; __________________________________ 0: Initialisation AI ; | _____________________________ 2: Pre-instruction ; | | ________________________ 4: Instruction list ; | | | ___________________ 6: X radius ; | | | | ________________ 7: Y radius ; | | | | | _____________ 8: Properties (damage = v & FFFh) ; | | | | | | ________ Ah: Touch instruction list ; | | | | | | | ___ Ch: Shot instruction list ; | | | | | | | | $86:8AAF dw 8A39,8A7D,8A39,00,00,0002,0000,84FC ; Unused $86:8BC2 dx 8ACD,8B5D,8ABD,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Skree particle - down-right $86:8BD0 dx 8AF1,8B5D,8ABD,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Skree particle - up-right $86:8BDE dx 8B15,8B5D,8ABD,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Skree particle - down-left $86:8BEC dx 8B39,8B5D,8ABD,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Skree particle - up-left $86:8BFA dx 8ACD,8B5D,8AC5,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Metal skree particle - down-right $86:8C08 dx 8AF1,8B5D,8AC5,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Metal skree particle - up-right $86:8C16 dx 8B15,8B5D,8AC5,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Metal skree particle - down-left $86:8C24 dx 8B39,8B5D,8AC5,02,02,0004,0000,84FC ; Metal skree particle - up-left $86:8E50 dx 8D04,8E0F,8C3A,08,08,D000,8C38,8C58 ; Draygon's gunk $86:8E5E dx 8D40,8DFF,8CA4,08,08,1080,0000,E138 ; Draygon's wall turret projectile $86:8E6C dx 8E7A,8E99,8CA4,08,08,7000,0000,E138 ; Unused $86:8F8F dx 9023,906B,8FCF,08,08,8014,0000,9007 ; Crocomire's projectile $86:8F9D dx 9286,92BA,8FEB,04,04,8000,0000,84FC ; Crocomire bridge crumbling $86:90C1 dx 90CF,9115,8FF3,00,00,0000,0000,84FC ; Crocomire spike wall pieces $86:9634 dx 934D,9392,9552,06,06,1003,0000,84FC ; Unused $86:9642 dx 93CA,940E,9552,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Ridley's fireball $86:9650 dx 947F,950C,95A0,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Horizontal afterburn - centre $86:965E dx 947F,950C,95D3,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Vertical afterburn - centre $86:966C dx 94C8,950D,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Horizontal afterburn - right $86:967A dx 94DC,950D,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Horizontal afterburn - left $86:9688 dx 94A0,9522,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Vertical afterburn - up $86:9696 dx 94B4,9522,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Vertical afterburn - down $86:96A4 dx 94C8,9537,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Unused. Proto horizontal afterburn - right $86:96B2 dx 94DC,9537,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Unused. Proto horizontal afterburn - left $86:96C0 dx 94A0,9540,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Unused. Proto vertical afterburn - up $86:96CE dx 94B4,9549,9606,06,06,5003,0000,84FC ; Unused. Proto vertical afterburn - down $86:9734 dx 96DC,9701,9750,08,08,4000,0000,84FC ; Ceres falling debris - light coloured $86:9742 dx 96DC,9701,9756,08,08,4000,0000,84FC ; Ceres falling debris - dark coloured $86:9C29 dx 9824,9981,975C,08,10,8028,0000,97FA ; Phantoon destroyable flames $86:9C37 dx 993A,9B29,97E8,08,10,4028,0000,975C ; Phantoon starting flames $86:9C45 dx 9CA3,9D56,9C7D,04,04,8002,0000,9C89 ; Rocks Kraid spits at you $86:9C53 dx 9CD8,9D89,9C7D,04,04,A000,0000,84FC ; Rocks that fall when Kraid's ceiling crumbles $86:9C61 dx 9D0C,9D56,9C7D,04,04,A000,0000,84FC ; Rocks when Kraid rises - left $86:9C6F dx 9D0C,9D56,9C83,04,04,A000,0000,84FC ; Rocks when Kraid rises - right $86:9DB0 dx 9DEC,9E1E,9DDA,04,04,0014,0000,84FC ; Mini Kraid spit $86:9DBE dx 9E46,9E83,9DE0,04,02,0006,0000,84FC ; Mini Kraid spikes - left $86:9DCC dx 9E4B,9E83,9DE6,04,02,0006,0000,84FC ; Mini Kraid spikes - right $86:9E90 dx 9EB2,9EFF,9E9E,04,04,0014,0000,84FC ; Walking lava seahorse fireball $86:A17B dx A009,A05C,9F41,10,04,100A,0000,84FC ; Space pirate / Mother Brain laser $86:A189 dx A098,A05B,0000,08,08,1014,0000,84FC ; Space pirate claw $86:A379 dx A2A1,A327,A197,08,08,3000,0000,A197 ; Gunship liftoff dust clouds $86:A387 dx A2EE,A328,A28D,01,01,3000,0000,A28D ; Ceres elevator pad $86:A395 dx A31B,A364,A299,01,01,3000,0000,A299 ; Ceres elevator pad level data concealer $86:A3B0 dx A3A3,A3A3,A3AA,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Pre-Phantoon room. Scrolls BG2 up 32 pixels $86:A95B dx A5D3,84FB,A472,01,02,3000,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo low-health continuous drool $86:A969 dx A65D,84FB,A472,01,02,2000,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo low-health initial drool $86:A977 dx A6C7,A8EF,A49E,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Spawned by unused PLM $B743 $86:A985 dx A6F6,A919,A4AA,10,10,500A,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo explosive swipe $86:A993 dx A764,84FB,A54B,08,08,3000,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo statue breaking $86:A9A1 dx A81B,84FB,A3CB,04,10,3000,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo low-health explosion $86:A9AF dx A871,84FB,A3FA,04,10,3000,0000,84FC ; Torizo death explosion $86:AB07 dx AA3D,AA8C,AADB,00,00,B000,0000,AAF2 ; Unused. Question mark $86:AD5E dx ABEB,ACAD,AB15,07,07,9008,0000,AB68 ; Bomb Torizo's chozo orbs $86:AD6C dx ABEB,ACAD,AB15,07,07,900A,0000,AB68 ; Same as above but slightly more damage $86:AD7A dx AC7C,ACFA,AB15,07,07,B050,0000,AB68 ; Golden Torizo's chozo orbs $86:AEA8 dx AE15,AE6C,ADBF,03,14,100A,0000,84FC ; Bomb Torizo sonic boom $86:AEB6 dx AE15,AE6C,ADBF,03,14,1078,0000,84FC ; Golden Torizo sonic boom $86:AF68 dx AEFC,84FB,AEC4,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship chozo spike clearing footsteps $86:AF76 dx AEFC,84FB,AEDC,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Unused. Spike clearing explosions $86:AF84 dx AF43,84FB,AF14,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue dust clouds $86:AFE5 dx AF50,84FB,AF9D,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Torizo landing dust cloud - right foot $86:AFF3 dx AFCD,84FB,AFB5,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Torizo landing dust cloud - left foot $86:B1C0 dx B001,B043,B104,07,07,6064,0000,AB25 ; Golden Torizo egg $86:B31A dx B1CE,B20D,B293,04,04,A0C8,0000,B2EF ; Golden Torizo super missile $86:B428 dx B328,B38A,B410,03,03,700A,0000,84FC ; Golden Torizo eye beam $86:B4B1 dx B49D,B4B0,B443,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Old Tourian escape shaft fake wall explosion $86:B5CB dx B4EF,B535,B4BF,02,02,000A,0000,84FC ; Lava seahorse fireball $86:B743 dx B62D,84FB,B5D9,08,08,8004,0000,B603 ; Eye door projectile $86:B751 dx B683,B714,B615,00,00,0004,0000,84FC ; Eye door sweat $86:BA5C dx B87A,B977,B7A1,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue unlocking particle water splash $86:BA6A dx B88E,84FB,B7B3,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue eye glow $86:BA78 dx B8B5,B982,B802,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue unlocking particle $86:BA86 dx B8E8,84FB,B823,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue unlocking particle tail $86:BA94 dx B8F8,B9FD,B84E,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue's soul $86:BAA2 dx B951,BA42,B86A,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue - Ridley $86:BAB0 dx B964,BA42,B872,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue - Phantoon $86:BABE dx B93E,BA42,B85A,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Tourian statue - base decoration $86:BB50 dx BB30,BB4F,BACC,00,00,0000,7000,84FC ; Unused (uninteresting) $86:BBC7 dx BB92,BBC6,BB5E,08,08,C040,0000,84FC ; Nuclear waffle body $86:BD5A dx BBDB,BC0F,BBD5,02,02,0010,0000,84FC ; Norfair lavaquake rocks $86:BE25 dx BDA2,BE03,BD68,04,04,000A,0000,84FC ; Shaktool's attack - front circle $86:BE33 dx BD9C,84FB,BD78,04,04,2000,0000,84FC ; Shaktool's attack - middle circle $86:BE41 dx BD9C,84FB,BD8C,04,04,2000,0000,84FC ; Shaktool's attack - back circle $86:C17E dx BE4F,BFDF,C10D,00,00,6000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's room turrets $86:C18C dx BF59,C0E0,C131,03,03,4014,C19A,C19A ; Mother Brain's room turret bullets $86:CB13 dx C8F5,C914,0000,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's death explosion $86:CB21 dx C961,C9D2,CA22,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's exploded escape door particles $86:CB2F dx CA6A,CAA3,CAA4,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's purple breath - big $86:CB3D dx CA83,CAA3,CAC8,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's purple breath - small $86:CB4B dx C2F3,C335,C432,06,06,3050,C464,84FC ; Mother Brain's blue ring $86:CB59 dx C482,C4C8,C76E,06,06,40A0,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's bomb $86:CB67 dx C605,C76D,C796,06,06,1190,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's death beam - charging $86:CB75 dx C684,C76D,C796,06,06,1190,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's death beam - fired $86:CB83 dx C80A,C814,C829,00,00,7000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's rainbow beam charging $86:CB91 dx C843,C84D,C8B0,00,00,7000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's drool $86:CB9F dx C843,C84D,C8B0,00,00,7000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's dying drool $86:CBAD dx C92F,C94C,E152,01,01,7000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's rainbow beam explosion $86:CBBB dx CAF6,CAFA,CB0D,00,00,1000,0000,84FC ; Time bomb set Japanese text $86:CC5B dx CBC9,CBE7,CC43,08,10,5000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's top-right tube falling $86:CC69 dx CBC9,CBE7,CC49,08,10,5000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's top-left tube falling $86:CC77 dx CBC9,CBE7,CC4F,08,18,5000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's top-middle-left tube falling $86:CC85 dx CBC9,CBE7,CC55,08,18,5000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's top-middle-right tube falling $86:CEFC dx CDC5,CE9B,CC93,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's glass shattering - shard $86:CF0A dx CE6D,84FB,CDB3,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Mother Brain's glass shattering - sparkle $86:CF18 dx CF90,CFF7,CF34,02,08,0014,0000,84FC ; Ki hunter acid spit - left $86:CF26 dx CFA6,CFF7,CF6E,02,08,0014,0000,84FC ; Ki hunter acid spit - right $86:D02E dx D088,D0EB,9C7D,04,04,0014,0000,D064 ; Kago bug $86:D298 dx D23A,D263,D208,04,04,0014,0000,D218 ; Maridia floater spike $86:D2A6 dx D341,D3BF,D2EC,0C,0C,0004,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship robot laser - up-left $86:D2B4 dx D32E,D3BF,D2EC,0F,02,0014,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship robot laser - horizontal $86:D2C2 dx D30C,D3BF,D2EC,0C,0C,0004,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship robot laser - down-left $86:D2D0 dx D341,D3BF,D2EC,0C,0C,0004,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship robot laser - up-right $86:D2DE dx D30C,D3BF,D2EC,0C,0C,0004,0000,84FC ; Wrecked Ship robot laser - down-right $86:D904 dx D6A5,84FB,D3D7,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; n00b tube crack $86:D912 dx D6C9,D7FD,D47D,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; n00b tube shard $86:D920 dx D774,84FB,D652,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; n00b tube released air bubbles $86:DAFE dx D992,D9DB,D92E,02,02,0005,0000,84FC ; Spike shooting plant spike $86:DBF2 dx DB18,DB5B,DB0C,02,02,0005,0000,84FC ; Mini-Crocomire projectile $86:DE6C dx DCA3,DD44,DC2E,08,08,2000,0000,DC2E ; Spore Spawn's stalk $86:DE7A dx DC8D,DCEE,DC1E,02,02,8004,0000,DC34 ; Spores $86:DE88 dx DCD4,DD46,DC00,02,02,2000,0000,DC00 ; Spore spawners $86:DFBC dx DED6,DF39,DE96,04,08,00C8,0000,84FC ; Nami fireball $86:DFCA dx DED6,DF39,DE96,04,08,003C,0000,84FC ; Fune fireball $86:E0E0 dx E000,E049,DFD8,02,02,8028,0000,DFE4 ; Lava thrown by lavaman $86:E509 dx E468,E4FE,E0EE,00,00,1000,0000,84FC ; Dust cloud / explosion (Ceres tile hits ground, boulder enemies collide/die, shoot Kraid in the face or he blocks a shot, when Crocomire stomps, when Ridley shakes the room, during Mother Brain's death, Draygon breath bubbles, etc.) $86:E517 dx E4A6,E508,E138,00,00,0000,0000,84FC ; PLM dust cloud / explosion (eye door smoke, eye door fatal sweat drop) $86:E525 dx E468,A197,E138,00,00,0000,0000,84FC ; Unused. Broken version of dust cloud / explosion $86:E64B dx E5D0,E604,E53C,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Spawned downwards shot gate $86:E659 dx E5D5,E604,E55E,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Initial closed downwards shot gate $86:E667 dx E5D0,E604,E586,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Spawned upwards shot gate $86:E675 dx E5DA,E604,E5A8,00,00,2000,0000,84FC ; Initial closed upwards shot gate $86:E6D2 dx E6AD,E6D1,E683,00,00,3000,0000,84FC ; Save station electricity $86:EBA0 dx EA31,EA80,E8F3,02,02,E080,0000,84FC ; Botwoon's body $86:EC48 dx EBC6,EC05,EBAE,02,02,1060,0000,84FC ; Botwoon's spit $86:EC95 dx EC62,EC94,EC56,02,02,2005,0000,84FC ; Yapping maw's body $86:F337 dx EF29,EFE0,ED8D,10,10,3000,84FC,84FC ; Pickup (from bosses and enemy projectiles) $86:F345 dx EF89,EFDF,ED8D,10,10,7000,84FC,84FC ; Enemy death explosion / pickup $86:F498 dx F391,F3F0,F353,04,04,0005,0000,84FC ; Sparks