1486EB - A9 01 00 22 02 AB 89 = something for rising acid and/or screen shake. 4AB4D - 0C 00 = Affects the rising acid. 0C 01 = Interesting rising/tide effect. 0C 04 = Behaves normally, but the room has the rippling heat BG effect. 4AB82-4AB91 - NOP this to completely turn off acid in mother brain's room. MIGHT affect other stuff in the game, so edit with caution. 148705-14873C = Routine for setting mother brain's palette? Brain/head only. 14873E-148761 = Routine for mother brain taking damage in glass case? 148787-1487E0 = Routines for 'joining' mother brain's head to her body? 14881D-1488DB = Routine(s) for ending first battle, locking screen and starting second? 148C61-148D10 = Not entirely sure; something to do with deleting or creating blocks before part 2 of the fight starts? Lots of the same JSL (22 D7 83 84). 148DDA-148D7D = Routines for setting up mother brain's bipedal form/rising from the ground, I think. Initial positioning of pieces, palettes to use, etc.? 148E9C-148EA9 = Small routine for 'activating' mother brain after completely rising from the ground? 149072-149192 = neck movement routines? 149E0F-149E35 = A routine for spawning rings that mother brain spits? 149E37-149EA1 = A routine for aiming rings mother brain spits at Samus? 86BE89 is X positions, 86BEA1 is Y positions. A98700 is how many guns there are. 30104-30123 = Stuff for the little gun thingies in mother brain's room. NOP this routine to remove them. 149AFE - 22 27 80 86 = JSL for fire stream. NOPing it disables only the projectile itself. 149E0C-14911A - all to EA = neck remains extended for most of the fight. Looks kinda cool. 1491D2 - F0 to 80 = stops all neck movement. 148763-148783 = Dunno. NOP'd whole routine without any noticable changes. 1487FF - 01 00 to 02 00 = lets you continue to damage mother brain after glass case is broken, until next battle starts. 148824 - 40 00 = A delay between mother brain 'dying' in glass tank and the room collapsing. 148848 - 20 00 = Another delay; this one is for time being 'frozen.' 14885A - 21 FF = Another 'frozen time' delay. 148867 - 0C 00 = Another 'frozen time' delay. 14887F - 08 00 = Another delay, before collapse begins, during which Samus can move around. ^ Change every one of the above values to 01 00 and mother brain's chamber will immediately start exploding/crumbling. Very cool. 1488B8 - 08 00 = Speed that mother brain's palette transitions from red to grayish during first 'death.' Single value for all frames. 148EB0 - 04 00 = Speed that mother brain's palette transitions from grayish back to red after rising from the ground. 14AFC3 - 10 00 = Speed of mother brain's palette fading to black during final death. 149F95 - 20 FF D1 to EA EA EA = Turn off mother brain's color change while charging and firing rainbow beam. 14D259 - 03 00 = Number of colors to apply the 'glowing brain' palette to, I think. Higher values like 05 00+ will cause more colors to glow. You probably won't ever need to do this unless you overhaul mother brain's graphics; it looks buggy with the graphics that she has now. 14D1E4-14D25E = I think these routines all go toward making the 'glowing brain' function. 14D2F6 - 85 12 B9 00 00 9F 00 C2 7E E8 E8 C8 C8 C6 12 D0 F1 = Small routine for dealing with shattering glass/falling chamber piece palettes? 14AFBA - 20 31 B0 to EA EA EA = pretty cool effect on final death explosions. 14AFB6 - 22 1C F4 AD to EA EA EA EA = Turn off the flickering effect for mother brain's final death. 1488EA - 08 00 1488F8 - 07 00 Something dealing with explosions when brain chamber is being destroyed. Frequency? Positioning? 14890C - 03 00 = Spawns (some of) GFX during chamber destruction. 148917 - 0C 00 = Spawns some GFX too? 148921 - A9 24 00 22 B7 90 80 = bomb explosion sounds used for chamber destruction. 148BC3 - A9 24 00 22 B7 90 80 = bomb explosion sounds elsewhere during the battle, dunno where. 148C05 - A9 19 00 22 0B F4 AD = sound of 'dead' brain hitting the floor after dropping down. 148F75 - A9 29 00 22 B7 90 80 = sound of mother brain rising from the ground. 148E17 - A9 05 00 22 C1 8F 80 = Music change when body starts to rise from the ground. 149B28 - BD 00 00 22 CB 90 80 = Most of mother brain's screams 149DFC - C9 0B 00 F0 0C A9 00 00 0A A8 B9 0F 9E 22 CB 90 80 = Spitting rings at big metroid. $A9/BB39 A9 40 00 LDA #$0040 = X-ray sound during rainbow beam 14BCA6-14BCDA = Routine for spawning bomb GFX for rainbow damage. 14CC65 - A9 48 FF = Music after giant metroid is killed 14B1FE - A9 24 FF = Escape music after mother brain's brain dries away 14880D - A9 06 00 22 C1 8F 80 = Music stopping immediately upon mother brain's first "death" in the glass tank. 148C02 - 20 0C D0 to EA EA EA = background continuously flashes during fight (found by BF). 148D52 - 8D E8 0F to EA EA EA = brain stays on the ground, fully functioning (found by BF). 148AE7 - 60 00 [from left] 148AE9 - B3 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #1. 14897D - 20 00 [delay] 148989 - 98 00 [from left] 14898E - 2F 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #2. 1489AF - 20 00 [delay] 1489BB - 68 00 [from left] 1489C0 - 2F 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #3. 1489E1 - 20 00 [delay] 148AF7 - A0 00 [from left] 148AF9 - B3 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #4. 148A09 - 20 00 [delay] 148B07 - 68 00 [from left] 148B09 - BB 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #5. 148A31 - 20 00 [delay] 148A3D - 78 00 [from left] 148A42 - 3B 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #6. 148A63 - 20 00 [delay] 148A6F - 88 00 [from left] 148A74 - 3B 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #7. 148A95 - 20 00 [delay] 148B17 - 98 00 [from left] 148B19 - BB 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #8. 148B33 - 20 00 [delay] 148B27 - 80 00 [from left] 148B29 - A7 00 [from top] Delay and positioning for falling chamber piece #9. 148B8D - 06 00 = Falling speed for chamber pieces 1, 4, 5 and 8. Don't know where to find 2, 3, 6 and 7. 148ABD - 02 00 Delay until final piece switches GFX. 148BDB - 06 00 = speed that final piece/brain falls towards the ground. 148BF8 - C4 00 148C16 - C4 00 How far for the 'dead' brain to fall before striking the ground. Both values need to be the same, and there's probably no reason to edit unless you're awesome enough to put mother brain in a vertical room. 148D74 - 80 00 148D86 - 20 00 148DAF - 00 01 Delays used before mother brain's body starts rising from the ground. 148DC6 - 10 to B0 = bypass the 3 frame delays before bipedal form rises from the ground. 148E17 - A9 05 00 22 C1 8F 80 A9 02 00 8D 3E 18 = Type/duration of screenshake for mother brain rising from the ground, I think. 14BA37 - 08 00 = Type of screen shake while Samus is being drained by mother brain's rainbow beam. 14BA7C - 00 02 = Dunno what this does. Located near rainbow beam stuff. 148E02 - 3B 00 = Initial position/placement of head/neck and legs? 148E08 - 17 01 = Distance to rise when emerging from the ground? 148E6E - BD 00 148E79 - BC 00 Distance to rise from the ground. Presumably for the graphics/hitboxes both. 148E2B - 50 00 = Speed of head moving backwards while rising from the ground. 148EE2 - 00 05 = Speed of head moving forward to scream at Samus after rising from the ground. 148F08 = 40 00 = Speed of head moving around for part of the fight. 14B9A4 - 40 00 = Speed of head while draining Samus with rainbow beam. 14B963 - 00 05 = Speed of head while firing rainbow beam at Samus. 14AF41 - 00 05 = Speed of head arching slightly downward during final death scream. Hardly noticable. 14B826 - 00 02 = Speed of head arching slightly downward to shoot small eye beam during fight. Hardly noticable. 14B8F2 - 40 00 = Speed of head moving around before using rainbow beam. 14BADE - 40 00 = Speed of head moving around after using rainbow beam, and before almost killing Samus. 14BE4B - 00 07 = Speed of head being thrown back as the giant metroid attacks. 14BB52 - 50 00 = Speed of head moving back during rainbow beam charge. 13BE07 - 00 05 = Speed of head moving forward to shoot the rainbow beam. Used once as the giant metroid attacks, I think. 14BF26 - 40 00 = Speed of head moving back slowly as mother brain 'dies' from the giant metroid's attack. 14C0CB - 00 05 = Speed of head moving forward to scream right after coming back to life. 14C13B - 40 00 = Speed of head moving around while attacking and killing the giant metroid. 14C338 - 80 00 = Speed of head moving around occasionally while fighting Samus with hyper beam. 14C35C - 00 05 = Speed of head moving forward after being shot by hyper beam. 14C3AE - 00 09 = Speed of head being thrown back by hyper beam shots. 14906B - 00 01 = Dunno. Something head/neck speed related? 14B849 - 00 FF = Dunno. Something head/neck speed related? 14BEC3 - FE BE = Dunno. Something head/neck speed related? 14C3DA - 80 00 = Dunno. Something for mother brain's head being thrown back by hyper beam shots. 14BB0F - 90 01 = Energy Samus needs to be at (or lower) before the giant metroid to attack mother brain. A9 00 05 8F 68 80 7E A9 40 00 8F 68 80 7E = neckstuff 1484DA - 34 00 = FX1 type to load when 'dead' brain hits the floor. 28 = dark visor glowing room (BF). 148EEF - 17 00 = Delay until mother brain screams at Samus after rising from the ground. 148F0F - 00 01 = Delay until mother brain starts moving around after screaming at Samus. 148E51 - 03 00 = Speed of mother brain rising from the ground? 01 00 works best; other values might look jumpy or odd. 148E53 - D0 to B0 = Mother brain rises very quickly from the ground (faster than 01 00 @ 148E51). 148E59 - 02 00 = Also a speed for mother brain rising, but seems more like it dictates how 'smoothly' it happens. Higher values like 10 00 will make mother brain rise VERY fast, but it looks very jumpy. 1491C4 - 2E 00 = initial placement of head/neck, starting from top of screen in pixels. 149FA0-14A5A9 = I think what all of this stuff here does, is determine the placement of mother brain's body parts (front foot, back foot, front knee, back knee, front leg above the knee, front leg below the knee, back leg below the knee, probably other stuff). Values usually go in pairs, ## 00 ## 00, which determine placement, counting from the top and from the left of the screen in pixels, respectively. There is a value for every body part for every one of mother brain's animation frames. I do NOT feel like trying to identify what every single value in here is for, but have fun if you decide to. 14ADA0-14AEE0 - Offsets aren't exact, but the stuff in this general area (I think) deals with which graphics to use for the pieces of mother brain's container falling off-screen when she is 'killed' the first time? Something like that. 14AEE1-14AF04 - Offsets might not be exact. Routine to initiate mother brain's final dying scream/death animation? NOPing the routine made her stand still when HP reached 0. 14AF4E - 20 00 = Delay until mother brain's final death explosions start (after last scream). 14AF0D - 80 00 = Delay for mother brain standing at back of room before stepping toward Samus and dying. 14B00D - 10 00 = Delay until final death explosions stop after mother brain's head falls. 14B002-14B097 = Routine for mother brain's final death explosions. NOP the whole thing to turn them off completely. 14B099-14B15C = Not sure what this routine does exactly. Something happening right as mother brain is dying. 14B132 - 20 00 = Speed of mother brain's head falling to the ground after final death. 14B16D - 20 00 = Delay before mother brain's head starts to change colors before it withers away. 14B19F - 10 00 = Speed of mother brain's head changing colors, right before it withers away. 14B1B2 - 00 01 = Delay before mother brain's head actually withers away. 14B144 - A9 02 00 22 0B F4 AD A9 = Type of screenshake for head falling to the ground after final death. 14B23D - A9 09 00 A0 0A E5 22 97 80 86 = The 0A is which GFX to spawn as dust while mother brain's head is withering away. 09 looks good. 14B228 - 1F 00 = Something for the withering dust animation. Spread? 3F looks good after changing the value @ 14B230 to E0 FF 14B24B - 07 00 = How quickly to play the sound of mother brain's head withering away. 14B20C - 14 00 = Delay until escape timer starts after mother brain is completely gone. 14B282 - A9 07 00 22 C1 8F 80 = Sets the escape music (mother brain's room only). 14B289 - A9 05 00 8D 3E 18 A9 FF FF 8D 40 18 = Type and duration of screenshake that activates when escape timer appears. 05 00 = type, FF FF = duration. This screenshake is overridden by another shake when the door behind where mother brain was blows open. 14B2F3 - 20 00 = Duration of explosions for the door that blows up and lets Samus out of mother brain's room. 14B305 - 22 84 F0 90 to EA EA EA EA = turn off escape timer (but not the green warning text). 14B258-14B2CF - Routine for setting the escape timer after mother brain dies. 14B230 - F0 FF [from left] 14B239 - 10 00 [from top] Placement of animated clouds of dust while mother brain's head is withering away. 14B140 - C4 00 14B158 - C4 00 Distance for head to fall after final death. 1491F2 - 70 00 14921C - 70 00 149246 - 70 00 Placement of neck pieces, starting from very left of screen in pixels. 1495E3 - 0C 00 1495ED - 10 00 1495F7 - 0A 00 Repositions mother brain after she crouches and stands back up, or something. 149601 - 01 00 149611 - 02 00 14962D - 03 00 14963D - 0F 00 14964D - 06 00 Number of pixels for mother brain to advance when stepping forward. 149689 - 01 00 149699 - 02 00 1496AF - 03 00 1496C5 - 0F 00 1496D5 - 06 00 Number of pixels for mother brain to move away when stepping backward. 1496E5 - FE FF 1496F5 - FF FF Number of pixels for mother brain to move forward *and* backwards? I guess for 'stepping in place.' 14961D - 01 00 149633 - 01 00 149663 - 04 00 149769 - 02 00 Number of pixels for mother brain to move downward(??) when stepping forward. 14968F - 02 00 14969F - 00 00 1496CB - 02 00 1496DB - 04 00 Number of pixels for mother brain to move downward(??) when stepping backward. 149643 - FE FF 149653 - FC FF Number of pixels for mother brain to move upward(??) when stepping forward. 1496A5 - FF FF 1496B5 - FF FF 1496EB - FC FF 1496FB - FE FF Number of pixels for mother brain to move upward(??) while stepping backward. 149732 - 02 00 149738 - 02 00 14973E - 02 00 149744 - 02 00 14974A - 02 00 149750 - 02 00 149756 - 02 00 14975C - 02 00 149764 - 02 00 14988E - 02 00 149894 - 02 00 14989A - 02 00 1498A0 - 02 00 1498A6 - 02 00 1498AC - 02 00 1498B2 - 02 00 1498B8 - 02 00 1498C0 - 02 00 Mother brain walking around more quickly for a couple seconds as the big metroid attacks. 1497E0 - 08 00 1497E6 - 08 00 1497EC - 08 00 1497F2 - 08 00 1497F8 - 08 00 1497FE - 08 00 149804 - 08 00 14980A - 08 00 149812 - 08 00 Mother brain walking around more slowly for a couple seconds as the big metroid attacks. 14981A - 0A 00 149820 - 0A 00 149826 - 0A 00 14982C - 0A 00 149832 - 0A 00 149838 - 0A 00 14983E - 0A 00 149844 - 0A 00 14984C - 0A 00 14993C - 0A 00 149942 - 0A 00 149948 - 0A 00 14994E - 0A 00 149954 - 0A 00 14995A - 0A 00 149960 - 0A 00 149966 - 0A 00 14996E - 0A 00 Mother brain walking slower for a short time before almost killing Samus, and when the big metroid attacks. 149854 - 08 00 14985A - 08 00 149860 - 08 00 149866 - 08 00 14986C - 08 00 149872 - 08 00 149878 - 08 00 14987E - 08 00 149886 - 08 00 Mother brain stepping backward before preparing to shoot fire stream/rainbow beam, and a little while being drained by the big metroid. 14976C - 04 00 149772 - 04 00 149778 - 04 00 14977E - 04 00 149784 - 04 00 14978E - 04 00 149790 - 04 00 149796 - 04 00 14979E - 04 00 Mother brain stepping toward big metroid as it heals Samus. 1498C8 - 04 00 1498CE - 04 00 1498D4 - 04 00 1498DA - 04 00 1498E0 - 04 00 1498E6 - 04 00 1498EC - 04 00 1498F2 - 04 00 1498FA - 04 00 149902 - 06 00 149908 - 06 00 14990E - 06 00 149914 - 06 00 14991A - 06 00 149920 - 06 00 149926 - 06 00 14992C - 06 00 149934 - 06 00 Mother brain stepping backward throughout most of the fight. 1497A6 - 06 00 1497AC - 06 00 1497B2 - 06 00 1497B8 - 06 00 1497BE - 06 00 1497C4 - 06 00 1497CA - 06 00 1497D0 - 06 00 1497D8 - 06 00 Mother brain stepping forward throughout most of the fight. 1499AC - 10 00 1499B2 - 10 00 1499B8 - 10 00 1499BE - 10 00 Standing up from crouch, first time only. 1499C8 - 08 00 1499CE - 08 00 1499D4 - 08 00 1499DA - 08 00 Standing up from crouch. 149A44 - 01 00 149A48 - 01 00 149A4C - 01 00 149A52 - 24 00 149A58 - 01 00 149A64 - 02 00 149A7C - 01 00 149A94 - 01 00 149AB0 - 01 00 149AB6 - 01 00 149ABA - 01 00 Moving hand while throwing orange fire stream. 149A0C - 08 00 149A12 - 08 00 149A18 - 08 00 149A20 - 08 00 Crouching down. 149A28 - 08 00 149A2E - 02 00 149A34 - 02 00 Crouching down after big metroid drain. 149B78 - 32 00 = Duration of mother brain's head shaking whenever she screams. 149B81 - 02 00 149B85 - 02 00 149B8B - 02 00 149B97 - 10 00 149B9D - 10 00 149BA3 - 20 00 149BA7 - 04 00 149BBA - 01 00 Opening/closing mouth to scream at Samus. 149BB5 - 02 00 149BB9 - 02 00 149BBF - 02 00 149BCB - 10 00 149BD1 - 10 00 149BD7 - 20 00 149BDB - 04 00 149BDF - 01 00 Opening/closing mouth to scream while big metroid is healing Samus. 149C3B - 04 00 149C3F - 04 00 149C47 - 02 00 149C4D - 02 00 149C53 - 02 00 149C59 - 02 00 149C5F - 02 00 Opening/closing mouth before turning gray from big metroid drainage. Not sure if the last 4 values go to it; probably no need to edit those. 149C87 - 04 00 149C8B - 04 00 149C8F - 08 00 149C93 - 04 00 149C97 - 04 00 149C9B - 04 00 149C9F - 08 00 149CA5 - 04 00 149CB9 - 04 00 149CBD - 04 00 149CC1 - 08 00 149CC5 - 04 00 149CC9 - 04 00 149CCD - 04 00 149CD1 - 08 00 149CD5 - 08 00 149ECC - 04 00 149ED0 - 04 00 149ED4 - 08 00 149EDA - 08 00 149EDE - 04 00 149EE6 - 08 00 149EEC - 07 00 149EF4 - 04 00 149EF8 - 10 00 1492F4 - 20 00 149F28 - 04 00 149F2C - 10 00 149F34 - 10 00 149F38 - 04 00 149F3E - 20 00 149F34 - 10 00 149F38 - 04 00 149F3E - 20 00 Eye blinking throughout the fight. All of these are used, but I don't feel like determining the conditions for each group. 149F00 - 04 00 149F04 - 04 00 149F08 - 08 00 149F0E - 04 00 149F12 - 04 00 149F1A - 08 00 149F20 - 01 00 Eye blinking after being shot by hyper beam. 149F72 - 04 00 149F76 - 02 00 Closing eye before charging rainbow beam. 149D25 - 02 00 149D29 - 02 00 149D2D - 40 00 149D31 - 40 00 149D35 - 02 00 Eye opening and head tilting back right before mother brain's final death. 149D3F - 04 00 149D43 - 04 00 149D4B - 08 00 149D57 - 03 00 149D5F - 03 00 149D67 - 03 00 149D6F - 10 00 149D73 - 04 00 149D77 - 10 00 Opening/closing mouth to spit rings (early part of the fight). 149D81 - 04 00 149D85 - 04 00 149D8D - 08 00 149D99 - 03 00 149DA5 - 04 00 149DA9 - 10 00 Opening/closing mouth to spit rings (injured Samus; right before big metroid attacks). 149DC1 - 04 00 149DC5 - 04 00 149DCB - 08 00 149DD5 - 03 00 149DDB - 03 00 149DE1 - 03 00 149DE7 - 10 00 149DEB - 04 00 149DEF - 10 00 Opening/closing mouth to spit rings (at the big metroid itself). Probably shouldn't edit these; it's possible to make mother brain miss the killing blow and 'freeze' the game. 149E7D - 80 00 = Initial general direction of rings? 14C586 - A0 FE FF = Damage per frame that rainbow beam does to Samus. FF FF = no damage, FD FF = double damage, FC FF = triple, etc. 14C4C8 - 03 00 [missiles] 14C4F5 - 03 00 [super missiles] Speed of missiles/super missiles being taken from Samus by the rainbow beam. 00 00 = ammo drains as quickly as energy (every frame; all 230 normal missiles will be drained in one shot), FF FF = no drain. 14C544 - 01 00 = Overall missile/super missile/power bomb drain rate? Something like that. 00 00 = no ammo is drained by rainbow beam at all, higher values like 10 00 = very very fast drain of all ammo. 14B983-14BA25 = I think this stuff deals with Samus being hit by the rainbow beam. Getting locked into place, upward movement, etc. I'm sure there's data for it that I missed. 14B93A - 00 01 = Duration of mother brain charging rainbow beam. New values lower than 0B 00 will also turn off the screenshaking effect while Samus is being drained. Funky. 14BA2E - 2B 01 = Duration of rainbow beam draining Samus. 14BBB6 - 00 10 = Speed of rainbow beam pushing Samus back against the wall. 14BDBB - 00 01 = Delay before mother brain begins to charge the fatal attack to Samus. Anything lower than 00 01 makes the bomb thing that mother brain spits out turn glitchy looking. 14B92B - A9 28 00 20 48 BB = Something to do with mother brain walking backward to start using rainbow beam. 467FD-468C8 = Rainbow beam colors? 467FD - EE to 8E = rainbow beam becomes a solid bright neon orange. 14B99B - 22 48 E7 88 = JSL to rainbow beam. NOPing this makes the beam invisible; kinda cool. 467BC = Rainbowy stuff? 14C3D9-14C4A5 = Routines that affect mother brain preparing 'fatal' rainbow beam shot? And... rinkas? The fuck? $A9/B93F CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] = laser charge? $A9/B97D CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] = laser fire? $A9/BA0F CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] $A9/BA52 CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] laser fire again? $A9/BF7D CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] $A9/BF95 CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] $A9/C066 CE B2 0F DEC $0FB2 [$A9:0FB2] = finished draining? big metroid drain? $A9/C596 8D C2 09 STA $09C2 [$A9:09C2] = laser drain? $80/9B8B AD C2 09 LDA $09C2 [$80:09C2] $80/9B96 AD C2 09 LDA $09C2 [$80:09C2] $82/DB6C AD C2 09 LDA $09C2 [$82:09C2] $A9/C5A3 6D C2 09 ADC $09C2 [$A9:09C2] $A9/C547 AD C2 09 LDA $09C2 [$A9:09C2] $90/EA24 AD C2 09 LDA $09C2 [$90:09C2] ^ big metroid healing Samus? 83 0F 8B 0F @ 214B0 = 00 04 80 FF 90 FF D0 FF D0 FF D0 01 00 04 80 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 44 80 44 80 44 @ 21523 = 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 00 00 0D 00 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 39 13 00 00 0D 00 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 44 80 00 00 02 80 FC 12 FF 00 00 [*Unused crap?] 149C19 - 08 00 149C1D - 04 00 149C21 - 04 00 149C29 - 08 00 149C2D - 04 00 149C31 - 04 00 Blinking eye? Don't know if or where these values are used. 149BE9 - 02 00 149BED - 02 00 149BF1 - 02 00 149BFB - 10 00 149BFF - 10 00 149C03 - 20 00 149C07 - 04 00 149C0B - 01 00 Opening/closing mouth? Don't know if or where these values are used. 149F53 - 10 00 149F5C - 04 00 149C61 - 01 00 149CDB - 04 00 149CE3 - 04 00 149CE7 - 04 00 149CEB - 02 00 149CF3 - 02 00 149CF7 - 02 00 149CFB - 02 00 149CFF - 02 00 149D03 - 04 00 149D07 - 04 00 No idea. Don't know if or where these values are used. 149976 - 08 00 14997C - 08 00 149982 - 08 00 14998A - 08 00 14998E - 08 00 149996 - 08 00 14999C - 08 00 1499A2 - 08 00 1499E4 - 08 00 1499EA - 08 00 1499F4 - 08 00 1499FC - 08 00 149A04 - 08 00 149A3C - 08 00 [?] 149BB5 - 02 00 149BB9 - 02 00 149BBF - 02 00 Mother brain walking? Don't know if or where these values are used.