st half. Missing half the tiles? { Select + L + X => debug index = 0 } 5: Enemy debugger - initialise. Loads debugger font and moves on to debug index 6 6: Enemy debugger - enemy mover { Controller 2 R => debug index = 7 Controller 2 select => next enemy Controller 2 B + select => previous enemy Controller 2 A => teleport enemy to Samus' right Controller 2 d-pad => move enemy slowly Controller 2 X + d-pad => move enemy quickly } 7: Enemy debugger - enemy spawn data editor { Controller 2 d-pad => move cursor Controller 2 X => increment digit Controller 2 B => decrement digit Controller 2 R => debug index = 0 Controller 2 select => debug index = 8 Controller 2 A => set debug enemy spawn position Controller 2 L => debug index = 9 } 8: Enemy debugger - respawn enemy. Moves on to debug index 0 9: Enemy debugger - enemy spawner { Controller 2 down => next enemy set entry Controller 2 R => debug index = 0 Controller 2 B + L => spawn enemy if enemy name != 0, debug index = 0 Controller 2 L => spawn enemy, debug index = 0 } Ah: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 0 { Controller 2 R => debug index = Bh } Bh: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 1 { Controller 2 R => debug index = Ch } Ch: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 2 { Controller 2 R => debug index = Dh } Dh: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 3 { Controller 2 R => debug index = Eh } Eh: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 4 { Controller 2 R => debug index = Fh } Fh: Enemy debugger - RAM viewer - page 5 { Controller 2 R => debug index = 10h } 10h: Enemy debugger - enemy allocation viewer { Controller 2 select => debug index = 0 } } $185E: Debug. Time is frozen for enemies (a la $0A78) $1860: Debug. Text cursor X position $1862: Debug. Text cursor Y position $1864: Debug enemy set entry index $1866: Debug enemy population pointer / debug previous controller 2 input for Crocomire $1868: Debug enemy spawn X position $186A: Debug enemy spawn Y position $186C: Unused $186E: Enemy spritemap entry pointer when detecting collisions between enemies and projectiles or Samus $1870: Enemy left boundary for enemy/projectile collisions $1872: Enemy bottom boundary for enemy/projectile collisions $1874: Enemy right boundary for enemy/projectile collisions $1876: Enemy top boundary for enemy/projectile collisions $1878: Enemy; pointer at (graphic pointer + 8) + 2 $187A: Enemy spritemap entry X position during enemy collision detection with projectiles or Samus. Also used as a mirror of projectile damage if they do collide, then later total damage. $187C: Enemy spritemap entry Y position during enemy collision detection with projectiles or Samus. $187E: Samus right boundary when enemy is checking for collisions with Samus $1880: Samus left boundary when enemy is checking for collisions with Samus $1882: Samus bottom boundary when enemy is checking for collisions with Samus $1884: Samus top boundary when enemy is checking for collisions with Samus $1886..99: Unused $189A: Samus' target X position in $A0:A8F0 (Samus / solid enemy collision detection). [Samus X position] adjusted by [$12].[$14] (+ 1 if new X subposition is 0(!)) $189C: Samus' target X subposition in $A0:A8F0 (Samus / solid enemy collision detection) $189E: Samus' target Y position in $A0:A8F0 (Samus / solid enemy collision detection). [Samus Y position] adjusted by [$12].[$14] (+ 1 if new Y subposition is 0(!)) $18A0: Samus' target Y subposition in $A0:A8F0 (Samus / solid enemy collision detection) $18A2: Mirror of Samus' X radius ($0AFE) during Samus / solid enemy collision detection $18A4: Mirror of Samus' Y radius ($0B00) during Samus / solid enemy collision detection $18A6: Various use collision detection index (Samus/Enemy is an enemy index, Enemy/Projectile is a projectile index) $18A8: Samus invincibility timer $18AA: Samus knockback timer $18AC: Projectile invincibility timer (prevents bomb jump and damage from reflected projectiles). Set to 10 by shooting beam, 20 by shooting missile. AranJaeger proposes this might be to make the Draygon fight less frustrating. $18AE: Flag. Disable Samus / projectile interaction if non-zero. Always 0 $18B0: HDMA objects enable flag. 8000h = enabled. Power bombs not affected $18B2: HDMA object index $18B4..BF: Low bytes: HDMA object channels (bitmask for HDMA channels to enable, starts at 4) $18C0..CB: Low bytes: HDMA object channel indices (multiples of 10h, starts at 20h). High bytes: HDMA object banks $18CC..D7: HDMA object instruction list pointers $18D8..E3: HDMA object table pointers $18E4..EF: HDMA object instruction timers $18F0..FB: HDMA object pre-instructions $18FC..1907: Low bytes: HDMA object pre-instruction banks $1908..13: Low bytes: HDMA object timers $1914..1F: HDMA object variables. Cleared when HDMA object spawned { Wave phase for wavy Phantoon. Multiple of 2 Wave phase for wavy Samus. Multiple of 2 BG3 Y offset for rain. Unit 1/100px BG3 Y offset for fog. Unit 1/100px Backup BG2 X scroll for x-ray Wave phase for wavy lava/acid. Multiple of 2 Wave phase for water. Multiple of 2 Unused wave phase for spores. Multiple of 2 BG2 Y suboffset for Tourian entrance statue Max colour intensity for haze Colour index for rainbow beam Red/green colour components for morph ball eye beam } $1920..2B: HDMA object variables. Cleared when HDMA object spawned { Phase increase timer for wavy Phantoon Phase increase timer for wavy Samus BG3 X offset for rain. Unit 1/100px BG3 X offset for fog. Unit 1/100px Backup BG2 Y scroll for x-ray Phase decrease timer for wavy lava/acid Phase increase timer for water Unused phase increase timer for spores BG2 Y offset for Tourian entrance statue Colour component flags for haze Blue colour component for morph ball eye beam } $192C..37: HDMA object variables. Cleared when HDMA object spawned { Backup BG2 tilemap base address and size for x-ray BG3 X offset for water. Unit 1/100px BG3 Y offset for spores. Unit 1/100px Descent delay timer for Tourian entrance statue Angular width for morph ball eye beam } $1938..43: HDMA object variables. Cleared when HDMA object spawned { BG3 X velocity for rain Power bomb explosion after-glow animation frame BG3 X offset for spores. Unit 1/100px Angular subwidth for morph ball eye beam } $1944..4F: HDMA object variables. *Not* cleared when HDMA object spawned { Previous layer 1 Y position for rain } $1950..5B: HDMA object variables. *Not* cleared when HDMA object spawned { Previous layer 1 X position for rain } $195C: FX Y subposition $195E: FX Y position. Negative = disabled. Used as water Y position if water physics are enabled ($197E) $1960: Lava/acid Y subposition $1962: Lava/acid Y position. Negative = disabled $1964: FX tilemap pointer (bank $8A) $1966: Current FX entry pointer $1968: Current FX entry offset ([$07CD] + [$1968] = [$1966]) $196A: Current FX palette FX / animated tiles bitset (LSR'd out during FX loading) $196C: FX rising function. Bank $88 { $B343: Used by lava / acid, handles lavaquake $C428: Used by water / Tourian entrance statue } $196E: FX type { 0: None 2: Lava 4: Acid 6: Water 8: Spores Ah: Rain Ch: Fog 20h: Unused. Scrolling sky 22h: Unused 24h: Fireflea 26h: Tourian entrance statue 28h: Ceres Ridley 2Ah: Ceres elevator 2Ch: Haze (used in Ceres via room setup ASM) } $1970: FX Y suboffset ([$195C] = [$1976] + [$1970]) $1972: FX Y offset ([$195E] = [$1978] + [$1972]) $1974: Tide phase (units of pi/8000h radians) $1976: FX base Y subposition $1978: FX base Y position. Same as lava/acid Y position for lava/acid $197A: FX target Y position $197C: FX Y subvelocity $197D: FX Y velocity $197E: FX liquid options (FX C) { 1: Liquid flows (leftwards) 2: If acid/lava: layer 2 is vertically wavy. If water: layer 2 is horizontally wavy 4: If acid/lava: layer 2 is horizontally wavy (unused). If water: liquid physics are disabled (used in n00b tube room and elevatube) 8: Used by a bunch of rooms (see "FX entries by FX C.asm") but has no effect 40h: Big tide (liquid fluctuates up and down, a la the gauntlet) 80h: Small tide (liquid fluctuates up and down) } $1980: FX timer $1982: Default layer blending configuration (FX A) $1984: FX layer 3 layer blending configuration (FX B) $1986: Layer blending configuration. See start of "Bank $88.asm" $1987: Layer blending window 2 configuration { 0: None 10h: X-ray active and FX type = fireflea 20h: X-ray active and can't show blocks (and FX type != fireflea) 40h: X-ray active and can show blocks (and FX type != fireflea) 80h: Power bomb explosion active } $1988: Phantoon semi-transparency flag. If 4000h bit set, changes layer blending configuration to 1Ah (normal, but BG2 and BG3 have reversed roles) $198A..8C: Unused $198D..1C1E: Enemy projectile data. 12h enemy projectiles max { $198D: Flag. 8000h enables enemy projectiles $1991: Enemy projectile index $1993: Enemy projectile initialisation parameter 0 $1995: Enemy projectile initialisation parameter 1. Used by Draygon's gunk, Ridley's fireball, and Norfair lavaquake rocks $1997..BA: Enemy projectile IDs $19BB..DE: Enemy projectile graphics indices. Low: VRAM graphics index. High: palette index (OR'd with spritemap palette) $19DF..1A02: Enemy projectile timers (according to instructions $81C6/$81CE/$81D5) { Used as target Y position in $8A7D Shot gate segment distance moved. Unit 1/100h px } $1A03..26: Enemy projectile pre-instructions $1A27..4A: Enemy projectile X subpositions { Mother Brain's room turrets allowed rotations pointer Mother Brain's bomb number of afterburn enemy projectiles } $1A4B..6E: Enemy projectile X positions $1A6F..92: Enemy projectile Y subpositions { Low: Mother Brain's room turrets direction index High: Mother Brain's room turrets direction index delta } $1A93..B6: Enemy projectile Y positions $1AB7..DA: Enemy projectile X velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) for enemy projectiles that move with $86:88B6 { Crocomire spike wall pieces / lava seahorse fireball / Tourian statue unlocking particle / Norfair lavaquake rocks X velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) Phantoon flame rain fall timer Phantoon starting flame contract timer Phantoon destroyable enraged flame angle delta Botwoon's body function Botwoon spit X speed Draygon goop X speed Mini-Crocomire projectile / nami/fune fireball / lava thrown by lavaman right X velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) Mother Brain's room turrets rotation timer Mother Brain's rainbow beam explosion X offset n00b tube shard / released air bubbles falling angle * 2 Spike shooting plant spike speed (unit 1/100h px/frame) Falling spark Y subvelocity } $1ADB..FE: Enemy projectile Y velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) for enemy projectiles that move with $86:897B { Lava seahorse fireball / Tourian statue's soul / Tourian statue unlocking particle / shot gate Y velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) Botwoon's body falling time counter Botwoon spit Y speed Phantoon flame radius from Phantoon Draygon goop Y speed Mini-Crocomire projectile / nami/fune fireball / lava thrown by lavaman left X velocity (unit 1/100h px/frame) Crocomire spike wall pieces / falling spark Y velocity (unit px/frame) Norfair lavaquake rocks Y speed table index Mother Brain's room turrets cooldown timer Mother Brain's rainbow beam explosion Y offset Spike shooting plant spike negated speed (unit 1/100h px/frame) } $1AFF..1B22: Enemy projectile variables { Eye door projectile angle to Samus * 2 Botwoon's body instruction list table index Botwoon's body pre-fall wait counter n00b tube crack on-screen X position n00b tube shard / released air bubbles on-screen X subposition Phantoon flame angle from Phantoon Phantoon destroyable flame function timer Phantoon destroyable casual flame bounce counter Ceres elevator pad timer Botwoon spit X subspeed Draygon goop X subspeed / life timer Mini-Crocomire projectile function Crocomire spike wall pieces X acceleration (unit 1/10000h px/frame^2) Enemy projectile $9634 movement delay timer Afterburn remaining afterburn enemy projectiles Pirate / Mother Brain laser half-speed flag Pirate claw X speed Bomb Torizo explosion / torizo sonic boom / Tourian statue dust clouds reset X position Old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explosion reset X position (unused) Golden Torizo egg direction. 8000h = rightwards, 0 = leftwards Golden Torizo super missile enemy index Tourian statue unlocking particle angle * 2 Tourian statue - Ridley / Phantoon / base decoration X position mirror Norfair lavaquake rocks function Mother Brain's room turret bullets direction index Mother Brain's blue ring lasers initial delay timer Mother Brain's bomb post-bounce X speed Mother Brain's drool attached position offset index Mother Brain's exploded escape door particles delete timer Mother Brain's tube falling function Mother Brain's glass shattering - shard angle * 2 Kago bug sound effect timer Maridia floater spike / spike shooting plant spike direction Spore movement table index Nami/fune fireball / lava thrown by lavaman function Shot gate PLM block index Falling spark X subvelocity Pickup type. 2 = small health, 4 = big health, 6 = power bombs, 8 = missiles, Ah = super missiles } $1B23..46: Enemy projectile variables { n00b tube shard / released air bubbles on-screen X position Botwoon's body instruction list Botwoon spit Y subspeed Bomb Torizo statue breaking Y acceleration (unit 1/100h px/frame^2) Draygon goop Y subspeed / Y offset Crocomire spike wall pieces Y subvelocity Ridley's fireball afterburn flag. 0 = spawn afterburn Afterburn next projectile ID Pirate claw deceleration flag Bomb Torizo explosion / torizo sonic boom / Tourian statue dust clouds reset Y position Old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explosion reset Y position (unused) Golden Torizo egg hatch timer Eye door projectile PLM room argument Tourian statue - Ridley / Phantoon / base decoration Y offset Norfair lavaquake rocks Y (sub)velocity. Used only as a temporary Mother Brain's bomb bounce counter Kago bug enemy index Spore spawn X position Spore spawner spore spawn timer Falling spark X velocity (unit px/frame) Pickup expiration timer } $1B47..6A: Enemy projectile instruction list pointers $1B6B..8E: Enemy projectile spritemap pointers $1B8F..B2: Enemy projectile instruction timers $1BB3..D6: Enemy projectile radii. Low: X radius. High: Y radius. If either one is 0, intangible. $1BD7..FA: Enemy projectile properties { v & FFFh: Damage 8000h: Enable collisions with projectiles 4000h: Don't die on contact 2000h: Disable collisions with Samus 1000h: High priority (drawn over enemies/Samus/projectiles) } $1BFB..1C1E: Enemy projectile collided projectile type. Written as part of enemy projectile / projectile collision handling ($A0:99F9), but never read by anything { Kago bug jump timer } } $198D..1C1E: Non-gameplay use { $198D: Mode 7 transformation angle. Units of pi/80h radians $198F: Mode 7 transformation zoom level. Scale factor = 100h / [$198F] $1991: Mode 7 X subposition $1993: Mode 7 X position $1995: Mode 7 Y subposition $1997: Mode 7 Y position $1999: Mode 7 X subspeed $199B: Mode 7 X speed $199D: Mode 7 Y subspeed $199F: Mode 7 Y speed ; Mode 7 object definitions are at: ; $8B:A355: Baby metroid in title sequence ; $8B:D401..42: Japanese intro text (runs dummy mode 7 transfers, used only for ASM instructions...) $19A1..A4: Mode 7 object instruction list pointers $19A5..A8: Mode 7 object pre-instructions $19A9..AC: Mode 7 object instruction timers $19AD..B0: Mode 7 object timers $19B1: Mode 7 object index $19B3: Mode 7 object initialisation parameter. Never read ; Cinematic BG object definitions are at: ; $8B:CF3F..CF74: Intro ; $8B:F748..EF53: Ending $19B5..BC: Cinematic BG object indirect instruction pointer (bank $8C) $19BD: Cinematic BG object index $19CD..D4: Cinematic BG object instruction list pointers $19D5..DC: Cinematic BG object pre-instructions $19DD..E4: Cinematic BG object instruction timers $19E5..EC: Cinematic BG object timers $19F1: Cinematic BG objects enable flag $19F3: Cinematic BG tilemap update flag $19F5: Cinematic BG VRAM address ; Intro { ; Text glow is spawned by the intro text cinematic BG objects via indirect instruction function $884D $19F7..1A06: Text glow object indirect instruction pointers (bank $8C), see $19B5. Used only for the size parameters (which are both always 1) $1A07..16: Text glow object timers $1A17..26: Text glow object X positions $1A27..36: Text glow object Y positions $1A37..46: Text glow object palette indices (multiple of 400h) $1A47: Text glow object index } ; Ending { $19F7: Credits object instruction list pointer $19FD: Credits object pre-instruction $19FF: Credits object enable flag. Negative = enabled $1A05: Shooting stars enable flag } $1A49: Cinematic function timer $1A4B: Intro cross-fade timer? $1A51: Cinematic frame counter ; Cinematic sprite object definitions are at: ; $8B:A0EF..A12A: Title sequence ; $8B:CE55..CF3E: Intro, Ceres, Zebes ; $8B:EE9D..EF98: Ending $1A57: Intro Samus display flag. If non-zero, draw Samus, projectiles during intro. If negative, enemies (cinematic sprite objects) are drawn last (meaning under Samus) { 0: Samus/projectiles not displayed 1: Samus/projectiles displayed under cinematic sprite objects FFFFh: Samus/projectiles displayed over cinematic sprite objects } $1A59: Cinematic sprite object index $1A5D..7C: Cinematic sprite object spritemap pointers (bank $8C) $1A7D..9C: Cinematic sprite object X positions $1A9D..BC: Cinematic sprite object Y positions $1ABD..DC: Cinematic sprite object palette indices $1ADD..FC: Cinematic sprite object variables { Critters escape X subposition Zebes explosion stars X subposition Yellow clouds X subposition } $1AFD..1B1C: Cinematic sprite object variables { Critters escape Y subposition Zebes explosion stars X subvelocity Yellow clouds Y subposition } $1B1D..3C: Cinematic sprite object instruction list pointers $1B3D..5C: Cinematic sprite object pre-instructions $1B5D..7C: Cinematic sprite object instruction timers $1B7D..9C: Cinematic sprite object timers (according to instructions $94C3, $94CD, $94D6) { Super Metroid icon speed Zebes explosion stars X velocity } $1B9D: Cinematic sprite object initialisation parameter $1B9F: Intro/ending frame counter. Only incremented if positive. Not used for anything $1BA1: Intro text click flag $1BA3: Intro Japanese text timer } $198D..BC Menus { $198D: Menu selection missile animation timer $198F: File copy arrow palette timer $1991: Slot A Samus helmet animation timer. 0 = not animating $1993: Slot B Samus helmet animation timer. 0 = not animating $1995: Slot C Samus helmet animation timer. 0 = not animating $1997: Menu selection missile animation frame $199B: Slot A Samus helmet animation frame $199D: Slot B Samus helmet animation frame $199F: Slot C Samus helmet animation frame $19A1: Menu selection missile X position $19A5: Slot A Samus helmet X position $19A7: Slot B Samus helmet X position $19A9: Slot C Samus helmet X position $19AB: Menu selection missile Y position $19AF: Slot A Samus helmet Y position $19B1: Slot B Samus helmet Y position $19B3: Slot C Samus helmet Y position $19B5: File copy/clear menu selection $19B7: File copy source slot / file clear slot $19B9: File copy destination slot } $1A8F..1B4A: Game options menu { $1A8F: Game options menu object index $1A93: Game options menu object initialisation parameter $1A9D..AC: Game options menu object spritemap pointers $1AAD..BC: Game options menu object X positions $1ABD..CC: Game options menu object Y positions $1ACD..DC: Game options menu object palette indices. Multiple of 200h $1ADD..EC: Game options menu object variables. Initialised to zero, otherwise unused $1AED..FC: Game options menu object variables. Initialised to zero, otherwise unused $1AFD..1B0C: Game options menu object instruction list pointers $1B0D..1C: Game options menu object pre-instructions $1B1D..2C: Game options menu object instruction timers $1B2D..3C: Game options menu object timers $1B3D..4A: Game options menu controller bindings. Shoot, jump, run, item switch, item cancel, aim up, aim down { 0: X 1: A 2: B 3: Select 4: Y 5: L 6: R } } $1C1F: Message box index { 1: Energy tank 2: Missile 3: Super missile 4: Power bomb 5: Grappling beam 6: X-ray scope 7: Varia suit 8: Spring ball 9: Morphing ball Ah: Screw attack Bh: Hi-jump boots Ch: Space jump Dh: Speed booster Eh: Charge beam Fh: Ice beam 10h: Wave beam 11h: Spazer 12h: Plasma beam 13h: Bomb 14h: Map data access completed 15h: Energy recharge completed 16h: Missile reload completed 17h: Would you like to save? 18h: Save completed 19h: Reserve tank 1Ah: Gravity suit 1Bh: Terminator 1Ch: Would you like to save? (Used by gunship) 1Dh: Terminator (save completed, unused) } $1C21: Unused ; Also see $7E:DE1C..DF5B for more PLM RAM $1C23: PLM flag. Set to negative to enable PLMs. $1C25: PLM draw tilemap index (into $7E:C6C8) $1C27: PLM index $1C29: PLM X block (calculated by $84:8290) $1C2B: PLM Y block (calculated by $84:8290) $1C2D: PLM item GFX index (into $1C2F and some tables in $84:8764) $1C2F..36: Item PLM GFX pointers (bank $89, 100h bytes) $1C37..86: PLM IDs $1C87..D6: PLM block indices (into $7F:0002) $1CD7..1D26: PLM pre-instructions $1D27..76: PLM instruction list pointers $1D77..C6: PLM timers (according to instructions $873F, $8747, $874E, $875A) { Used as advancement stage ($84:B876 table index) by lavaquake PLM ($84:B846) Used as trigger flag by gates and item collision detection Used as shot status by doors and Mother Brain's glass } $1DC7..1E16: PLM room arguments { Used as shot counter by Mother Brain's glass ($84:D1E6) Used as door hit counter by Dragon cannon with shield ($84:DB64) } $1E17..66: PLM variables { Respawn block (drawn by $84:8B17) Scroll PLM triggered flag ($84:B393) Samus X position for Brinstar plants (used by $84:AC89, set by $84:B0DC/B113) Grey door type ($84:BE3F) Draygon turret damaged flag address ($84:DB8E) } $1E67..6C: Custom draw instruction { $1E67: Number of blocks (must be 1) $1E69: PLM block $1E6B: Zero-terminator } $1E6D: Tourian entrance statue finished processing flag. 8000h = finished $1E6F: Tourian entrance statue animation state { 1: Phantoon is being processed 2: Ridley is being processed 4: Kraid is being processed 8: Draygon is being processed 8000h: Busy releasing lock of a boss } $1E71: Samus is in quicksand flag. Fakes collision with floor. Setting this flag only has an effect during vertical collision $1E73: Inside block reaction Samus point. Used by Maridia quicksand surface and scroll PLM trigger { 0: Bottom 1: Centre 2: Top } $1E75: Save station lockout flag. Set when triggering save station. Cleared when leaving the room. $1E77: Current slope BTS (non-square slopes only). Upper byte is set to next block's BTS during vertical slope collision $1E79: Flag. 8000h enables palette FX objects $1E7B: Palette FX object index $1E7D..8C: Palette FX object IDs $1E8D..9C: Palette FX object colour indices $1E9D..AC: Palette FX object variables $1EAD..BC: Palette FX object pre-instructions $1EBD..CC: Palette FX object instruction list pointers $1ECD..DC: Palette FX object instruction timers $1EDD..EC: Palette FX object timers $1EED: Samus in heat palette FX index. Used to keep track of where in the $E45E/E68A/E8B6 instruction list the game is so that switching suits doesn't desynch the Samus heat glow from the environmental heat glow $1EEF: Previous Samus in heat palette FX index $1EF1: Animated tiles object enable flag. 8000h = enabled $1EF3: Animated tiles object index $1EF5..1F00: Animated tiles object IDs $1F01..0C: Animated tiles object timers $1F0D..18: Animated tiles object instruction list pointers $1F19..24: Animated tiles object instruction timers $1F25..30: Animated tiles object source address (in $87) $1F31..3C: Animated tiles object sizes $1F3D..48: Animated tiles object VRAM addresses $1F49: Animated tiles object instruction $1F51: Cinematic function. Bank $8B. Used for game states 1/1Eh/22h/25h/27h (opening / intro / Ceres goes boom, Samus goes to Zebes / Ceres goes boom with Samus / ending and credits) $1F53: Demo timer. 15 second delay before transitioning to demos from title screen and demo scene timer otherwise $1F55: Demo set $1F57: Demo scene $1F59: Number of demo sets (4 if beaten game, otherwise 3) $1F5B..FF: Stack (Lowest observed ATM is 1FC5, 1FB5 by Jathys. No known used RAM above 1F5B) $7E:2000..9FFF: Room tiles. Decompressed here temporarily then transferred to VRAM $0000..3FFF { $7E:7000..9FFF: CRE tiles, or extended part of room tiles if [CRE bitset] & 4 != 0 } $7E:2000..2FFF: Enemy BG2 tilemap. Transfer is flagged via $0E1E, also see extended tilemap format in "Enemy RAM.asm". Used by Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, Mother Brain, Crocomire { Kraid: { $7E:2000..27FF: Kraid top half. Transferred to VRAM BG2 tilemap when unpausing. Also decompression buffer for Kraid's bottom half BG2 tilemap $7E:2800..2DFF: Kraid bottom half $7E:2FC0..FF: Used to clear rows of Kraid's tilemap when he's dying } Phantoon: { $21C6..0D: Eye - row 0 $2206..0D: Eye - row 1 { $2208..0B: Eyeball - row 0 } $2246..0D: Eye - row 2 { $2248..4B: Eyeball - row 1 } $2286..0D: Eye - row 3 $2304..05: Left tentacle - row 0 $2306..0D: Mouth - row 0 $230E..0F: Right tentacle - row 0 $2344..45: Left tentacle - row 1 $2346..4D: Mouth - row 1 $234E..4F: Right tentacle - row 1 } } $7E:2000..2FFF: Fading palette data { $7E:2000..21FF: Fading palettes $7E:2200..23FF: Initial palettes $7E:2400..25FF: Fading palettes - red component. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) $7E:2600..27FF: Fading palettes - green component. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) $7E:2800..29FF: Fading palettes - blue component. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) $7E:2A00..2BFF: Fading palettes delta - red component. Initialised to initial / 20h. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) $7E:2C00..2DFF: Fading palettes delta - green component. Initialised to initial / 20h. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) $7E:2E00..2FFF: Fading palettes delta - blue component. Initialised to initial / 20h. Values are * 100h (range 0..1F00h) } $7E:2000..2CFF: Corpse rotting graphics { $7E:2000..2EFF: Torizo $7E:2000..231F: Sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 $7E:2320..263F: Sidehopper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 $7E:2640..273F: Skree - enemy parameter 1 = 0 $7E:2740..283F: Skree - enemy parameter 1 = 2 $7E:2840..293F: Skree - enemy parameter 1 = 4 $7E:2940..29FF: Zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 0 $7E:2A00..2ABF: Zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 2 $7E:2AC0..2B7F: Zoomer - enemy parameter 1 = 4 $7E:2B80..2C3F: Ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 0 $7E:2C40..2CFF: Ripper - enemy parameter 1 = 2 } $7E:3000..37FF: Game options menu tilemap $7E:3000..37FF: Pause menu map tilemap $7E:3000..37FF: Cinematic BG tilemap { Intro text: { $7E:3000..FF: Top margin $7E:3100..35FF: English text region $7E:3600..FF: Japanese text region $7E:3700..FF: Bottom margin } } $7E:3000..31DF: Message box BG3 Y scroll HDMA data table { $7E:30BC..30F7: -(18h - [message box animation Y radius] / 100h) $7E:30F8..3133: 18h - [message box animation Y radius] / 100h $7E:3134..31DF: 0 } $7E:31D8..33E7: Dummy Samus wireframe tilemap during pause screen. Unsure of purpose, bug possibly, see $82:8EDA $7E:3200..337F: Message box tilemap. Transferred to $59A0/$59C0 (depending on message box size). Message tilemap begins at $7E:3240, save confirmation yes/no begins at $7E:3300 $7E:3380..86: Message box BG3 Y scroll indirect HDMA table $7E:3300..34FF: Backup of palettes during menu $7E:33EA: Backup of HDMA channels to enable ($85) during message boxes $7E:33EB: Backup of BG3 tilemap base address and size ($5B) during message boxes $7E:3400..37FF: Lower half of pause screen map BG2 tilemap. Presumably transferred to VRAM $3A00..3BFF $7E:3500..35: Backup of regular IO registers ($51..86) during game over menu $7E:3600..3DFF: Menu tilemap. BG1 for game over menu, BG2 (Zebes and stars) for file select menu in $81:9E93, then used for BG1 thereafter $7E:3800..3FFF: Cinematic BG tilemap. (Samus' head during intro) { $7E:3B40..BF: Samus' eyes } $7E:3800..3FFF: Room select map BG1 tilemap $7E:3800..3FFF: Equipment screen BG1 tilemap. Transferred to VRAM $3000..33FF { $7E:3900..3DFF: Non blank part. Transferred to VRAM $3080..32FF } $7E:3800..3FFF: Debug game over menu tilemap. Only used to fill with 000Fh for initial blank tilemap, not updated afterwards $7E:3800..3EFF: Cleared message box BG3 tilemap (see $85:81F3) $7E:4000..6FFF: X-ray tilemaps { $7E:4000..4FFF: X-ray BG2 tilemap $7E:5000..5FFF: Backup of BG2 tilemap during x-ray $7E:6000..6FFF: Backup of BG1 tilemap during x-ray } $7E:4000..4FFF: BG2 tilemap. Set to blank (0338h) or decompressed here temporarily, then transferred to VRAM $4800..4FFF $7E:4000..4FFF: Crocomire melting BG2 tiles $7E:4000..4EFF: FX tilemap when clearing FX tilemap $7E:4000..47FF: Decompression buffer for Kraid's top half BG2 tilemap $7E:4000..47FF: BG2 room select map tilemap $7E:4000..45FF: Intro Japanese text tiles (BG3) $7E:4100..47FF: Backup of VRAM $5880..5BFF during message boxes $7E:5000..53FF: Copy of VRAM $3E00..3FFF during pause screen in Kraid's room $7E:7000..97FF: Enemy tile data. Transferred to VRAM $6C00..7FFF by $A0:8CD7 when loading game, then cleared by enemy initialisation $7E:7000..77FF: Enemy spawn data. 40h byte slots { + 0: If not 0/8, then if enemy is respawning enemy placeholder, it can still interact with Samus, although it won't because its enemy touch is $804C. Never written + 2: Cause of death. Never read { 0 when grapple paralysis killed 3 when power bomb killed 4 when grapple killed 6 when Samus contact killed Projectile type when shot dead } ; Used for enemy respawn + 6: VRAM tiles index + 8: Palette index + 10h: Graphical X offset. Used by Ceres steam in Ceres elevator room when rotating + 12h: Graphical Y offset. Used by Ceres steam in Ceres elevator room when rotating ; Used for debug enemy spawner + 1Eh: ID + 20h: X position. Used by rinka + 22h: Y position. Used by rinka + 24h: Initialisation parameter (orientation in SMILE) + 26h: Properties (special in SMILE) + 28h: Extra properties (special GFX bitflag in SMILE) + 2Ah: Parameter 1 + 2Ch: Parameter 2 + 2Eh..39h: Name } $7E:7800..7FFF: Extra enemy RAM (40h bytes each) { Kraid: { $7E:7800: Next function. Kraid foot thinking timer $7E:7802: Set to 2 in Kraid main loop / Kraid shot if shot with charge beam, no effect $7E:7804: Initialised to 0 if Kraid is dead, otherwise unused $7E:7806: Kraid thinking timer $7E:7808: Minimum Y position to which Kraid will eject Samus. Initialised to 144h, then set to A4h when ceiling breaks $7E:780A: Kraid mouth reopen flags { 1: Shot body with charged beam this frame 2: Shot body with charged beam (during main loop - thinking) 4: Reopen mouth. Set when shot in mouth after being shot in body with charged beam } $7E:780B: Kraid mouth reopen counter. Set to 3 when shot in body with charged beam $7E:780C: Kraid max health * 1/8 $7E:780E: Kraid max health * 2/8. Kraid fingernail orientation: 0 if diagonal, 1 if horizontal $7E:7810: Kraid max health * 3/8 $7E:7812: Kraid max health * 4/8 $7E:7814: Kraid max health * 5/8 $7E:7816: Kraid max health * 6/8 $7E:7818: Kraid max health * 7/8 $7E:781A: Kraid max health * 8/8 $7E:781E: Kraid target X position $7E:7820: Kraid max health * 1/4 $7E:7822: Kraid max health * 2/4 $7E:7824: Kraid max health * 3/4 $7E:7826: Kraid max health * 4/4 $7E:782A: Kraid hurt frame (flashes white on odd frames) $7E:782C: Kraid hurt frame timer $7E:783E: Initialised to 0, otherwise unused } Botwoon: { $7E:7800..19: Enemy projectile indices. Dh entries. First entry is the tail $7E:7820..39: Body hidden flags. Dh entries. First entry is the tail } Draygon: { $7E:7800: Draygon left side reset X position. Set to spawn X position (= -50h) $7E:7802: Draygon reset Y position. Set to spawn Y position (= -50h) $7E:7804: Draygon right side reset X position. Set to spawn X position + 2A0h (= 250h) $7E:7806: Draygon goop counter. Number of remaining goops to fire, counts down from 10h $7E:780A: Draygon spiral X radius $7E:780C: Draygon spiral X position $7E:780E: Draygon spiral Y position $7E:7810: Draygon spiral angle $7E:7812: Draygon spiral X subradius $7E:7814: Draygon spiral Y subposition $7E:7816: Draygon spiral angle delta. Unit 1/100h angle-unit $7E:7818: Draygon tail whip timer $7E:781A: Draygon goop Y oscillation angle $7E:781C: Draygon health-based palette table index $7E:781E: Draygon swoop Y acceleration. Unit 1/100h px/frame². Initialised to 18h. Increased by 8 in enemy shot up to 98h (even for dud shots) } Crocomire: { $7E:783E: Melting HDMA object index } Mother Brain: { $7E:7800: Mother Brain's form { 0: First phase (in glass jar) 1: Fake death (from the last missile up until she's vulnerable again) 2: Second phase (includes being a corpse due to Shitroid) 3: Drained by Shitroid 4: Third phase } $7E:7802: Initialised to $9C21 (instruction list - Mother Brain's brain - initial) $7E:7804: Mother Brain pose (when body is active) { 0: Standing 1: Walking 2: Crouching transition (including uncrouching) 3: Crouched 4: Death beam mode 6: Leaning down (used when attacking Shitroid and when finishing off Samus) } $7E:7808: Mother Brain hitboxes enabled { 1: Mother Brain body 2: Mother Brain brain 4: Mother Brain's neck } $7E:780C: Disable Mother Brain attacks. Third phase only $7E:780E: Mother Brain walk counter. Mother Brain walks backwards if zero, forwards if 100h $7E:7812: Mother Brain HDMA object index. Used when rising and for rainbow beam $7E:7814: Set to [Mother Brain's body X position] - 50h in neck handler ($A9:91B8). See "MB reference point.png" $7E:7816: Set to [Mother Brain's body Y position] + 2Eh in neck handler ($A9:91B8) $7E:7818: Mother Brain's neck palette index $7E:781A: Mother Brain's brain palette index $7E:781C: Room palette instruction list pointer. Used for flashing effect when first phase ends. Positive instructions point to data for BG1/2 palette 3 colours 4..Fh (18h bytes) and BG1/2 palette 5/7 colours 3..Eh (18h bytes) $7E:781E: Room palette instruction timer. This timer counts up from 1 rather than down to zero(!) $7E:7826: Mother Brain Shitroid attack counter. Counts the number of times Mother Brain fires blue rings at Shitroid whilst it's refilling Samus' energy $7E:7828: Flag. Play Shitroid cry $7E:782A: Number of times to queue rainbow beam sound effect. Initialised to 6, not sure why this isn't just a flag... $7E:782C: Flag. Mother Brain rainbow beam sound effect is playing. Used for resuming sound effect when unpausing $7E:782E: Mother Brain death beam attack phase { 0: Back up 1: Wait for any active bombs 2: Death beam mode is active 3: Finish } $7E:7830: Mother Brain attack phase { 0: Try attack 1: Cooldown 2: End attack } $7E:7834: Mother Brain blue rings target angle. Anti-clockwise where 0 = down. Used as parameter for blue ring enemy projectile $7E:783A: Flag to delete turrets and rinkas. Set to 1 when first phase MB health reaches zero $7E:783C: Rinka counter. Number of on-screen active rinkas (active = moving) $7E:783E: Mother Brain phase 2 corpse state { 0: Initial 1: Turned into corpse by Shitroid 2: Recovered from being a corpse (started attacking Shitroid) } $7E:7840: Mother Brain's brain main shake timer $7E:7842: Mother Brain's body rainbow beam palette animation index $7E:7844: Enable unpause hook. Initialised to 0. Set to 1 when room switches to library background. Set back to 0 when escape timer starts. $7E:784A: Mother Brain bomb counter $7E:784C: Mother Brain painful walking stage. Range 0..7. MB slows down as this value increases Set to 0 when MB gets attacked by Shitroid $7E:784E: Mother Brain painful walking walk animation delay. Set to 2 when MB gets attacked by Shitroid { 2: Really fast 4: Fast 6: Medium 8: Slow Ah: Really slow } $7E:7850: Mother Brain painful walking function. Set to $BFD0 when MB gets attacked by Shitroid $7E:7852: Mother Brain painful walking function timer $7E:7854: Shitroid enemy index $7E:7856: Seemingly never read. Set to 1 when Shitroid runs out of health. Then set to 0 when Shitroid does final charge $7E:7860: Enable Mother Brain's brain palette handling $7E:7862: Enable Mother Brain health-based palette handling $7E:7864: Flag. Mother Brain's drool generation is enabled $7E:7866: Mother Brain's drool enemy projectile parameter, range 0..5 $7E:7868: Flag. Mother Brain's small purple breath generation is enabled $7E:786A: Flag. Mother Brain's small purple breath is active $7E:786C: Samus rainbow palette function $7E:7870: Mother Brain neck function. Used in third phase $7E:7872: Mother Brain neck function timer $7E:7874: Mother Brain walking function. Used in third phase $7E:7876: Mother Brain target X position. Used in third phase $7E:7878: Mother Brain crouch timer. Used in third phase $7E:787A: Samus rainbow palette animation counter. Incremented by 300h, animation doesn't slowing down on the frame wraparound happens... } } $7E:8000..87FF: Extra enemy RAM (40h bytes each) { Typewriter text: { $7E:8036: Typewriter instruction list pointer $7E:8038: Typewriter VRAM tilemap address $7E:803A: Typewriter instruction timer $7E:803C: Typewriter instruction timer reset value $7E:803E: Typewriter stroke timer } Botwoon: { $7E:8000: Initialisation timer. Initialised to 100h, Botwoon waits until it decrements to zero before first moving $7E:8002: Spit timer $7E:8004: Pre-death counter. Counts up to 100h before starting death sequence falling $7E:8006: Death counter. Counts up to C0h before deleting enemy, setting boss bit, and changing music $7E:8008: Large wall explosion timer. Spawns a large explosion sprite every 13 frames for the crumbling wall $7E:800A: Wall smoke timer. Spawns two smoke sprites every 5 frames for the crumbling wall $7E:800C: Decremented when reached target hole. Never read $7E:8010: Falling Y speed table index $7E:801C: Set by unused routine $967B, read by unused routine $9696 $7E:801E: Death flag $7E:8020: Body death flag $7E:8026: Head hidden flag $7E:8028: Previous head hidden flag $7E:802A: Hole collision disabled flag $7E:802C: Target position history index. Set when Botwoon's head reaches target hole, body projectiles disappear when they reach this $7E:802E: Target hole index. 0 = left, 8 = bottom, 10h = top, 18h = right $7E:8030: Speed. Used as number of movement data entries to move or px/frame depending on movement function $7E:8032: Target hole angle using the usual SM angle convention (never read) $7E:8034: Target hole angle using the common maths angle convention $7E:8036: Instruction list $7E:8038: Going through hole flag $7E:803A: Spit angle $7E:803C: Tail showing flag $7E:803E: Speed table index. Used for both Botwoon movement and spit projectile movement, although Botwoon only spits when this index is 0 } Draygon: { $7E:8000: Draygon facing direction. 0 = left, 1 = right $7E:8010: Draygon death drift X speed. Calculate on fatal damage, but never read $7E:8012: Draygon death drift X subspeed. Calculate on fatal damage, but never read $7E:8014: Draygon death drift Y speed. Calculate on fatal damage, but never read $7E:8016: Draygon death drift Y subspeed. Calculate on fatal damage, but never read } Crocomire: { $7E:8000: Acid damage sound effect timer } Ridley: { $7E:800A: Ridley's final attack swoop counter? } Mother Brain: { $7E:8000: Mother Brain's brain instruction timer. This timer counts up from 1 rather than down to zero(!) $7E:8002: Mother Brain's brain instruction list pointer. This seems to be used entirely in place of the usual enemy instruction pointer, and instead it's drawn in the enemy graphics drawn hook for some reason $7E:8004: Sprite tiles transfer entry pointer $7E:8006: Mother Brain's death beam next X subposition $7E:8008: Mother Brain's death beam next X position $7E:800A: Mother Brain's death beam next Y subposition $7E:800C: Mother Brain's death beam next Y position $7E:800E: Mother Brain's death beam next X velocity $7E:8010: Mother Brain's death beam next Y velocity $7E:8012: Mother Brain's death beam next angle. Units of pi/80h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise $7E:8022: Mother Brain rainbow beam angle. Units of pi/80h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise $7E:8026: Mother Brain rainbow beam angular width. Units of pi/8000h radians. Increased by 180h up to C00h during rainbow beam $7E:802E: Mother Brain grey transition counter / room lights transition counter $7E:8030: Mother Brain fake death explosion timer $7E:8032: Mother Brain fake death explosion index (into table of explosion positions) $7E:8034: Mother Brain rainbow beam right edge angle. Units of pi/80h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise $7E:8036: Mother Brain rainbow beam left edge angle. Units of pi/80h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise $7E:8038: Mother Brain rainbow beam right edge origin X position. Initialised to ([Mother Brain's brain X position] + Eh) * 100h $7E:803A: Mother Brain rainbow beam origin Y position. Initialised to [Mother Brain's brain Y position] + 5 $7E:803C: Mother Brain rainbow beam left edge origin X position. Initialised to ([Mother Brain's brain X position] + Eh) * 100h $7E:803E: Mother Brain rainbow beam origin Y position. Same as $803A. Used when beam is aimed right, $803A is used otherwise. Initialised to [Mother Brain's brain Y position] + 5 $7E:8040: Mother Brain's lower neck angle (segments 0..2). Units of pi/8000h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise. Initialised to 4800h $7E:8042: Mother Brain's upper neck angle (segments 3..4). Units of pi/8000h radians, 0 = down, increasing = anti-clockwise. Initialised to 5000h $7E:8044: Mother Brain's neck segment 0 X position $7E:8046: Mother Brain's neck segment 0 Y position $7E:8048: Mother Brain's neck segment 0 distance (from neck origin). Initialised to 2 $7E:804A: Mother Brain's neck segment 1 X position $7E:804C: Mother Brain's neck segment 1 Y position $7E:804E: Mother Brain's neck segment 1 distance (from neck origin). Initialised to 10 $7E:8050: Mother Brain's neck segment 2 X position $7E:8052: Mother Brain's neck segment 2 Y position $7E:8054: Mother Brain's neck segment 2 distance (from neck origin). Initialised to 20 $7E:8056: Mother Brain's neck segment 3 X position $7E:8058: Mother Brain's neck segment 3 Y position $7E:805A: Mother Brain's neck segment 3 distance (from neck origin). Initialised to 10 $7E:805C: Mother Brain's neck segment 4 X position $7E:805E: Mother Brain's neck segment 4 Y position $7E:8060: Mother Brain's neck segment 4 distance (from neck origin). Initialised to 20 $7E:8062: Flag to enable Mother Brain neck movement $7E:8064: Mother Brain lower neck movement index. Index for $9072 jump table { 0: Nothing 2: Bob down. Lower neck down to 2800h (then set index 4) 4: Bob up. Raise neck up to 9000h (then set index 2) 6: Lower. Lower neck down to 3000h (then set index 0) 8: Raise. Raise neck up to 9000h (then set index 0) } $7E:8066: Mother Brain upper neck movement index. Index for $9109 jump table { 0: Nothing 2: Bob down. Lower neck down to 2800h (then set index 4). Also set index 4 if [Mother Brain's brain Y position] + 4 >= [Samus Y position] 4: Bob up. Raise neck up to [Mother Brain's lower neck angle] + 800h (then set index 2) 6: Lower. Lower neck down to 3000h (then set index 0) 8: Raise. Raise neck up to [Mother Brain's lower neck angle] + 800h (then set index 0) } $7E:8068: Mother Brain neck angle delta. Positive = move in current direction according to $7E:8064/66, negative = move in opposite direction } } $7E:8800..8FFF: Extra enemy RAM (40h bytes each). Includes variables for corpse rotting effect { Draygon: { $7E:8800..0B: Draygon turret destroyed flags. Word per turret. First two entries are unused, last entry is set in Draygon init, otherwise they're set by the turret PLMs $7E:8806: Angle temporary in $A5:9185 and $A5:960D. Pretty pointless in both cases $7E:880C: Draygon fight intro dance index $7E:883C: Draygon body graphics X displacement $7E:883E: Draygon body graphics Y displacement } Corpse rotting: { $7E:8802: Corpse rotting rot entry Y offset $7E:8804..13: Working copy of enemy $7E:8828..37. Not enemy indexed, absolute addresses { $7E:8804: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function $7E:8806: Corpse rotting rot entry move function $7E:8808: Corpse rotting tile data row offsets pointer $7E:880A: Corpse rotting sprite height $7E:880C: Corpse rotting sprite height - 1 $7E:880E: Corpse rotting sprite height - 2 $7E:8810: Tile data offset to get from pixel row 6 of current tile row to pixel row 0 of next tile row $7E:8812: Corpse rotting rot entry finished hook } $7E:8824: Corpse rotting rot table pointer. Format: yyyy,tttt, ... where y is the Y offset of sprite to rot and t is rot activation timer $7E:8826: Corpse rotting VRAM transfers pointer. Format: size, source bank, source address, VRAM address (all 16 bit) $7E:8828: Corpse rotting rot entry copy function $7E:882A: Corpse rotting rot entry move function $7E:882C: Corpse rotting tile data row offsets pointer $7E:882E: Corpse rotting sprite height $7E:8830: Corpse rotting sprite height - 1 $7E:8832: Corpse rotting sprite height - 2 $7E:8834: Tile data offset to get from pixel row 6 of current tile row to pixel row 0 of next tile row $7E:8836: Corpse rotting rot entry finished hook } Botwoon: { $7E:8800: Movement table index $7E:8802: Set to 0 when Botwoon reaches end of movement data $7E:8804: Movement data pointer $7E:8808: Movement direction. 0 = forwards, FFFFh = backwards $7E:8816: Set to 0 sometimes, never read $7E:8818: Previous health during enemy shot $7E:881C: Palette data offset (should be 1E0h) $7E:881E: Health-based palette index. Multiple of 2 $7E:8820: X position 1 frame ago $7E:8822: Y position 1 frame ago $7E:8824: X position 2 frames ago $7E:8826: Y position 2 frames ago $7E:8828: X position 3 frames ago $7E:882A: Y position 3 frames ago $7E:882C: X position 4 frames ago $7E:882E: Y position 4 frames ago $7E:8832: Initial leave hole action flag. Initialised to 1, set to 0 after leave hole action determined, makes the initial action movement (as opposed to spitting) $7E:8834: Spitting flag $7E:8836: Max health. Never read $7E:8838: Max health * 1/2 $7E:883A: Max health * 1/4 $7E:883E: Body death flag } Rinka: { $7E:8800..15: Rinka spawn point availability table (for Mother Brain's room only). 0 = available } } $7E:9000..953F: Mother Brain corpse rotting graphics $7E:9000..93FF: Botwoon position history. Previous 100h X/Y positions. Circular buffer with stack index $0FAA $7E:9000..19: Crocomire death sequence variables { $7E:9000: Pre-bridge block dust cloud spawned flag $7E:9002: Bridge part 1 crumbled flag $7E:9006: Bridge part 2 crumbled flag $7E:900A: Set to 0, never read $7E:9016: Death sequence crumbling bridge index $7E:9018: Acid damage smoke timer } $7E:9000..19: Wavy Phantoon BG2 X scroll indirect HDMA table { If Phantoon wavelength doubled: C0h,$9100, C0h,$9180, C0h,$9100, C0h,$9180, 00,00 Else: A0h,$9100, A0h,$9140, A0h,$9100, A0h,$9140, A0h,$9100, A0h,$9140, A0h,$9100, A0h,$9140, 00,00 } $7E:9000..0A: Morph ball eye beam window 1 indirect HDMA table $7E:9000: { Kraid death sequence quake sound timer Used by Spore Spawn as flag to disable spore generation } $7E:9002..97FF: Draygon swoop Y positions. Entries are 4 bytes apart (even though only 2 bytes are used). Iterate backwards for downwards movement, forwards for upwards movement $7E:9032: Phantoon materialisation sound effect index $7E:9080: Morph ball eye beam angular width delta $7E:9082: Morph ball eye beam angular subwidth delta $7E:9090: Morph ball eye beam colour index $7E:9100..92FF: Morph ball eye beam window 1 HDMA data table (only $7E:9100..92BF used). List of 8-bit pairs (left position, right position) $7E:9100..FF: Wavy Phantoon BG2 X scroll HDMA data table $7E:9700..BF: Mother Brain corpse rotting rot table $7E:97DC..FF: Enemy projectile angles. Used for Botwoon spit, Draygon turrets, and Draygon's gunk $7E:9800..99FF: X-ray window 2 HDMA data table (only $7E:9800..99BF used). List of 8-bit pairs (left position, right position) $7E:9800..99FF: Suit pickup window 1 HDMA data table (only $7E:9800..99BF used). List of 8-bit pairs (left position, right position) $7E:9800..FF: Wavy Samus BG3 X scroll HDMA data table $7E:9800..41: Title screen gradient colour math subscreen backdrop colour HDMA table ; Note that $7E:9C00..9FFF is cleared by door transition (see $82:E6A2) $7E:9C00..9DBF: Expanding and contracting effect BG2 Y scroll indirect HDMA data table $7E:9C00..2B: FX type 22h BG3 Y scroll HDMA table $7E:9C00..0D: Mother Brain rainbow beam window 1 indirect HDMA table $7E:9C00..03: Lava/acid BG3 Y scroll HDMA data table $7E:9C00: Above surface water BG3 X scroll HDMA data entry (zero) $7E:9C04..23: Water BG3 X scroll HDMA data table (and would-be spores BG3 X scroll HDMA data table in unused code) $7E:9C44: Unused data entry, set to [BG2 Y scroll]. See $88:BDB1 $7E:9C46..65: Lava/acid BG2 Y scroll HDMA data table (used also for X scroll by unused wavy effect) $7E:9C48..67: Water BG2 X scroll HDMA data table $7E:9D00..??: Mother Brain rainbow beam window 1 HDMA data table. List of 8-bit pairs (left position, right position) $7E:9D00..0F: Haze colour math subscreen backdrop colour HDMA data table. List of 8-bit values $7E:9E00..0B: Expanding square transition window 1 left position indirect HDMA table. 3 byte entries { ; v = hh,aaaa ; h: Height. Max 7Fh ; a: Left position address: ; $9E22: Top/bottom margin ; $9E32: Square } $7E:9E00..07: Expanding and contracting effect BG2 Y scroll indirect HDMA table $7E:9E00: Tourian entrance statue BG2 Y scroll $7E:9E02..??: FX type 22h BG3 X scroll indirect HDMA table $7E:9E10..1B: Expanding square transition window 1 right position indirect HDMA table. 3 byte entries { ; v = hh,aaaa ; h: Height. Max 7Fh ; a: Right position address: ; $9E20: Top/bottom margin ; $9E36: Square } $7E:9E20: Expanding square top/bottom margin right position. Always 0 $7E:9E22: Expanding square top/bottom margin left position. Always FFFFh $7E:9E30: Expanding square left subposition $7E:9E32: Expanding square left position $7E:9E34: Expanding square right subposition $7E:9E36: Expanding square right position $7E:9E38: Expanding square top subposition $7E:9E3A: Expanding square top position $7E:9E3C: Expanding square bottom subposition $7E:9E3E: Expanding square bottom position $7E:9E40: Expanding square left position subvelocity $7E:9E42: Expanding square left position velocity $7E:9E44: Expanding square right subvelocity $7E:9E46: Expanding square right velocity $7E:9E48: Expanding square top subvelocity $7E:9E4A: Expanding square top velocity $7E:9E4C: Expanding square bottom subvelocity $7E:9E4E: Expanding square bottom velocity $7E:9E50: Expanding square timer $7E:9E80..??: FX type 22h BG3 X scroll HDMA data table $7E:9F00..7F: Scrolling sky BG2 X scroll indirect HDMA table $7E:9F02..??: FX type 22h BG1 X scroll indirect HDMA table $7E:9F80..DB: Scrolling sky BG2 X scroll HDMA data table. Two word entries { + 0: Subscroll (used for calculations only) + 2: Scroll (pointed to by indirect HDMA table) } $7E:A000..BFFF: Tile table ($A000..A7FF is CRE if not in Ceres). 8 byte entries. Indexed by the tile index of level data / custom background. Tilemap values for four 8x8 tiles { + 0: Top left + 2: Top right + 4: Bottom left + 6: Bottom right } $7E:C000..C1FF: Palettes, copied straight to CGRAM. First colour ($7E:C000) is main screen backdrop colour { $7E:C000..1F: BG1/2 palette 0 (4bpp) - SCE/CRE / BG3 palettes 0..3 (2bpp) { $7E:C000..07: BG3 palette 0 { $7E:C002: Acid highlight (02DFh) $7E:C004: Acid bubbles (01D7h) $7E:C006: Acid background (00ACh) } $7E:C008..0F: BG3 palette 1 $7E:C010..17: BG3 palette 2 { $7E:C012: Mini-map explored room / non-empty energy tank / message box header text / message box A button (48FBh) $7E:C014: Mini-map explored room feature / non-empty energy tank outline / message box body text (7FFFh) $7E:C016: Mini-map explored room background / non-empty energy tank background / message box background (0000h) } $7E:C018..1F: BG3 palette 3 { $7E:C01A: Mini-map unexplored room / HUD text outline / empty reserve auto icon / message box X button / unselected save dialog option (44E5h) $7E:C01C: Mini-map unexplored room feature / HUD text / mini-map grid (7FFFh) $7E:C01E: Mini-map unexplored room background / HUD background (0000h) } } $7E:C020..3F: BG1/2 palette 1 (4bpp) - SCE/CRE / BG3 palettes 4..7 (2bpp) { $7E:C020..27: BG3 palette 4 { $7E:C022: Highlighted HUD item background outline (0BB1h) $7E:C024: Highlighted HUD item background (1EA9h) $7E:C026: Highlighted HUD item outline (0145h) } $7E:C028..2F: BG3 palette 5 { $7E:C02A: HUD item background outline / empty energy tank outline (3DB3h. 3D46h/3E0Dh in blue/white Ceres) $7E:C02C: HUD item background / empty energy tank (292Eh. 28C1h/2526h in blue/white Ceres) $7E:C02E: HUD item outline / empty energy tank background (1486h. 1420h/0C60h in blue/white Ceres) } $7E:C030..37: BG3 palette 6 { $7E:C032: FX primary (palette blend colour 0) $7E:C034: FX secondary (palette blend colour 1) $7E:C036: FX background (palette blend colour 2) } $7E:C038..3F: BG3 palette 7 { $7E:C03A: Mini-map room highlight / non-empty reserve auto icon / save dialog text / message box B button colour / message box Samus suit (02DFh) $7E:C03C: Mini-map room feature highlight / message box Samus suit shading (001Fh. 7FFFh in Crocomire's room) $7E:C03E: Mini-map background / non-empty reserve auto icon background / save dialog background / message box Samus background (0000h) } } $7E:C040..5F: BG1/2 palette 2 (4bpp) - SCE/CRE $7E:C060..7F: BG1/2 palette 3 (4bpp) - SCE/CRE $7E:C080..9F: BG1/2 palette 4 (4bpp) - SCE $7E:C0A0..BF: BG1/2 palette 5 (4bpp) - SCE $7E:C0C0..DF: BG1/2 palette 6 (4bpp) - SCE $7E:C0E0..FF: BG1/2 palette 7 (4bpp) - SCE $7E:C100..1F: Sprite palette 0 - white palette for flashing enemies $7E:C120..3F: Sprite palette 1 - enemies $7E:C140..5F: Sprite palette 2 - enemies $7E:C160..7F: Sprite palette 3 - enemies $7E:C180..9F: Sprite palette 4 - Samus { $7E:C182: Colour 1. Abdomen - dark $7E:C184: Colour 2. Main suit - light $7E:C186: Colour 3. Outline $7E:C188: Colour 4. Visor / electricity $7E:C18A: Colour 5. Arm cannon - medium dark $7E:C18C: Colour 6. Gleam $7E:C18E: Colour 7. Arm cannon - light $7E:C190: Colour 8. Arm cannon - medium light $7E:C192: Colour 9. Helmet - light $7E:C194: Colour Ah. Main suit - medium $7E:C196: Colour Bh. Main suit - dark $7E:C198: Colour Ch. Abdomen - light $7E:C19A: Colour Dh. Arm cannon - dark $7E:C19C: Colour Eh. Helmet - medium $7E:C19E: Colour Fh. Helmet - dark } $7E:C1A0..BF: Sprite palette 5 - most common sprites (item drops, smoke, explosions, bombs, power bombs, missiles, gates (wall part), water splashes, grapple beam, timer) $7E:C1C0..DF: Sprite palette 6 - beams. Crystal flash uses this palette for some reason $7E:C1E0..FF: Sprite palette 7 - enemies } $7E:C200..C3FF: Target palettes { $7E:C200..1F: BG palette 0 - SCE/CRE $7E:C220..3F: BG palette 1 - SCE/CRE $7E:C240..5F: BG palette 2 - SCE/CRE $7E:C260..7F: BG palette 3 - SCE/CRE $7E:C280..9F: BG palette 4 - SCE $7E:C2A0..BF: BG palette 5 - SCE $7E:C2C0..DF: BG palette 6 - SCE $7E:C2E0..FF: BG palette 7 - SCE $7E:C300..1F: Sprite palette 0 - white palette for flashing enemies $7E:C320..3F: Sprite palette 1 - enemies $7E:C340..5F: Sprite palette 2 - enemies $7E:C360..7F: Sprite palette 3 - enemies $7E:C380..9F: Sprite palette 4 - Samus. Set to palette data from bank $9B during room transitions by $91:DDD7 $7E:C3A0..BF: Sprite palette 5 - most common sprites (item drops, smoke, explosions, bombs, power bombs, missiles, gates (wall part), water splashes, grapple beam) $7E:C3C0..DF: Sprite palette 6 - beams $7E:C3E0..FF: Sprite palette 7 - enemies } $7E:C400: Palette change numerator $7E:C402: Palette change denominator $7E:C404: Colour index in palette change routines $7E:C406..C5: Power bomb explosion window 2 left HDMA data table $7E:C4C6..C505: Unused $7E:C506..C5: Power bomb explosion window 2 right HDMA data table $7E:C5C6..C605: Unused $7E:C606: Off-screen power bomb explosion window 2 left HDMA data entry $7E:C607: Off-screen power bomb explosion window 2 right HDMA data entry $7E:C608..C7: HUD tilemap. Not including top-most row (row 0) { $7E:C608..47: Row 1 { $7E:C60A..17: Energy tanks $7E:C618..1B: Auto reserve $7E:C61C..21: Missiles $7E:C624..27: Super missiles $7E:C62A..2D: Power bombs $7E:C630..33: Grapple $7E:C636..39: X-ray $7E:C63C..45: Mini-map } $7E:C648..87: Row 2 { $7E:C64A..57: Energy tanks $7E:C658..5B: Auto reserve $7E:C65C..61: Missiles $7E:C664..67: Super missiles $7E:C66A..6D: Power bombs $7E:C670..73: Grapple $7E:C676..79: X-ray $7E:C67C..85: Mini-map { $7E:C680: Samus' position in mini-map } } $7E:C688..C7: Row 3 { $7E:C694..97: Sub-tank health $7E:C698..9B: Auto reserve $7E:C69C..A1: Missile count $7E:C6A4..A7: Super missile count $7E:C6A8..A9: Debug. Extra super missile count digit $7E:C6AA..AD: Power bomb count $7E:C6BC..C5: Mini-map } } $7E:C6C8..C8C7: PLM draw tilemap $7E:C8C8..C907: BG1 column update tilemap left halves $7E:C908..47: BG1 column update tilemap right halves $7E:C948..8B: BG1 row update tilemap top halves $7E:C98C..CF: BG1 row update tilemap bottom halves $7E:C9D0..CA0F: BG2 column update tilemap left halves $7E:CA10..4F: BG2 column update tilemap right halves $7E:CA50..93: BG2 row update tilemap top halves $7E:CA94..D7: BG2 row update tilemap bottom halves $7E:CAD8: HUD BG3 X position $7E:CADA: HUD BG3 Y position $7E:CADC: BG3 X position (after HUD is drawn), except during door transition whilst the screen is scrolling $7E:CADE: BG3 Y position (after HUD is drawn), except during door transition whilst the screen is scrolling $7E:CAE0..E7: Crocomire BG2 Y scroll indirect HDMA table. FFh,$CAF0, E1h,$CBEE, 00h,00h $7E:CAE8..EF: Unused $7E:CAF0..CCEF: Crocomire BG2 Y scroll HDMA data table $7E:CCF0..CD1F: Unused $7E:CD20..51: Scrolls { 0: Red. Cannot scroll into this area 1: Blue. Hides the bottom 2 rows of the area 2: Green. Unrestricted } $7E:CD52..CE51: Explored map tiles - Crateria. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:CE52..CF51: Explored map tiles - Brinstar. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:CF52..D051: Explored map tiles - Norfair. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D052..D151: Explored map tiles - Wrecked Ship. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D152..D251: Explored map tiles - Maridia. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D252..D351: Explored map tiles - Tourian. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D352..D451: Explored map tiles - Ceres. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D452..D551: Explored map tiles - Debug. See current area map tiles explored at $07F7 $7E:D552..58: Debug. Enemy set name. Never read $7E:D559..F1: Debug. Enemy set data. Never read. Ch byte slots. 99h bytes according to $A0:896F, enough space for Ch entries (with 9 bytes spare...). In practice, only 4 palettes can be loaded. { + 0..9: Enemy name + Ah: Enemy palette index } $7E:D5F2..D651: Unused $7E:D652: Wrecked Ship robot palette animation palette index. Multiple of 200h $7E:D654: Wrecked Ship robot palette animation timer $7E:D656: Wrecked Ship robot palette animation table index $7E:D658..D7BF: Projectile trail data { ; Some projectile trails (mostly ice beams) use two sets of data dubbed left and right (left is top if you shoot right, bottom if shoot left, etc) $7E:D658..7B: Left instruction timer $7E:D67C..9F: Right instruction timer $7E:D6A0..C3: Left instruction list pointer. Initialised from $90:B5BB table $7E:D6C4..E7: Right instruction list pointer. Initialised from $90:B609 table $7E:D6E8..D70B: Left tile number and attributes $7E:D70C..2F: Right tile number and attributes { v = YXPPpppttttttttt t: Tile number p: Palette P: Priority X: X flip Y: Y flip } $7E:D730..53: Left X position $7E:D754..77: Right X position $7E:D778..9B: Left Y position $7E:D79C..BF: Right Y position } $7E:D7C0..DE1B: RAM that is saved to SRAM { $7E:D7C0..D81F: Copy of $09A2..0A01 when saving $7E:D820..27: Event bit array. $23..27 are unused { $7E:D820: { 1: Event 0 - Zebes is awake 2: Event 1 - Shitroid ate sidehopper 4: Event 2 - Mother Brain's glass is broken 8: Event 3 - zebetite destroyed bit 0 (true if 1 or 3 zebetites are destroyed) 10h: Event 4 - zebetite destroyed bit 1 (true if 2 or 3 zebetites are destroyed) 20h: Event 5 - zebetite destroyed bit 2 (true if all 4 zebetites are destroyed) 40h: Event 6 - Phantoon statue is grey 80h: Event 7 - Ridley statue is grey } $7E:D821: { 1: Event 8 - Draygon statue is grey 2: Event 9 - Kraid statue is grey 4: Event Ah - entrance to Tourian is unlocked 8: Event Bh - Maridia noobtube is broken 10h: Event Ch - Lower Norfair chozo has lowered the acid 20h: Event Dh - Shaktool cleared a path 40h: Event Eh - Zebes timebomb set 80h: Event Fh - critters escaped } $7E:D822: { 1: Event 10h - 1st metroid hall cleared 2: Event 11h - 1st metroid shaft cleared 4: Event 12h - 2nd metroid hall cleared 8: Event 13h - 2nd metroid shaft cleared 10h: Event 14h - unused 20h: Event 15h - outran speed booster lavaquake } } $7E:D828..2F: Boss bits. Indexed by area { 1: Area boss (Kraid, Phantoon, Draygon, both Ridleys) 2: Area mini-boss (Spore Spawn, Botwoon, Crocomire, Mother Brain) 4: Area torizo (Bomb Torizo, Golden Torizo) } $7E:D830..6F: Unused. Chozo block destroyed bit array. Used by unused chozo block PLMs $D700/D708. Cleared on new save file, FFh filled by demo playback $7E:D870..AF: Item collected bit array. $84..AF are unused. See "Item PLMs.asm" { $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $10 $11 $12 $13 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 CCCCCCCC CCCCCBBB BBBB BBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBB BBBBB BNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNN NN NNNNNNN N WWWWWWWW MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM M M ; Area (Crateria / Brinstar / Norfair / Wrecked Ship / Maridia) PMMMMEMI EMMSMPSM SRMM MMB PMIPMEES EMEMMIP PMBEM IMBMEIMM EPMMIRMM MMIMB MS MMPPMEI E MRMMESSI MSEMSMMB MRMPMSIM E I ; Item (Energy / Reserve / Missile / Super / Power bomb / Item / Beam) } $7E:D8B0..EF: Opened door bit array. $C6..EF are unused. See "Door PLMs.asm" { $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 01234567 CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC CCCCCCCB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB CNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNN N WWWWWWWW WWWWMMMM MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM TTTTTTTT TTTTT ; Area (Crateria / Brinstar / Norfair / Wrecked Ship / Maridia / Tourian) GYgggRgg ggggGYYY YggYgggg gggggRRR RRRRggRG YGRRggGg YgRGGGgg GYRGYGgG ggggGEgg gGRGYRGg gRRGGRRR YgggEgYG g ggggGEgg gggRRRRG RgRgGGRg RGGEgggg gggggggR ERggg ; Door (grey / Red / Green / Yellow / Eye) } $7E:D8F0..F7: Unused. Cleared on new save file, FFh filled by demo playback $7E:D8F8..D907: Low: used save stations. High: used debug elevators. Indexed by area $7E:D908..0F: Map station byte array $7E:D910..13: Unused $7E:D914: Loading game state. Used in some initialisation routines to decide what to do. Used by gunship to decide if it should do the landing sequence, if so, sets this to 5 afterwards. Used by game over screen to decide where to reload Samus to.. Used by game options menu to decide what "start game" does { 0: Intro 5: Main 1Fh: Starting at Ceres 22h: Escaping Ceres / landing on Zebes } $7E:D916: SRAM save station index $7E:D918: SRAM area index $7E:D91A: Global number of items loaded counter $7E:D91C..DE1B: 'Compressed' map data. Only first 160 bytes or so are actually used by original game. } $7E:DE1C..6B: PLM instruction timers $7E:DE6C..BB: PLM draw instruction pointers $7E:DEBC..DF0B: PLM link instructions (instructions $8A24, $8A2E, $8A3A) $7E:DF0C..5B: PLM variables { PLM item GFX index for item PLMs ($84:831A) PLM door hit counter for door PLMs ($84:8A91) Samus Y position for Brinstar plants (used by $84:AC89, set by $84:B0DC/B113) } $7E:DF5C..EF5B: Backup of BG2 tilemap during pause menu. The first word is actually read incorrectly and ends up being a copy of the second word (see $82:8D51) $7E:EF5C..73: Enemy GFX data. 4 slots. Used by $A0:92DB (spawn enemy parts) { $7E:EF5C..63: Enemy IDs (2-byte slots) $7E:EF64..6B: Enemy tiles index (in units of tiles) (2-byte slots) $7E:EF6C..73: Enemy palette indices (from enemy set) (2-byte slots) } $7E:EF74: Enemy GFX data stack pointer $7E:EF76: Next enemy tiles index $7E:EF78..F377: Sprite object RAM { $7E:EF78..B7: Sprite object instruction list pointers $7E:EFF8..F037: Sprite object instructions/timers $7E:F078..F0F7: Sprite object palettes / VRAM indices $7E:F0F8..F137: Sprite object X positions $7E:F178..F1F7: Sprite object X subpositions. Used only for mini-Draygon $7E:F1F8..F237: Sprite object Y positions $7E:F278..F2F7: Sprite object Y subpositions. Used only for mini-Draygon $7E:F2F8..F337: Sprite object disable flags. Set only by metroid for electricity and shell sprite objects when frozen } $7E:F378: Enemy processing stage. Never read, presumably used for debugging or performance profiling { 1: Adding enemy spritemap to OAM (not including extended spritemap) 2: Processing enemy instructions 3: Enemy / projectile collision handler - extended spritemap 4: Enemy / bomb collision handler - extended spritemap 5: Processing enemy power bomb interaction 6: Enemy / Samus collision handler - extended spritemap 7: Enemy / projectile collision handler 8: Enemy / bomb collision handler 9: Enemy / Samus collision handler Ah: Processing bomb jump Bh: Enemy projectile / Samus collision detection Ch: Enemy projectile / projectile collision detection } $7E:F37A: Set to [enemy instruction pointer] for non multi-hitbox enemies in $A0:944A (write enemy OAM). Never read $7E:F37C: Set to [enemy index] for non multi-hitbox enemies in $A0:944A (write enemy OAM). Never read $7E:F37E: Set to [enemy ID] for non multi-hitbox enemies in $A0:944A (write enemy OAM). Never read $7E:F380..F49F: Enemy projectile data. Cleared in enemy initialisation ($A0:8A9E) { $7E:F380..A3: Enemy projectile projectile collision options { 1: Enable buggy dud shot for projectile collision. Usually fails to spawn dud shot graphics (see $A0:99F9), but the sound effect works. Shot instruction list is ignored. Used by nuclear waffle body and Botwoon 2: Disable interaction with projectiles. Used by Botwoon's body when in the background } $7E:F3A4..C7: Unused $7E:F3C8..EB: Enemy projectile enemy header pointer. Set by pickup / enemy death explosion init. Used by random drop routine ($86:F106) $7E:F3EC..F40F: Unused $7E:F410..33: Enemy projectile killed enemy index, if highest bit set, enemy respawns ($86:EF10). FFFFh = no enemy. Initialised to FFFFh $7E:F434: Special death item drop X origin position $7E:F436: Special death item drop Y origin position $7E:F438..9F: Unused } $7E:F4A0..FFFF: Unused $7F:0000: Size of level data in bytes (and size of custom background, and 2x size of BTS) $7F:0002..6401: Level data (layer 1). Word per block: ttttyxnnnnnnnnnn. t = block type (see "Special blocks.asm"), yx are Y/X flips, n = tile table index (see $7E:A000) $7F:6402..9601: BTS. Byte per block. See "Special blocks.asm" $7F:9602..FA01: Custom background (layer 2). Word per block: 0000yxnnnnnnnnnn. yx are Y/X flips, n = block index (into tile table, see $7E:A000) $7F:0000..3FFF: Title BG tiles $7F:4000..4FFF: Title tilemap $7F:5000..8FFF: Title sprite tiles $7F:9000..93FF: Title baby metroid tiles $7F:C000..C7FF: Game options menu tilemap - options screen $7F:C800..CFFF: Game options menu tilemap - controller settings - English $7F:D000..D7FF: Game options menu tilemap - controller settings - Japanese $7F:D800..DFFF: Game options menu tilemap - special settings - English $7F:E000..E7FF: Game options menu tilemap - special settings - Japanese