lorom org $84F111 PLMHeaderSparkBounce: DW $EE64, PLMInstructionsSparkBounce ;I don't actually know what EE64 does, but it seems standard among the powerup PLMs. PLMInstructionsSparkBounce: DW $8764 : DW $9100 : DB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 DW $887C : DW $DFA9 DW $8A2E : DW $DFAF ; DW $8A2E : DW $DFAF DW $8A2E : DW $DFC7 DW $8A24 : DW PickupTriggerSparkBounce ; DW $86C1 : DW $DF89 ;PLMCustomGraphicLoop: ; DW $E04F ; DW $E067 ; DW $8724 : DW PLMCustomGraphicLoop ;I can just use another PLM's custom graphic loop. They're all essentially the same. DW $8724 : DW $E569 ;Using Charge beam's instructions PickupTriggerSparkBounce: DW $8899 DW $8BDD : DB $02 DW $88F3 : DW $0040 : DB $1D ;Need a new message box! DW $8724 : DW $DFA9 org $858243 ;Message box routine, need to expand JSR Fix1C1F org $8582E5 JSR Fix1C1F org $8582F6 JSR FixSize org $859643 DW $8436 : DW $8289 : DW SparkBounceMessageBox SparkBounceMessageBox: DW $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E DW $284E, $284E, $284E, $28F2, $28EF, $28E0, $28F1, $28EA, $284E, $28E1, $28EE, $28F4, $28ED, $28E2, $28E4, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E DW $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E ;EmptyMessageBox: ; DW $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E ; DW $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E, $284E ; DW $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E, $000E Fix1C1F: LDA $1C1F CMP #$001D BPL + RTS + ADC #$027F RTS FixSize: CMP #$9643 BPL + LDA $86A5,X RTS + PLA ADC #$0002 PHA LDA #$0040 RTS